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Open alien species for free? Too many humans!


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People already can pick other species yet they still pick human. There is nothing you can do to get them to pick something else, except implement a game imbalancing bonus to the other species.


they could add more character customization options.


there were a lot of times that I chose to play humans even though I prefer other species - due to the fact that I wanted to use longer hair and/or more unusual hair color.


edited to add.. well... apparently, its already been said quite a few times in this thread. both glad and sad to see that I'm far from the only one with this particular conundrum.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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i play mostly humans because i don't like the ugly aliens, if they added Rodian or any other ugly species i wouldn't even touch it anyway nor would i associate with players using them... that being said there are some beautiful aliens like the Chiss, Miraluka, Mirialan, & even Twi'lek that i do and will continue to play... but, i will never play an Ugnaught, Rodian, Arcona, Bith, ect. if they were ever introduced cause they just look ugly, except for Wookies & Jawas which are ok but i wouldn't play one, ever... of course as soon as Togruta come in, i will have one of those in my character list... Edited by Elly_Dawn
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I think there are too many aliens on the imperial side. There should only be sith purebloods and humans. The rest are below imperial status.


So I think it's immersion breaking to have so many aliens running around on the imperial fleet. Twi'lek Darths? Gimme a break, that's not how the empire works.

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The species unlocks are easily available. My husband is on preferred and he has more species unlocked than I do, because we did not want all of his chars be Humans or Zabracks. :) Anyone who wants to play with different species really can, it is not even that pricey on GTN if you wait out on a price. If anything, the credit cap is the bigger hindrance to buying species. I have one human, and that's because I thought I'd get Presence bonus through her.... I know, faces are all the same and all that, but in SW verse I want to be removed from this world. If only more male companions were aliens or could be changed into them! Edited by DomiSotto
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I think there are too many aliens on the imperial side. There should only be sith purebloods and humans. The rest are below imperial status.


So I think it's immersion breaking to have so many aliens running around on the imperial fleet. Twi'lek Darths? Gimme a break, that's not how the empire works.


The Imperial storyline detailed in Malgus' revolt and then on Makeb addresses this issue to some degree.

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OK, how did you miss the post I linked 98% of Imperials being Sith descendent, and hybrid offsprings follow skin/facial features of their pureblood parents, let alone diversity generally being better than uniformity?


Mostly because it's BS with regards to the game, whether it's on the wiki or not. 98% of the sith empire in this game are certainly NOT sith purebloods. And they sure as hell don't believe in diversity in this timeline.


It isn't the cost that's preventing people from playing the alien species, anyway. Your solution wouldn't change a thing.

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Twilek have clipping issues, Smurf eh.. Chiss eyes are just strange, and most sith heads explain why they always wear masks.


There are lots of Miraluka and Ratataki, though. And everyone who unlocked Cathar has at least one.

Edited by Mubrak
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Mostly because it's BS with regards to the game, whether it's on the wiki or not. 98% of the sith empire in this game are certainly NOT sith purebloods. And they sure as hell don't believe in diversity in this timeline.


It isn't the cost that's preventing people from playing the alien species, anyway. Your solution wouldn't change a thing.



That has to be an error in interpretation on the wiki. 98% of the population of the Sith Empire has sith pureblood ancestry; they are not red skinned purebloods themselves. This is corroborated by HK-47 in the Foundry.


Plus, sith purebloods are the only race other than human not considered "alien" by the Sith.

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If they had better/more customization options for the non humans I would play more "alien" races. But I absolutely loathe short hair, and until they let us do more then just preview the alies races with the long hair options, I'll be playing my human characters.


I have a character of every race but twi'lekk, (I just don't like twi'lekks, all you guys running around with them dressed and acting like h°°kers not only makes me facepalm but also swear off on anything to do with them same thing happened with orions in Star Trek Online)


But back to the point, one of Biowares biggest failures characterwise for me, in pretty much every game they have ever made is extreme uglyhairitis. Then you throw in very limited other customization options on top of uglyhairitis... well, you probably get my point.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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I think there are too many aliens on the imperial side. There should only be sith purebloods and humans. The rest are below imperial status.


So I think it's immersion breaking to have so many aliens running around on the imperial fleet. Twi'lek Darths? Gimme a break, that's not how the empire works.


Blame the popularity of Darth Talon! (3rd generation Twi'lek sith, trained by Darth Ruyn, another Twi'lek.) There are so many images of her on line, you'd think there was an army of Twi'lek sith!

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I think there are to many droids running around fleet. T-7 and Scorpio agree. M1-4x is to busy killing Imps to give a opinion and Hk just wants to take all the Species out. He is a equal opportunity assassin. Kill them all let the Maker sort them out.:rolleyes:
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OK, how did you miss the post I linked 98% of Imperials being Sith descendent, and hybrid offsprings follow skin/facial features of their pureblood parents, let alone diversity generally being better than uniformity?


