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Don't misconstrue my statement. And yes, having spent lots of money in my life, this is exactly how it works. (I won't go into Business 101, except to respectfully say, learn a bit more before you open your first)


So because I didn't wait in line at best buy for a week to get the special deal on a TV I can go back and say hey I just missed the sale refund me my money and you think they will be ok here you go? No little buddy that is not how things work.


So my xb1 is now $150 cheaper then it was when I bought it. Can I go back to GameStop and say hey I want a refund? Nope sure can't.


So I bought a new vehicle at the beginning of the year...now they have all these rebates can I go to the dealer and ask for a refund? Nope I sure can't...


I have plenty of other examples feel free to ask for them..if you are still confused.


So I'm sorry you ran your mouth about something...you should probably just keep it shut from now on...


And no company would automatically give EVERY SINGLE PERSON who purchased an item before the sale a refund. I understand you THINK you know business 101 but I'm having a hard time believing you've actually worked in the real world.

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How much more did you have to pay to play early? Was the pre-order more expensive than the normal x-pac?


Who cares whatt he cost was. You paid to get in early by giving BW money way up front and in doing so spent way more credits than BW thinks you should have just 3 day later after release.


This is not like getting 186 gear a year ago and now everyone can get it with ease. This is a rather large change 3 days after release and because you paid to get in early you should just take the hit because BW has no real reason to do the right thing. It's a great step going forward but to hell with the ones that played early. I don't care for that.


It's not a game breaking issue or killer but it is another negative to the experience (similar to the Revan bug) and for no better reason than because BW doesn't want to reimburse credits, not because they can't. They just don't want to.

Edited by Quraswren
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To do something today, and few days later come forward and say that you will undo it, is the same as admit it was a mistake.

Now, to w8 for next week reset to undo it, instead of undo it asap, is...


Dont you BW think, that those to got into the pre-release would at least deserve to be refunded of the credits spent on trainers?


Not to mention, the credits on repairs of the wipes in revan fight, will you refund us of that too?


As someone who has also experienced everything you've mentioned, I would just like to say that I would love a credit chip in the mail from Bioware to help me recoup all the $ I wasted...but it's really not a make or break deal for me. I HATE wasting credits, but...I enjoyed what I got for them...so...wait or pay for them...I'm glad they're changing their stance on it, even if I already paid for my skills.

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Who cares whatt he cost was. You paid to get in early by giving BW money way up front and in doing so spent way more credits than BW thinks you should have just 3 day later after release.


This is not like getting 186 gear a year ago and now everyone can get it with ease. This is a rather large change 3 days after release and because you paid to get in early you should just take the hit because BW has no real reason to do the right thing. It's a great step going forward but to hell with the ones that played early. I don't care for that.


It's not a game breaking issue or killer but it is another negative to the experience (similar to the Revan bug) and for no better reason than because BW doesn't want to do it, not because they can't. They just don't want to.


And you paid NO MORE than people who DIDN'T get early access. Therefore you really didn't PAY to get in early.

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And you paid NO MORE than people who DIDN'T get early access. Therefore you really didn't PAY to get in early.


and thats nothing but an argument for semantics.


You paid upfront to get in early and now get to suffer some negative affect for doing so, just 3 days after release.


Like I said above, even a company like apple knew changing a price in such a short amount of time was wrong and issued customers credit because of it.


and like I said above, it's not game breaking or a game killer but the way BW is handling it sure isn't the right way to go about it to customers that handing over their cash early. Those would be the customers I would try make it right with, the ones that handed over money way before they even know anything about the product.

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Well WTH why QQ about the recent skill purchases? It's not fair someone who starts now gets to level up for free I want a refund of all my credits since day one!


I'm new to this QQing thing how did I do? I read it back and it sounds about as pathetic as the rest so must be about right...

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Oh good, I was waiting for this thread. :rolleyes:


If you buy something, and a week later it goes on sale, nine places out of ten don't give you a refund.

When we're talking about virtual currency? Move along, dude. Especially when they told us the costs are going to go away, so you didn't waste any more money on training before the patch hits.

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and thats nothing but an argument for semantics.


You paid upfront to get in early and now get to suffer some negative affect for doing so, just 3 days after release.


Like I said above, even a company like apple knew changing a price in such a short amount of time was wrong and issued customers credit because of it.


and like I said above, it's not game breaking or a game killer but the way BW is handling it sure isn't the right way to go about it to customers that handing over their cash early. Those would be the customers I would try make it right with, the ones that handed over money way before they even know anything about the product.


So, if I get you correctly, you are saying that you bought the expac earlier than others, had to train and therefore have a higher claim to a refund than, let's say Fred Casual, who got the expac on Dec 1st. Am I close in that assumption? If so, I have bad news, because everyone and their dog had to train up as soon as the new disciplin system hit on Dec, 2nd, regardless of early acces. So...what makes your claim to be refunded better than Fred Casual's over there? Is it the amount of credits spent? How many did you spend? Did you level up more than one character to 60?


