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What do you people spend your credits on?


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Now by no means am I sitting on a huge pile of credits ~8 million on my main. But what do you people spend them on? Every time BW introduces something (even if it's been in game since say one like paying for abilities) some of you go into full tantrum mode.


It happened with Rothc, it happened with the casino, it happened with strongholds especially guild ships. As proof the forum community is a very small percentage of players these complaints faded away weeks if not days after the first poster thought of the talking point. It's easy to see that it's typically the same posters crying over and over.


Spend one day go do dailies and you WILL have enough to level up and but ALL the abilities. This is something you SHOULD have done before the expansion because YOU didn't plan ahead and were caught with your pants down isnt anyone's fault but your own.


At level 58 I have more than 200k credits then I did at level 55.

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To most of us money ain't the problem, it's the reason behind it that does.


The amount of money I have on main and on Alts are irrelevant here.


I've been here since Beta testing, I've done dailes more then I like to remember, and what you are saying I should go back to old content AGAIN, just to pay up for skills that have been changed/removed/moved/added.


I for one don't pay to grind or farm dailes for credits, if that is how it shall be I can spent the 15 bucks or what ever I pay to do something else or you can start to do dailes for me, I need around 13 or so odd millions to grind up the crafting and combat char to level 60.


I have legend status on most dailes as it is if not all of them, I have no desire to go back nor should I need too.

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It's my experience in virtually every MMO ever that the average player is almost permanently broke. Making money in TOR is especially easy but most are just unwilling to put forth the effort and then are confused about why they have no money. Almost everybody I play with runs past dead mobs without looting them (ignoring free credits), refuses to take at least gathering crew skills to sell mats, never sells anything on the GTN and has cargo hold page after page packed with junk they don't want yet are too lazy to sell. And they refuse to do dailies or grind credits in any other way because it's boring.


As for what I personally spend them on--I tend to make and spend millions repeatedly so am never particularly rich. There's too many things I want, namely in the form of new outfits, black dyes, modding out new outfits, and now with strongholds and a decorating addiction there's even more to spend money on. But I average about 1 mill a day in profits when I try (which tends to get spent quickly), soooo... no problems.

Edited by Beltane
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Hmm... someone should start the expansion questline (including the Solo FP's) after sending all their credits to an alt, just so we can see if the income is enough to sustain the costs of leveling up.


It's not, i started FA with 40k, i did them all, after them all was a few % short of 57, i landed on Rishi and i dinged level 57, i had to sent over 150k to just cover the skill costs.

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To most of us money ain't the problem, it's the reason behind it that does.


The amount of money I have on main and on Alts are irrelevant here.


I've been here since Beta testing, I've done dailes more then I like to remember, and what you are saying I should go back to old content AGAIN, just to pay up for skills that have been changed/removed/moved/added.


I for one don't pay to grind or farm dailes for credits, if that is how it shall be I can spent the 15 bucks or what ever I pay to do something else or you can start to do dailes for me, I need around 13 or so odd millions to grind up the crafting and combat char to level 60.


I have legend status on most dailes as it is if not all of them, I have no desire to go back nor should I need too.


Nope you are right you don't have to go back and do the dailies that's your choice. But don't sit here and cry because you need 13 million (which is extremely exaggerated) to level up crafting and level to 60. There are ways to make money if you CHOOSE NOT to do them then you have no right to cry you don't have credits.

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Now by no means am I sitting on a huge pile of credits ~8 million on my main. But what do you people spend them on? Every time BW introduces something (even if it's been in game since say one like paying for abilities) some of you go into full tantrum mode.


It happened with Rothc, it happened with the casino, it happened with strongholds especially guild ships. As proof the forum community is a very small percentage of players these complaints faded away weeks if not days after the first poster thought of the talking point. It's easy to see that it's typically the same posters crying over and over.


Spend one day go do dailies and you WILL have enough to level up and but ALL the abilities. This is something you SHOULD have done before the expansion because YOU didn't plan ahead and were caught with your pants down isnt anyone's fault but your own.


At level 58 I have more than 200k credits then I did at level 55.


Are you always this condescending?

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I have a cartel addiction, I rarely save more than a few credits before finding something nice to spend them on :p


Same darn decorations..... as for leveling crafting from 450-500, I got all 8 of my crafters up just by crafting the top tier of crafting mats, so I got 500 and conquest goal for the week on 8 :D

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Nope you are right you don't have to go back and do the dailies that's your choice. But don't sit here and cry because you need 13 million (which is extremely exaggerated) to level up crafting and level to 60. There are ways to make money if you CHOOSE NOT to do them then you have no right to cry you don't have credits.


You know this is game and not a second job right?

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I don't spend credits often, if at all.


