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The coalition base on Yavin needs to be neutral territory.


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I didn't say it wasn't, nor did I say that I supported the idea that it should stay. Quite the opposite.


My issue was with PVP players that would not admit they wanted to KEEP it because they enjoyed engaging in dishonorable behavior. Instead they hid behind tired platitudes and excuses.


And I was not buying it.


lol get off your high horse. its the PVP that was happening in that zone that people liked, not the spawn camping. as ive said a couple times now, spawn camping is not happening that often. but now next patch, no PVP will happen there at all. yeah, you are real old shool alright, lol. I thought old school was, no safe zones, no rules? didn't know old school mean cry on forums because PVP on a PVP server is getting in the way of your PVE.

Edited by MiaRB
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My issue was with PVP players that would not admit they wanted to KEEP it because they enjoyed engaging in dishonorable behavior. Instead they hid behind tired platitudes and excuses.

OK...as long as you mean those who defended keeping it the way it is...but please don't use the term "PvPer" to describe them...they're not PvPers, despite whatever the hell they claim. Some of them are actually on RP-PvE servers...so...don't classify them as PvPers.

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lol get off your high horse. its the PVP that was happening in that zone that people liked, not the spawn camping. as ive said a couple times now, spawn camping is not happening that often. but now next patch, no PVP will happen there at all. yeah, you are real old shool alright, lol. I thought old school was, no safe zones, no rules? didn't know old school mean cry on forums because PVP on a PVP server is getting in the way of your PVE.

That PvP can happen at the very first speeder point still. People who were being honest, can find it there. Those that weren't will head back to Tat.

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lol get off your high horse. its the PVP that was happening in that zone that people liked, not the spawn camping. as ive said a couple times now, spawn camping is not happening that often. but now next patch, no PVP will happen there at all. yeah, you are real old shool alright, lol. I thought old school was, no safe zones, no rules? didn't know old school mean cry on forums because PVP on a PVP server is getting in the way of your PVE.


As a truce zone between both factions im pretty sure their should have been no pvp there to begin with... If you wanna pvp go roam the entire zone of yavin 4 that is covered with people who want to pvp. The landing zone isn't exactly the only place pvp takes place.

Edited by Cordarn
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That PvP can happen at the very first speeder point still. People who were being honest, can find it there. Those that weren't will head back to Tat.


lol, you chastise someone for insulting PVPers, then you turn around and throw out that same type in silly insult.


I play republic side only on a imperial dominated server, ive never spawn camped the imps, ive never PKed lowbies on tatooine or any other planet. but I did enjoy the OWPVP that broke out from time to time at yavin staging area. sure ive been there when imps were spawn camping, but never have been prevented from doing dailies because of it... and as Ive said 3 or 4 times, spawn camping doesn't happen all that often anyway.


used to be when one side was spawn camping people who say in general, "so and so's are spawn camping, everyone come gather and drive them back". but now its, "OMG!!!! I must go to forums and gather support to get this horrible PVP removed from my PVE area!!!!!".

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As a truce zone between both factions im pretty sure their should have been no pvp there to begin with... If you wanna pvp go roam the entire zone of yavin 4 that is covered with people who want to pvp. The landing zone isn't exactly the only place pvp takes place.


I highlighted the important part.


The landing zone is quite likely the only place they dare to pvp. Take away their ability to gank with relative impunity? Oh, thats bad. Very bad.

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As a truce zone between both factions im pretty sure their should have been no pvp there to begin with... If you wanna pvp go roam the entire zone of yavin 4 that is covered with people who want to pvp. The landing zone isn't exactly the only place pvp takes place.


why are you on a PVP server if you don't want to PVP? as I said before, what is fun about PVP in the staging area is its more than just random 1v1s or 2v2s that happen while questing. often times its 6v8 or 10 v12 and when you die, you can respawn and get right back into the fight.

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lol, you chastise someone for insulting PVPers, then you turn around and throw out that same type in silly insult.

