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The Class Story Leveling Event


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What if you could just play straight through another class story without the hassle of taking detours to level up and earn credits? What if you could log in right now and be treated to an all-new epic BioWare roleplaying campaign, uninterrupted?


What if you took away the need for side quest grind revealing how much of a travel-fest the game really is. :p


:csw_deathstar_un:======================>Uber-Fast Leveling

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With the epic story being so important to the game and what TOR brings to the MMO experience why does it stop at level 50?


It seems that the class story is the most enjoyable experience yet come makeb its broken down to 2 planetary stories while in SOR it will be one story with a single class quest. It seems on the one hand class story is the big thing while at the second its ignored.

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Anyone else notice the image of the Jedi Knight has him holding a saberstaff? Is this eluding to potential choice in saber type for our jedi toons in 3.0? Would be an awesome feature...


Probably an oversight.


That or maybe the artwork originally depicted a Consular, but the in-game armor will have stats for Knights.

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I better see this gear in game.

No more Oriconian ugly gear and it doesnt suit anyone who is not dark side force sensative.


Give each class its appropriate gear style. please and thank you.



PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE DO THIS! This will definitely give each class its distinctive look. Not to mention, please bring that artwork to real gear PLEASE! =) And thank you! Making them relevant to each faction would be FANTASTIC!

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If we are currently subscribers, Does the Revan´s exp. mean we are gonna pay 14.99 (current) +19.99 = 34.98, or 14.99 would be replaced by 19.99 as a new fee?


Please could someone that had already subscribed it, answer?





They are two separate payments by my understanding of you asking. You have the regular sub fee of $14.99 and then you have to pay a one off fee for the expansion of $19.99. I hope this explains it. :)

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