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So, things like Statless Gear, Costume Tabs and the like on the way?


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I should add that my skepticism does not stem from the source, but from the sheer audacity of such an infodump coming from anyone remotely involved with BioWare. This hasn't been their MO for years. It just doesn't compute for me.


This is a reasonable view IMO. As I indicated, I hold any opinion that a dev gives individually in an interview as suspect based on their past track record.

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How would it kill the crafting market? People still need the mods for their armor. Do you really think that many players deck out multiple armor sets just for appearance sake instead of ripping the mods out and putting them in the new pieces? Sure, you might lose a few sales in aug kits, but that's about it.


Exactly. When I change appearance, I am using the exact same mods. I'm not going out and earning/buying new ones to put in the new outfit. Aug kits are the only thing that will be affected. And to that I say, "So freaking what?" Just find something else to sell. There's plenty to go around.

Edited by AlienEyeTX
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I think, if they do do this, they should reduce the mats required to craft augments and kits to compensate. That is the only real part of the current market that would be effected by this change IMO.


I personally think the demand for crafted gear would INCREASE, not decrease, since folks will want unique appearance items and will be able to use almost any kind of crafted gear to achieve that look IMO.

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Seems even fishier to me. Why would the presence of a recording device affect whether or not a developer can speak to certain topics? He's going to get reamed out by the PR team regardless of whether or not he's actively being recorded.


The way it goes is the developer is told, for example,

PR: "You cannot speak about the next playable race."

Dev: "Understood."

Attendee: "Can you tell us about the next playable race?"

Dev: "Sorry, not at this time, next question." Not, "Sure, but I'll only ignore the PR approved topics if you promise not to record me."


Honestly, the only way this seems plausible is if the developer was downright plastered. Which, I suppose, isn't outside the realm of possibility. But again, I'll err on the side of a lot of educated guesswork with a little guidance from dataminers.

Because if it falls through then you can deny it, but you want to feel what kind of support you would get from the community if you did make those changes. It wouldn't be the first time that someone has done that. Of course that doesn't mean it is true. More just take it with a grain of salt.

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Why wouldn't there be stats on your crafted gear?


Sorry, I must have misread this part.


System to completely make stats and gear separate


It's called legacy gear. Already able to share gear across characters and avoid credit sinks and unnecessary crafted gear. Costumes/Appearance specific modifications would just make it easier and more versatile. This does NOT mean it isn't already being done, albiet in a very limited fashion that players hope the appearance/costumes can expand upon. Most of my guild shares their gear across mutiple mirror classes by relying solely on legacy gear and weapons. Doesn't seem like Armormech and Synthweaver are dead yet. And with any new system they have flexibility to provide worthwhile crafting abilities to Armormech and Synthweaver, along with other classes as well.


Right, right. So if a few people are already doing it, might as well force everyone to do it, while destroying an option that people have been using since launch.

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Based on "Next Playable Race" being specified I basically consider the whole thing BS to be honest, given where we are in the release cycle that is not even known internally.


Anything from "private conversations" is basically someone's ego running amuck.


I don't see why - Torgruta have been rumored to be in the pipe for some time.

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Right, right. So if a few people are already doing it, might as well force everyone to do it, while destroying an option that people have been using since launch.

Definitely not a few. Just because you don't do it, doesn't mean its only a few. It's very common in PvP and very common for the raiders (that know what they're doing). However, no need to force you. You can continue to waste credits.


When it comes down to it, people just want more customization specifically on how they look without having to fiddle with gear. Being able to change how you look helps bolster the usefuless of the Cartel Market as well as gear obtained from any level flashpoint and any operation. People get to try to stand out a bit more and look more unique, feel more connected to their character, and enjoy item drops more.

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I really appreciate Gaddock Teeg's efforts in bringing us this, I can only applaud that.




I remember vividly a cantina event where a group of players talked to a dev about Strongholds and reported back, and what was said didn't reflect the finished product at ALL. A lot of us got our hopes about free placement up for nothing.

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Definitely not a few. Just because you don't do it, doesn't mean its only a few. It's very common in PvP and very common for the raiders (that know what they're doing). However, no need to force you. You can continue to waste credits.


When it comes down to it, people just want more customization specifically on how they look without having to fiddle with gear. Being able to change how you look helps bolster the usefuless of the Cartel Market as well as gear obtained from any level flashpoint and any operation. People get to try to stand out a bit more and look more unique, feel more connected to their character, and enjoy item drops more.


Thats me in a nut shell.


I want my toons to look different and because the curent system costs so much to do that and still be viable in FP and OPS. I simply cannot afford to constantly change my look.


SO, that means I have to pretty much ignore the cartel market. Pretty much ignore any drop I find that makes me go, "Hey that looks interesting."


I cannot create a new look without it costing near a million credit and still be viable.


I hope the appearance tab thing is true an especially hope it works similar to LOTRO. Wear your gear and get stats from on a main paper doll. Have multiple other paper doll tabs to wear different looks and you can activate them as needed to change your look but they offer no stats - Just the look.


I would so start looking at more interesting looks the cartel market has at that point. Right now, its just not worth it.

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Although they top the polls, they were overtly stated to be problematic. They were singled out as a bad choice by BioWare.


got a link? Because I never heard that. They would be no more difficult than the twi'leks already in the game. So I think you are just confused, unless you can prove this with a link.

