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Anyone else leaving SWTOR until 12xp comes back?


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Although I enjoyed 12x XP, it is definitely not something I would want 24/7. That said, I feel 12x XP making a return would be fine if it had the following requirements:



  1. Legacy Level 40, 45, or even 50.
  2. A high credit cost (5 Million at the least)
  3. Could not be purchased for Cartel Coins
  4. Once unlocked, is in the form of an ability that could be toggled on or off, like Sprint


Point 1 prevents people who are completely clueless from having it.

Point 2 prevents people who are not subscribers from obtaining it. Forcing preferred and F2P to subscribe, even for a single month, to obtain it.

Point 3 prevents people from circumventing the Legacy Level Requirement, as we saw happen with Treek.

Point 4 allows people to choose to level normally, or with 12x XP, whichever they are in the mood for at the time.

Edited by Legowaffles
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No I won't. With all it's faults I still enjoy this game on a daily basis and I have since early access 1.0. 12x was a nice breather just to get some characters I kinda sort wanted to play to 55. But it should not be implemented as a full time buff more multiple reasons.
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We don't live eternity, and our times have be to be spent wisely, be it work, romance, or entertainment such as this.


It is an undeniable truth that SWTOR forces you to repeat the same side quests 4 times on each faction when you start an alt. This means, after your first character, you are forced to spend over 150 hours of repetition with absolutely no entertainment value(unless you enjoy doing the same things over and over while leveling) to get a character to end game contents. That is a whole month of spending 5 hours a day, doing things that is not enjoyable.


After 12xp, I've tried to raise an alt, spent 30 hours to get to level 30 with all legacy unlocks and available boosts by repeating KDY like 30 times, then decided it's not worth my time. This is literally stupidest thing I could do with my leisure time. 99% games are more enjoyable and shorter than repeating the same SQ in SWTOR. I would rather play Ride to Hell:Retribution(the game that scored 1/10 in GS review.)


SWTOR does not have enough side quests to avoid repetition, and on top of that, those fillers are not even well-made. The time and efforts it takes to normally level up is simply not worth it. Bioware should seriously consider bringing back 12xp in CC or legacy unlock because otherwise the leveling contents are simply too awful to repeat after the first time and Bioware is not really getting long-term profit by taking it away when people don't bother to play like me.


I am unsubbing and I somehow doubt something like 12xp will ever come back. SWTOR felt very enjoyable while it lasted. :(


What exactly is it that you level those characters for, if the end of 12x experience is enough to make you stop playing the game? You know you don't have to stop doing endgame content just because leveling more characters isn't as fast anymore, right?


Also, I deny your "undeniable truth". ToR offers tons of different things to do to get experience. You can do flashpoints, space missions, pvp or galactic starfighter. I've leveled tons of characters to lvl 55 without doing any planetary mission (except for class missions) after the starting planet. Without experience boost.

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Why does everyone in this damn community want everything handed to them? Oh I don't wanna pay for skills again, BW caved and making them free again because people complained. The 12xp was marketing ploy to get returning and new players interested in the game again. I am a returner, their 12xp drew me back and yes it was nice while it lasted, I definitely wouldn't want that a permanent bonus. Look how much fun you had the first time playing and going through all the planetary storylines. Don't wanna deprive new players that.


In short, stop wanting everything for free, work for your game.

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Sorry for not wanting to do recycled **** all over again for every single character I make

Here's what I don't get about this statement. Even without 12x there are plenty of other XP boosts. Legacy perks, consumables, rested xp, etc.


With every standard xp boost, it is possible to skip a phenomenal amount of optional side content that you've already seen. As for the remaining XP needed to level, what about doing the planetary Bonus Series? Space missions? Warzones? Heriocs? Leveling Flashpoints?


Not to mention the opposite faction, which only shares Flashpoints (and even then not all of them) -- plenty of new things to see there.


Take the Bonus Series in particular. Many planets have them. Are you trying to say that you did every possible thing you could ever do on your first character? Including all planetary quest lines and their bonus series?

Edited by Khevar
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I'm not leaving LOL. I've been subbed since the very first wave on the very first day. But I will most likely play much much much less than I did when 12xp was going. The less I play, the less I tend to spend on unlocks, character perks, etc. I'm hoping that see that as a trend and at least bring back some sort of legacy perk for it.
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ummmm you realize you don't need 12x to power level right? The game has TONS of XP boosts if you actually play it and unlock them all.


