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What is your guild's interest in Conquests ~ 60 days later?


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My guild cares, I have no idea why. It's irritating to think I might someday be kicked for not participating on a particular week.


I was actually kicked out the guild I was in for not participating in Conquest because the guild I was in was obsessed to the point of credit sinking. Like the GM is hurting for money so bad this week they are selling the ship frameworks for their ship which is not 100% either.

When I joined that guild I joined for conquest but it was not a required thing, now after it's gotten this serious you get kicked for not having points. Oh & I was not informed I was going to be kicked I assumed, and logged in to my toons to find them guildless. The guild treated anyone who didn't do conquest like trash anyway. So no loss there.

They just can't take a loss though. 2 weeks in a row of losing & it's made them so mad! lolz

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I see interest or resources waning as guilds that never place in the top 10 do so and the high numbers of the early days have dropped. Fewer guilds seem to be interested in trying for #1 when it simply isn't possible without wasting lots of resources and time.


I'd credit that to the fact that guilds have gotten bored, unlocked their ships, the 12xp class story boost for leveling alts, and the time effort for the rewards just aren't that great especially after you've gotten them over and over. But I still see pretty much the same few guilds winning the top spot for whatever reasons they have to do so, bragging rights, they enjoy the rewards etc.

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agree but make no mistake thats anew (well WOW and beyond) attitude in the MMORPG


Before WOW dumbed it all down the "effort" or "competition" was enough for the mass majority of the player bases out there.


DAoC made a entire RVR system off the "effort" and "competition" and while far from perfect you never heard people whining for more rewards by doing less there.


Original EQ was the master of virtual carrot on a stick design and masses ate it up for long over a decade.

Some complained about how hard the grind was there but almost no one whined for instant gratification and bigger rewards for less activity.


List goes on and on and on.


As II said before

Its the new player mentality that they be rewarded for simply logging in thats making any attempts at competitive content fail over all.


Was a time (a much better time IMO) where PVP was all about ego, reputation, being the best

No one was demanding special gear, speeders, ect for doing the content because doing the content and striving to be the best (through reputation) was reward enough in its own.


Now we gotta give out participation rewards and rewards like speeders that make no sense at all (as you cant use a speeder in SW:TOR PVP) and more.


All because modern gamer need to be coddled and pampered just for participation and being so dag nab "special "


Huge issue of this genre now a days cause devs spend less time on designing good quality content then they do spend designing "participation rewards" so no one has their tender little feelings hurt


Simply not helping game or genre at all this mentality that every single thing you do needs some special form of recognition and reward.


Rewards should be about doing something spectacular and unlikely (or at least difficult)

Rewards shouldn't be about having your tender little feelings stroked for taking a step in game


25-35-50 k conquest points a week is ultra easy and simplistic to obtain

Yet we see numerous people whining its not enough and they need to be coddled even more


As I said, its shameful and its a mentality killing this genre bit by bit by bit since WOW first dumbed everything down and started the whole "everyones a winner" nonsense in MMORPGs.


Actually, WoW saved the genre. Welcome to the changes of a society living in the 21st Century, and as such changes to the forms of entertainment that society demands and enjoys. Without WoW and the paradigm shifts in the gaming industry we have experienced, you would have no MMOs to speak of at this point in time. Perhaps you should take those Rose-colored glasses off, because as someone who was there since before the beginning, those early days of MMOs weren't all they were cracked up to be. But regardless, you can thank WoW for saving the genre, and as such thank WoW for ensuring that some of those games that you so praise are still around to be played.

Edited by TravelersWay
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Our goal is to win every planet for the titles. Maybe get into a PVP fights every once in a while and in general spur our guild to play any content as a group (old or new).


The individual rewards are not enough and not really all that great to really care about but we do want all the titles and especially the Galactic Conquer title once were done.


It great for getting the guild to do something together.

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LOL kid (cause thats how your acting) I fully enjoy my time and do everything I wish to do in game because truth is conquests take up maybe 10% of my play time to get those numbers.


