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Nostalgia - let's travel back to 1.0


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Started on Zaalbar, abandoned my characters to reroll on the Harbinger.


I remember..

- Being the only person on every planet from Alderaan to Corellia (never saw a heroic until I re-rolled on Harbinger).

- Getting on Mumble to have a nice, random group member walk us all through the shortcuts in BoI FP (still friends with that person now!)

- Having a special global chat channel (LFG) set up prior to the addition of groupfinder. And getting a lot of groups that way.

- Karagga's Palace actually being troublesome to get through (especially the rooms with the technicians/creeper droids; to this day, someone always runs in, and finding a tank that could move Karagga properly).

- The server being crazy active 24 hours, courtesy of the huge APAC community.

- Never pugging Lost Island, because it was a nightmare getting a group that didn't know how to fight the droid or the Savrak/Savrap (sp).

- Getting my face melted on my first FP (KuS), and having a kind sage in full Tionese gear pass on drops so I wouldn't be such a mess.

- Just finishing up Corellia, and seeing a sage in full Rakata in our heroic 4 quest, and thinking "Sweet head fan + oven mitt combo. I need to raid."

- Watching the first SWTOR guild summit stream, and being so excited for things to come.

- Having a packed friends list (once I rerolled on Harbinger) with a large portion of people on frequently, to always fill in groups. Since coming back to the game after a year away, I haven't seen a single one on. :(

- Being SO EXCITED for server consolidations, and the luck that Zaalbar was being consolidated to Harbinger.

Edited by Nicolettexiv
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Three is still true. Or at least I mock them in my head.

Nine is still true. Still can't figure out by people bother leaving planets below the highest level range for the planet.

Twelve is true. Just buried under all the other chat.

Thirteen is just common sense. How am I supposed to know what you need help with if you don't tell us?


Fourteen is still true.

Thirty-two is still true for F2P and preferred players.

Thirty-three is true.

Thirty-five is still true.



The rest sounds like I missed out on tons of fun.

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25) Upon receipt of one's Social Badge, one may regard oneself as "the bomb". One must proceed to dish out humorous quips in Coruscant general chat. One may then discard the Social Badge and ponder its existence in the game.



This so much! To this day I am still trying to figure out what that damn badge is for!

Also this is an awesome and so spot on list :p

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A few of my favorites:


Seeing that Imperial/Republic Targeting Device on the early-planet vendor. Plunking down the credits for it. Cleaning out your cargo bay thirty levels later and finding it. Realizing you never bothered to use it because it's utterly worthless. Throwing it away.


Carefully deciding when to use your Emergency Fleet Pass, because you didn't want to waste the 24-hour cooldown.


Playing space missions for the dailies, because they're actually worthwhile.


Companion gifts don't stack, because why would anyone ever want to have a lot of those?


Getting rich off of Slicing lockbox missions. Also, completely ignoring augment missions, because augments are borderline useless.


C2-N2 and 2V-R8 never, ever, ever shut up. Like, even more so than nowadays.


Stubbornly refusing to spend the credits on a speeder because you're getting around fine without one. Making it to the Dune Sea. Immediately changing your mind.


Exploring the Dune Sea with your newly acquired speeder. Finding that glowing skull surrounded by dead Jawas. Wondering what it does. Clicking it to find out. Finding out, the hard way.


Finishing Alderaan. Polishing off whatever remained of your Chapter 1 missions and unlocking Legacy. Naming your Legacy. Forgetting about it completely, because that's all it is.

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oh lordie, the memories...


I remember painstakingly farming the mats and the recipe for my epic crafted speeder. even now with all the abundance of speeders - my vanguard uses her crafted one, because my god, that took forever.


getting my ship, buying lvl 1 ship upgrades and immediately doing every available space mission, because they leveled you like whoa. not to mention... dying and dying and losing that damn ship in Jaabim escort before I figured out how to do that mission. wearing my Fly Girl title with pride.


farming space missions for weeks, just so my vanguard's crew could have matching outfits for the final cutscene. outfits they would never use otherwise, becasue social gear was still light armor only.


and speaking of social gear. being ridiculously happy when getting medium/heavy non-class belt or bracer drop early on. those sold for an arm and a leg, as they were the rarest moddable pieces to get at early levels.


learning to craft my first full set of matching moddable armor.


edited to add.


not only sprint at 14. first mount at 25 and spending all your available credits on it. going without fastest mount at 50 for a while, because they used to be so damn expensive..


oh and proudly running around with green crystal on a Sith sorc, after finally FINALLY getting enough light side points to be able to use that lucky saber drop.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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My favourite bug was actually pre-1.0 from the second beta weekend.


