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Hate this new skill tree


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Are you just trying to demonstrate how little you know about what you're saying?


And that's your final pathetic resort, as is usually the case in these discussions. "LoL, L2P, noob!"


Sorry that other players have standards besides "Raid / PvP or get out" when it comes to building their characters, I know that burns some people's butts to know that there are players out there that don't live by those standards.

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What do i have to say to get free CC!!?


Why haven't anyone told me about this "fanboy" program!? I WANT IN!!!

I'll make the ppl on the forums to believe anything you want if you give me free CC.

(Because ppl on forums believe if i say smth! That's what i do!)

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To someone like you Hybrids is an insult but dont worry move along.. They made it allot easyer for people like you to not have to think to play... Off to the lag fest trying out new content YOU have not even looked at or tried yet...


"Hybrids" isn't an insult. They refer to cross-spec skill combinations, some of which were creating imbalances in group content. It is a fact that they have been removed from the game.


And really? Going to come at me with personal insults after trying to spin some kind of guilt on me for merely stating: the system is in place, hybrids are killed, and the average player needs to adapt or move on...

Edited by azudelphi
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didnt take long for the EA fanboys and simple fanboys to start crashing into every thread... wonder if they get free cartel coins?


angry trolls are hybridtrolls and in SO MUCH PAIN!




for my standards.




Kinda hope it would really suffer that much... would be even more pleasing!


Would either of you happen to have something to contribute that doesn't involved insulting the other side?

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...said the person who wants their standards back even though other people didn't like them.


This is so illogical is ridiculous! Who didn't like them and why? I swear you fanboys keep saying there is ONLY one optimal spec you can choose and then complain about hybrids. Hybrids that you guys think are INFERIOR!!! Really? Hell if I'm going to play against someone that sucks I'm not going to complain that I always win! Boggles :eek: !!!

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Yes. If we like changes, it is because we are fanboys. I have an undying and unending love for EA. All of us that like these changes love EA above all things, and we like them specifically (and ONLY) because we love EA.


It has nothing to do with the fact that we might actually like them or agree with them. That we might find the old system not scalable and full of fluff to keep pushing stuff out of reach of hybrids. That we found it annoying to have to wait until level 38+ to get any of the cool skills, again because of hybrids.


We have no opinions. We have only love unending for EA.


And actually no im talking about the ones being insulting on several threads moveing from thread to thread... I like some of the changes some i dont... but you have several like one on here in several threads belittling anyone that doesnt love every change...

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To be honest. I don't like it. In skill "fix" we have been told that this system will give us more freedom, lack of same builds, and better feel of role we want to play in game. But as far i can see - there is no freedom. Sure first skill say who we are, but this could be done other way with keeping trees system - now if you are disciple of one road you will be same as every other. No place for experiments, no place to have fun with finding best combo, that suits us best. Now you are healer, tank or dps (pure dmg or dots). Nothing more. That's kinda sad. Edited by Locelock
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I doubt that the majority of casuals are going to care about the loss of hybrid ability. I think, or I should say my biggest concern is how the majority of the playerbase reacts to the hybrid system overall based on how easy it is to adapt to the changes.


It is a pretty comprehensive and extensive change.


There are a few plusses IMO, but not many....first, the rotations may be simpler. I expect that many (perhaps most) will not jump into the new content right away, perhaps taking the time to relearn their class. I also think many will not buy the new abilities right away considering their costs.


Second, the comms seem to be the same price, and though I have not investigated it yet if you can get basics by grinding lower level heroics this would be a big plus IMO. Also, the new mods that only require level 55 and are reasonable in price (172) is quite a jump for casual players....they can purchase those right away.


So I expect many casuals (not sure if most) will try out the new rotations in dailies, probably the lower ones first. This might be a good thing if those initial daily mobs were nerfed with the 1-50 difficulty reduction.


We will have to wait and see how casuals react to the changes. That will be the largest concern here IMO, and can hurt the game the most if they reject the changes, regardless of the reasons they were implemented.


This was a pretty large gamble on Bioware's part.

Edited by LordArtemis
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And that's your final pathetic resort, as is usually the case in these discussions. "LoL, L2P, noob!"


Sorry that other players have standards besides "Raid / PvP or get out" when it comes to building their characters, I know that burns some people's butts to know that there are players out there that don't live by those standards.


Your point is valid, and your annoyance at these changes is understandable. I disagree with you, but I see where you are coming from. The problem is that this is a multiplayer game. You say you don't like the "Raid / PvP or get out" mentality but the problem is that if hybrids cause significant balance issues, which they do, then they do pose problems for those engaging in multiplayer activities. It is a very real problem in raiding and PvP if balance is out of whack.