If you have willfully ignored my posts, hot about another fact that NPCs you encounter in game have higher portion of aliens in their population? Human players constitute larger portion of PC pop than NPC human does. Why aren't 90% of NPCs we encounter are not humans like PC racial distribution? Furthermore, aren't there supposed to be more siths, give nthat purebloods were majority when dark jedi first came to Coruscant?


While I think original SW is a mess of plot/lore holes anyway, for instance Lucas switched Death Star II's size by impossible amount just for the sake of making it the largest vessel in SF history, there are other reasons than my personal preference when I am making this assertion. Don't willfully ignore my posts and call it stupid, displaying your dyslexia.


Well then look at the movies.

A far larger part of the main cast are humans than the population around them.

As for the thing about sith in the empire, that was the old days. You need to keep up with the changes around here my friend, it's a new empire. It is no longer run by purebloods since they have been diluted during these last thousand years and humans are the ones doing the mainstay of work in the empire.


But the fact remains that several sources cite humans as the most numerous of all species in the galaxy.

But you just ignore that because you want more variety.



EDIT: And just for fun, I looked up your info on sith and here's what I found: "By 3642 BBY, it was estimated that 97.8 percent of the Sith Empire's population had some amount of Sith ancestry, but the amount was usually insufficient to express itself in any noticeable way"

And further down you'll find: "During this time, Sith Hybrids in this re-established Empire[23][27][28]—descendants of the elite ruling class in society, offspring of Kissai high priests and Dark Jedi exiles hundreds of generations before,[23] like Marka Ragnos and Naga Sadow[30]—were referred to as Sith Purebloods,[23][27][28][30] or true-bloods.[80][81] By 4000 BBY, "Purebloods" were anything but pure Sith from a species point of view. The name itself was vanity. It had become clear that there is a direct correlation between those with enough of the old Sith blood in them to still be born with original Sith species traits and Force sensitivity. While not any stronger in the Force than the more human Sith, it was extremely rare to find a Pureblood who is completely without Force sensitivity. Thus those with the marks of the old Sith came to call themselves Purebloods with the obvious insinuation that they are superior to those without. All of this was purely the realm of fashion and societal politics, though no non-Pureblood would stand up and say the entire claim was foolish."

Also, there's this little tidbit: "Due to the dwindling of the Sith ranks after decades of war, the Sith academy's entry requirements were relaxed,[91] in effect, those born Force-sensitive were allowed to train to become Sith."

So, how come there was such a great need for force-sensetive beings to be trained as sith if 98% of his population were "sith purebloods"? Because nearly all sith purebloods are force sensetive.

No, the answer is that when Lord Vitiate fled from korriban with his followers after the great hyperspace war, his "empire" was made up of 98% sith purebloods... but things change over 1300 years...


But I'll let you do all the counting when it comes to checking how many Imperial NPC's are sith and how many are human...

(hint: The sith are dying out)


Oh and btw, I acutally am Dyslexic... so thanks for that jab...

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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About half of all my characters are human, they have the most customization options and that is kind of sad because they really aren't that customizable. Just about every other race only has a handful of options that I find even usable thus meaning I won't make more than 1 or 2 of them ever.


I'm fine with the ratio of humans to aliens in the game and the only complaint I have is the lack of customization for all species. I wish nearly all options for hairstyle were available for all or most races as well as color. eye color, beard,makeup, tattoos etc.


Personally when I see I'm the only 'alien' on a planet or in a fp/etc I'm kind of happy assuming I even notice cause I'm usually busy playing to care what species other people are.

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I play mainly humans because I can't stand how some of the alien species look.


Mirialan I can't stand because of the face tattoo's. I don't like them. Cathar are just fugly. Zabrak look terrible, again because of face tattoo's, I just don't like them. Rattataki again have stupid face tattoo's. Sith Pureblood with fugly face bumps. Twi'lek I don't like the head tentacles (lekku or whatever they call them). Chiss I can't get to look right.


That leaves me with 3 .... all human .... that I don't mind playing.

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I don't have a lot of alts, but im playing sith pure blood. But i think races are kinda meaningless in this game.

All they replace are the head and skin color, all animations and bodies look the same, so you cant really tell what race it is with a helm on anyway.

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I don't have a lot of alts, but im playing sith pure blood. But i think races are kinda meaningless in this game.

All they replace are the head and skin color, all animations and bodies look the same, so you cant really tell what race it is with a helm on anyway.

In the Agent story, the dialogue on Hoth is very different if you are a Chiss. And there is lots of other dialogue on the Imperial side (and dialogue choices) that are different if you are not playing a human or Sith.


I cannot recall any such dialogue differences on the Pub side, even though the Republic still has plenty of racism (such as allowing young Twi'lleks to be sold into slavery ...)

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