When you first loaded the game it would pop up with a black windowed screen, to be replaced with the 1.x loading screen image after awhile, and then awhile later actually loading.


Took a few minutes. If at any time in those few minutes you did ANYTHING, click on it, tab away, whatever, the entire install would break and had to redownload the entire game.


I get the shivers thinking what would have happened if that bug made it into the 1.0 build...



As for my 1.0 (2.0 as well? took them awhile to fix) was discovering Ashara's agile robes were a midrift exposing piece when they got around to giving her skin (I thought the horrible purple stuff was part of the piece)


going mountain climbing on korriban on first inquisitor mission because I didn't realize you were supposed to go THROUGH the tomb of ajunta pall to get to the academy. Then they put a lift in where the rocks I used used to be.


listening to inqs asking in chat on korriban where they can exchange khem for vette. (still wouldn't mind this...)


stun/electrocute etc 30 m range.


Grinding. Grinding, Grinding to get higher level to beat Zash. then discovered interrupts.


excessive use of the flare gun.


holographic twi'lek dancers everywhere, to be replaced by folk in the slave girl set dancing EVERYWHERE on the fleet.


being the ONLY ONE on my server in the days before the automatic forced consolidation. So awesome, so little lag... never had to wait for a second batch of loading every time I go to the fleet.

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being the ONLY ONE on my server in the days before the automatic forced consolidation.


I miss my origin server greatly, though In the last days before The Great Merge I could complete entire planets and bonus series without ever meeting a fellow traveller. 20 people on the fleet was impressive at the end.

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I demand this be stickied and never be removed, ever.... including even after site shut down in the future.


I typed this up on Notepad first before submitting and it is therefore saved to my computer, if Bioware ever were to decide to purge my recommendations and ideology in a metaphorical book-burning.

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Some other things I'd add:


-The massive QQ in the forums about how underpowered Sentinels/Marauders were in PvP at launch and before 1.2. Remember when your interrupt, soft stun, and accuracy debuff used to cost focus/rage?


-Getting to level 50 on pub side and thinking you would do the easiest HM flashpoint, The Esseless with 11k HP. It's the first flashpoint, so it has to be the easiest, right? Subsequently getting smashed by headshot, the adds (before people started moving the boss to the upper platform), and ultimately, the enrage timer. Later learning that the imp version was, in fact, the easiest HM flashpoint.


-Doing all of the bonus series quests. Not leaving a single planet for the better part of a week. Logging back in on my original toon years later and having the only quest-giving NPC markers when I run around on fleet/on planets come from repeatable or brand new content. I've done all the other breadcrumbs, planetary quests, and bonus series.


-Actually being able to earn BIS gear by doing dailies (Rakata ears and implants, in later versions, relics) and get set bonus pieces in flashpoints as a reward for a legitimately challenging experience. Later having Bioware make non-set pieces from ops/elsewhere have increasingly crap itemization in contrast.


-250k? speeder 3 training...


-Wiping at 1% on the first boss on EV HM in the early days because the raid group is made of up 7 Jedi and 1 commando. No 5% crit smuggler buff...


-Within said 7 Jedi/1 commando, always downing a boss and then seeing to our horror that the majority of the loot was always either "This item is designated for (the commando)" or later on just seeing only aim pieces drop anyway. Looking on in envy when his Elara, Jorgan, and Vik still had better gear than most of us weeks later.


-Amidst all the initial Soa quirkiness, that at least if it looked like it was going to be a wipe, you could just exit area as long as nothing was hitting you. Easiest from inside a mind trap. Unless you were the tank, then you were expected to stay and sacrifice yourself so the rest of the group didn't have a repair bill.


-In PvP, cheering when we got a ragtag group of imps one out of every 15 games in 50s. Smashing them and playing same-faction Hutball for the remainder of the night as they all logged off. Not that I don't love me some (real) Hutball.


-Driving around on Ilum and box farming. FOR HOURS. And that Battlemaster token RNG...

Edited by Mugen_no_Jidai
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