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What is your guild's interest in Conquests ~ 60 days later?


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I for one was excited when Conquests came out because it gave me a "carrot on a stick" reason to go see some material I hadn't in the past. FPs, Heroic Missions, etc.


Now roughly 2 monthly after launch, I'm over it. My guild was polarized on the issue. Had a few people like me that were on fire at the beginning. Now, I think the only conquest points we get as a guild are the ones that we get for doing the things we would be doing anyways (FPs, GF, Ops).


Feels like a lull before the expansion, and disinterest among my guild. Was just curious how other guilds were doing with conquests and the enthusiasm levels.

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Sadly, I think it polarized a lot of guilds, mine included. Some people loved the competition, others felt that it was too much of a drain on time and resources which led to resentments. The big problem was that there was no way for a guild to be competetive unless everyone contributed which made some feel pressured and others, let down. It's unfortunate. I really enjoyed it but we had to pretty much let it go.
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My main guild just got a flagship but, even before that, we were cool to the idea. It really isn't our focus.


My alt guild tried to be hyper-competitive at first. Some still dig on it but the realization of how much grinding it is has dampened things. It's hard to tell if the spark will come back once 12XP is done and we've explored Revan's expansion but I doubt it.

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If they made the reward worth the "grind" I could see it still being worthwhile. A few thousand credits, some resource nodes that are pretty much useless and an encryption if you get lucky enough to make top 10 are nowhere near the amount of time and resources it takes to succeed. On Jedi Covenant the same mega guilds make the top spot every week with upwards of 5-10 million in conquest points so the title is pretty much unattainable unless you belong in to one of those guilds. Overal, not really worth it in my opinion.
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Personally Ive always loved Guild competition and leader boards so for me I love it still and still routinely pump out 250,000-2,000,000 points a per week (depending on weeks of course, 250,000 being the low end weeks) in my rep guild.


But guild has definitely cooled on the concept and numbers have lowered drastically.


Once we have guild ship fully opened I have no doubt it will probably be down to 3-4 of us gathering 90% of the weekly points.


Fun idea but I think planetary RVR conquest (ala DAoC style frontiers RVR) would have had a better longer term return for EA and SW:TOR over all.

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We've always just focused on "play how you want" and hopefully make the top 10. Planned to push this week for a win, and got blown away by Thursday. Oh well.


I thought they should have brackets based on guild size. Kind of like how they supposedly bracket matchmaker for PVP based on rating. E.g. < 50, 50-200, 200+ or something. Could negatively impact recruiting though if a competitive guild hits 200 though so probably won't happen.

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My interest in the whole F'ing GAME is waning... been here since 1/12 and haven't seen as much crap in all this time as I see now and whoever thought up the uncleansable DOTS fiasco should be F'ing fired. Conquests and any work the devs are doing is just wasted time and it is sad for a great game to be put through the ringer of HIT OR MISS changes that have no thought behind them other than the seemingly proposed "lets try this and see what happens". Can't wait for the "3.0, 60 days later" thread, if I'm still around at that point.
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None. Conquests don't even give any rewards.


This is the attitude hats killing MMORPG genre over all

This and players demanding more and more and more for free


You shouldn't only be doing content for rewards

the joy and thrill of doing (in Conquest sake it would be the competition of it) should be enough


The more people demand rewards for every little aspect

the more the genre suffers over all


Conquests don't give great rewards but they do give some

and that some can be put to fantastic usage no less

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My interest in the whole F'ing GAME is waning....


Im moving towards that as well honestly


The more free stuff they give to none subscribers, the more they dumb down content making it boring and unchallenging, the more they speed up leveling so the very worst players are allowed to negatively effect everyone else around them.


These are things that have been pushing me out again.


Ive pre ordered the expansion and will obviously play it


but come Feb when The Witcher 3 releases.

Its really starting to trend that that game will just flat out replace this game for me.


