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Remaining equipped through the x12 XP boost


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Have lots of credits and buy mods on the galactic market? Or make mods yourself, the only way. I use only full adaptive/custom gear.


Edit: Personally I'm still gonna do planet and side quests, not all of them, though. I just prefer being on the overpowered side, which I will be able to be right now.


I Totally agree i play bioware games on story mode or normal I find it much more enjoyable being this over powered is going to be awesome.


I taking this as a sign to go from 400-450 cybertech on my trooper I left them after the class missions were done I think the prices of mods are going to get full mod gear and build my own mods . Will have no problem keeping geared.


This is awesome I wasnt planning on making a colour or smuggler but with 12x ex I will it will also give me the final two stat boosts for my my main Jedi.

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You should be able to solo FP's for gear once you're high enough level. FP blues are generally better than higher level greens to a point.


My concern would be: How are you going to afford the training costs you will mass up quickly. 1-55 isn't cheap to train.

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You should be able to solo FP's for gear once you're high enough level. FP blues are generally better than higher level greens to a point.


My concern would be: How are you going to afford the training costs you will mass up quickly. 1-55 isn't cheap to train.


This is true. Even if you avoid the skills you probably won't use and the speeder skills, 1-55 skill training is spendy. If you don't already have a 55 to fund you:


1) Take Scavenging, Archaeology, and Bioanalysis


2) Harvest everything that pops on your radar, even if it takes an extra 30 seconds to get to it


3) Continuously run the companions you're not using on grade 2-3 (scav) metals & compounds, (arch) power crystals and fragments, and (bio) samples missions


4) Sell it all on the GTN for the going rate.


Conquest combined with a willingness to click a few extra buttons once in a while will make you wealthy.

Edited by DarthTHC
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Obviously that is the drawback to this perk. You will need to gear your tune from alts or stop after every planet and do FPs till you get gear.

Fortunately for me, I saved all the gear I used to level my previous alts in the free Starfighter legacy armor I got.

And for their companions too. One set for every main stat for every 4-6 levels, plus extras sets for companions. :)


Obligatory QQ: But BW, how will I get all my new alt's names into my signature? :(

Edited by BuriDogshin
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My concern would be: How are you going to afford the training costs you will mass up quickly. 1-55 isn't cheap to train.
Oh god, I hadn't even thought of that.


Either this is not meant to be new player friendly, or they haven't really thought this through.


I'd recommend planetary comms and skill training for 1 credit for the duration, if they truly just want people to just experience class quests. If this is for people already in, to be able to drop a few mills and see some story, oh well.

Edited by Metthew
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Skills are already for free. I did 2 levels from 2 class quests and i get skills from trainer for free :)

Oh? Gotta test that myself. That sounds great - perhaps not that much oversight~


Thanks for the heads-up :)

Edited by Metthew
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I quite like the journey, not just the destination. But splatting grey enemies in 1 hit soon gets boring.


People like you boggle my mind, I am so just absolutely blown away at this new level of stupid I had to comment.


Let me get this straight, they are trying to increase customers, so they throw a carrot to get people to level through that you know, kind of old content so they can get to the meat and potatoes. And you're mad? Cause people will level fast? Out level their gear?


The horror, we'll have more people to get in queues with, that horror, oh man, of waiting less. But wait, they'll suck at playing something something cause they leveled fast something something, right? Well, slow leveling hasn't helped morons not stand in red, or think kiting the one dude in DP/DF/Anywheristan means I GOTZ DIS DUDEZ I GOTZ DIS MAD THREAT ROOOOOOOOTATION PEW PEW NO MOVE ROTAAAAAAATION HELICOPTERZ!!!


Sounds like you would love wildstar, where leveling is hard core, raiding is hard core, everything is hardcore, even quitting your sub is hardcore.

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People like you boggle my mind, I am so just absolutely blown away at this new level of stupid I had to comment.


Let me get this straight, they are trying to increase customers, so they throw a carrot to get people to level through that you know, kind of old content so they can get to the meat and potatoes. And you're mad? Cause people will level fast? Out level their gear?


The horror, we'll have more people to get in queues with, that horror, oh man, of waiting less. But wait, they'll suck at playing something something cause they leveled fast something something, right? Well, slow leveling hasn't helped morons not stand in red, or think kiting the one dude in DP/DF/Anywheristan means I GOTZ DIS DUDEZ I GOTZ DIS MAD THREAT ROOOOOOOOTATION PEW PEW NO MOVE ROTAAAAAAATION HELICOPTERZ!!!


