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So, things like Statless Gear, Costume Tabs and the like on the way?


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So following a link from Reddit, I found a podcast called the unnamed SWTOR podcast, that was at the NY Cantina Crawl and claimed to have sat with Charles Boyd for part of the night.


I didn't get to listen to the whole thing, so I missed the spoilery parts, but among things allegedly discussed:


Costume Tabs - System to completely make stats and gear separate. No more stats on gear, including color crystals. Stats would be on something else, and there would be a system for dress, including quick switch costume tabs. Might not be in 3.0, but could make it in 3.1, allegedly.


Legacy-wide datacrons, and Strongholds as warzones were among things not going to happen, not from a lack of want to, but because of technical limitations.


No increase to the NPC limit due to technical limitations, but they are looking at if it is possible to have pets not count against this cap.


Next Stronghold - possibly Alderaan, but definitely one very soon.


Torgruta next playable race.


If anyone can find the link, its all fascinating stuff, and the way the host describes it, I actually believe him and that this might not just be some wish fulfillment podcast, because it was notable not just by what was being promised in the game upcoming, but what wasn't and why...

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Legacy-wide datacrons were among things not going to happen, not from a lack of want to, but because of technical limitations.


No increase to the NPC limit due to technical limitations, but they are looking at if it is possible to have pets not count against this cap.


Torgruta next playable race.


sad :(

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Link to existing topic. My thoughts:


{. . . ] Anyway, listening to this thing now. Essentially, the live answers are the same nitpicky bullplop questions as usual, followed by all these amazing answers from a private conversation that he didn't record for some reason. Pardon me for not taking it as the Gospel truth.


If the podcast guys are reading this, don't take this personally, but I just don't trust this kind of information. A lot of it even seems plausible, but anyone who hangs around the forums could put together a list 90% similar to what they're reporting.


I'll wait for official word.

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Costume Tabs - System to completely make stats and gear separate. No more stats on gear, including color crystals. Stats would be on something else, and there would be a system for dress, including quick switch costume tabs. Might not be in 3.0, but could make it in 3.1, allegedly.


Is this true? Will I finally be able to switch armor sets without spending over a couple million credits swapping out mods and adding augment slots just to freshen my appearance?!

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Is this true? Will I finally be able to switch armor sets without spending over a couple million credits swapping out mods and adding augment slots just to freshen my appearance?!


No direct word from BioWare. The podcast played the same tight-lipped Q&A session that we hear all the time, then claimed to have a further conversation with a developer, which they did not record, which just happened to "confirm" a bunch of topical general discussion speculation.


I'd take it with the whole box of table salt.

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This is a reply from GaddockTeeg on the issue of no recordings:


I do not have any recording of the post QA. It was loud, about 2.5 hours of conversation and people are far less likely to discuss the future with a mic recording everything. That being said, this is what I heard from the conversation. I tried to qualify the parts that I was fuzzy on/inferred from the conversation so as not to mix it up with the hard facts. If anyone has any questions with regards to certain topics I'm happy to discuss particulars further.
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Whyd a you need Costumes, you allready can switch mods:rolleyes:


It is not effecient to have a costume tab when you can already mod almost everything, I would rather have free Bratwurst than a costumetab^^


Spending a million or so credits every time I want to change clothes seems pretty inefficient to me. Having a costume tab so that I can do the same thing WITHOUT SPENDING A MILLION CREDITS seems more efficient to me.


Care to explain your logic?


Oh yeah, I will also take free bratwurst, if you got it.

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This is a reply from GaddockTeeg on the issue of no recordings:


Seems even fishier to me. Why would the presence of a recording device affect whether or not a developer can speak to certain topics? He's going to get reamed out by the PR team regardless of whether or not he's actively being recorded.


The way it goes is the developer is told, for example,

PR: "You cannot speak about the next playable race."

Dev: "Understood."

Attendee: "Can you tell us about the next playable race?"

Dev: "Sorry, not at this time, next question." Not, "Sure, but I'll only ignore the PR approved topics if you promise not to record me."