Between The Witcher 3, new Civilization game, and Dragon Age Inquisition, its not like there is not high quality options to replace this game out there


Unless some mentality shifts in EA happen in near future and we stop just handing everything away mindlessly and rewarding no effort and no dedication (to learn class).


Time to see EA focus more on its loyal subscriber base (who by their own admission create most of the revenue anyways through subs and cartel shop purchases). Start putting in content to challenge and entertain us long term and stop giving into pressure to constantly dumb down game and ruin content

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I have only one planet left before I get my new title. After that the rewards and crafting grind make conquest pretty meaningless. Crafting in particular is just blatantly pay to win or grind to win. More points for killing bosses on planets would be nice.
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If they made the reward worth the "grind" I could see it still being worthwhile. A few thousand credits, some resource nodes that are pretty much useless and an encryption if you get lucky enough to make top 10 are nowhere near the amount of time and resources it takes to succeed. On Jedi Covenant the same mega guilds make the top spot every week with upwards of 5-10 million in conquest points so the title is pretty much unattainable unless you belong in to one of those guilds. Overal, not really worth it in my opinion.


Sadly, I think it polarized a lot of guilds, mine included. Some people loved the competition, others felt that it was too much of a drain on time and resources which led to resentments. The big problem was that there was no way for a guild to be competetive unless everyone contributed which made some feel pressured and others, let down. It's unfortunate. I really enjoyed it but we had to pretty much let it go.


From what I can tell, guild members will do the conquest objectives if they happen to fit into their usual routine. Otherwise, there is no interest at all.


These reflect my own experience and impressions. I consider it just another aspect of the game that not everyone will take part in and that not every guild will (be able to) take part in. For example, my guild is a casual guild of like-minded people with a busy RL, playing for fun in their limited free time. The grind it would take to make top ten would far exceed our weekly resources in terms of time, credits and materials. If we end up close to the personal conquest goal we push a little to get it, but it's not the primary focus or even the 5th or 10th. The rewards don't really make it worth our precious time. But it looks like some guilds have the capacities, capabilities and motivation to do it, and if that's what they enjoy and want to do and work toward (i.e. the title), then I'm happy there's another aspect of the game keeping players interested.

Edited by KyaniteD
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My guild doesnt even give 2 *****. We were LOOSELY interested when it first came out, but after seeing the little rewards and how difficult it is for us to even get on the board (much less top 3) no one even makes the slightest effort.


And to be clear, we are a decent size guild (300+) it is just we are a very casual guild with maybe 20 people who enjoy doing things like raiding.

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The biggest argument my guild had was what to do with the 50 million we decided NOT to spend on the guild flagship in order to participate in Craftquest.


Rewards vs Time and credit expenditure is so laughable, it's almost beyond description.


As an aside, the scores on my server are waaaaay down compared to where they were two, three, four weeks ago.

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This happens because we recycle the old content, it would be great if we had some exclusive conquest content and as far as I know, bioware is into that (?)


My guilds fall also...only 1 remains the other one, even if our numbers are high and we need just 20.000 conquest points to be on top 10.... we dont bother.

Edited by Oyranos
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My guild will participate to place #1 every month or two. An entire week of repetitiveness isn't really fun. And is a drain on my time, resources, and fun in the game. The system overall is lazily designed and flawed.


The only real motives we have to participate are for the cool titles, competition against much larger guilds and placing #1 or a very close #2. And each conquest we commit the following weeks to an rp deployment to that planet.


But overall, conquests are not fun.

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None. We still do the same old things but we aren't trying to make the leader board any more since making it non-stop since the beginning.


As soon as it ceased to be fun, we stopped. The rewards just aren't worth the effort you put in to try to make the leader board, let alone conquering a planet.


As a guild, we found that it's much more guild like to just do things as a group without putting an artificial pressure on ourselves.

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We "invade" a planet just so some people who want their personal rewards for the goodies can do it.


I've personally reached my personal points twice since this whole thing started. And it sucked, lol.... I find the grind for it just demoralizing to say the least

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