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Training Costs are a Thing of the Past


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Great way to twist my words or rather give them a meaning that was never there. I never said whether he deserves or doesn't deserve a refund. I merely stated that that particular situation where he bought cartel packs to make credits with them is a very special way to do things.


Got to quote myself here. Yes, I did say that he wasnt forced to buy cartel packs for real money, therefore the request for a refund for this Special case seems a little far fetched in my opinion.


Sorry for the confusion, it's early where I'm at. :)

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Yes, I did say that he wasnt forced to buy cartel packs for real money, therefore the request for a refund for this Special case seems a little far fetched in my opinion.

He's not asking for refunds because of a special case. It's a response to this:

Quite honestly, I don't understand why some people feel they're entitled to receive their money back or whatever, considering we're talking about virtual money.

By way of pointing out that some people actually spent real money to get those credits that they have lost, so treating in-game currency as if it isn't always a trade-off for real-world currency (and under a cost-benefit analysis it always is regardless of whether or not CC was spent) is inaccurate.

Edited by BAPACop
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Not that I am disagreeing with you, but ONLY to play devil's advocate here - some of us spend ACTUAL money (on cartel packs), which we then use to sell stuff from said packs on GTN, which in turn gets converted to credits, which we then use for things like - leveling from 55 - 60. So, it's not all 100% "virtual" money for all of us. Some of it is quite real. Only in that respect do I get people actually expecting refunds. But how the hell is Bioware even going to do that? I'm sure they have a database with a table somewhere that tracks this sort of thing, but...if they had to figure out how to refund that many players down to the last credit....well, let's just say I'd rather them be spending their time on making the game better than nitpicking over credits that I can earn back in a plethora of ways.


Really wish they hadn't nerfed the Security Chests on Rishi and Yavin 4 though, lol.


I get almost all my in-game credits by using real world money to buy stuff to sell on the GTN.


And I'm still not whining about this.


Because I'm not a child.

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Because I'm not a child.

Then it's a good thing you're addressing opposing viewpoints in an intelligent and helpful fashion that contributes to the conversation and demonstrates respect for other people and an understanding of their particular view on the subject instead of simply insulting anyone who disagrees with you. Because that would be acting like a child too, and as you've just pointed out you're not one.


Also, he wasn't whining about anything. Not clear if you realized that or not.

Edited by BAPACop
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So you treat pre-orders like beta testers. Not pre-ordering again if we don't get the 600k per character back. It's not difficult to send the credits back. I know a few people who spent a lot of time lvling a few characters who have lost a lot more then me. Not a good way to treat paying customers :/
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I have already taken advantage of this change on the other toons I had that had pending training. Also, saved a pretty good amount of coin not having to pay for training 55-60.


Very happy with this change.


As did I. Very appreciative. Great change.

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As soon as I saw they extreme costs of abilities (and saw that several people were complaining), I played it smart and spent the week just getting all of my 55s (12) to level 57 to get their new abilities. All the while not training a thing. Boy am I glad I waited. Saved me a few million at least. I'm very happy with the change, thanks Bioware!
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in the past i have been very happy with the customer service i have received in this game, to be honest i have made mistakes buying the wrong item off of the cartel market and the cs rep not only helped me reverse the purchase and get what i wanted ......they threw a 3hr xp boost at me and said have a good day and have fun!.....very pleasant experience ...very good customer service


that being said i too spent real money for the early access with full features of the release and ended up paying over 1mill credits per toon to lvl up from 56 to 60...at first i thought this was normal, but with the release i see that it is not...


hopefully customer service will find a way to resolve this and compensate the pre-order people like myself


if not...i will not rage quit ( i like the game too much) but rest assured i will never spend real money on early access again...and in a game that is free to play one would think you would listen to the people who "pay the bills"

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in the past i have been very happy with the customer service i have received in this game, to be honest i have made mistakes buying the wrong item off of the cartel market and the cs rep not only helped me reverse the purchase and get what i wanted ......they threw a 3hr xp boost at me and said have a good day and have fun!.....very pleasant experience ...very good customer service


that being said i too spent real money for the early access with full features of the release and ended up paying over 1mill credits per toon to lvl up from 56 to 60...at first i thought this was normal, but with the release i see that it is not...


hopefully customer service will find a way to resolve this and compensate the pre-order people like myself


if not...i will not rage quit ( i like the game too much) but rest assured i will never spend real money on early access again...and in a game that is free to play one would think you would listen to the people who "pay the bills"


And you didn't spend a penny more of your real money then people who bought the Xpac up to right now. You got to play a week early, got 12x Xp (with no skill costs then either) right up until the Xpac dropped for you.

