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Nerf Strike Fighters


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Strike fighters are way too powerful.


When I try to kill them on a scout, I run out of weapon power before I can get through their insane shields. If I try killing them on a bomber, their charged plating makes my mines useless and they out turn me and kill me. If I shoot at them in a gunship, they fly all over the place so fast I can barely land a hit.


Every other ship type has a counter. Scouts just walk into my minefields and die. Bombers just sit in a corner looking silly and get rail gunned to death. Gunships don't have as much shields as strikes and turn so slowly when stationary that they usually die before they can turn to face me.


GSF is dying because strike fighters are so over powered and cannot be countered without a coordinated team effort. To make matters even worse, they stack so well when there's more than one. They can one shot you with some missiles and if there's more than one strike on you your engine maneuver has too long of a cooldown to save you from those missiles.


Off topic: While we're at it, please nerf hydro spanner as well. It's not fair that a mere crew skill, which you get for free, can heal you to full(given enough time).




P.S: Seriously though, strikes need a buff and crew skills need a bit of re-balance.

Edited by zvbm
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You forgot to mention the ZOMG T3 striker. Along with everything you mentioned, it has an option to HEAL and not just itself, but everything around it as well or increase the accuracy of itself and people around it by an enormous 20% AND crit by 7%!
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You forgot to mention the ZOMG T3 striker. Along with everything you mentioned, it has an option to HEAL and not just itself, but everything around it as well or increase the accuracy of itself and people around it by an enormous 20% AND crit by 7%!


Imagine groups of T3 strikes with wingman copilot parked near gunships, taking turns to give them permanent +40% (or whatever the amount if both buffs do not stack additively ) accuracy buff :eek: !


It sounds so silly it might even work :confused:

Edited by Davionix
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What a troll.


I haven't seen experienced players using SF at all. How those ships can be overpowered then?


Sorry, what?




Strikes are actually quite powerful its just harder to get in between targets but they sport a potentially faster burst than even scouts if flown right. The effect of it being harder to get in between targets is that the end game scoreboard will be a little lower, but by no means are they bad.


I fly my strike all the time and average 160-180 dps in deathmatch and 140-160 in domination (except denon, thats a different story).

Edited by tommmsunb
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The two DO stack, and honestly are really good together. Essentially, your quads or lights become able to hit anything in the front arc at full efficacy.


Combat Command remains weak unless you are buffing allies, however.

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Sorry, what?




Strikes are actually quite powerful its just harder to get in between targets but they sport a potentially faster burst than even scouts if flown right. The effect of it being harder to get in between targets is that the end game scoreboard will be a little lower, but by no means are they bad.


I fly my strike all the time and average 160-180 dps in deathmatch and 140-160 in domination (except denon, thats a different story).


Rumina.. That is just you and your amazing skills... You could fly anything and destroy the opposition..

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Strikers are nasty if nobody brings gunships. Against very few gunships, they're still not too bad, so long as you know how to play the LOS/AoA game.


Then I bring my scout and outfly them.. Or my bomber and outlive them.. Sorry strikes are subpar at everything against yourself in another ship. They are nice ships. But they aren't easy ships.

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Imagine groups of T3 strikes with wingman copilot parked near gunships, taking turns to give them permanent +40% (or whatever the amount if both buffs do not stack additively ) accuracy buff :eek: !


It sounds so silly it might even work :confused:


I wanted to make this build so bad when the Imperium/Clarion came out, sadly Combat Command's accuracy and crit buffs only apply to primary weapons of which railguns are not. The only thing it would give the gunship is more weapon regeneration which while helpful I just don't think is worth the strike sitting there.


Great line of thinking though, nice to see more people thinking of the game as a team game. :)

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I've always wanted to have a 4x imperium team that cycled AOE buffs. It'd require VOIP and probably more work than the equivalent 4x battlescout or scout/gunship mix going out and wrecking face, but it'd be hilarious.


I was in a lost shipyards TDM yesterday where the pubs went with 2 bombers and 2 t3 strikes and turtled up in that hanger/drydock thing. It was infuriating; as a gunship, couldn't get clear shots consistently enough to kill anyone before they healed back up/their shields were recharged by the hilariously low-cd aoe shield recharge. I switched to a scout, since I noticed another gunship on my team ion sweeping the minefield. The strikes were too durable and maneuverable to kill reliably before more mines came out of the bombers, and if you lined up on a bomber long enough to get a good attack run in the strikes could come around and get significant damage onto you.


That said I wasn't flying in voicechat with anyone, concentrated fire could damage through the heals/recharges and pick them off one by one most likely. Still, it was pretty frustrating, could not crack that turtle shell.

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Yeah it would've been a pretty troll team comp. I was thinking 2x remote slicing, 2x repair probe, 2x wingman, 2x running interference, and everyone with shield projector, power dive, and emp/thermite mix. You'd need some discipline to move together from cover patch to cover patch, but pop/ everything and the team would be almost unkillable. Definitely much harder to arrange than 4 burst scouts going out and slaughtering stuff though.
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I was in a lost shipyards TDM yesterday where the pubs went with 2 bombers and 2 t3 strikes and turtled up in that hanger/drydock thing. It was infuriating; as a gunship, couldn't get clear shots consistently enough to kill anyone before they healed back up/their shields were recharged by the hilariously low-cd aoe shield recharge. I switched to a scout, since I noticed another gunship on my team ion sweeping the minefield. The strikes were too durable and maneuverable to kill reliably before more mines came out of the bombers, and if you lined up on a bomber long enough to get a good attack run in the strikes could come around and get significant damage onto you.


That said I wasn't flying in voicechat with anyone, concentrated fire could damage through the heals/recharges and pick them off one by one most likely. Still, it was pretty frustrating, could not crack that turtle shell.


In that kind of a fight, you'd have to tell your team to stop flying into that. If your team followed your advice/order and actually stopped flying into that, they'd have to leave that structure in order to not get kicked for not contributing to the match.

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In that kind of a fight, you'd have to tell your team to stop flying into that. If your team followed your advice/order and actually stopped flying into that, they'd have to leave that structure in order to not get kicked for not contributing to the match.


You can advise/order the sun to not rise as much as you want, it's still going to happen.

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I love my strike fighter and to me being a fighter pilot is what being a pilot in star wars is all about.


I don't fly my fighter cause I can take my bomber and provide far more support and still clock up the kills plus free assists from my drones or I can take my scout and be far more destructive. I want to fly my fighter and if it was as good as any of the other class ships but as it stands If I fly it I know I'm flying at a disadvantage and disadvantaging my team by bringing a lemon to a knife fight so they have to carry me.

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