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Will you chase them?


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Quoted from Game Update 3.0 Class Changes: Scoundrel + Operative:


"Overall, Medicine healing was too good during Rise of the Hutt Cartel, so players of the discipline should brace themselves for a rebalancing that might seem a bit extreme. While it might seem extreme, this rebalancing is only aimed to bring Operative healing down to a level that allows other healers to be more competitive and prevents Operative healing from trivializing PvE content that is meant to be challenging."




OMG! OMG! OMG! Operative healers will finally be brought to par with the other healers! Will you take revenge on them for having destroyed PvP for so long? Will you punish them? Will you chase them? Even if it means not to accomplish the WZ's objectives? I surely will!!!!



Edited by Cretinus
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Ofc not.


1) It would be ignoring the main objectives. That is for baddies to do.

2) Those that keep playing operative heals are those that LIKE to play the spec, overpowered or not. They are not the FOTM-chasers.


FOTM's will go to FOTM. Not stay with operative heals.

Edited by vennian
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I've been playing OP heals since the game launched. It was the first healing spec I tried and the first one I really enjoyed.


Those of you that were here from the start will certainly remember that playing an OP healer back then was considered equally rewarding to hitting your head repeatedly against a brick wall.

People were literally quitting warzones if Operatives/Scoundrels in them were not Concealment (yes, back then concealment was king). Medics were that bad.


Nevertheless, I enjoyed the animations, the stealthing ability and the general "feel" of the class - and I still do.


Nerfs like the ones we're going to get don't phase me. In fact, I see them as a good way to see if I'm any good at it.

I love my OP healer - even though I now also like Merc and Sorc heals - and I'm sticking with him to the bitter end.


Oh and to reply to the OP.

I enjoy a good chase. I've become pretty good at kiting.

Edited by TheNahash
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Oh and to reply to the OP.

I enjoy a good chase. I've become pretty good at kiting.


Sure. Kiting 3-4 was easy on a pre-nerf, god mode op healer. Let's see how it works post-nerf. My guess is that you'll find yourself exactly where all other classes are, i.e. under focus fire you'll now eat dust and die like everybody else.

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