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Trash talking: what's the point?


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I am honestly curious.


What is the purpose of the trash talk I see from "skilled pilots" or "aces"?


Example: Pilot A solo queues and is put into a domination match with a number of pilots who either lack upgrades or are still getting used to the game. Pilot A ends up topping the scoreboard for kills, assists, and dps. Throughout the match, Pilot A was derisive, saying things in ops chat such as "Do I even have a team?" and "Oh, I do have a team. They're just terrible." At the end of the match, Pilot A observes the scoreboard and types, "You all need to uninstall." The examples given are only a sample of Pilot A's trash talk throughout the match.


I don't think Pilot A's attitude is helpful. I think it demonstrates that Pilot A is a poor sport.


But... what is the point of putting down other players like this? What do the "Pilot A" types get out of it?

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Cruelty can actually be addictive.


For the record, I DO believe a bit of trash talk can be helpful. Not like what you describe. I do think that telling bads that they need to get better can be helpful. But if you are going to give feedback, you need to give constructive feedback. It's also good to give both positive and negative feedback- if a thousand things happen and you comment on the two hundred negative ones...

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I am honestly curious.


What is the purpose of the trash talk I see from "skilled pilots" or "aces"?


Example: Pilot A solo queues and is put into a domination match with a number of pilots who either lack upgrades or are still getting used to the game. Pilot A ends up topping the scoreboard for kills, assists, and dps. Throughout the match, Pilot A was derisive, saying things in ops chat such as "Do I even have a team?" and "Oh, I do have a team. They're just terrible." At the end of the match, Pilot A observes the scoreboard and types, "You all need to uninstall." The examples given are only a sample of Pilot A's trash talk throughout the match.


I don't think Pilot A's attitude is helpful. I think it demonstrates that Pilot A is a poor sport.


But... what is the point of putting down other players like this? What do the "Pilot A" types get out of it?


<- Player A feels this way
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I have never observed someone talking **** AND actually performing well in the match. Any time I've seen people being horrible in chat their performance in the end tends to be kind of average or (more likely) well below average for the team. (Because they're wasting all of their time ranting like a lunatic instead of actually playing the game.) Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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Nah, I've definitely seen players bring decent numbers AND complain. The guys you are talking about are not, I don't think, the subject of the thread.


Quite right. I agree with you on all counts.


I can see how lashing out can be cathartic... other than that I am inclined to agree that it is just cruelty for cruelty's sake. I don't even think that kind of negativity even makes anyone feel better about themselves. Hard feelings don't result in good feelings...


Poor sports go on my ignore list. I don't care how good they are as pilots.


<- Player A feels this way


So Pilot A feels like an arrogant a-hole that makes sucky music about how awesome he is in his own mind. Gotcha.

Edited by Ymris
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There is no reason for abusive speech like you have described. But I do understand getting frustrated. I have yelled at my team on a couple different occasions when people are dicking around in Dom and we end up losing a sat because people are out in the boondocks spinning circles or whatever.


I generally try to keep it constructive but there have been times where I lost my patience and got snappy. Never told someone to uninstall, but I have told people things like "Cant do this alone guys" or "what the hell are you guys doing".


As to why people do this? Being pissed off is one reason, being a bad sport is another. Some people are just ******es though, these are people that do it all the time or in every game. Those are the people to ignore.

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To be honest, I sometimes type things like 'fail team' on ops chat (I am easy to anger, maybe a hidden darksider :p).

However, this requires the team to make really drastic mistakes like:

- Domination: close score, we have 2 sats. On one of our sat are 4 defenders, 2 attackers; all 4 defenders going after a single ship, while the second caps the sat... no one returns after the sat turns white, getting a kill is more important for them.

- With TDM match score like 20:15 pressing the attack just into enemy spawnships then hitting the gunshipwall repeatedly. Match ends 40:50, with 2 players having 30 kills, rest 0-1-2 and 5-6 deaths



Also, sometimes I got really angered when someone says 'gg' after a match that was totally owned. Maybe he/she prefers enemy ships to be stationary?...


When the team tries to play but is placed against better opponents, I can understand... but quite often they just are flying randomly.

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Also, sometimes I got really angered when someone says 'gg' after a match that was totally owned. Maybe he/she prefers enemy ships to be stationary?...


I say "gg" after a lot of matches the ones I don't are usually just cause I forgot. It comes from way back in the old starcraft 1 days, where saying "gg" at the end of a match was a sign of respect to your opponents no matter what skill level they were at. It has nothing to do with it being a close game or a stomp it's more like a virtual handshake after a match to say no hard feelings.

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To be honest, I sometimes type things like 'fail team' on ops chat (I am easy to anger, maybe a hidden darksider :p).

However, this requires the team to make really drastic mistakes like:

- Domination: close score, we have 2 sats. On one of our sat are 4 defenders, 2 attackers; all 4 defenders going after a single ship, while the second caps the sat... no one returns after the sat turns white, getting a kill is more important for them.