Or, just for argument's sake, let's say we all get a compensation. Fine, I'm early access...I had training costs of roughly 80k credits. I don't have a single toon up to 60. Now, that's just me, but how much am I supposed to get? How much is Fred Casual supposed to get if he just has 3 toons, the highest being 45, buzt all 3 had to retrain. Now, let's further assume that (again, just numbers out of my butt) roughly 700.000 Players had to retrain and train up in one form or another. How do you propose to compensate every single one of them in a fair and equal manner?


If your answer now is "I don't know" then that's the right answer. If you add to that "let the devs figure that out" then that addition is wrong. Why? Because I want to see you develop the script for that. It's for sure possible. but how Long will that take and how much "dev-power" will be stripped for that which could be used for more pressing matters like....I don't know, the Revan fight? Boss loot? Disappearing stronghold stuff?


So you see..it isn't as simple as "I want refund, make it happen".

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Oh good, I was waiting for this thread. :rolleyes:


If you buy something, and a week later it goes on sale, nine places out of ten don't give you a refund.

When we're talking about virtual currency? Move along, dude. Especially when they told us the costs are going to go away, so you didn't waste any more money on training before the patch hits.


Yeah there are like business 101 majors in here that's not how things work in their world...or how they perceive how things work when their parents buy them these video games.

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Yeah there are like business 101 majors in here that's not how things work in their world...or how they perceive how things work when their parents buy them these video games.


What places do you shop at in RL that don't price match their own merchandise after you buy it during the return period?


Now, if I buy something on Tuesday that's going on sale Friday, no, I don't get the sale price on Tuesday, I have to either wait to buy it on Friday, or buy it for the regular price on Tuesday, then go BACK to the store on Friday for the adjustment.


That's how most stores do it.

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So you see..it isn't as simple as "I want refund, make it happen".


We'll thank God I didn't say that but what I did say is working a refund would be the right thing to do given the time frame of how BW changed things VS the time gamers got in game and spent credits.


Now, a claim to who is more relevant to a refund means little given I'm open to given everyone who pre-ordered a stipend depending on level of the toon. Sure, it would take time, some will get more than others and like you there will be some that didn't level up. Well, guess what? You just got benefit for being a pre-orderer and handing over your cash early. A nice perk for being generous with your cash.


It's not going to kill the game but I sure don't think it was the right way for BW to handle it. It's a nice perk going forward but I think it was handled rather badly.


What places do you shop at in RL that don't price match their own merchandise after you buy it during the return period?


Now, if I buy something on Tuesday that's going on sale Friday, no, I don't get the sale price on Tuesday, I have to either wait to buy it on Friday, or buy it for the regular price on Tuesday, then go BACK to the store on Friday for the adjustment.


That's how most stores do it.


I do that ad best buy all the time. I always check prices for about 14 - 30 days when I make some purchases because they will price match for a varying number of days. Hell, best buy gave us a free TV once because the big screen we bought 8 days previous went on sale. When you bought the big one, you got a free 24"inch LCD as well. I walked in with nothing but an old receipt, got a discount (some money refunded) on my 60" TV and walk out with a free 24" to boot.


Companies price match all the time when it's done within a small window of time.

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What places do you shop at in RL that don't price match their own merchandise after you buy it during the return period?


Now, if I buy something on Tuesday that's going on sale Friday, no, I don't get the sale price on Tuesday, I have to either wait to buy it on Friday, or buy it for the regular price on Tuesday, then go BACK to the store on Friday for the adjustment.


That's how most stores do it.


Most stores have a return policy of 30-90 days with tons of stipulations on open, unopened ect ect. I purchased Shawdow of Mordor at full price in a month the price dropped on Amazon and XB live...not a chance anyone got a refund on the new price.


The xb1 is now $150 less than it was when many bought it they don't get a refund on the price difference.


So what's the return policy on VIRTUAL CURRENCY? Why not QQ about refunding since day one? What is your guys cutoff here?


How many stores do you shop at that automatically give those who purchased something a week ago the new sale price? Well that would be ZERO. That is exactly what those are QQING about expecting BW to do.

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Most stores have a return policy of 30-90 days with tons of stipulations on open, unopened ect ect. I purchased Shawdow of Mordor at full price in a month the price dropped on Amazon and XB live...not a chance anyone got a refund on the new price.


The xb1 is now $150 less than it was when many bought it they don't get a refund on the price difference.


So what's the return policy on VIRTUAL CURRENCY? Why not QQ about refunding since day one? What is your guys cutoff here?


How many stores do you shop at that automatically give those who purchased something a week ago the new sale price? Well that would be ZERO. That is exactly what those are QQING about expecting BW to do.


You do have to do it within the return policy, most people understand this.


Regarding the game and skill costs...people shouldn't expect refunds.

People shouldn't try to compare it to real life shopping

...apples and oranges.

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[...] I'm open to given everyone who pre-ordered a stipend depending on level of the toon. Sure, it would take time, some will get more than others and like you there will be some that didn't level up. Well, guess what? You just got benefit for being a pre-orderer and handing over your cash early. A nice perk for being generous with your cash.


First, let me apologize for seeming like I want to win something here. I don't. I honestly can't care less about a refund or if I get it or don't. However I just want to understand some things. Or clarify. Or well....just bring back into minds.