Just because you cant figure out (whats clearly hilited for you in this very thread on how to do it numberous times) doesnt make others egotistical or anything


It just makes you rather ...

well lets leave it at that


You made a false statement

I corrected your false statement with facts

Stop being so self centered and realize your EXCUSES are not fact and do NOT give you the justification you think they do


Really you should have just left it as "I have no interest in Conquest points and thus choose not to participate" and moved on


It was you and YOUR ego that brought forth the whole big guild whine and cant compete whine.



Accept it and move on




Dont disagree Bobo.

And yes I do it through Crafting


(5th companion wont make a difference as what I do is hit the weekly mark in first day through crafting on 7 characters (currently, soon to be 10) and then stop earning points except for points that come from normal play on my assorted mains (through flash points, Ops, Heroics, Weeklies, ect)


What 6 companions will do for me is make it ALLOT easier to recap materials used to hit those marks

But as my points based on characters rather then companions it will not raise conquest points (with the one exception of crafting weeks where invasion plans are repeatable in which case a 6th companion will hugely increase my weekly output that week).


Honestly Conquest point gathering for me takes almost no time away from playing.

the only issue is remembering to be consistant and run material missions non stop while playing (its easy to forget and let companions be idle) and remember to set up full materal gain missions (all characters) 2-3 times a day.


As for being crafting to win, Yes I agree it would be awesome if it was more then just crafting.

Those first few weeks were my guild was going to the wire Monday morning to squeek into the top 10 at #10 was EXCITING and fun.


People were running flashpoints all day long

Doing world bosses

Doing heroics and ops


and while I personally refuse to do lvl 55 warzone PVP (and will wait out EA till they put joystick control in for GSF, no matter how long that takes) im told those queues were popping fast as well


It was fun, exciting, entertaining, and good for game


No argument at all on that aspect


But even with all that in mind I still dont think the rewards to crafting in conquest a bad thing because of all the damage done to crafting in every other aspect of game.


Dont get me wrong,


Id gladly trade in my conquest points making ability to remove armor and weapons and speeders and other craftable items from the cartel shop so that crafters could once again sell wares and have a use in equiping players


Id gladly trade in my conquest points making ability to remove ALL purple gear (other then 55 com gear from basic, elite, ultimate, ops drops) from any vendors ensuring all crafters had a line of goods better then whats sold by NPC for leveling up. (you should be able to buy green mods, armor, enhancements only from NPC vendors. Blue and purple should be crafter made only)


Id LOVE for this game to embrace crafters and make them important outside of conquest points


But they dont and will not

So crafters being able to do the points like they do in conquest is the trade off imo


But lets be honest here, learning conquest crafting recipes is ultra ultra ultra easy that even the most lazy player could do.


The problem is not crafters dominating conquests

the problem (as I showcase in reply to person above you) is players whining they cant do something when in fact they CAN do it, they however refuse to do it, and then complain its some evil bias of the game.


No word of lie, over the 12x xp I been making some conquest characters (I have all the mains Ill ever play so these just bonus characters) and they literally level to end of Nar Shaddaa for 3rd companion, craft to first teir conquest recipes (around 200 skill) and then are easily set to hit weekly mark every week despite never leaving strong hold


My strong hold bonus is STILL only 38% so when I eventually do get it to 100% imagine how much easier these points will be.


Yes its craft to win in conquests

but its not hard, difficult, or really even challenging

One simply only need desire to spend a few minutes a day to do it


I think it would be grossly more unfair if you were required to spend hours upon hours upon hours entering warzones or GSF or any other play style content


The more time it takes, the more unbalanced it becomes because of real limitations on different play styles and types


Crafting takes but minutes so the casual vrs hardcore excuse doesn't fly

the big guild vrs small guild excuse doesn't fly

none of the excuses fly as crafting takes but minutes and is only limited by ones own desire and determination


and honestly, even though above poster pretends these companions should be programming for her and her alone, they can not design to improve players own dedication and determinations.


