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Oh joy. J.J.Abrams ruined lightsabers.


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Watched it and he didn't.


Then again, I don't find the need to nitpick things to death because it didn't envision what I wanted out of a film.


"Oh noes, this alternate universe isn't exactly like the normal universe. Worse. Movie. Ever. "


Although I am not a fan of the reboot, being a classic Trekker through and through, the bigger issue I had, especially with the second film was the complete swiss cheese plot of the movie. It was simply terrible and didn't make sense in some areas in the slightest. When movies need to piece together action scene after action scene just to cover up the plot holes, it is not a good thing.


It's not about nitpicks.

It's about not really making Star Trek movies, and neither will he make Star Wars.


JJ made two generic, 100% forgettable kinda space action movies with Star Trek window dressings. Kinda nice to watch, but I don't remember anymore what they were even about. Something something stunts volcano boom.


Most odd-numbered ST movies are poorly conceived and made, but at least if you walk in on one, you won't be asking - "Is it Star Trek, is it Star Wars, or is it Harry Potter with lightsabers?"



People enjoyed these movies, heck, I did, but they didn't bring any new fans to ST, nor will ep7 bring any new fans to SW. JJ movies are not franchise builders that people start relationships with, they're instant gratification flicks. Jacking off in HD.


Can't really argue with that. Certainly Star Trek suffered from some very poor leadership in terms of the IP. The Scott Bakula series had a ton a promise, but was poorly handled. The difference between what makes an IP as legendary as Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who, etc. is the spirit that those beginning adventures in the universe contain. In terms of Star Trek, there is very little about the reboot that does justice, or honor, to any of the spirit that made Star Trek what it was. Should there be an announcement that there will be no more Star Trek movies made, ever, you will not see the type of revival campaigns that came about when the OS was under threat of cancellation twice.


We will have to wait and see if the same will hold true for Star Wars. I, for one, will at least give the benefit of the doubt until I see more. At the very least it can't be any worse than what we got with the Prequel Trilogy, and that was handed to us by the Creator Himself.

Edited by TravelersWay
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Ya know all these "JJ ruined ST, JJ ruined lightsabers, JJ ruined SW, JJ ruined the super bowl, JJ ruined the spaghetti....." :rolleyes: We've ALL seen exactly 1 1/2minute of this movie... all this talk of "it's not the traditional (insert gripes here) reminds me of of a certain DARTH in swtor whom I couldn't WAIT to kill and take his spot on the dark council.


I loved the originals, I enjoyed the prequels, And I'm sure I'll enjoy Ep7.

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I laughed at the obligatory lens flare during the Falcon scene but don't have any gripes with the saber. I don't recall anything similar in canon or EU but don't think it's a "ruiner".


Jabba bull****ing with Han and getting his tail stepped on and the other gratuitous CGI'd crap in the re-releases, Jar Jar Stinks, Hayden whatshisface as emo Anakin, I thought that stuff sucked. This teaser looks alright to me, can't wait to see more.



They're saving Bay for the last episode.


lol, pls no.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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I'mma put that lizard in a tank and ship him to a zoo. I want Malgus back, dammit!


There's a fine line between Space Opera and Soap Opera.

If they keep bringing everyone back from the dead, it will stop being Star Wars and it will start being The Sith & The Restless.

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This is the best example of the kind of attitude that leads to the destruction of IPs.

Something new happens and the reaction of certain individuals seems to always be "OH NO YOU RUINED IT FOR ME".


It's sad that in this day and age people have so much trouble understanding that anything that doesn't evolve and adapt, dies. It's even sadder that people would rather never watch anything new SW-related or have everything new be a dull repetition of the old and familiar SW lore, on the off chance something they had in their head a certain way somehow changes.


This is the reaction of someone who just watched a 1.5min teaser....



Does anyone believe anymore that even if JJ Abrams created the best movie of all time, certain people wouldn't react the same way the OP just did?


well when you find out all the EU was tossed into the garbage can so these new movies could basically do what ever they want and you now see some new kind of blade that is completely different from what you are use to its kinda kneejerk reaction, its also speculation... will this mean that is what all other litesabers will look like from now on??


Without an explanation, there is only speculation. We have been shown lightsabers beams to look a certain way, and through 6 movies and however many video games they have looked that certain way. Now we have this. It's only natural to be a little shocked after 37 years.




Not really.

Unless I'm mistaken, the double-bladed lightsaber didn't appear in the original trilogy. That's not the way lightsabers traditionally look so I don't see how this change is any different.


And just because something is done the same way for 37 years, doesn't mean it's not a good idea to change it. In fact, that's all the more reason to do so.


you are talking about hilts... the blades have not changed other than color and length

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Go Watch Star Trek And Tell Me He Doesn't Mess Stuff Up.


Well, they were the most financially successful (and thus most watched and most popular) Star Trek movies of all time... so... there's that.


Oh and BTW, some of the most common critizism that the Star Trek movie got from the "fans" was that it was "too much like Star Wars"...

So that's a promising thing :)

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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Star Trek and Star Wars are in differnt positions. Star Trek when JJA took over was basicly a franchise that was dying. the last movie had been a failure, and the last series had done so poorly it was canceled after only 3 seasons.