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I hope the appearance tab thing is true an especially hope it works similar to LOTRO. Wear your gear and get stats from on a main paper doll. Have multiple other paper doll tabs to wear different looks and you can activate them as needed to change your look but they offer no stats - Just the look.


I would so start looking at more interesting looks the cartel market has at that point. Right now, its just not worth it.


This has bothered me since the "orange shells" became mainstream (cartel market armors and legacy armor sets).

Each time you are looking huge credit sink if you take into account using high priced color dyes as well.


It is pretty clear that majority people at max level are not wearing armor and color they would like, but are FORCED to use what they can afford. We are not talking about stats just pure customization of the looks.


The idea also that few dye color sets cost millions keeps people away making their character look how they would like.


If Bioware team reads this thread i suggest to really start looking how to change character customization without penalties of actual stats on gear. And putting dye colors also to collections that can be unlocked with cartel coins for ALL chars like rest of the cartel market items.

Do you want people to remember this game years later as "poorly done customization freedom" or "great way to change your character looks without costing you arms and legs each time by changing it".

Edited by Divona
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The presence of such a device is completely inconsequential. If you're not supposed to talk about something, you don't talk about it. Period. Being recorded or not. Maybe you should adjust your own frequency? ;)


Thank you for proving my point by missing it.

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I make more money than I spend with Armormech from the gear I make. Far more.


You don't need to remove stats from gear to do this.

Had a good laugh at the link. Irrelevant, I was replying to your trying to seem like "only a few people" use legacy gear, which was false by stating it is a common method to utilize legacy gear for majority of raiders and majority of pvpers. Not only that, but one of the few still popular things going on in SWTOR is Events, which revolve completely around doing objectives to get tokens for legacy gear. It is much more common than your "few" comment.


I don't understand this: "You don't need to remove stats from gear to do this". I don't get what you're implying and how you can easily style your gear without having to face a credit sink every single time.

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got a link? Because I never heard that. They would be no more difficult than the twi'leks already in the game. So I think you are just confused, unless you can prove this with a link.


You realize we almost didn't get twilecks right? They where considering taking out twi'lecks in beta.


And no there where never any rumors about togruta, there where a lot of people saying they ought to add togruta, which some people mistake to mean BW is adding something. If there was evidence for a new anything it would be for bothans as evidenced by the Admiral in republic KDY, as his appearance looks a awful lot like something that came out of a character generator.

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Legacy-wide datacrons are not going to happen, not from a lack of want to, but because of technical limitations.

Given that the legacy-wide Presence bonus is a thing, that makes zero sense, and is not even slightly plausible.


Regardless of what "technical limitations" there are, they could make it happen with some sort of ugly workaround like checking to see if you have the "Galactic Datacron Master" achievement completed, and then mailing you an item that when you click on it will grant all of the cron bonuses to the character. They already do this sort of check at character creation and at login after major expac rewards are released to mail you items like the Founder title, the various expac mounts and armor, etc.


This hasn't been done because someone decided "it shall not be done," not because there is no practical way to do it, or even no easy way to do it. They just don't want to do it.


Not that it matters much. It's just another half-done and now to-be-neglected-and-left-to-rot mechanic. And the miniscule bonuses from the crons become ever more irrelevant and ever less worth making any effort at all to get with each new iteration of the game.

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No direct word from BioWare. The podcast played the same tight-lipped Q&A session that we hear all the time, then claimed to have a further conversation with a developer, which they did not record, which just happened to "confirm" a bunch of topical general discussion speculation.


I'd take it with the whole box of table salt.


Everything in the pod cast was true. I was at the Cantina with several of my guildies from Redemption. We were talking with Bruce MaClean (Lead Producer) for about 3 hours. I brought up the costumes thing and he said they are working on a system to let us change appearance without having to pull mods or redoing augments and such. It didn't get much more detailed than that, but we discussed some ideas. We also asked about a way to make cartel market gear into legacy gear (buying an unlock or something to make it legacy, he wrote that in his phone). He said he hoped the costume thing would be in 3.0, but realistically will likely be after it like 3.1. Bruce actually gave away a lot of info about 3.0 and the raids. He also took several notes down from us (we suggested nightmare flashpoints).

Edited by Immortal-nite
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Good thing I saved that last post before posting it!

The majority of PvE'ers and PvP'ers is still only a few people.

I surely doubt that the main reason people do events is to get legacy gear.

Just in case you didn't even bother reading the OP:

If you have costume tabs, you don't need to separate stats and gear.

Cry me a river.

That's like saying the majority of dedicated crafters are only a few people. Saying we shouldn't care at all about them since only a few people, then? Every event has legacy gear as it's main reward, if you haven't been connecting the dots or paying attention, then you're pretty behind on that. I did read the original post but your very vague post didn't make any sense at first. I won't be crying, already using legacy gear for all my characters, don't worry buddy.

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Well, the live stream made it more likely the original comments were legit....Eric Musco did not deny the information, and confirmed that the conversation took place (as far as I could tell).


So that is out of the way.


That is certainly not confirmation that will see any of this. I point out again, they worked on speeder racing and couldn't get it to work, so the same could happen with the items mentioned.


But it is at least encouraging that they are looking at ways to provide greater flexibility in appearance.

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