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Why the arbitrary cut-off date to early access.... a serious question.


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the problem here is not WHY they did it...we know its just all about money...the problem is WHAT they did..


they alienated a lot of subs who paid good money for a product.

they will be excluded from things and treated with less respect by all those who are now 60, because they are not yet viable characters until sometime into next week.


the carrot on the stick did NOT have to be early-access which would alienate players and hault progression on a group lvl. (this is a group based game)


The carrot on the stick this time around was 12xXP to be honest.


Early access is just pretty standard fluff incentive in MMOs these days to encourage players to order ahead of release. The fact that you think that was the carrot says a lot frankly.


A few days of early access does not halt progression on a group level. It simply delays it for a few days. Learn some objective perspective IMO.

Edited by Andryah
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I'm reminded of all the people who started asking "Why should I pre-order?" on the very first day of the announcement.

They went on to talk about how they aren't sure the game is worth it or they feel cheated because RotHC was included.


As I said at the time, THIS is why you pre-order.

You know you're gonna play it and if you don't pre-order, you're just gonna whine about it while everyone around you gets to have fun with all the new stuff for a whole week and you can't do anything but sit on the sidelines and pout.


There was nothing ambiguous about early access.

The terms were clearly spelled out right down to the precise deadline for taking advantage of it.


You pre-ordered an expansion that was very clearly advertised as releasing on 12/9/2014 and that's what you'll get.

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Does it really matter? go back to life for a week if you have nothing to do. Or take some time to enjoy all the content that you have not experienced during your hiatus.


1 Week of Early Access is not going to put people so far ahead that you can not catch up.

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true, the world revolves around the sun...The UNIVERSE o the other hand is a different argument.


I didn't go shopping on black friday, but I still want the deals, why should I miss out on those deals because I didn't wait in line the fallowing day/night?


this basically.


the date is arbitrary the way ALL sale dates are arbitrary. why do gaming companies offer preorder bonuses at all? why do businesses in general - run sales and specials? becasue they either want to convince you to spend money earlier, or spend money in general. and they kinda need to reward people who go along with their specials - something that people who didn't go along with their specials, do not get. but they also need a cutoff date, becasue if you do NOT have a cutoff date for a special, then there's no incentive for a customer to get that deal early. since it will be there anyways, so they can wait.


whenever people start complaining about pre-order bonuses and the like, I wonder if they even live on their own, do any of their own shopping etc.


cutoff dates for specials are in exact same ballpark as release dates. they are both technicaly arbitrary, but you kinda need to pick a date anyways.


P.S. this pre-order had 3 carrots on a stick actualy. pre-order and be subscriber - get 12xp. pre-order at any time, regardless of your subscription status? get grand statue of Revan. pre-order before early cutoff date? get to play a week early before official release

Edited by Jeweledleah
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If you haven't been able to tell, they wanted you to sub for November and December to keep a revenue stream coming in leading up to the expac. It's the same reason they only offered 12x XP during that timeframe, so players would have something to occupy them until 3.0 hit and build momentum for the game leading into it. Many companies use marketing schemes in order to incentivize using a service at an off peak time or get you to spend more money than you would have to get better value elsewhere. So by offering these rewards, they kept players in game for a two month span that is usually very dead for MMOs (the months leading up to an expac). If you purchased after Nov. 2nd, then you may have only been subbed for Dec and not Nov, which is les than they were hoping for.
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OP...If i was bio we are i would have the same feeling fro this post as i would for FTP player complaining and not being grateful they have any access at all... a good laugh for the morning .... It called marketing ... this post is whats wrong with some people. I have mentioned it before the sheer audacity and self entitlement of people just amazes me at times..
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So I'm a founder. I had early access for pre-launch

played a good while, stuff happened had to let go of online gaming.



That right there should be the end of it. You actually weren't contributing to EA/BW bottom line during this period (I get it. I have RL issues all the time that pull me away for long periods. Though I keep my sub active.). You weren't here, you missed the emails, threads, etc. Even despite having friends who play, you weren't reachable in time. How can a company with fiscal restraints realistically devote further resources to capturing the attention of someone who is admittedly totally disengaged?


But to answer your question, EA/BW, like thousands of companies do, offered a "pre-sale" to encourage people to pony up BEFORE the content launched. To "sweeten" the deal, EA/BW offered a period of exclusivity for those who ponied up BEFORE the new content launched, i.e. before the "I love 3.0", "I hate 3.0", "I want to sue," "Petition for this and that...". That was part of the "deal" EA/BW made for those willing to shell out money before ever seeing a bit of the new content - 'you get to play for one week before anyone who didn't pay early does'.