- With TDM match score like 20:15 pressing the attack just into enemy spawnships then hitting the gunshipwall repeatedly. Match ends 40:50, with 2 players having 30 kills, rest 0-1-2 and 5-6 deaths



Also, sometimes I got really angered when someone says 'gg' after a match that was totally owned. Maybe he/she prefers enemy ships to be stationary?...


When the team tries to play but is placed against better opponents, I can understand... but quite often they just are flying randomly.


Yeah, I find that I'm also easily angered by incompetence - if it's really bad, I'll occasionally throw out the '*** are you doing? STOP CHASING, CHRIST'.


Meh, most people don't even look at chat, anyways.

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I say "gg" after a lot of matches the ones I don't are usually just cause I forgot. It comes from way back in the old starcraft 1 days, where saying "gg" at the end of a match was a sign of respect to your opponents no matter what skill level they were at. It has nothing to do with it being a close game or a stomp it's more like a virtual handshake after a match to say no hard feelings.


Couldn't have said it better. I usually begin every match with "gl & hf" and end with "gg" unless I forget or am distracted by something.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey guys, what would be your opinion on "Aces" (meaningly 5-shippers, couldn't really determine whether he was really good or just carried by his premade, but there you go^^) who take early lead and then complain in general chat about us being su**ers?


Had this one experience lately in a solo-queue domination match against a possible 4 + 2 premade.

They had six 5-shippers, we only 2 on our side and the rest only had the two stock ships (including myself, because I'm stacking tokens on that character at the moment and I absolutely dislike playing gunships:rolleyes: ).


After losing all satellites to overwhelming odds of mastered bombers and battlescouts, we seemingly individually chose to retreat to the capital ship at a score of about 850 to under 100 points - there was just nothing I could do in a Novadive without any upgrades except Tier2-Barrel Roll.


Anyway, this one guy from the enemy team then complained in general chat that we should come out and play, they were getting bored. He then also assumed that he of course would have fared much better. I'm sure, had he been in our position he would have absolutely devastated the 3 battlescouts pummeling him in the 12k range away from the capital ship turrets in an almost stock Novadive.


Now I am still learning GSF myself with only about 200 matches played and I know that I am supposed to die a lot to better players and random coincidences with asteroids coming to troll me, but such an attitude from would-be aces just makes me a little angry:mad:

Edited by OKonst
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I am honestly curious.


What is the purpose of the trash talk I see from "skilled pilots" or "aces"?


Example: Pilot A solo queues and is put into a domination match with a number of pilots who either lack upgrades or are still getting used to the game. Pilot A ends up topping the scoreboard for kills, assists, and dps. Throughout the match, Pilot A was derisive, saying things in ops chat such as "Do I even have a team?" and "Oh, I do have a team. They're just terrible." At the end of the match, Pilot A observes the scoreboard and types, "You all need to uninstall." The examples given are only a sample of Pilot A's trash talk throughout the match.


I don't think Pilot A's attitude is helpful. I think it demonstrates that Pilot A is a poor sport.


But... what is the point of putting down other players like this? What do the "Pilot A" types get out of it?

Talking trash could be extremely effective...if you were able to actually talk to the other faction. Getting under someone's skin, causing them to tunnel and taking them away from the larger game, especially if it's more than one person, is a force multiplier.


Just doesn't really work in this game since you're basically just pissing off people that could also be your teammates in the next match.


Was always funny in SWG to have one hated person bike through an enemy group in Restuss, pulling half away, while the friendly group crossed and dispatched the left overs. Then of course bringing the other half back for the same treatment.

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While I don't trash talk (or at least don't think I do), I totally understand the sentiment. Let me explain:


So I just recently began playing SWTOR 2 months ago. I am by no means a good star fighter, but I sometimes get the feeling that people aren't even trying, or give a damn about learning how to get better when it comes to GSF (or pvp in general for that matter). For example, as someone mentioned earlier, sometimes there are 2-3 players who will just fly around in circles in the middle of nowhere, or even worse, people who don't fight on nodes but rather fly off to do some dog fighting in the boonies. It's simple. To win more often, just play your part in achieving the objective (attacking or defending). If you get crushed, then learn from it and grow. It's not hard.


Now this might all be easier said then done, and some might say "oh well they have mastered all their ships or have OP ships so I don't have a chance," but to this, I call BS. A good star fighter should be able to know enough about the game (through either active learning or through the experience of getting crushed over and over).


For example, when I started on my main toon on Bastion, I constantly got destroyed by Tiger-Blood on his Flashfire. I didn't give up playing GSF (because I was new and was looking for quick bursts of XP and credits as a F2P player), but rather looked up some builds on the SWTOR forums and watched a few videos on Youtube (e.g. learning about zooming out with the GS). This allowed me to help my team win enough times with my stock ships (even against 5-ship players) that I was able to buy and upgrade new ships (i.e. it's not the ship, but rather the pilot that matters in GSF).


Now, I still suck (as evidenced by my instant destruction when flying against Drakolich) but I do perform slightly better than before (and sometimes better than average) in GSF. This is not because I am any good, but rather, because other people aren't playing as well as they could because they didn't take the time to read up builds or watch youtube videos (or as mentioned earlier, because they like messing around flying in circles or ignoring objectives). This is why I can understand the frustration playing with "bad" players - they just don't put in the minimal effort needed to get somewhat decent at GSF, and that might be where trash talking comes into play.