Honestly, the only way this seems plausible is if the developer was downright plastered. Which, I suppose, isn't outside the realm of possibility. But again, I'll err on the side of a lot of educated guesswork with a little guidance from dataminers.

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Seems even fishier to me. Why would the presence of a recording device affect whether or not a developer can speak to certain topics?


This is ground control to brain. Please spend a moment to ponder the ramifications of what you say before you type an answer.


Maybe because the entire world is waiting to take any hints to whatever out of context and then loudly declare that those things are coming? Seriously.

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Seems even fishier to me. Why would the presence of a recording device affect whether or not a developer can speak to certain topics? He's going to get reamed out by the PR team regardless of whether or not he's actively being recorded.


The way it goes is the developer is told, for example,

PR: "You cannot speak about the next playable race."

Dev: "Understood."

Attendee: "Can you tell us about the next playable race?"

Dev: "Sorry, not at this time, next question." Not, "Sure, but I'll only ignore the PR approved topics if you promise not to record me."


Honestly, the only way this seems plausible is if the developer was downright plastered. Which, I suppose, isn't outside the realm of possibility. But again, I'll err on the side of a lot of educated guesswork with a little guidance from dataminers.


No one is blaming you for being skeptical, but honestly I have some faith in the guy and I trust him. I don't believe what he is saying just because those are things I want, I believe him because his record of not lying and being honest, so I am giving him the benefit of the doubt. Not to mention if these things are really that outrages, BW will not let him lie on behalf of someone like Bruce!


But I disagree on the fishy part, his answer sounds reasonable, because it allows BW an argument of deniability if things didn't go exactly according to plan. There is a difference between being recorded saying something and being quoted saying something, and we both know why.

Edited by znihilist
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Spending a million or so credits every time I want to change clothes seems pretty inefficient to me. Having a costume tab so that I can do the same thing WITHOUT SPENDING A MILLION CREDITS seems more efficient to me.


Care to explain your logic?


Oh yeah, I will also take free bratwurst, if you got it.


Hyperbole does you no credit.

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Is this true? Will I finally be able to switch armor sets without spending over a couple million credits swapping out mods and adding augment slots just to freshen my appearance?!


It would kill the crafting market for players who trade in augs/kits/mods imo. Seeing as 99.99% of armor comes now via the CM I hope BW would consider adding something else people can craft to sell.

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This is ground control to brain. Please spend a moment to ponder the ramifications of what you say before you type an answer.


Maybe because the entire world is waiting to take any hints to whatever out of context and then loudly declare that those things are coming? Seriously.


The presence of such a device is completely inconsequential. If you're not supposed to talk about something, you don't talk about it. Period. Being recorded or not. Maybe you should adjust your own frequency? ;)

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No one is blaming you for being skeptical, but honestly I have some faith in the guy and I trust him. I don't believe what he is saying just because those are things I want, I believe him because his record of not lying and being honest, so I am giving him the benefit of the doubt. Not to mention if these things are really that outrages, BW will not let him lie on behalf of someone like Bruce!


But I disagree on the fishy part, his answer sounds reasonable, because it allows BW an argument of deniability if things didn't go exactly according to plan. There is a difference between being recorded saying something and being quoted saying something, and we both know why.


None of these things are outrageous, though. They're all (mostly) completely reasonable. It just seems a little too bit in tune with current, topical discussion here. Whether or not this guy is fabricating this or not, it's completely within the realm of possibility that ~90% of the stuff he's saying comes to fruition.


Again, I have nothing against this guy, personally, but this kind of discussion is such a non sequitur given the current amount of communication with BioWare (take, for example, Musco's absolutely terrified livestream on the discipline system whenever someone tried to veer offtopic). It just doesn't make sense for them to be detailing this kind of stuff. I honestly wouldn't be skeptical in the least if their policies were different, but they're so tight-lipped that we didn't learn about an expansion until two months before it released. It's ridiculous.

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It would kill the crafting market for players who trade in augs/kits/mods imo. Seeing as 99.99% of armor comes now via the CM I hope BW would consider adding something else people can craft to sell.


