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Everything posted by Bomberman

  1. Hey thanks alot this is really helpful. Just one thing though. Some of the pictures aren't empire characters so you dont get to see their look in the armor sets.
  2. I had a quick look on there but you could be hunting for hours until you find it. Thanks anyways
  3. Do you happen to know the name of them?
  4. Does anyone know how to get any of the armor sets when you create a character booster up to level 65? Some of them look really kool and I tried to get the smugglers one but its bound to the character. Are there actual set of these in the game or are they only available when you make a KotET character? These are just 2 of the sets: https://postimg.org/image/ektage5r1/ https://postimg.org/image/5scbspkm5/
  5. What really worries me with the no voices is what happens when say I had a female smuggler who romanced Corso, is the whole loving reunion going to be where my smuggler doesn't say a word? If that is that case with all the companions then that is going to be a MAJOR disappointment. You get none of that emotion or anything. I can live with the companions who weren't romance able being that you don't talk with them like old SWTOR (although it does really annoy me). But romances? I will be so guttered if they relegate them to KotOR style conversations. I recon Bioware just needs to stick with what we were all so happy with in the base game. Fully voiced PCs and NPCs. Not go backwards. Sorry I guess this was just a bit of a rant. It just really frustrates me.
  6. They could which would solve the problems. They just need to do that lol
  7. What I find really weird with the companion weapon change is characters who previously wielded pistols and now can only wield rifles still have the pistol animations in cutscenes. I was just in a cutscene with Kaliyo and she pointed he gun at someone but seeing as she now wields rifles instead of pistols she was holding nothing in her hand. I just looked weird. Either they need to tweak the animation or just give the people who had pistols them back. Its not game breaking just a small niggle for me.
  8. I don't know where to post this so if there is a section for it can the devs please move it there. I'm trying to find the last few parts for HK and I've been at it for hours. I've gone to dulfy for help but still no luck. I've also asked at the fleet for some help and no one is willing to help me. Can anyone answer my plea for aid?
  9. But aren't they level 55 FP? I haven't looked into them much as I want to get atleast a Rep and Imp character up to 55 before SoR XD
  10. Plus they have also said that the FA story arc is important and is the lead in to Shadow of Revan and some people (myself included) haven't actually played through those flashpoints and want to know the story. Yes you could just look up on youtube like I have but others don't want to do that. We can't get livestreams with things we want all the time. Just be patient. New stuff will come soon enough.
  11. Hmmmm ok well that is ruled out then. Maybe it is a issue with Bioware. Maybe ring them up and ask them what they can do to help to see if it is on their end.
  12. It sounds like a issue with the email provider. I had the same issue when I was using my hotmail which is why I changed to gmail. I wasn't getting in any emails at all. Then like 4 days later I got like 5 emails. Try a different email provider. If it is that I suggest changing your email on your SWTOR account. Hope this helps
  13. They are two separate payments by my understanding of you asking. You have the regular sub fee of $14.99 and then you have to pay a one off fee for the expansion of $19.99. I hope this explains it.
  14. And yet you keep comparing this change to WoW's change when 1. The Discipline system isn't even out yet and to make a proper decision of whether its good or bad can't be made till it is out. 2. They are both made by different developers so have a different way of doing things. You don't think Bioware saw what Blizzard did with WoW's system and took inspiration but wanted to avoid the issues they had? and 3. There had to be a change somewhere down the line because adding more levels (points to use and abilities to get etc) starts to destroy the whole tree system and make things even more unbalanced and unwieldy for the devs to fix and a whole host of other complications. With the new system things become a bit easier for them and they can then put more time into bringing us more content at a much better rate (new Operations, Flashpoints, PvP Warzones etc). Just because this stamps out hybrid builds as a result doesn't make this a mistake. Its a mmorpg and you are taking on a ROLE. Whether that be a role as a Jedi Knight or Imperial Agent or even as a Tank or Healer you are fulfilling a ROLE. There is still versatility within the new Discipline system its just a different kind. That doesn't make it 'dumbed' down as some people put it. You just have a different set of skills to pick, tweak and experiment with. Anyways this is just my 2 cents and I'm not trying to attack anyone by my comment.
  15. Hmmmm you may have a point there. You could be right. I will be interested to see if it is him. If so he's gotten better than when I heard him as Katarn and Revan haha
  16. Robin Atkin Downes I can pick anywhere same with Yuri Lowenthal and many others. We really won't know if it is Bennett until the content comes out or they officially confirm it's him. I'm still not 100% sure it is Jeff. I'd need to hear more too to actually say if it is or isn't. And Bennett has a kind of.... I don't know what you'd call it? Country accent? Anyways I can usually tell if it's him. I mean I picked he was Shocker on the spectacular spiderman cartoon. I'm not trying to say I'm right and you're wrong I'm just saying I think I could tell if it was Jeff. You could be correct however
  17. I've heard Bennett before not just as Revan but also as Kyle Katarn and I'm fairly sure it's a different actor for him in the forged alliances FP. I'm not 100% sure but I swear it's someone different. If it is it might be because they couldn't get Jeff back or it's not actually Revan himself. Either way I'll be interested in reading the credits when I've played through this after it releases.
  18. Thank you. That's what I was trying to say. No there isn't any mmo that is balanced because that changes with every patch and expansion etc, but this system cuts down the time the devs need to balance the game to that point and makes other things that much easier to fix.
  19. ^ Pretty much everything he's been saying is correct. I like this guy. He really know's what he's talking about and is able to put it across in a well thought out manner.
  20. I think you were misinterpreting my post. I don't think a PvE game is balanced for PvP. I was saying I think one of the reasons for this system change was that balancing was taking a lot of their time so they had less time to focus on making other content Operations, Flashpoints etc. In 3.0 they won't have to put as much time into balancing as before. Either way I was just saying this should be good as we may get more content and soon was all.
  21. A fair point. However I do think that balancing was a lot of the issue and took most of their time in the past. I don't claim to know this it's just a thought. True but it may bring in other players who might have thought the current system was too complex etc. Either way I'm interested in seeing where this goes when 3.0 hits. I am looking forward to it personally.
  22. Which is ONE reason this new system will be better as they won't have to worry about balancing as much and be able to focus on bringing us more content which includes Operations, Flashpoints etc. I am really looking forward to this new Discipline system. Just my two cents
  23. I just have one quote "Change is coming to the world (TOR). Many fear change and will fight it with every fiber of their being. But sometimes, change is what they need the most. Sometimes, change is what sets them free."
  24. I second this. I would love if you could reupload both of them. Any help to grab them would be great.
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