You get

2x rest xp = huge

+10% Guild bonus

+25% XP boost for everything consumable

+30% Legacy Class missions bonus

+30% Legacy Flashpoint mission bonus

+30% Legacy Exploration bonus


With all these why would you even need 12x unless you're too lazy to play the game. I was able to get from 55-60 before even hitting Yavin 4 just doing the SoR story line. You need to quit whining and play the game.

Edited by chosonman
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As a long time player of MMOs.... I completely agree. Modern MMOs are a cake walk compared to the old time MMOs.


I blame console games and even more so.. mobile gaming apps....... for the decline of the player base tolerance for effort in MMOs. :)


Why do people want the "good old days" back in MMOs, when frankly they sucked...


The truth is, most people don't want to "work" in a game that is played for fun and relaxation. Some of you really have no life outside of MMOs (and perhaps work), so to you this is your life, but you aren't the majority.

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Why do people want the "good old days" back in MMOs, when frankly they sucked...


The truth is, most people don't want to "work" in a game that is played for fun and relaxation. Some of you really have no life outside of MMOs (and perhaps work), so to you this is your life, but you aren't the majority.


The time it takes to get from 1-60 is irreverent because everyone will have his/her own interpretation of how long is long enough. In a good MMO you should be able to acheive maximum level in a "reasonable" amount of time. Not years, but certainly it should not be hours as in the case of 12X. The game currently has lots of in game content that speeds up XP if you unlock them. They are not nearly as fast as 12x XP but it will certainly level you much faster that if you did not have them. And they are achievable fairly easily. If leveling stresses you out then maybe you should play a different genre of game like Call of Duty or Farmville because that's what MMO's are about.

Edited by chosonman
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I'm a late to the SWTOR party. I chose not to play when it launched because I could not afford the time I knew I would dedicate to it. FF a few years, and I now have the time to dedicate, and I saw 12x Class XP as a way to at least partially catch up. From mid October to the end of 12x class XP I have a 55 BH (merc and 59 as of last night), a 37 SW (marauder), a 36 SI (Sorc), a 28 BH (PT), a 21 SW (Jug), and 3 republic toons at 15 (Commando, Sage and Knight). If 12x was perm, I wouldn't lose interest, but I'd feel like I'd be missing a huge part of the game. On my Merc (my first char), I was doing all of the planetary missing along with the class missions, I out-leveled all of the planetary missions by the time I reached Tatooine. I then started all of the planetary missions and stuck to Class only missions (like most did) to accelerate the leveling. On all of the other characters, I only did Class missions with a few non-class ones here and there. There are a few drawbacks to this. The first is that you miss a large chunk of the story, and the story is something I love about SWTOR (I am a SW nerd). I'm actually looking forward to leveling one of my Republic characters and another Imperial character through the entire story w/o the 12x boost. I will also be going back to do some of the main story arcs I missed on the planets with the fast-tracked characters.


That said, I wouldn't mind it at all if they'd do a yearly 12x class XP event (say for 2 or 3 weeks) to draw new an former players to the game. "pay for 1 month and get 12x class XP through XX/XX/XXXX" Existing subs get the 12x class XP for the event as well.


I also agree with the idea of having a Cartel perk for something like 2x, 4x, 8x or 12x class XP boost for 12 to 24 hours or something.


Another idea is a perk for signing up and paying for a 1 year membership, but with the ability to turn it on and off.

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We don't live eternity, and our times have be to be spent wisely, be it work, romance, or entertainment such as this.


It is an undeniable truth that SWTOR forces you to repeat the same side quests 4 times on each faction when you start an alt. This means, after your first character, you are forced to spend over 150 hours of repetition with absolutely no entertainment value(unless you enjoy doing the same things over and over while leveling) to get a character to end game contents. That is a whole month of spending 5 hours a day, doing things that is not enjoyable.


After 12xp, I've tried to raise an alt, spent 30 hours to get to level 30 with all legacy unlocks and available boosts by repeating KDY like 30 times, then decided it's not worth my time. This is literally stupidest thing I could do with my leisure time. 99% games are more enjoyable and shorter than repeating the same SQ in SWTOR. I would rather play Ride to Hell:Retribution(the game that scored 1/10 in GS review.)


