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Sorc healers are unplayable


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I have noticed, and read a few posts, that healing as a sorc is impossible. I can barely keep up with the damage the party is taking. I know it's totally nerfed but does anyone know a fix? Do I have the wrong gear? The wrong stat? I love playing my healer (it's my very first toon) but if this is how it will be, I'll be finding another game to play.


Any help would be appreciated.

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I completely gave up on trying to be a healer in SWTOR a while ago, so if they ever fix it I will love it... It's my favourite class.


The biggest issue is that you can't level up healing so you can't learn your skills while you level up, which makes it irrelevant.


up to 3.0 my sages and sorcs always speced heals.. you start with a tank companion anyway..


companion needs to be geared fairly well though .. if possible IF they are say in all mod gear their gear would be one level below you so if you are in 21 gear they are in 19 ... and make sure you give them all the gear you can muster for slots going for end first..


as a healer you heal and do small DPS maybe CC but watch energy.. not sure about the force using healers (though I will bet they are still the same) the lower your energy the slower the energy returns..


lastly right now all healers are having issues since the "tanks" seem to be taking a lot of damage at times though whether intentional or not I am not sure since I haven't healed for a while..


hope that helps a bit :)

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I'm having a hard time healing as a bounty hunter. It doesn't feel like my class was badly nerfed...if anything it feels a lot stronger than it used to... but I still cannot keep up with the huge amounts of damage my party is taking. I think the issue is that everyone's gear is crappy. 186 is the new 156. We're all terribly squishy.
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I play all 3 healing classes quite well. I do not find them harder to play- just different- however, I have noticed the random people I am grouped with in Flashpoints are squishier all around. I think it has to do with the overall tweaking Bioware has done. I don't think it's necessarily a terrible thing, but it means people need to snap out of their over-geared lazy mode and bad players will cry more and keep saying everyone in their group is terrible.


If you want help with Sorc heals some more information will help. Are you talking levelling, or end-game?

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I've whipped through all four HM FPs multiple times on my Assassin tank being exclusively healed by a Sorcerer friend of mine. He's breezed though all of it without a peep about problems.


The only change I've noticed is the excessive calling out of "Bounce Heal!" whenever the Roaming Mend animation ricochets around the group.

Edited by Levram
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I've been seeing inconsistent reactions from sorc healers.


Was in "Assault on Tyhton" with a sorc healer who rage quit before the first boss, say he had been nerfed into oblivion, that Bioware could suck a fat one, and that he was uninstalling.


About 30 seconds after reque, a different sorc healer popped in and soon after the first boss, he claimed he was a healing God now thanks to the patch.

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I've been seeing inconsistent reactions from sorc healers.


Was in "Assault on Tyhton" with a sorc healer who rage quit before the first boss, say he had been nerfed into oblivion, that Bioware could suck a fat one, and that he was uninstalling.


About 30 seconds after reque, a different sorc healer popped in and soon after the first boss, he claimed he was a healing God now thanks to the patch.


It is likely a result of their tweaking to the speed at which players kill mobs. I've seen that mobs now have to do far more damage than prior to add any level of challenge to the game. So they are dropping faster themselves but doing ore damage when they hit in return. I'm not sure the change was necessary and frankly I am disliking the feel of combat now more so than prior. Things die entirely too fast and I often don't feel like I am allowed to even get into a rotation, but when things go south, they go south much worse than prior.


I'm figuring I'll get used to it, but I'm not sure. I'm also playing my front loaded dps characters at present, so I hestitate to think what this will be like for my tanks/healers.

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It is likely a result of their tweaking to the speed at which players kill mobs. I've seen that mobs now have to do far more damage than prior to add any level of challenge to the game. So they are dropping faster themselves but doing ore damage when they hit in return. I'm not sure the change was necessary and frankly I am disliking the feel of combat now more so than prior. Things die entirely too fast and I often don't feel like I am allowed to even get into a rotation, but when things go south, they go south much worse than prior.


