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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

DON'T DO IT. Level Increase and Skill tree removal for Dicsiplines concept


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This is a warning to you.


Don't Do It !!!!!!


Level increase and Skill tree removal in same update?


You are going to break TOR financially by doing this.

This will then cause the eventual downfall of TOR in

a very short time.


Level increase is painfull enough, but to change very

structure of the game at the same time is utter madness.


There is no point to Level increase except as a Business

to delay people, from being maxxed out on stats.


As for the ditching of a tried and true system, for a Next Gen

concept, is maybe not that bad, but to do it, at the same time

is exactly the kinda of thinking that crippled a previous Star Wars

MMORPG, Star Wars Galaxies, when it introduced the NGE.


Of course we all know how well that worked out.


BTW it was a TRAGIC failure


Releveling and regearing all my 55's doesn't

sound like fun, so I'll probably go FTP or quit.


I do not know what i will do, but i hate supporting stupidity financially.

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I wish it had of been higher.



And if you read the Disciplines post in detail, you will pick up on the verbiage that indicated one reason they are doing this is so that level increases can be done on a more regular basis. So if this upsets you, you might as well quit now.

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I recently re subbed for two months to level a couple more alts since I have some free time. I played from release until about 6 moths ago or so then went F2P (basically didn't play at all).


While GSH and GSF did nothing for me personally, the level increase and the skill tree changes may actually get me to sub for a few more months to see how it goes. I personally believe that the changes may well make re-balancing classes much easier and could possibly revitalize PvP.

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Disagree with all your points. I glad that a n mmo is going to make a change from the traditional leveling tree. I haven't really liked stg skill tree to being with . the new discipline system looks great to me . Re arming is easy for me with my crafters I honestly can't see a downside to this and am looking forward to it.
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*** had I known they are dumbing down the game again!

Well I guess goodbye SWTOR, hello 250k subs left by the end of the next year!


Seriously there is a reason people love skill tree and min maxing.

So what unbalanced powergain! It is a learning curve remove that *** fun is it to play more then a year pressing the same crappy 4-6 buttons!


I mean rather go play a Ipad/Iphone game with one big button you can tab continously.

Seriously internal or not, that new crap look like dumb down fail safe crappy system!

With limiting people into preset build up, instead of hybrid min maxing.


What is next reason why WoW bleeding people so fast? Well SWTOR lost, guess maybe wow returns to those skill tree it becomes popular again.

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And trust me am not wrong about those things, especially with this community involved.

SWTOR carved it's own niche in the market, and this will upset the regulars more then anything else.


Then any pvp or pve balance. We grown to love this system cause of the indepth and the possibility of overpoweredness.

And honestly nobody is asking for perfect balance, just combat those cheaters more.

Which is already a impossible task maybe, but changing the skill tree at this point in the game.

Is major NOT a thing to do.


ah well this is my conclusion and people may disagree, but I am usually right about those things.

Don't think you will reverse decision but trust me, the work put into making the new tree pales with the number of layoff next year, cause of bleeding subs.


People might get older and less skilled, but the younger generation love learning curves and exploiting.

Skill tree is one that put those things into perspectief while in a controlled envoirement. (aside from those cheats)

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I think some people are being a little ridiculous in regard to the disciplines, or perhaps just do not understand it. The whole point of disciplines is to make balance easier to achieve by removing hybrid specs (which BioWare has always tried to avoid since they break balance ie Dotsmash). Everyone played cookie cutter specs in PvP/PvE already anyway (so if your argument is that it dumbs down the game, save it), disciplines literally changes nothing. People still get to play the same specs/roles regardless. Edited by oJebuso
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We grown to love this system cause of the indepth and the possibility of overpoweredness.

And honestly nobody is asking for perfect balance, just combat those cheaters more.

Um, what? I can honestly say you are the first person I've ever seen who feels this way....


ah well this is my conclusion and people may disagree, but I am usually right about those things.

Sorry, but no.

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I think some people are being a little ridiculous in regard to the disciplines, or perhaps just do not understand it. The whole point of disciplines is to make balance easier to achieve by removing hybrid specs (which BioWare has always tried to avoid since they break balance ie Dotsmash). Everyone played cookie cutter specs in PvP/PvE already anyway, disciplines literally changes nothing. People still get to play the same specs/roles regardless.