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in the past i have been very happy with the customer service i have received in this game, to be honest i have made mistakes buying the wrong item off of the cartel market and the cs rep not only helped me reverse the purchase and get what i wanted ......they threw a 3hr xp boost at me and said have a good day and have fun!.....very pleasant experience ...very good customer service


that being said i too spent real money for the early access with full features of the release and ended up paying over 1mill credits per toon to lvl up from 56 to 60...at first i thought this was normal, but with the release i see that it is not...


Hindsight. It was normal when you paid it. BioWare changed the rules of the game to improve quality of life. From that point forward, there's a new normal.


Just like when they implemented Group Finder. It was normal to have a very, very hard time finding a group. Then BANG overnight it changed. Now it's easy for tanks, not too bad for healers, and sort of icky for damage dealers.


Ooh, or when they made the game F2P. Before that, people paid upwards of $45, some over $100 just for the privilege of paying $15 a month to play the game. Then BANG overnight it changed and nobody has to pay for the box any more and you can play without a sub if you can stomach the downgraded features.


Games change over time. Doubly true for MMO's. Take a step back, because all you're looking at now is an insect on a branch. There's a massive forest right there in front of you, and you're missing it.

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Here is a suggestion I bet no one else has thought of.


All of those people who didn't pre-order and are saying 'Its only virtual money, get over it.' and the pre-order people who want refunds should like it also.


Have BW/EA go to every account that did not have early access and delete 750,000 - 1,000,000 credits from every toon on the account. That way everyone will have paid the same for advanced training. No refunds are needed, and everyone is now on equal ground with credits spent on the expansion.


A little off the wall, but this way everyone suffers equally.


But really, what they should have done is something that affected everyone equally, like make the no cost to training effective the first of the year, rather than anger those of us who pre-ordered for early access. A game company that wants to keep its paying customers shouldn't go out of its way to anger those who are trying to support the game. I know that as of now I will no longer be pre-ordering any expansions as they have not tried to make up this massive thumb of the nose to the early order customers.

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Indeed. How dare people play the game's available content in a manner of their own choosing. Anyone who does not share the same priorities as you clearly deserves to be insulted.

One can play however they want, but one should also expect certain consequences from doing so. The content locusts have now paid for theirs. There are certain consequences for playing the game the way I do, but I have never felt like QQing on the forums because of those consequences. I take ownership of them because of the way I play.


to make things worse, we fell for it AFTER they already confirmed the ridiculous high prices were intended.


bw slapped all subs in the face with this

Incorrect. They stated that the re-training of certain skills was working as intended and that would not change. Had nothing to do with the training of 56-60 skills, nor the costs associated with doing so.


So you treat pre-orders like beta testers.

You must be new to gaming.


It's not difficult to send the credits back.

Ahhh, so you work for BioWare, and have actually done the coding, have you? Otherwise it would appear that we really don't know how easy or hard it would be.

Edited by TravelersWay
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Here is a suggestion I bet no one else has thought of.


All of those people who didn't pre-order and are saying 'Its only virtual money, get over it.' and the pre-order people who want refunds should like it also.


Have BW/EA go to every account that did not have early access and delete 750,000 - 1,000,000 credits from every toon on the account. That way everyone will have paid the same for advanced training. No refunds are needed, and everyone is now on equal ground with credits spent on the expansion.


A little off the wall, but this way everyone suffers equally.


But really, what they should have done is something that affected everyone equally, like make the no cost to training effective the first of the year, rather than anger those of us who pre-ordered for early access. A game company that wants to keep its paying customers shouldn't go out of its way to anger those who are trying to support the game. I know that as of now I will no longer be pre-ordering any expansions as they have not tried to make up this massive thumb of the nose to the early order customers.


Good, you can chill with the rest of us next time :rak_03:

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Here is a suggestion I bet no one else has thought of.


All of those people who didn't pre-order and are saying 'Its only virtual money, get over it.' and the pre-order people who want refunds should like it also.


Have BW/EA go to every account that did not have early access and delete 750,000 - 1,000,000 credits from every toon on the account. That way everyone will have paid the same for advanced training. No refunds are needed, and everyone is now on equal ground with credits spent on the expansion.


A little off the wall, but this way everyone suffers equally.


If you feel that you were "suffering" - your word - during the time you played the expansion, you should remove yourself from the game, and the game from the computer, immediately. The purpose of a game is to have fun. Unless you are a masochist, suffering is the exact opposite of fun.


Or would you like to perhaps choose a different phrase, like, "That way everyone can play the game the way it was designed before the QoL improving design change was implemented", hmm?


