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Game Update 3.0 Class Changes: Scoundrel + Operative


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When an expansion is released, you think that your char become more strong, with new skills, more dps and healing, but not at SW:TOR, i'm just pre-ordered this expansion when is announced, but i really think this is the last expansion / subs i'm order/pay from this game, i'm pretty sure that you loose huge numbers of players if you don't understand what is correct and what is not, i don't want to pay for 1+ year and loose any progress in one second, i don't want to pay for become weaker, this really sucks imho, i'm hope someone here agrees with me, maybe in the next update our level cap become 30 because our level is "too high". :eek::eek::eek:


Work as intended, offcourse.


Agree with everything, i love operative for the things you want to take out from game :(

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God damn, Sins still have their opener, we are lost it. Sins still didn't have cooldowns for most abilities - but we have. Sins still have constant 8 force per second regen, but we are still have our 6 and lower energy per second.


Biodare, to finish up your hate to Opers you are really need to just delete this class! :mad:

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Check out the data thread, this supposedly OP class is also the least played, by MILLIONS.

If you didn't have eyes so you'll watch to some "data".

I have my eyes and the every WZ there is 2, maybe 3 opers only and most of them - are healers!

But always a tons of sorcs, sins, juggers. Guess what? That classes got buffed! Damn irony :mad:

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As a PvPr I'll be dancing a jig on the grave of this OP class. :p and :D and indeed :)


I'm sorry for those of you who use it as their main and will now have to descend from god-like status to mere mortalhood, but Scouperative healers wrecked competitiveness in WZ and they had to go.

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are you *********** serious Bioware? Have you even seen scoundrel/operatives healing in operations? and more importantly, have you seen PLAYERS (not Devs) actually healing in operations? most of them have no idea how to play their specs, punishing some just because other people wasn't able to learn their specs is freakin unfair.

I've seen sages that can easily outheal scoundrels by a huge margen and scoundrels doing the same thing.

We don't need balance, what we need is a system that allows players to use their brain and figure the stuff out.

But no, you're making swtor a game suitable for ****** players...this is the last expansion I buy for this game and you can say goodbye to another subscription.





Sounds lame, healers nerfed but DPS gets a HOT?


___________ rots your brain mkay?



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When an expansion is released, you think that your char become more strong, with new skills, more dps and healing, but not at SW:TOR, i'm just pre-ordered this expansion when is announced, but i really think this is the last expansion / subs i'm order/pay from this game, i'm pretty sure that you loose huge numbers of players if you don't understand what is correct and what is not, i don't want to pay for 1+ year and loose any progress in one second, i don't want to pay for become weaker, this really sucks imho, i'm hope someone here agrees with me, maybe in the next update our level cap become 30 because our level is "too high". :eek::eek::eek:


Work as intended, offcourse.

i totally agree with you.


I've played many mmorpg games and this is the first one i see with this kind of politics....


you add 5 levels?

ok but for what? adding 5 levels and downgrade the actual statistics is imho only a way for take time and money from players without really adding something new.


wanna add content?

perfect! but if you add content and meanwhile nullify the content added in the previous expansion there's something wrong.


adding new gear but nearly gift the endgame equip of the past expansion to all players?? where's the logic behind this??

Edited by kronoreborn
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It was REALY tough decision which class i should lvl till 12x boost exists. So far, i really enjoy assassin, thanks BW for making this decision much easier for me.... I really enjoyed to hear punching sounds in pvp, even when operative kicks the sht out from me. :)


Cya dirty fighters, i will miss you. <3


EDIT: Also, i think i'll sub for 1 more month, to beat the expansion, and than i'm done with paying for this crap...

Edited by MikeGadasin
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So for my Scoundrel healer, you are:


Nerfing healing so he'll be less useful in Operations and PvP

Nerfing his burst damage in PvP (removing Shoot First and Sabotage Charge)


What exactly should I be looking forward to?


To faces of relief when they don't get farmed in PvP anymore.


They will still hate Assassins, though.

And some Assassin players might actually like that. (See : "PvP and Personalities ...")

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Overall, Medicine healing was too good during Rise of the Hutt Cartel, so players of the discipline should brace themselves for a rebalancing that might seem a bit extreme. While it might seem extreme, this rebalancing is only aimed to bring Operative healing down to a level that allows other healers to be more competitive and prevents Operative healing from trivializing PvE content that is meant to be challenging.


Just thought I would chime in here...

The operative as it stands currently is the most viable pvp healer due to it's mobility and lack of channeled heals to avoid being interrupted. It also has stealth+flashbang to get out of those sticky situations.


Now in pve on the other hand, I would like to ask if the devs have even played their mercenary healing class? This class can provide an equal or greater amount of healing (depending on the fight) than the operative can. The only thing which it does not have is a self cleanse and a stealth to be able to stealth rez in battles. Now why is this relevant?


The operative is currently one of the best 8 man healers but in a 16 man setting is definitely the lowest on the totem pole. This creates balance between the classes because operative healers can be close to the top of the charts in 8 man and be similar to a merc but when put in a 16 man setting the mercenary will bypass the healing of any other healing class easily. Why on Earth would you nerf this to be unviable in both an 8 man setting and 16 man setting? You may as well just make like 3 mercenaries instead of any other healers because a 2 man merc combo in a raid is something I foresee in our future.:rolleyes:


In terms of the damage why would you remove hidden strike, explosive probe, and orbital strike? The operative healer at this current moment has the best burst damage of all healing classes but does not have the best sustained damage. The merc has the best AoE damage abilities. The sorcerer again also has greater sustained damage than an operative. These differences allow for a balance between the healers. If you decided to take it out purely to "balance" other specs then it was a lack of foresight on your part.


It seems as if the dev's don't know what "balance" really means as they are buffing one healer and making all the others extremely weak. It really makes me wonder who was in charge of these changes and what experience they had playing the healing classes.:confused:

Edited by TeenageGnome
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