I'm figuring I'll get used to it, but I'm not sure. I'm also playing my front loaded dps characters at present, so I hestitate to think what this will be like for my tanks/healers.


I totally agree with this, I dont NOT like the new speed of combat. Its way to fast. You cant even enjoy it anymore.

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It is likely a result of their tweaking to the speed at which players kill mobs. I've seen that mobs now have to do far more damage than prior to add any level of challenge to the game. So they are dropping faster themselves but doing ore damage when they hit in return. I'm not sure the change was necessary and frankly I am disliking the feel of combat now more so than prior. Things die entirely too fast and I often don't feel like I am allowed to even get into a rotation, but when things go south, they go south much worse than prior.


I'm figuring I'll get used to it, but I'm not sure. I'm also playing my front loaded dps characters at present, so I hestitate to think what this will be like for my tanks/healers.


I totally agree with this, I dont NOT like the new speed of combat. Its way to fast. You cant even enjoy it anymore.

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Sorc healing is phenomenal now.


People who are quitting flash points or saying they can't heal are saying such because they're simply not good enough to heal them anyway. I mean no disrespect, there are always skill gaps. However healing these new hard mode flashpoints is hard.


Legacy of the Rakata is the easiest one, I had to pull 4k ehps with a 96% effective heals, on a trash pull. If you don't understand what those numbers mean, that's more heals than I had to pull for Grobthok nightmare, corruptor Zero and Nefra.


For the bonus boss I pulled 3.8k ehps.


These things are just... Harder. Simple as that really, you now have to be good because our gear is not what it used to be.

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Up to now, healers are gone... I will try my powertech and if its unplayable as the rest, I am in the proccess of quiting and move elsewhere lol...


if they destroy ur fav classes there is no point playing is it.


They didnt mess only healers, but tanks as well. Tanks in less than 3 seconds are 25% life if u dont cast heals at 0 time when they engage the boss... And we cannot heal the group, because the tank gets lots of damage.


So I tried 1 HM, i couldnt heal, was getting most of the agro, the tank died, group died...quited my healer. I have him only for dailies and proffesion.


Now leveling my bounty...if its nerfed the way sorc and OP is, then I will re-sub in WoW. lol


The basic gear is monsterous. You must get 2-3 pieces of armor and take their armorings out. So u dont need 120, but 240 or 360 basics per 1 item, be able to fix it. Now its only critical...

Edited by Oyranos
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I went from Healing to Telekinesis before 3.0 ... Only after switching I had the feeling as if SWTOR was fun to play ... I felt far too squishy in 2.x ... I'm talking of PvP, mainly.


What was "unfun" to me was that I never could get active in combat ... Constantly healing the tank companion felt far too much as if I was firced to play a passive role than an active role ... And because of of that I had the strong feeling that Telekinesis was fun, then ...


Right now I'm thinking of trying out Healing again, but I fear that I'll get the same feeling again - to be foirced to be passive by merely healing.


Being an Healer only feels to me like "they get the laurels and I get nothing" - although that's not true in FPs and in OPs, and I know it. But I still can't help myself ...

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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There is going to be an initial phase where FP's are harder. People aren't over-geared any more and the HM's are actually hard. Think "Lost Island" when it first came out.


It'll get better as people learn the fights, learn their new disciplines and otherwise come to grips with the changes.

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There is going to be an initial phase where FP's are harder. People aren't over-geared any more and the HM's are actually hard. Think "Lost Island" when it first came out.


It'll get better as people learn the fights, learn their new disciplines and otherwise come to grips with the changes.


I think this is part of it .. (though not necessarily all of it as there is often serious lag which is affecting tank performance heavily atm)


That other game we try not to mention was tough in Vanilla and the BC was the same till near the end .. suddenly they made things for a little easier go for those who don't play 20 to 40 hours a week and a lot got geared up heavily and were crashing though content (I remember healing a rogue through a heroic because the tank had taken a fit and /quit in the first pull with little difficulty) .. with the next expansion people were crying in no time that the instances were too hard partly because no one was used to using CCs anymore and planning the attacks as groups


I know there are and will be balancing issues as this is always the case and that there are problems atm with lag causing issues which hopefully will be fixed soon but it will hopefully get better..