Of course, there is a difference between trash talk and constructive criticism, but I believe that the motivating sentiment is still the same. I myself don't particularly care enough to say anything (or at least I think not), as I think that people should play the way they want to play, and also because GSF is just a means for me to make additional credits (while having fun) in the middle of monotonous farming runs.


TL,DR: Trash talking is understandable as playing with "bad" players can be frustrating because getting decent enough to enjoy GSF can be easily achieved in less than a month by simply following Drakolich's ship builds and watching him play on youtube. People just don't care enough to put in the effort, or don't care enough about winning to try.

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It's really venting for the person, that's it.


I've been guilty of saying many times "or "this is gonna hurt" when seeing me and only 2 ship teammates versus their more experienced team or saying "terrible" at the end of a game.


You need some venting after being triple teamed most of the game...in fact it happened to me just today on Bastion



Edited by pumpsw
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You need some venting after being triple teamed most of the game...in fact it happened to me just today on Bastion


We always feel bad for you before matches where we see you with a ton of two-shippers. Not bad enough to not triple-team you, mind you. But still bad.

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I am honestly curious.


What is the purpose of the trash talk I see from "skilled pilots" or "aces"?


Example: Pilot A solo queues and is put into a domination match with a number of pilots who either lack upgrades or are still getting used to the game. Pilot A ends up topping the scoreboard for kills, assists, and dps. Throughout the match, Pilot A was derisive, saying things in ops chat such as "Do I even have a team?" and "Oh, I do have a team. They're just terrible." At the end of the match, Pilot A observes the scoreboard and types, "You all need to uninstall." The examples given are only a sample of Pilot A's trash talk throughout the match.


I don't think Pilot A's attitude is helpful. I think it demonstrates that Pilot A is a poor sport.


But... what is the point of putting down other players like this? What do the "Pilot A" types get out of it?


I have experienced the direct opposite yesterday or the day before that :


EVERYONE was so much better than me, and the "aces" were acting as if they had the full intention to pick up every enemy I had driven into 20 % health and give them the final shot - so that THEY could get the medals and not me.


I mean, I treally TRY to do my very best. I use the tricks I know, and do my very best - but some people are just better. Maybe they use special mice, have far superior hand coordination, maybe they are just naturals, I don't know.

But I do my very best - and it just isn't recognized as that. I really felt like the 5th wheel on a car.


I really have no idea what had happened but EVERY SINGLE ONE I was killing ( I saw the explosion right before my eyes ! ) got the message "[insert other name than me] killed [enemy I had thought I had just killed]" ...


It's as if some people were explicitrely hunting for low health opponents and do some killstealing.


And of course TZHEY get the medals ! THEY get the top position at the scoreboard ! But not me !


It's as if some people were trying their best to dominate the OWN team and merely consider other team members as need tools to deliver them ready-to-kill opponents.


That really put me off. I just couldn't play any GSF that evening anymore.





Bottom line : A solution would be brackets like in ground PvP.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I am honestly curious.


What is the purpose of the trash talk I see from "skilled pilots" or "aces"?


Example: Pilot A solo queues and is put into a domination match with a number of pilots who either lack upgrades or are still getting used to the game. Pilot A ends up topping the scoreboard for kills, assists, and dps. Throughout the match, Pilot A was derisive, saying things in ops chat such as "Do I even have a team?" and "Oh, I do have a team. They're just terrible." At the end of the match, Pilot A observes the scoreboard and types, "You all need to uninstall." The examples given are only a sample of Pilot A's trash talk throughout the match.


I don't think Pilot A's attitude is helpful. I think it demonstrates that Pilot A is a poor sport.


But... what is the point of putting down other players like this? What do the "Pilot A" types get out of it?


I normally tr to be helpful. But when I see a bunch 4/5-shippers on my side against some no name pilots... When these kind of pilot get their asses handed to them. And they aren't even trying to win. Especially when they gave up on fighting. I vent. Only time I will trash talk my team is when they are just farming Conquest or doing simply nothing in the match.

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We always feel bad for you before matches where we see you with a ton of two-shippers. Not bad enough to not triple-team you, mind you. But still bad.


Pub Gsf on bastion is something very special. :mad:

I do my daily, but I've never had the need to keep playing long.

In the meantime I can understand that Verain thinks that this is only possible in a VOIP Premade.

And, there are really some good pilots, but somehow is stuck in that pub is always only victims. Pity ...

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I really have no idea what had happened but EVERY SINGLE ONE I was killing ( I saw the explosion right before my eyes ! ) got the message "[insert other name than me] killed [enemy I had thought I had just killed]" ...


It's as if some people were explicitrely hunting for low health opponents and do some killstealing.


That is referred to as the 'assist train'. Its a valuable skill and most competitive teams will focus a target down. It happens in ground pvp too. Assists count towards medals as well.

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