As such the conclusion at paramount was that Trek NEEDED TO CHANGE, and they went away from the cerebral talk things out approuch to a more actiony approuch. Star Trek basicly became more like Star Wars. SW meanwhile is a lot healthier as a franchise. basicly TLDR Star Trek they needed to "save with a reboot and re-tool for modern audiances" SW well... they just have to contiune the good thing they have going


umm no they aren't... they are pretty much in the same positions... Star Wars is basically getting a reboot. the EU is being tossed out and for the most part being ignored as ever happening, so in a way it is a kind of reboot.

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umm no they aren't... they are pretty much in the same positions... Star Wars is basically getting a reboot. the EU is being tossed out and for the most part being ignored as ever happening, so in a way it is a kind of reboot.


You're still going on about the EU? Good God. Get over it man. The EU was dead before the conversation even started. The EU wasn't sustainable.


Let me say this one more time so you get it...


These movies aren't made for people like you. They don't give two bantha asses about lore junkies. That is why they said nothing counts except the movies and cartoons.


As for the new lightsaber? I couldn't care less. I am looking for a good movie and for the movie to make some kind of sense (unlike the prequels). If they want a new lightsaber, fine. There is way more at stake here.

Edited by Arkerus
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These movies aren't made for people like you. They don't give two bantha asses about lore junkies. That is why they said nothing counts except the movies and cartoons.

The funny thing is, it appears that some of the "lore complaints" about the movie trailer are from clueless "fans" that don't even know the real lore.


For your viewing pleasure:



"I feel like we need a new term for geeks that don't bother to research existing lore before shooting their mouths off"



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You're still going on about the EU? Good God. Get over it man. The EU was dead before the conversation even started. The EU wasn't sustainable.


Let me say this one more time so you get it...


These movies aren't made for people like you. They don't give two bantha asses about lore junkies. That is why they said nothing counts except the movies and cartoons.


As for the new lightsaber? I couldn't care less. I am looking for a good movie and for the movie to make some kind of sense (unlike the prequels). If they want a new lightsaber, fine. There is way more at stake here.


why wasn't the EU sustainable?? it had been going strong now for 15 to 20 years now. Novel wise that is.. and the novels were backed by Lucas, everything had to go by him before being published.


and how am i a lore junkie?? and how is your comment even related to what i was talking about?? the guy i quoted said it was not a reboot like star trek was but i commented that it sorta is a reboot... the only difference is that a lot of people dont know it unless they have read the novels. unless that sith is one of the lost tribe sith it s a reboot of the EU and everything we have known has completely changed.


also i think a lot of the complaining about the lightsaber in this thread isn't complaining about the hilt... instead its about the blade. yes blades like it have been described in the past but they were kinda rare especially in this timeline and that explanation seams kinda unlikely. what seams more likely is that JJ thought it looked cool and just did it and got lucky that someone somewhere would know that a random jedi/sith had something like that in a comic/video game/rpg book. B^P

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umm no they aren't... they are pretty much in the same positions... Star Wars is basically getting a reboot. the EU is being tossed out and for the most part being ignored as ever happening, so in a way it is a kind of reboot.


Considering the fact that George Lucas didn't care one bit about the EU and contradicted it repeatedly (forcing a ton of EU "retcons") I'd say the EU was tossed out long long ago.

The only difference is this:

George Lucas on EU: "Don't care about it, they can do their stuff but I'll do whatever I want and if it contradicts the EU they'll have to change it in the EU".

Disney on EU: "That stuff is not confirmed, but we might use it in the future and if we do, it will become canon, but until then it's just legends"


I'd say Disney is the more gentle way of handling it.

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Disney will do their best imo. They've had their ups and downs, but they're a multi-billion dollar entertainment corp and I am certain they do not want this franchise to fail.


Having said that - the first three were awesome. But then Lucas forgot he was telling a story and not only turned a good story - BAD, with the next three episodes, with horrid writing and acting, he became over-enamored with special effects.


I'm willing to give the new movie the benefit of the doubt and not make a blanket judgement or statement based on a one minute trailer.

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Disney will do their best imo. They've had their ups and downs, but they're a multi-billion dollar entertainment corp and I am certain they do not want this franchise to fail.


Having said that - the first three were awesome. But then Lucas forgot he was telling a story and not only turned a good story - BAD, with the next three episodes, with horrid writing and acting, he became over-enamored with special effects.


I'm willing to give the new movie the benefit of the doubt and not make a blanket judgement or statement based on a one minute trailer.


I believe the new production crew mentioned they were using real props wherever possible and where it made sense. I am very confident we will not see three more green screen movies. Well, I am hopeful.

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I believe the new production crew mentioned they were using real props wherever possible and where it made sense. I am very confident we will not see three more green screen movies. Well, I am hopeful.


In the trailer where they show what looks like the Millenium Falcon, I was kind of bothered because it was heavily CG. I'm actually ok with them using some of that CG to enhance the movies but for the originals, it just felt more real and gritty the way they did it.

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