He's not insulting PvPers. He's insulting childish griefers who have nothing better to do than ball up on a res point and rain AoE on it so that those who don't want to participate don't even have the time the log out, let alone QT to another area. These are two completely different types of users.


Tux is a big fan of PvP. He would never insult real PvP players.

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why are you on a PVP server if you don't want to PVP? as I said before, what is fun about PVP in the staging area is its more than just random 1v1s or 2v2s that happen while questing. often times its 6v8 or 10 v12 and when you die, you can respawn and get right back into the fight.


Love to know what server you play on because anytime I've seen PvP there its OP group spawn camping people. Never even close to a fair fight. This is why people are voicing their opinion its not a fair fight. Its a bunch fail PvPer spawn camping. That not OWPvP, its a bunch fail player trying to pretend they can PvP.

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There is far more crying...to use that term coined here....from PVPrs then there is from players that wanted to see the oversight corrected. The ridiculous excuses, platitudes and weak arguments to try and justify behavior that didn't need to be justified in the first place.


If fact I have never seen so many PVP players complain this much. You would think they are removing PVP from the game.


If by a high horse you mean I am honest about my intentions when I PVP, then so be it. If you are wolf, be a wolf. Don't pretend to be a sheep to try and con other players into giving up on an issue. It is the very definition of weakness.


Because REAL PVP players are not going to fall for it. And they are going to call you on it, as they have.

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There is far more crying...to use that term coined here....from PVPrs then there is from players that wanted to see the oversight corrected. The ridiculous excuses, platitudes and weak arguments to try and justify behavior that didn't need to be justified in the first place.


If fact I have never seen so many PVP players complain this much. You would think they are removing PVP from the game.


If by a high horse you mean I am honest about my intentions when I PVP, then so be it. If you are wolf, be a wolf. Don't pretend to be a sheep to try and con other players into giving up on an issue. It is the very definition of weakness.


Because REAL PVP players are not going to fall for it. And they are going to call you on it, as they have.


or maybe its because real PVPers enjoy open world PVP that is more than just 1v1's while questing.


yeah, high horse and disingenuous statements. most, if not all, of the PVPers not wanting it turned into a safe zone, could care less about spawn camping and they are not upset because the wont be able to spawn camp. they are and will be( once patch hits ) upset because the entire area will be a safe zone. which means yavin will be just like the other daily areas... rep and imps separated and only PVP that goes in is ganking people who are questing.


as I said, some pvpers like open world PVP and isn't just tiny random 1v1 fights.

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or maybe its because real PVPers enjoy open world PVP that is more than just 1v1's while questing.


yeah, high horse and disingenuous statements. most, if not all, of the PVPers not wanting it turned into a safe zone, could care less about spawn camping and they are not upset because the wont be able to spawn camp. they are and will be( once patch hits ) that the entire area will be a safe zone.


We can go back and forth on this...if my point didn't apply to you you should not be concerned about my opinion.


Actually, since my opinion is meaningless you should not be concerned in either case.


If I offended you, I will offer my apologies and simply say fair enough, leave it at that.


However...most? I'm not buying it. I call shenanigans on that one. Most wanted to keep the exploit and then hide behind dishonest statements IMO. And then complain when they lost it.


And I find that disappointing to say the least.

Edited by LordArtemis
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I'm not saying it's a big deal just that it doesn't seem consistent with how the rest of the game is. No where else do you come out of the loading screen upon reaching a planet to a pvp zone that's also a shared quest hub. Inconsistent design suggests possible oversight.
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However...most? I'm not buying it. I call shenanigans on that one. Most wanted to keep the exploit and then hide behind dishonest statements IMO. And then complain when they lost it.