They can only give them the tools to battle on a equal playing field


Crafting allows for that simply put



Having said all that Id gladly give it all up, guild ship (which is not to costly as some claim), conquests, top 10, all of it for a full sized planet that enables DAoC style RVR where we fight the empire (or empire fights us) for control of the planet via open world pvp (but allowing us to seige and claim outposts and bases and defend them and what not).


DAoC had an excellent system that promoted faction unity and rewarded the whole faction rather then just some guilds of faction.


That type of conquest would be amazing in this game

And it would even promote crafting by having crafters build the bases defenses and support units (in here could be turrets, reinforce walls/sheilds, droid defenders, ect) that upgrade the different capture objectives.


But sadly we just dont have that and probably never will because adding that would be a death strike to Warzone PVP.

Oh, so I'm the one with the ego, huh? Your condescending "kid" comment aside, everything you've said has centered around "I can craft and make get my name on a leaderboard that means nothing, so everyone should do so."


If a player (or group of players) chooses not to participate in craftquest because we fail to see adequate rewards for our efforts, that's our prerogative.


Go crawl back under your bridge and understand that we're not all going to play the game your way.

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I'm not about to quote Kalfeer on all that he said last. There was a lot of it and he obviously took the time and effort to show he cares. There was a little punch back but to be fair, it was no more than what was given to him as well.


What he said does have a lot of truth to it. I may not agree with all of it, but I am also glad that its crafting over grinding some other aspect over and over again. At least crafting does provide you the opportunity to play other parts of the game in between. There was a somewhat recent quote from Carbine's Jeremy Gaffney that i can't help but recall when I think of how conquests are currently set up




"If there is a fun thing to do that is inefficient and a horribly boring thing like smacking yourself in the face with a shovel next to it that gives more XP, players will do more XP. They'll try the fun thing once or twice but then go, 'No, I can't help it. I need to hit level 50. I want my end goal more than I want my journey.' So it's very easy to have the journey trivialized.


Achievement is the love of watching bars grow -- that's our industry. I don't think there's a more fundamental human need that gets tapped into by these games than watching your bars advance, and that feeling of progression -- of being able to say, 'I am tougher than I was before."


In this case, whatever they allow as the repeatable objective is our shovel. There use to be more repeatable objectives but now its come to crafting being the most efficient one. The funny thing is that his quote also applies to the whole idea of 12x XP, and why people are against dps going down with 3.0 and probably a ton of other things in the game as well. That's a different conversation though.


As far as conquests go, I do think crafting could use some attention, but there are better ways of doing that that making it the primary way to win conquests. I'd love to see it changed one of these days. The idea of open world pvp is tempting, but I'm not sure the community is ready for it. Just think of all the threads that show up when we have an open world pvp event that turns into gank heaven:) I like the idea of crafting to fortify your factions bases though. IDK, maybe there is something to that they could do to make everyone happy. For now, I'd be happy to see the repeatable objectives removed or set a cap and stop with the account lockouts.

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Was a time (a much better time IMO) where PVP was all about ego, reputation, being the best

I disagree. That type of PvP mentality is self defeating. PvP depends on others playing with you...PvP has to be "fun", even in a loss, or it will wither and die. An ego can drive many things, but that same ego generally also can't handle losing...that's when "ego" driven players quit the game.

Edited by TUXs
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I have zero interest in it now, and I've even neglected to invade a planet the past couple weeks. I think only one person in the guild has even noticed. The competition was kind of fun at first, and we made some pushes as a guild, but in the end it was just a lot of grinding for not a lot of reward. It burned out a lot of members really quickly, including myself.