Sounds like you would love wildstar, where leveling is hard core, raiding is hard core, everything is hardcore, even quitting your sub is hardcore.


He's not mad. He just wants to not level that fast himself.


It's like he's going to drive across the state. He likes the drive. He likes the scenery. So he wants to take the back roads instead of the freeway.


You, OTOH, you seem angry. :(

Edited by DarthTHC
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Oh? Gotta test that myself. That sounds great - perhaps not that much oversight~


Thanks for the heads-up :)


Tho i have no idea what to do about gear ... since you wont get enought planetary comms from only few class missions. You will outlevel your gear extremly fast ....

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Hes mad cause every time you SWG people post you complain that X feature will ruin the game. Then 6 months later the devs realize you people are wrong like 2+2 = yellow wrong and they go back and finally fix it, only half the population is gone and refuses to come back.
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Know why I am angry? Cause folks like this, a few years back, convinced the Devs not to put in a GF tool.


Almost killed the game...


I'm confused what you mean by that. From game test on, the majority of players clamored for a Group Finder tool. I was there. I was one of them. If anything, the devs ignored the masses on that (and so much more).


Then they put it in later.


People have been asking for an opt-out of the 2xp events since they first began. You might notice that the devs have never done anything of the sort. Instead, they keep giving players perks to get characters leveled up to the new content quickly, whenever new content comes out.


I think we're safe from this type of perk being revoked.

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People like you boggle my mind, I am so just absolutely blown away at this new level of stupid I had to comment.


Let me get this straight, they are trying to increase customers, so they throw a carrot to get people to level through that you know, kind of old content so they can get to the meat and potatoes. And you're mad? Cause people will level fast? Out level their gear?


The horror, we'll have more people to get in queues with, that horror, oh man, of waiting less. But wait, they'll suck at playing something something cause they leveled fast something something, right? Well, slow leveling hasn't helped morons not stand in red, or think kiting the one dude in DP/DF/Anywheristan means I GOTZ DIS DUDEZ I GOTZ DIS MAD THREAT ROOOOOOOOTATION PEW PEW NO MOVE ROTAAAAAAATION HELICOPTERZ!!!


Sounds like you would love wildstar, where leveling is hard core, raiding is hard core, everything is hardcore, even quitting your sub is hardcore.




Have a nice day.

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no one said you can't still do the other quests

As I said, having to grind equipment completely defeats the purpose of the bonus XP in the first place. You don't end up accelerating anything, or doing anything you wouldn't do.


Unless you have the £££ to drop into mods, but I'd bet real money that their prices will skyrocket.

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well, every character you make, does comes with 4 sets of customizable gear. Thus, it should be fairly easy to keep your toon equipped enough. Other than that, pvp, do your daily fp, etc..


edit: also, if you are a sub already, you've probably got a few 55's already, so they are probably have had max planetary comms for quite some time. Use those

Edited by Anyakaschala
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Just take a few minutes, every 5-10 levels, to run heroics on the lower level planets. Heroic missions typically give out 3 commendations each and don't require much time at all for higher level characters.


and by doing so, you'll get those flashy house datacrons.


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Lets say you're on Taris, republic side now. You started lvl 17 or so, as example, and you have a nice gear for this. If you get 6 levels and go to Nar Shadaa, your gear is just as good for this new planet and you have more hp, do more dps and heal more.


So gear is just good for planet level, not your high level. You should not chage gear every 5 levels. You could change after 10 and use Hoth level gear on Alderan.

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Oh god, I hadn't even thought of that.


Either this is not meant to be new player friendly, or they haven't really thought this through.


I'd recommend planetary comms and skill training for 1 credit for the duration, if they truly just want people to just experience class quests. If this is for people already in, to be able to drop a few mills and see some story, oh well.


Im on level 17 after an hour or so and so far training is free.


Does anyone know if free training ends? Like at a particular level?

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My concern would be: How are you going to afford the training costs you will mass up quickly. 1-55 isn't cheap to train.


Skills are completely free to learn from the trainers with the 12x exp.


As for gearing, not much of an issue with all the comms i've earned doing flashpoints / heroics / dropping from mobs during conquest weeks. Handy to have that free legacy gear now, pop in the mods and send to toon. About every 5 levels should be good :D

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