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SoR - Bad timing?


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I have been very impressed with the content cadence Bioware has maintained throughout the life of SWTOR. However, I have to wonder if this is a really bad time to release what looks like a beefy and strong Xpac.


With all the attention in the world being directed toward Warlords of Draenor (apparently its going to push WoW's numbers up to those of the glory days again) I would really hate to see such an important Xpac for SWTOR fall by the wayside.

I would gladly wait longer for its release if it would help publicize this grossly under appreciated MMO once the "shiny" wears off of WoD.



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You are happy they released couple of easy mode fp, only 3 new ops, 1 pseudo ops, some pvp map and some of the most wanted features that should have been here since launch in the lifetime of 2.0-2.10(which is nearly 2 years) but you are now worried they are releasing a major update as fast as possible? i don't understand the logic and i don't understand what WoD have to do SWTOR at all, WoW players will always play WoW, they might get bored and pick some other game for a while but in the end they will go back there. SW series have their own fanbase and own players, WoD has no effect on SoR release.
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I only play wow after im completely burned out on all other mmos, I took a break from swtor the last 6 months and still didn't go check out wow this time, when I got the email about swtors new expac with new ops I immediatel pre ordered.


And as a raider whos played swtor since beta, im not at all impressed with "biowares content cadence".

Edited by Mallorik
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This is exactly the right time for SWTOR to release an xpac: it's called counter programming.


While there are a lot of people going "hey a new WoW xpac", there's also a lot of people saying "this xpac is the last straw for me" and are moving on (no particular slam against WoW here: every xpac for any MMO will contain some type of major change that is a deal breaker for many players). And there are the players that return and remember "oh yeah, it's still World of Warcraft and I'm still tired of it". And that's why WoW's largest competitors are also launching high profile content patches around the same time: to pick up the numerous players who aren't impressed enough to stick with WoW and/or those who are finally done with it.

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This is exactly the right time for SWTOR to release an xpac: it's called counter programming. And that's why WoW's largest competitors are also launching high profile content patches around the same time: to pick up the numerous players who aren't impressed enough to stick with WoW and/or those who are finally done with it.


^Saved me the effort of posting it.

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WoW? Warlords of Draenor? What is that?


Don't care. I finished my first Dragon Age: Inqusition playthrough, got my heart broken, and now I'm looking for some payback.


Those Revanites would do nicely. For the Empire!



Without going to spoilery, did you not like DAIs story hence the heartbreak? I'm loving it! Haven't beaten it yet though

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I have been very impressed with the content cadence Bioware has maintained throughout the life of SWTOR. However, I have to wonder if this is a really bad time to release what looks like a beefy and strong Xpac.


With all the attention in the world being directed toward Warlords of Draenor (apparently its going to push WoW's numbers up to those of the glory days again) I would really hate to see such an important Xpac for SWTOR fall by the wayside.

I would gladly wait longer for its release if it would help publicize this grossly under appreciated MMO once the "shiny" wears off of WoD.




I don't want a bunch of WoW monkeys dictating when content in SWTOR is released. If they want to play WoW, let them enjoy their crappy graphics and friendly community. I'll deal with the game I enjoy here.

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I have been very impressed with the content cadence Bioware has maintained throughout the life of SWTOR. However, I have to wonder if this is a really bad time to release what looks like a beefy and strong Xpac.


With all the attention in the world being directed toward Warlords of Draenor (apparently its going to push WoW's numbers up to those of the glory days again) I would really hate to see such an important Xpac for SWTOR fall by the wayside.

I would gladly wait longer for its release if it would help publicize this grossly under appreciated MMO once the "shiny" wears off of WoD.



wait longer?


this game hasnt had a meaningful content update in over a year.


if they delayed this expansion i'd cancel my sub about 30 seconds after i read the announcement.

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SoR would have been positioned pretty well against WoD if circumstances hadn't changed. Anyone resubbing to WoW for WoD would have been up for subs renewal at roughly the time SoR was released (fully, not the headstart). But Blizzard extended everyones' WoW subs by 5 days because of their launch debacle.


There's always some rival product launching, whenever you schedule it. Circumstances change, dates shift. It's not really good marketing to try and compete (or not compete) too directly with other launches. Be aware of what rivals are doing, but focus on your own product and getting it right.


They couldn't change the SoR launch date now if they wanted to anyway, so just bring it on and let's hope it's a good one.

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Then wait. You don't need to buy it now. I happen to think 2014 has been an abysmal year for content (as in no new Ops, no new HM/SM FPs and one horribad WZ). The only thing I don't like about the timing for SoR, is how freaking long it took. This game stagnated this year...SoR is badly needed.
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