OP hybrid builds don't really matter in a single player game. In fact, in a single player game it's cool if they are there: it rewards trying new and more challenging builds. And its all solo, so who cares about balance. But in a multiplayer environment where many people are engaging in raiding and PvP, lack of balance is a very real problem. The old system simply wasn't scalable, and accounting for hybrids in multiplayer environments is simply too complex. It doesn't work in an MMO.


So while I understand the frustration of the player that doesn't like that their play was changed to accommodate PvP and operations players (especially if they do not choose to participate in PvP and raids), hybrids were causing a lot of problems for those players that do PvP and operations. And this is, after all, a multiplayer game. That doesn't mean that solo players shouldn't be welcome or should be discouraged--there is and should be a lot of solo content. SWTOR has a LOT of solo content, and they're even making the main storyline have solo versions now, whereas they never did before. But many of us do love the multiplayer part of the game, and hybrids caused problems there.

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LOL go check out several posts hes made in serveral threads... But hey you guys got to stick together right ...


How about YOU go and find the insults. Because we ALL know that if they in fact were there, you'd have linked them.


Again, moving the goalposts. Well played. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

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And that's your final pathetic resort, as is usually the case in these discussions. "LoL, L2P, noob!"


Sorry that other players have standards besides "Raid / PvP or get out" when it comes to building their characters, I know that burns some people's butts to know that there are players out there that don't live by those standards.


My final pathetic retort is to point out that you don't know what you're talking about? Some hybrids have done over 10% higher damage than the next highest class. That's not insignificant by any stretch of the imagination and certainly a farcry from your 0.05%.


Look if you want to whine and cry like a child who doesn't get what he wants then go ahead, but if you want to frame your tantrum as an actual argument you can dispense with the hyperbole.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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How about YOU go and find the insults. Because we ALL know that if they in fact were there, you'd have linked them.


Again, moving the goalposts. Well played. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!


I'll even do the work for him.


As best I can tell, in my last 5 pages of posts I have recently used the term "arm-chair dev" once and in response to the GTN scam discussion I did at one point use the term, "bratty, petulant attitude"...

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I miss the old system, hate hate hate being forced/pigeonholed into a more restricted play style. AND I don't care that it creates more work to keep the game the way I like it. Quit being lazy!


I don't play hybrids and I approve this message!

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Look if you want to whine and cry like a child who doesn't get what he wants then go ahead, but if you want to frame your tantrum as an actual argument you can dispense with the hyperbole.


This statement is also an example of hyperbole MKN. Not the best idea to throw stones in that way.

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I miss the old system, hate hate hate being forced/pigeonholed into a more restricted play style. AND I don't care that it creates more work to keep the game the way I like it. Quit being lazy!


I don't play hybrids and I approve this message!


It's not laziness. It's resource management. The idea is that moving forward they can reduce the staff needs for class balancing to put more effort into content. Hopefully so we don't see another 1 year gap between operations.

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How about YOU go and find the insults. Because we ALL know that if they in fact were there, you'd have linked them.


Again, moving the goalposts. Well played. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!


actuall dont even know how to link unlike you and your friend i dont spend time trying to sound better than everyone else... BUT click on several threads on first page of forum and start reading hes in about all of them...


And as you said your basicly a PvPer/Raid elitist who wouldnt give a casual or a newguy the time of day...Its expected...


Just hope catering to your type doesnt drive away more people than it already has...

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Hate to say it after all the 12x xp stuff, but the best way to learn a new system is to lvl a new toon using it from scratch. Then go back and map your decked out toon the way you like. Most rotations are relatively unchanged, you're just on information overload right now being at lvl 55 and seeing it all hit you at the same time.


This is exactly why I'm making a fourth of my favourite character. It's always best to start brand new during a major update so you get a feel of what lies within. Five credits says people are going to rush through this update then complain willy-nilly.

Edited by DeLaaNie
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From what I have seen of the new system on Dulfy, it does look a much simpler system than the old trees, it probably does "standardise" players more (not counting the utility abilities) but it does bring important abilities to your rotation earlier as if it were not for 12x xp I would have given up on my Vigilance Guardian as it felt so disjointed until I got plasma brand ability, which will help the more casual player get into a rhythm.


Ironically since 12x xp has finished, its such a change that in many ways it could be easier to start again, I have a level 15 Vanguard I may consider retiring to try again.

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I am going to necro some threads and call out the folks who claimed this change would give players more "flexibility".


It did actually give people "flexibility"


See that thing on the right? You know where you get to pick and choose all of your utility skill regardless of what discipline you took?

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