I don't think so, people do not play cookie cutter at all, especially experienced players.

There is a so many variations that people keep hidden. There is nothing wrong with hybridness.

Infact without hybrid everybody would be pressed into one role one playstyle, you see how popular those new playstyle are in those new released MMO !


Easier to balance doesn't mean difficult to master, before people get bored.

If it took me a week to remaster the gaming system from my long break.

I can imagine some people will never master the current system, and they never will even pressing 3 button combination, they simply are not interested in mastering games.


And nomatter what, I already had this discussion before and everytime am proven right,

If there isn't a feeling of overpoweredness, a feeling of unfairness. Everything is balanced one on one.

People start to lose interest real quick, look at WOW,MOP while MOP drawed in tons of old people back.

The new system lost more people faster, cause it was all too simple to play.

You think people who like gaming want a simple no learning curve game?

Admitting you hit the limit isn't a bad thing, especially nowadays instead of saying everybody is a special snowflake.

With hardwork and dedication you will get there, BS you may work 80 hours a week you would still be nowhere .

If you don't have luck or something else called insight.


You think the youth want a baby gaming, when infact they moan and complain.

Cause they are currently labeled into boxes, for our conveniency. Old skill tree there were not many boxes and people can make mistakes, but from mistakes you learn.


Guess DEV didn't learn, just follow the slogan make things easier. If easier would attract millions of paying customers without scam effort, all those iphone mmo would be so billionairs by now!

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Um, what? I can honestly say you are the first person I've ever seen who feels this way....



Sorry, but no.


Eh yes I was right when I told you guys to pay my game while I am out, ops who was right again?


Who was right about the 1 million people playing this game!

Who is laughing at failstar oh yeah and F ncsoft.


Oh wait my whole forum history am more right then wrong, even with those "investments" lmao.

Knowing what the current target and what people like is more important then statistic.

statistic gives you numbers and numbers can be interpertated any way you want.

But understanding what drives people to a mmo or online that is priceless ;)

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ah well this is my conclusion and people may disagree, but I am usually right about those things.


Devs: Hey guys! This guy says we shouldn't implement the discipline system, and he says he's usually right about these things. Sounds pretty serious, I think we better do as he says.



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Devs: Hey guys! This guy says we shouldn't implement the discipline system, and he says he's usually right about these things. Sounds pretty serious, I think we better do as he says.





Up to you :p I am past caring, I now sit back and laugh.

Nothing beter then laughing at the situation, when you told them so!


Well either way I did my part, it will be implemented and it will start a decline where everybody blaim everyone for the decline. It is a shame discipline will go in, and it is a shame all that hardwork will be implemented leading to internal conflict when things start to fall apart.


Just when the DEV team was looking to set for success. In a couple years time. And changed the big overlord opnion about funding ;)

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OP, if you find the idea of 5 more levels painful, the problem is that you're burned out and need to take a break from this game. Not all of us are sick and tired of it, and some of us are really excited about the 5 new levels. I suggest you unsub and uninstall for a few months. When you come back, everything will seem better.
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Your stuff. Now.


you mean my millions and 12k CC I have hamstered, cause I didn't care to spent it on fluff.

Was going to save up for a solo capital ship at 175 million, nah you can't have it lmao


Cause I don't care it will be digitally erased sooner or later.

I rather have later then soon, but am well prepared to laugh about it :D


are you ;) ?

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Same update makes the most sense for this. It's much better to make such changes at the same time, especially since the skill trees would have been reworked for new levels anyway.


Well atleast end of wotlk they allowed you to play for a while with the new system,

Before they made it mandatory in CATA , careless to say when I tried MOP system on my shaman and hunter things just fell apart, I had to just say GG .

On my Paladin/Death Knight, it wasn't terrible, but on my shaman and hunter it was really log off and never log back in again.


So think they should release this new system before the expansion, but knowing them.

They probaly will release it at the expansion to slow down level races.

Thus content and reward prolonging. But hard to do anyway with 5 levels, people will probaly be max level in 3 days.

Hardcore in 1 day.

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