Part of it for me as well was the objectives. PVE objectives are a load of crap, they all have lockouts of some kind and pretty much require you to grind every single day in order to get enough points, if that's even enough. Which is really unfortunate because PVE is pretty much all my guild and I participate in. But I know that most weeks it won't even get me my weekly goal. Even if it bored me crazy, at least when The Esseless/Black Talon was repeatable I could run them through in a day if that's all the time I had that week. Weekends are the time when I have the most time available to grind stupid stuff, but I couldn't for PVE even if I wanted to. It's tied to a daily that I'd have to commit to all week.


I don't like PVP, and the rewards were nerfed since conquests started. Crafting is a PITA, and I don't care enough to be replenishing my stocks each week, even though it's universally the best way to get points.


It's just grind grind grind...for a point on a scoreboard that means nothing.


Instead, we've started doing weekly events as a guild where we go around and kill commanders. We get all the comraderie that conquests are supposed to bring, but without the crappy grind. Going around as a large group killing things is much more satisfying than any of the objectives that conquests has to offer. And we actually get good rewards for doing it.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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My guild has topped our leaderboard on all bar two weeks since it started.

Initially, it was awesome. A lot of people came back to the game and got involved.

As it's gone on, it's become more of a chore. Now, I can't wait for us to get all the planets and be done with it, which is maybe 6-7 weeks away.


There are things that could and should be done to revamp it. I'd welcome some way of getting smaller guilds. It does lessen the accomplishment when 90% of the server don't care about it, or at least proclaim loudly that they don't care about it. (Yes, all of you 'I don't care about conquest' posters, mission accomplished.)

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once i got all the nodes i had interest in, it totally fell for me. put a lot of efforts in the start and ended in top 10 only, without winning any planet on 3 different guilds.

and when i changed server and joined a winning guild, and won 3 planets on three weeks, well i didn't feel the accomplishment i espected, probably because that wasn't ''my'' server'' didn't enjoy competing with people i know from pugs or raids or pvp, or just wandering on the fleet..


it's not a bad thing if you can compete, but its just not something i have fun doing, i prefere a lot the progression raids, which are unaffected by conquest, and warzones, which i won't comment about.

unless you have a hard competition with another guild, and unless you have the credits and the people to craft and grind GF ops on a lot of alts, it's really hard to do it.

and i don't pass much time on the flagship...i'd give a 6.5/10 to the whole thing

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From what I can tell, guild members will do the conquest objectives if they happen to fit into their usual routine. Otherwise, there is no interest at all.


One of the guilds for which I am a member just unlocked our Guild Ship two weeks ago. We like running around the ship and goofing off, but interestingly enough, don't give a squat about Conquest.


Guild Leader invaded a planet with a PvP bonus and our Guild members just do their normal thing. If it gets us Conquest points, great. If not, so what. We're like #7 on one of the planet lists. That's fine with us.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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The joy and thrill of doing conquest requires that winning be an option, or at least possible. For most people, it isn't. When you can't win, most people don't want to play.


Just this. It's not really fun when you only have 3 planets up for grabs and you can bet the large guilds tend to "avoid" invading the same planet. We were placing top ten every week up until about 2-3 weeks ago, now we just don't bother.

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The novelty only lasts for so long. There was nothing really new about this update apart from the houses. The entire conquest system was "Go grind all the stuff you stopped grinding ages ago because it was pointless and boring for some achievement points."


It was only a matter of time before people realised that, "Guys, we stopped doing this because they was no point. Theres still not much of a point...."

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Since they never offered any WPvP aspect I was never interested from the beginning. What an awesome opportunity for opposing faction guilds to war on planets to complete Conquest objecties totally ignored.


Since TfB and RotHC we've gotten a pretty good amount of content to see the direction the new dev team is taking and it's frankly disappointing. At three years in I expected waaaaaay more development of some hard core aspects of the game like exotic/relic/legendary weapons/gear, new end game modes of play, and more development of warzones.


Sadly, it appears that all SWTOR will ever offer is going to be FP's and Operations. And then Conquest will be a way for the devs to rehash old content. With the current direction it's just clear that SWTOR will never develop beyond this very easily accessible content for casual players that like to decorate doll houses and buy candy from the cartel shop.

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