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Can we finally make Datacrons legacy-wide in the new xpac?


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Datacrons were a cool idea, and doing each of them once was a neat mechanic. Doing them again for every character is an absolute chore. Not to mention anything that requires constant alt-tabbing to check paths and locations etc really breaks immersion. If you're trying to make the game more appealing for veterans and new subscribers, stop forcing them to do repetitive, often aggravating exercises. Plus, it's an easy way to make people more excited for the new expansion. Thanks for listening


P.S I don't care if the bonuses don't kick in until 55. It only matters for endgame anyway

Edited by wilcou
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I can not agree 100000% more. It just pains my *** when I have to let 15 of my toons to go through the same painful process. Especially the one like fleet one, or like makeb endurance, or like the cunning one on hoth. It's just too stupid. Edited by zhaiyan
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Datacrons were a cool idea, and doing each of them once was a neat mechanic. Doing them again for every character is an absolute chore. Not to mention anything that requires constant alt-tabbing to check paths and locations etc really breaks immersion. If you're trying to make the game more appealing for veterans and new subscribers, stop forcing them to do repetitive, often aggravating exercises. Plus, it's an easy way to make people more excited for the new expansion. Thanks for listening


Following your logic, they should offer legacy instant 55's with full BIS gear, ALL companions at max affection, all companion unlocks and all crew skills at max level with all schematics learned. They should also offer legacy PVP so that someone only has to do the PVP grind once in order to have very character fully geared in BIS PVP gear.


After all, some might consider it a "chore" to level up a new character, grind out companion affection, grind out the BIS gear, grind to level your crew skills and grind to learn all the schematics. If someone already did it once, they shouldn't have to do it on each and every character, right? The same goes for the PVP grind, right?




I believe that datacron stat bonuses should remain in the "have to be earned per character" category. It would appear that the devs share my opinion.


I point you to this link:




Which includes the following:


-I asked if datacrons/codex etc. will be added to legacy in future. Datacrons no, achievements yes.


I also believe that Eric Musco has made a statement that legacy datacrons are highly unlikely as they would likely require the a compete redesign of the datacron system.

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I believe that datacron stat bonuses should remain in the "have to be earned per character" category. It would appear that the devs share my opinion. <snipped>


Didn't I shoot you down in another thread? Oh yeah, here it is.


First of all, your comparison of datacrons to gear is simply ridiculous. And as I already said elsewhere, an unofficial 1 1/2 year old website with hearsay of what was planned at some point doesn't count for squat. They've implemented things they weren't planning on doing, and they've decided not to implement things they were planning on doing, NOBODY can predict the future. Until it's written in yellow HERE PRESENTLY that it will not happen EVER, people will keep bringing it up because it is a highly wanted feature. You clearly don't, and I've never understood how the addition of something that others would enjoy with no negative effects manages to get certain people so riled up against it.


And your "belief" in Eric Musco making a statement is all fine and dandy, but I prefer facts.

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Following your logic, they should offer legacy instant 55's with full BIS gear, ALL companions at max affection, all companion unlocks and all crew skills at max level with all schematics learned. They should also offer legacy PVP so that someone only has to do the PVP grind once in order to have very character fully geared in BIS PVP gear.


That's not following my logic at all. What you described are core components of the game, what everybody expects to have to go through in any mmo, indeed a large part of what people enjoy in the game. Datacrons are not a core component of mmos, it's a tacked on platformer/puzzle game that's cool the first time around but boring and tedious thereafter. Not to mention the fact that the core game doesn't require constant alt-tabbing to figure out what's going on. Making datacrons legacy-wide are a no-brainer.

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I would oppose making them Legacy-wide, unless you are just talking about codex entry unlocks. The unique issue we have with the 'crons are the stat and matrix shard rewards you get for "finding" them on each toon.