But really, what they should have done is something that affected everyone equally, like make the no cost to training effective the first of the year, rather than anger those of us who pre-ordered for early access. A game company that wants to keep its paying customers shouldn't go out of its way to anger those who are trying to support the game. I know that as of now I will no longer be pre-ordering any expansions as they have not tried to make up this massive thumb of the nose to the early order customers.


They did do something that affected everyone equally. They made a design change, and that change took place on the day they announced that it would. From that day forward, everyone is affected equally. Prior to that day, everyone was also affected equally.


Oh, except pre-order players. They were affected unequally. Because they pre-ordered, they got to play the game with 12x class experience for up to about two months and play the expansion a week early. How tragic.


As to angering customers, I've been playing, and paying for, and pre-ordering on day 1 the game and expansions, since the July before it went live, when I pre-ordered the game. I am pleased with the entertainment value I've had from the game to date, and most especially pleased with the experience I had with the pre-order perks for this particular expansion.


And the whole way through, I played the game as it was intended to be played, even paying for every skill level-up as I achieved a new level during the pre-release period. It was, in a word, gloriously fun. Ok, two words, I guess.


If you are SOOOOO bent out of shape that your boss offered to pay your car payment moving forward that you spit in his face and demand he give you a bonus to pay for all the car payments you have made up to that point, well, the analogy fails because BioWare isn't going to do the equivalent of firing you over your misguided rant. I'm disappointed at that, but I can see where BioWare staff might be slightly entertained at the childishness of players who behave in this manner.

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Rishii and Yavin main line gives about 350k. And there are also side quests on Rishii.

And daylies on Yavin and Rishii give 100k more (without weeklies) for 1 run.

And you can sell a lot of loot and old armor - you'll get full set of 168 and full set of 178 on Rishi and Yavin.


And doing all quests on Rishi and Yavin (including daylies), only with 10% guild xp buff, i've got to 60 before Revan

No flashpoints, no ops no other dayly planets.


Yeap did all the dailies once (the ones that were not bugged at least), and it was not enough. Sold all the reward gear after ripping off the mods and it was not enough. Did Oricon and CZ in addition. If the argument is "repeat dailies until you have enough money", it kind of defeats the purpose, because one can achieve infinite money with infinite number of days.


Also, are you aware of the "bug/feature" where people had to retrain skills that they had already trained?


In any case, to continue bickering about this is stupid since the training cost change is already in the game.

Edited by Karkais
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Oh, except pre-order players. They were affected unequally. Because they pre-ordered, they got to play the game with 12x class experience for up to about two months and play the expansion a week early. How tragic.


I just love how all those unfairly treated people keep forgetting that. In addition, that 12x XP event had no training costs either. So, yeah...pre-order was a total scam. Hrmpf.

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GEEZ 90 pages of people QQing over credits? Well at least there are a few others that feel this QQing is ridiculous. The amount of time some of you spend QQing over a refund you could have made back 10x ingame... Edited by tdmaha
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I just love how all those unfairly treated people keep forgetting that. In addition, that 12x XP event had no training costs either. So, yeah...pre-order was a total scam. Hrmpf.


Agreed. The 12xXP for almost two months we got for pre-order in addition to the free training all the way through is totally forgotten about. And then we get QoL free training forever go forward. It's just about as annoying reading these as someone finishing their entire meal, licking the plate, then complaining the food was horrible and wanting a refund.


The decision made was an excellent one, I'm very thankful, I will make up what I lost in no time and profit going forward. And it was an easy fix they were able to push out & accomplish it. and not waste any further manpower or time regarding it, so that they can focus on actual serious game issues that need to be addressed. Bravo.

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Here's what gets me, and sorry if this has already been said (not reading 90 pages)...


Early access started December 2nd.

It was announced training costs were leaving on December 5th.

That's only about 3 1/2 days of playing 3.0 before this became common knowledge.


The new content was not designed to be consumed so fast, especially across multiple characters. For the people who rushed to 60 and bought all their skills, the price tag is what they had to pay be be some of the first 60s on their respective servers. That's it.


I have been in early access since day 1 and did not get all my alts to 60 within 3 days. If you chose to consume all the new content that fast, that's your choice, but it was broadcast pretty much everywhere that early access is merely a bonus for preorders, not the official launch, which logically says things are subject to change.


So for the people saying ludicrous stuff like how everyone who didn't preorder should have 1 mill subtracted from each character, I can't roll my eyes hard enough. Willing to bet 99% of people who -did- preorder didn't get every alt on their account to 60 and spend a million credits each within THREE DAYS of early access. Come on.



Where are we gonna stop? I spent tons of credits for legacy perks when they were new, which can now be bought super cheap for CC. Should I get a refund? I spent a ton of real money on an MMO that is now cancelled. Should I get a refund for that too?

Edited by Beltane
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