Companies do this for all types of reasons - revenue boosts at ends of fiscal quarters/years, budgeting (money and resources), etc. And if EA/BW was to renege or if everyone knew they could just wait, then EA/BW may not have gotten the sales numbers it got. Some of the ragers may have (though I doubt it for most despite the QQ) elected to sit it out. Or any number of other possibilities.


So I could go on and on, but really this one is pretty easy. And, it's only one week...:rolleyes:

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I also hate how people throw the title "Founder" out like it means something.


You played a videogame shortly after it launched and were rewarded with an in-game title.


This entitles you to precisely nothing.

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I also hate how people throw the title "Founder" out like it means something.


You played a videogame shortly after it launched and were rewarded with an in-game title.


This entitles you to precisely nothing.




Anyone who tries to play the "but I am a Founder" card.... IMO... they should be forced to have all their characters hard coded to the title "A Special Snowflake". :p

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That right there should be the end of it. You actually weren't contributing to EA/BW bottom line during this period (I get it. I have RL issues all the time that pull me away for long periods. Though I keep my sub active.). You weren't here, you missed the emails, threads, etc. Even despite having friends who play, you weren't reachable in time. How can a company with fiscal restraints realistically devote further resources to capturing the attention of someone who is admittedly totally disengaged?


But to answer your question, EA/BW, like thousands of companies do, offered a "pre-sale" to encourage people to pony up BEFORE the content launched. To "sweeten" the deal, EA/BW offered a period of exclusivity for those who ponied up BEFORE the new content launched, i.e. before the "I love 3.0", "I hate 3.0", "I want to sue," "Petition for this and that...". That was part of the "deal" EA/BW made for those willing to shell out money before ever seeing a bit of the new content - 'you get to play for one week before anyone who didn't pay early does'.


Companies do this for all types of reasons - revenue boosts at ends of fiscal quarters/years, budgeting (money and resources), etc. And if EA/BW was to renege or if everyone knew they could just wait, then EA/BW may not have gotten the sales numbers it got. Some of the ragers may have (though I doubt it for most despite the QQ) elected to sit it out. Or any number of other possibilities.


So I could go on and on, but really this one is pretty easy. And, it's only one week...:rolleyes:


Fantastic reply. I wish I could have been as patient as you were and written a response equal to this...but there are just so many threads I want to comment in and so little time to do so...I'm glad you took the time to write this though...very good answer.

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Because its a business and the numbers may not be arbitrary. Pre-ordering by a certain date allows them to count specific revenue in advance of a product release. They may have specific reasons for wanting that revenue to show up on their books in one quarter and not another. One way for them to encourage that revenue is to put an 'arbitrary' (but its not arbitrary) date on the pre-access to encourage more sign ups so the revenue is received when desired.




Just because you do not know WHY they did a thing, does not mean there was no reason and it was just arbitrary.


Thanks for saving me the hassle of posting that.

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Anyone who tries to play the "but I am a Founder" card.... IMO... they should be forced to have all their characters hard coded to the title "A Special Snowflake". :p

That would be a slap to the face to everyone who went through the trouble of throwing snowballs to earn the title.



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Pre-order bonuses are extremely common when it comes to video games....most likely as a way to encourage people to buy the thing and not sit around until the last minute....plus there's more incentive to buy it because if I buy it now (while in the bonus timeframe) then I get more than if I wait and buy it later. It's a pretty straightforward sales and marketing tool. They set forth criteria for the bonus (1 week of early access) and you didn't meet it. Tough luck. The world doesn't revolve around you. You'll live.
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Just because you do not know WHY they did a thing, does not mean there was no reason and it was just arbitrary.


but...but...he's a founder!

and he had early access for pre-launch!

Therefore he is a VIP and shouldn't have to do things.

He should get Twi'leks for lap dances, a private stronghold only accessible to him and skype calls with the devs to explain to him their every decision, because he's special!

Edited by TheNahash
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op you have come to the wrong place, this forum is only filled with bw fanatics with no concept of reason or common sense.


The only answers you will get will be troll posts, *which in this twilight zone of a forum is the norm. Just hold out for the week.

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op you have come to the wrong place, this forum is only filled with bw fanatics with no concept of reason or common sense.


The only answers you will get will be troll posts, *which in this twilight zone of a forum is the norm. Just hold out for the week.


I'm so sorry, that real life is unacceptable for you. that apparently every company ever is allowed to run timed promotions.. except for bioware.


the fact that you talk about lack of common sense is hilariously ironic.

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