Apologies again for making it seem that you specifically said "make it happen". You didn't and I didn't want to blame you for anything of the sort.


Still, I want to ask, or remind, that everyone, regardless of preorder or not, subscriber or not had to train new or updated skills. With that in mind, seeing that we all benefit from the scrapping of training costs, don't you think that is enough? In the long run?


Yes, and I've mentioned that in another thread before, the way they handled things were not the best, especially with the timing considered. And yes I also acknowledge that for quite a lot of players that hurt hard, given the amounts that we are talking about.


But what is enough to say "OK, I've gotten what I wanted, all is forgiven. Until the next screw-up."?


And isn't it understandable that the devs are reluctant to open the pandora's box? Whatever will happen, it will set a precedent, one that could very well come back to bite BW in the backside. So if nothing else happens and things go unchanged from here on out, I can see why. I may not like it, but I can understand it.

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I wondered if they would keep the zero credit ability leveling from the 12x exp period going into the expansion pack, but wasn't particularly surprised when training costs came back. I sucked it up and trained up everything (even some stuff I rarely use). I admit I was a little irritated when I heard that they were going to wait until the pre-order early access period ends and then switch back to zero-cost training. A million credits out the airlock was not the pre-order perk I was hoping for. That said, I've got several more toons to go, so I guess I'll just wait on training all but the essentials for them. Upside, I train up all my toons, but only pay to train up the first one (not that I'd say no to a refund mind you ;)).
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But what is enough to say "OK, I've gotten what I wanted, all is forgiven. Until the next screw-up."?


And isn't it understandable that the devs are reluctant to open the pandora's box? Whatever will happen, it will set a precedent, one that could very well come back to bite BW in the backside. So if nothing else happens and things go unchanged from here on out, I can see why. I may not like it, but I can understand it.


There is no understanding those who QQ about everything...QQ about damage reduction....ah crap that one lost legs...oh shiny lets QQ about skill costs this one has some legs...ah crap they are going to fix it what should we QQ about next? Hmm well how about I demand a refund for my credits I spent...yeah let's QQ about that. After we QQ about getting refunds from 55-60 let's QQ about getting refunds from 1-60 shoot let's just QQ until everything is free and they refund ever credit I've ever spent!


It is never ending with some of these QQers...

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Am I the only one who wasnt bothered by having to pay for it like normal? even if they are going away, it made little to no difference to me

Its a space mountain out of a space molehill

But then again it is the TOR forums

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Am I the only one who wasnt bothered by having to pay for it like normal? even if they are going away, it made little to no difference to me

Its a space mountain out of a space molehill

But then again it is the TOR forums


No I think most didn't care unless you were a regular forum QQers.


The best quote goes to one of the QQers


Out of every complaint there are 1000s of others who don't complain but feel the same way. He then post a link in attempt to back up this statement. Instead the link said "for every complaint there are 26 who don't conplain and feel the same way"


These QQers truly feel they speak for the majority when the reality is they are a small vocal minority just like in every other video game forum.


I'm not surprised they get there way and still aren't happy and wasted no time drumming up another pathetic QQ. I even predicted this in the main QQ thread about the skill cost. As soon as they came out and mentioned they would no longer charge for skills I asked what will you guys QQ about next?

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As someone who had played in early access and had spent credits on training, I don't think there should be any refunding of credits. We've been paying for training for every day of this game which is almost 3 years old now. Prior to the announcement that training would no longer have credits, none of us had a reasonable expectation that we would get free training. It's not like people were tricked into spending those credits....or they added credits for training and then 2 days later got rid of it. There is no basis for a refund.
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I think the only valid refund argument is that the devs announced that there was no issue with skill costs and that it was intended. I bet a lot of people bought skills after getting confirmation that the ridiculous prices were here to stay. Then a day later they backtrack and say they are being removed.
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No.. honestly i think all these " i want a refund because of X " threads are becoming annoying. I haven't seen any qq that even remotely has a valid reason for wanting a refund. EC is so easy to make right now if you put any effort into it. Edited by _NovaBlast_
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To do something today, and few days later come forward and say that you will undo it, is the same as admit it was a mistake.

Now, to w8 for next week reset to undo it, instead of undo it asap, is...


Dont you BW think, that those to got into the pre-release would at least deserve to be refunded of the credits spent on trainers?


Not to mention, the credits on repairs of the wipes in revan fight, will you refund us of that too?



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The exception is limited quantity "door-buster" sales and clearanced items (the latter in some locales).


If you buy a power drill from Lowe's for $350 today and next week they put it on sale for $300, whether it's a regular sale or just a price adjustment, you can absolutely go back to the store and get $50 back. You have to ask; they don't have to send you a cheque automatically.


It's actually the law. You should learn the law.


Funny you should say that b/c BOTH of my Business Degrees say otherwise. Considering I was majoring in the legal side of business, I'd guess I would have found this along the way if it was indeed a law.


Oddly it's not, its per company and per policy choice. By law, they are not even required to have a return policy. Most do it just b/c of whiny customers who feel they are special.

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