How would it kill the crafting market? People still need the mods for their armor. Do you really think that many players deck out multiple armor sets just for appearance sake instead of ripping the mods out and putting them in the new pieces? Sure, you might lose a few sales in aug kits, but that's about it.

Edited by Knorlac
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How would it kill the crafting market? People still need the mods for their armor. Do you really think that many players deck out multiple armor sets just for appearance sake instead of ripping the mods out and putting them in the new pieces? Sure, you might lose a few sales in aug kits, but that's about it.


Armormech and Synthweaving will be dead. As an Armormech myself (and future Synthweaver), I object to any change that will kill Armormech.

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Armormech and Synthweaving will be dead. As an Armormech myself (and future Synthweaver), I object to any change that will kill Armormech.


I still fail to see how it will kill those professions exactly. People will still need a full set of augments for every alt. I'd say legacy gear is a far greater menace to those professions than an appearance tab could ever be.


I'd wager that the vast majority of your income stems from players gearing out their alts, not players changing their appearance.


You might even get some additional sales with green, blue and purple gear, which will become viable as cosmetic armor.

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I still fail to see how it will kill those professions exactly. People will still need a full set of augments for every alt. I'd say legacy gear is a far greater menace to those professions than an appearance tab could ever be.


I'd wager that the vast majority of your income stems from players gearing out their alts, not players changing their appearance.


You might even get some additional sales with green, blue and purple gear, which will become viable as cosmetic armor.


If there are no stats on gear, there's no crafting gear. The skill is called ARMORmech not Augmentmech.

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If there are no stats on gear, there's no crafting gear. The skill is called ARMORmech not Augmentmech.


Why wouldn't there be stats on your crafted gear? If this will be anything like the appearance tabs in other MMOs, you can still use your crafted armors as main armor including stats OR as cosmetic armor disregarding the inherent stats in favour of the stats of your actual gear.

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It would kill the crafting market for players who trade in augs/kits/mods imo. Seeing as 99.99% of armor comes now via the CM I hope BW would consider adding something else people can craft to sell.


Armormech and Synthweaving will be dead. As an Armormech myself (and future Synthweaver), I object to any change that will kill Armormech.


If there are no stats on gear, there's no crafting gear. The skill is called ARMORmech not Augmentmech.


It's called legacy gear. Already able to share gear across characters and avoid credit sinks and unnecessary crafted gear. Costumes/Appearance specific modifications would just make it easier and more versatile. This does NOT mean it isn't already being done, albiet in a very limited fashion that players hope the appearance/costumes can expand upon. Most of my guild shares their gear across mutiple mirror classes by relying solely on legacy gear and weapons. Doesn't seem like Armormech and Synthweaver are dead yet. And with any new system they have flexibility to provide worthwhile crafting abilities to Armormech and Synthweaver, along with other classes as well.

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Gaddock Teeg Gaming


The site from which the information sprang. Teeg is a reputable source IMO.


Now, that does not speak to the reputability of whom he was speaking to...we have had instances where devs gave opinions in the past, and they turned out to be incorrect or exaggerated....but to my knowledge the new dev team has not been guilty of this so far.


In other words, I think the conversation is 100 percent reputable...it likely happened, and the information gleaned is likely correctly dictated, but that does not mean it is valid info due to the nature of this sort of thing coming from devs.


That said, scuttlebut is that some kind of appearance system IS COMING to the game soon, or at least that is the plan. Same could have been said for speeder racing however, and that was dropped due to technical problems.


So it is not a lock. But just the fact that it is on the to do list is encouraging IMO.


I also think the folks that would object to this sort of thing are in the extreme minority of the playerbase. I expect an overwhelming majority of players would welcome a change like this with enthusiasm.


Whatever type of system comes, if any, should have been in at launch. It was foolish, IMO, to not have some kind of appearance system in place when the game launched. It was a desperate move to cling to the past, and the game suffered as a result IMO.

Edited by LordArtemis
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