I guess we all need to take a big breath and relax (myself included) ..


also IF you don't really like healing you don't have to I just hope not everyone gives up healing or I know I will have to go back to healing rather than tanking and then I will be way too busy:rolleyes:

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Sorc healing is phenomenal now.


People who are quitting flash points or saying they can't heal are saying such because they're simply not good enough to heal them anyway. I mean no disrespect, there are always skill gaps. However healing these new hard mode flashpoints is hard.


Legacy of the Rakata is the easiest one, I had to pull 4k ehps with a 96% effective heals, on a trash pull. If you don't understand what those numbers mean, that's more heals than I had to pull for Grobthok nightmare, corruptor Zero and Nefra.


For the bonus boss I pulled 3.8k ehps.


These things are just... Harder. Simple as that really, you now have to be good because our gear is not what it used to be.


This. This is the key to everything fellas. We have been reset in a way. Pretty much all of us are in the lowest form of gear, not optimized and at a new level. The new hard mode flashpoints are just that, HARD!! I applaud bio for this. Notice in the quote where she said her eHPS had to be better then some Dread Fortress NiM fights? That is so exciting to me, as we will have to learn to play our healing classes to the top of our game to heal through this new content for awhile. At least until were all in the new hard mode raid gear, or (eww) ultimate comm stuff.


This is where we see the gear gap and how it covers for skill. Now that is not possible for awhile as were all put back to an even keel. That is why you are seeing some that think bio nerfed them to hell and they are gonna uninstall (lol) and the next healer to Q in is having a great time. Don't let this kick ya in the shebs. I am certainly not the best healer around, but I see this as a chance to really step up and improve my skill, see where I stand and be a much better healer by the time I am kitted in full hm raid stuff. Also I am a scoundrel healer, and we all know that they brought us "in line" with the other classes, I haven't noticed a huge difference yet but I guess the point is, op, sorc is obviously not unplayable, same with the others. Seems content just got a bit harder and we lost the advantage of having the top level gear. Chin up, it's still the first week.

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I've healed 2 HM FPs on my scoundrel so far. Mobs hit like a truck; some of their abilities do 10k hp~ 25k hp. Boss's AoE moves hit like a truck too if the tank doesn't know how to point it away from group or if some dps stand on it. It's still manageable, but most of my gears are ~186 with set bonus; lesser gear healers may have problem healing these flashpoint. It's challenging, but it feels so good when you've beaten the flashpoint. I haven't had time to lvl up my sage and commando healer to 60, so I can't say anything about them yet.
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So many posts in the thread I couldn't read them all. So forgive me if I repeat something that has been said.


It seems as though Sage and Scoundrels have kinda swapped places in 3.0. You really have to relearn, at least on a small scale, both classes all over again. The content is a step up in difficulty over what we are used to in this game, but is doable as any healer. I think that sages and scoundrels have to think outside the box to be able to play their class now. For the last 2 years Sages have been the AoE, group healers. Stationary healers with big hitting heals. Scoundrels were the mobile healers with lots of tools and resources. Now the Sages are mobile and the scoundrels have more stationary abilities. It's a switch, that once you get used to it isn't so bad.

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it's people being undergeared. if you do HM fp at 60 you'll see. new healing are great imo


I have to argue a bit with this ..


I am geared with up to date gear at level 31 and things sometimes hit harder than they used to BUT I still think it is lag as without a patch it got better


it seems they moved a lot of tanking skills especially from the passive to the active which means lag is disastrous since I seem to still be taking damage and yet MY input to the game is not being registered till late ..


I am sure they will fix it but atm we need to watch and figure out which is which and report as accurate as possible

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