SWTOR does not have enough side quests to avoid repetition, and on top of that, those fillers are not even well-made. The time and efforts it takes to normally level up is simply not worth it. Bioware should seriously consider bringing back 12xp in CC or legacy unlock because otherwise the leveling contents are simply too awful to repeat after the first time and Bioware is not really getting long-term profit by taking it away when people don't bother to play like me.


I am unsubbing and I somehow doubt something like 12xp will ever come back. SWTOR felt very enjoyable while it lasted. :(


Good bye

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Global 12x exp would be bad from a financial stand point. That said Rift did something interesting. By the expansion pack get one item, that is tradeable, that allows you to level one toon to 60 (max level with expac is 65). Its tradeable, not only on your account but that way someone who did not buy the expac can buy it on the Auction House for plat. I THINK you can also buy it on the cash shop. This way it controls/limits the negative impact it would have financially BUT still gives people an avenue to pursue. Edited by Ghisallo
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Well, it will be interesting to see if the devs decide to implement this since EM brought it to their attention. I for one expect we will at least see the event again, and hope to see it added as a legacy perk in the future.


That and the casino event, IMO, should be a permanent feature, not an event. It represented a great credit sink IMO.

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Why do so many people feel that their game will be ruined because of how other players play the game. If you don't like something then don't do it. I hope they put the 12x XP because that was the only way I was playing some characters. I leveled my Scoundrel that way because I hate playing them, but wanted to see the story.


That said I'll not quite either way over 12x XP. The new systems in 3.0 are likely to make me quite though. The game became even more by wrote and boring.

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Some folks seem to feel that 12Xp allows folks to make it to level cap without knowing how to play their class, and then que for end game content.


Personally I didn't find this to be the case. End game was no more or less burdened with players that didn't know how to play their class compared to before the event....I believe that the event simply caused less folks to que since they were busy, bringing focus on those that were not ready.


I have also seen a few folks lament the loss of the old days of MMO gaming....and I am sympathetic to that naturally. I do miss a few things about the old days.


But again, I do not think that would be a reason to refrain from adding a QoL improvement to the game.

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Why do so many people feel that their game will be ruined because of how other players play the game. If you don't like something then don't do it. I hope they put the 12x XP because that was the only way I was playing some characters. I leveled my Scoundrel that way because I hate playing them, but wanted to see the story.


That said I'll not quite either way over 12x XP. The new systems in 3.0 are likely to make me quite though. The game became even more by wrote and boring.


"If you don't like something don't do it" seems to be the mantra of the 12x xp'ers. But there is one problem. This is a MMO and what others do affects the game you play. Let me try to give an example using another game that I love to play. Street Fighter.... I practice every day to master my combinations and study tactics to beat my opponent. Then one day Capcom decides the game is "way too difficult" and decides to dumb it down by making the game use just 2 buttons kick and punch and removed combos and just so "others can have fun too" sound good right? Well Capcom just destroyed the game. Why? Because they took the challenging aspect out of the game and ruined it. And they destroyed spirit of the guy who spent countless hours playing the game only to have all his efforts wasted by the new dumbed down system.. Now this is all hypothetical and may or may not translate well in the Swtor world, but hopefully you get my point. By allowing players to zip from 1-60 in a matter of hours (not days or weeks) bioware would be basically dumbing down the game to the point where it wouldn't be fun for anyone.

Edited by chosonman
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"If you don't like something don't do it" seems to be the mantra of the 12x xp'ers. But there is one problem. This is a MMO and what others do affects the game you play. Let me try to give an example using another game that I love to play. Street Fighter.... I practice every day to master my combinations and study tactics to beat my opponent. Then one day Capcom decides the game is "way too difficult" and decides to dumb it down by making the game use just 2 buttons kick and punch and removed combos and just so "others can have fun too" sound good right? Well Capcom just destroyed the game. Why? Because they took the challenging aspect out of the game and ruined it. And they destroyed spirit of the guy who spent countless hours playing the game only to have all his efforts wasted by the new dumbed down system.. Now this is all hypothetical and may or may not translate well in the Swtor world, but hopefully you get my point. By allowing players to zip from 1-60 in a matter of hours (not days or weeks) bioware would be basically dumbing down the game to the point where it wouldn't be fun for anyone.


False equivalence at its finest... :confused:

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