The main issue I have with the 'crons is the platforming necessary to get to a few of them. That's the real onerous part. For the most part, up to the point where I am at in the game, most of them aren't really that bad. A better suggestion would to be implement a system that offers an alternative to the platforming aspect of the game. That way, people who enjoy the asinine and annoying jumping puzzles can still continue to do them to their heart's content, and those that don't can eliminate that aspect, but are still at least required to go to the location of the 'cron in order to unlock the rewards.


The simplest thing to do would be to implement Legacy abilities that allow our characters to "jump" to a specific point in the area surrounding them. We already have a couple Legacy skills implemented (companion dance, unarmed brawling skills), so this would not be out of the ordinary. These new skills can be honed to fit the individual classes - Force Jump for the Jedi/Sith; Rocket Boost for the BH; Grappling Hook for the IA, Smug, and Trooper. Targeting for these abilities would be no different than targeting for some AoE skills - click the skill, move the reticule to the desired location, and (if in range/accessible), click again to "jump" to that location. Naturally, the range of these skills would be such that it makes reaching the more onerous 'cron locations less onerous and less reliant on outside factors such as lag and hardware which very much affects the current jumping mechanics in the game.

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When I did the datacron master achievement, I split up which toons went after the datacrons based on indiviidual stats. It's not like I have to get all the datacrons for every character, +willpower or +aim simply don't make sense on a sniper. The fleet one is kinda a pita but it should be, it's got the biggest reward for getting it. Anyways, gonna have to fall into the "no" category on this question. I don't think a change is warranted.
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That's not following my logic at all. What you described are core components of the game, what everybody expects to have to go through in any mmo, indeed a large part of what people enjoy in the game. Datacrons are not a core component of mmos, it's a tacked on platformer/puzzle game that's cool the first time around but boring and tedious thereafter. Not to mention the fact that the core game doesn't require constant alt-tabbing to figure out what's going on. Making datacrons legacy-wide are a no-brainer.


So, what YOU call a "chore" because YOU are too averse to the minimal effort and time required to actually EARN those bonuses one each character you want to be legacy wide, but what someone else finds a "chore" but YOU happen to enjoy should not be legacy wide?


News flash. Every aspect of this game is found to be a "chore" by someone who does it anyway to get the rewards for the character they want to have those rewards.


If you are going to argue that they should make what YOU find to be a "chore" legacy wide, then shouldn't you also support making everything legacy wide since there is someone who finds that aspect of the game to be a "chore".

Edited by Ratajack
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Didn't I shoot you down in another thread? Oh yeah, here it is.


First of all, your comparison of datacrons to gear is simply ridiculous. And as I already said elsewhere, an unofficial 1 1/2 year old website with hearsay of what was planned at some point doesn't count for squat. They've implemented things they weren't planning on doing, and they've decided not to implement things they were planning on doing, NOBODY can predict the future. Until it's written in yellow HERE PRESENTLY that it will not happen EVER, people will keep bringing it up because it is a highly wanted feature. You clearly don't, and I've never understood how the addition of something that others would enjoy with no negative effects manages to get certain people so riled up against it.


And your "belief" in Eric Musco making a statement is all fine and dandy, but I prefer facts.


You "shot down" NOTHING.


You voiced YOUR opinion, just as I am voicing mine. I will continue to voice my opinion every time this request is brought up by those too averse to the minimal effort and time (LAZY) to actually earn the stat bonuses on each character for which they want those bonuses.

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Legacy wide Datacrons would be a slap in the face to all the people that had to get them for all of their alts.... You know the same way 12x is a slap in the face to everyone who had to level at launch... :rolleyes:


I seriously hope this post is sarcasm.

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+1 from me.


I'm seriously tired after 3 years of datacron farming. There are no bad consequences of legacy-wide datacrons. I mean, if you had the "pleasure" of collecting all datacrons that should be enough. There's really no point in having people collect them again and again with all characters.


First time I collected them it was very cool and exciting. After getting all of them on 3 characters it's getting frustrating and boring not to mention it's time consuming. I'd rather spend this time doing OPS or FPs.

Edited by Carousel_t
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