About the only thing I ever spend them on are training, medpacs, stims, and stripping mods from shells.


Once in a blue moon I might buy something on the GTN, but I never spend more than 10% of my credit balance on frivolous things I don't need.

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Are you always this condescending?


Oh nice of you to stop by. I see after you failed to call me out yesterday and proved you wrong you decided to come back for more...


How is it condescending to tell people you can make what it cost for abilities in one day? How is it condescending to ask what they spend their money on?


So can I add you to my follower group? I have a few others that feel the need to make ignorant comments on my post.


Btw Post #25 on the below link was your failed attempt yesterday...



Edited by tdmaha
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I buy cheap cartel packs off the GTN, wait until they're taken off the CM and sell them at a hefty markup. Very occasionally I purchase something nice for myself, like the orobird mounts I got a week ago (two different ones at around 500k apiece).


In the Nar Shaddaa event I think I spent somewhere between a million and two. Got everything except the rancor mount. Not that I wanted it anyway, except for the achievement.


Ability and crew skill training is so cheap I barely even notice it. After completing the FA arc and Rishi on my main, leveling all three of her crew skills to 500 in the process, she had more money than she startred with. And that was without touching the GTN.

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I work with computer hardware which is far less tedious than dailies are.


Because something is tedious does not mean it's a job. It's also optional nobody is forcing you to do them, but if you choose NOT to do them for one day to get enough credits to buy abilities it's hard to take your complaining seriously .

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Hmm... someone should start the expansion questline (including the Solo FP's) after sending all their credits to an alt, just so we can see if the income is enough to sustain the costs of leveling up.


you have to have the cash on hand to pay for abilities you already paid for. otherwise you wont be able to do the content to see what it pays. people spend their credits on the myriad credit sinks shoved in their faces by the devs. It gets to be a bit much after a while. with new ops, raiders will be spending a boatload on repairs. people are already spending on repairs to try to get through bugged content.

One thing to remember, every single person that has been affected by biowares wishy washy response is a subscriber, great way to keep the customers that actually pay for the game.

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you have to have the cash on hand to pay for abilities you already paid for. otherwise you wont be able to do the content to see what it pays. people spend their credits on the myriad credit sinks shoved in their faces by the devs. It gets to be a bit much after a while. with new ops, raiders will be spending a boatload on repairs. people are already spending on repairs to try to get through bugged content.

One thing to remember, every single person that has been affected by biowares wishy washy response is a subscriber, great way to keep the customers that actually pay for the game.


One thing to remember those crying on the forums are tiny percentage of actual players...


Another thing that means the majority of "paying customers" are ingame enjoying the content and not worrying about paying for abilities likes we have been since day 1.

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Now by no means am I sitting on a huge pile of credits ~8 million on my main.

Obviously, you have a different definition of what "huge pile of credits" means. I have 30 toons (3 of them at lvl 55), and if I'd pool all credits all of them have together I'd propably not even get 1 million credits


Spend one day go do dailies and you WILL have enough to level up and but ALL the abilities.

Dailies and most of the other endgame content sucks. I'm an "altoholic", I level new toons one I finished class stories. Anything past the stories isn't worth playing from my point of view.


This is something you SHOULD have done before the expansion because YOU didn't plan ahead and were caught with your pants down isnt anyone's fault but your own.

Nope.. the one that had to plan aheas was BW, and they failed miserably. Making us repay for skills we already paid for, stripping away other skills that we also did pay for without giving refunds, that is biggest BS, this is just inacceptable. I expect, no, I demand that BW fixes this problem. This "it's working as intended" is just a insulting and disrespectful behaviour towards paying customers. So, in addition I expect an apology for even trying to sell us this "works as intendet"-BS.

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One thing to remember those crying on the forums are tiny percentage of actual players...


Another thing that means the majority of "paying customers" are ingame enjoying the content and not worrying about paying for abilities likes we have been since day 1.


can you show us that they arent worried about it or concerned? or did you just whip that out to make it sound good. alienate 1 customer and he tells 10 of his friends. make 1 happy and he tells 2 of his friends. every time BW does something like this their reputation takes a hit.

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......Dailies and most of the other endgame content sucks. I'm an "altoholic", I level new toons one I finished class stories. Anything past the stories isn't worth playing from my point of view...


This is how I feel too, and That's what I spend my credits on. Buying outfits and weapons on the GTN for alts, and then unlocking them in collections. I VERY RARELY do dailies. I only play for a few hours once or twice a week....and personally I'd rather play the 1-50 story over and over and over instead of dailies. I always choose gathering skills and sell mats on the GTN. Logged on to my 55 imp main yesterday to try out "solo FA" And remembered I'd put a LOT of mats up Monday...made my first million and got the rich achievement.

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