And I find that disappointing to say the least.


yes, most. as ive said numerous times, spawn camping isn't actually happening all that often. when it does happen, its usually the end result of actual pvp where one side just got wiped out or people gave up and took speeder to go quest. then it dies back down fairly soon and stops. why does it die down? because spawn camping is boring.


but, many in this thread are acting like there are squads of people who only want to spawn camp who do it 24/7. just isn't true.

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or maybe its because real PVPers enjoy open world PVP that is more than just 1v1's while questing.



Real PvPers want epic battles against other willing and skilled players. They want to beat someone who is both willing and capable of defending themselves. The more difficult the battle, the better the sense of accomplishment.


Griefers want to kill players who are still loading, under-leveled, underpowered, outnumbered or otherwise at a serious disadvantage. The easier the battle, the better they feel about themselves.


That's the difference. Open world and Instanced are just two different flavors of PvP, each with their own good and bad for both categories of players.

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or maybe its because real PVPers enjoy open world PVP that is more than just 1v1's while questing.


yeah, high horse and disingenuous statements. most, if not all, of the PVPers not wanting it turned into a safe zone, could care less about spawn camping and they are not upset because the wont be able to spawn camp. they are and will be( once patch hits ) upset because the entire area will be a safe zone. which means yavin will be just like the other daily areas... rep and imps separated and only PVP that goes in is ganking people who are questing.


as I said, some pvpers like open world PVP and isn't just tiny random 1v1 fights.


You mean multi player PvP in an MMO? On a PvP server? :rolleyes:

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Again, this thread generally should have nothing to do with what is or is not true PVP...


The Landing Zone not being a Sanctuary was inconsistent with the way other zones in the game were Sanctuary zones. This led to the question of whether it was intended. Bioware has effectively said, "It was meant to be a Sanctuary zone"


Nothing more really needs to be said. Debates about PVP maybe belong in the PVP forums? :cool:

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PVP players likely want to keep it, at least those posting here because the find it fun.


I am surprised so many have trouble admitting that, instead hiding behind "it's a PVP server" platitudes.


It is difficult for me to identify with PVP players these days. In my day, not only would we say "yes, we know its dishonorable, so what, too bad"....we would also be honest that we enjoyed ganking folks in any way we could.


That doesn't seem to be the case today...too many PVP folks that seem to hide behind PVE protections, wanting to get their hand held, and trying to justify their actions. Today its all about gear and excuses.


Modern PVP players need to grow thicker skins. You know what your doing is wrong. Doing the wrong thing can be fun sometimes.


So what if it is wrong? If and when Bioware fixes this it will be a moot issue, in the mean time own it. Stop with the ridiculous excuses and platitudes.


Your supposed to be PVP players. So act like PVP players.

I agree on most points but on semantics I do disagree.


when u use terms like "wrong" or "dishonourable" you're injecting a certain moral subjectivity that makes me uneasy.


when I play bf4 I don't feel bad shooting a bad player. when I play madden I don't feel bad scoring a TD on a bad player. and when I play swtor on a PvP server, I don't feel bad about killing players. its an objective of the game. I can't feel wrong about completing any activity in video game. in short, if you feel that its wrong, then that's your subjective opinion. to be objective, if it were wrong according to the designers of the game, it would be prevented. (which I suspect this will be)


if an mmo player is flagged for PvP, then my assumption is that they genuinely want to PvP. I can't be held accountable to what they may think about the manner that which I engage them because that's not my problem. my suggestion would be to not play there. I totally understand the appeal of pve servers.


I can call fights "unfair" or "unbalanced" or "uneven" but not wrong.


and if u want me to admit something I can admit the following:

- I attack people I choose; whatever level, engaged or not

- I regularly attack groups of 2-4 in hopes of getting a kill or two...and sometimes all 4

-if a player gets upset in a /say after I kill them, I find it humorous that a video game (built for pleasure) would cause anger and likely repeat killing them until I get bored

-I hope that any action I take provokes a competitive response. ie if I kill u in a group, I hope u make one too. if I kill u while loading, I hope u attack me during dailies

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