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Developer Update: Introduction to Disciplines


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First of all this change sounds interesting and seems to be breath of fresh air. How good and exciting it actually will be remains to be seen.


One thing concerns me though:

I might have missed it, but does the revamp of skill trees into disciplines mean that we won't get any new (active) abilities but only access to the utilities of the other trees?

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why does everyone seem to not understand the concept of "if its not broken why fix it?". the skill tress work very well and are a solid way of maximizing your performance in your chosen roll. nice job bioware on screwing up something that worked just fine the way it was.

Actually in this case it is broken. Why? Reread the "Why the Change" section of the blog, it explains things very well.


I might have missed it, but does the revamp of skill trees into disciplines mean that we won't get any new (active) abilities but only access to the utilities of the other trees?

According to the blog:


For each of these disciplines, we took a look at all of the skills from their tree ancestor and imported everything that defined the identity and rotation of that tree and laid them out in a level-based progression, along with quite a bit of combining, cutting, creating new, and balancing along the way.


We took the remaining skills from each of the three Advanced Classes, cut some of the extraneous ones, created some exciting new options, polished old favorites, and put them into a selection pool available to all members of that Advanced Class.


So ye, i'd say we are definitely getting some new active abilities.

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This is obviously, debatably, the best move BW has made since release in regards to the classes. For starters, the big one is that ever since the game went FTP and they lost a large chunk of their resources, BW has been behind on everything. Granted there's only so much you can do, but there's been imbalances across the game in one front or another since it launched. So what if it's WoW's idea, I personally had no idea they made the switch to this type of level progression, but after reading the entire blog I can sympathize with their reasoning and can see the promise. The big argument is that the main benefit to the skill trees is that it allows "true" players to actually put in the time to create something unique out of a class, this new system may inhibit a sense of "flatness" in regards to leveling a character and making all classes carbon copies. However, that's a double edged sword in itself because most current tree builds already enact this philosophy anyway. It's like a new update comes out and everyone respecs to whatever broken build BW couldn't even fathom and then they spend eons trying to balance everything out only to launch a new update that in turn causes the same reaction on another front/class. So, in reality all it's doing is taking away the "illusion" of a highly customizable class tree and giving everyone what they've been doing anyway. In addition, this can also give BW the ability and simplicity to enact a form of "duel-specs" without having to come up with some way to store everyone's specs, but rather make it extremely simple to respect in field. This may also balance out the various class choices so that there is no clearly outlined "top PvP/PvE" spec. In particular, it means if you like lightning sorc dps, be a lightning sorc dps because it's no better or worse than a madness sorc, just deals damage differently.

This whole game has been a beautiful experimental journey and I've loved being a part of it and watching it grow, BW's been taking risks since they decided to make it. Bottom line, if this helps them help us, I'm all for it.

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After THREE years you are finally got an semi-balance between classes and now you are ruin all of this to start it over again? /facepalm

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I think this is amazing news and makes me look forward to 3.0 even more. I've been playing this game since launch and I think this is the best development yet (though I'd still love to see a class driven Chapter 4).


Keep up the great work, BioWare :D

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After THREE years you got an semi-balance between classes and now you are ruin all of this to start it again? /facepalm

Class balance in its current form is going out of the window anyway because of the level cap increase.

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Class balance in its current form is going out of the window anyway because of the level cap increase.

Yes, increased level cap is sh*t by itself too - this is very cheap way to keep lowering playerbase

Also it bring new grinding only and making all current gear just useless trash, as it was many times before


But here we will talk about skill trees

Ok, someone "very smart" , but not me, decided what is better for me in the every role? And I will be forced to use THEIR chooses, but not my own?

Great! :mad:

Quote: "While we hope to maintain the feeling of progression with each level..."

Feeling of progression... that feeling what I will have if buy preorder and got increased in TWELVE times Exp gain?


You know, there is some games, The Elder Scrolls Online, for example. You don't need to think there too: you can have nearly EVERY possible skill, but use only 5 of them at the same time, plus one super-skill. And every class can use any weapon.

Cmon, BW, only 6 buttons - that's all nowadays players needs! Commandos with dual lightsabers in stealth - this must be fun! Can't wait to see this!

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Now maybe when PvPers whine about balance BW can mess with it without making a class completely worthless in PvE.

Shadows wend from being good, skill based tanks and a decent DPS class to being kicked from GF Ops Groups cause no one wants to heal a squishy ***** shadow.

They nerfed Freighter and Orbital because PvPers griped that it did to mouch damage, but in PvE the mob damage it did was about right.


Maybe now they can just fiddle with pieces and not break the character as a whole.

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So... No more hybrids? :sul_frown:


Good riddance!

And as for all you people writing about "unique builds", you do realise that no sane person wants to play with inept dpses? Unless by "unique build" you mean the one you googled out to be a decent hybrid, with parse numbers conveniently put on that guide that you uniquely found in the vastness of interwebz, just like the myriads of other players before you.

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Now maybe when PvPers whine about balance BW can mess with it without making a class completely worthless in PvE.

Shadows wend from being good, skill based tanks and a decent DPS class to being kicked from GF Ops Groups cause no one wants to heal a squishy ***** shadow.

They nerfed Freighter and Orbital because PvPers griped that it did to mouch damage, but in PvE the mob damage it did was about right.


Maybe now they can just fiddle with pieces and not break the character as a whole.


I'm pretty sure they didn't nerf freighter for PvP reasons. It was basically useless against good players. Was actually better post nerf in the regard that it had more uptime.

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So... No more hybrids? :sul_frown:

There will be more hybrids than it was before and it will bring much more IMBAs than it was before.

Be ready to tons of QQ at forums and huge rebalansing every month (or even week)


I remember a zillion of "Oper - OP" threads after release

But Opers was good: true stealther, kill or die, period. What they do with Opers after only 1 month? Omg.

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Will the Group Finder be Discipline aware?


In other words, will the Group Finder now queue you based on the Discipline you have active at the time of queuing and will it prevent from changing your Discipline if you are queued in the Group Finder?

(For example: if you are a Vanguard and you chose the "Shield Specialist" Discipline you will automatically be queued as a Tank; if you are a Vanguard and you chose the "Assault Specialist" you will be queued as a DPS; etc...)


Or will players still be able to cheat the system, and their group mates, by choosing a role that they are not specced for?


(I really hope the answer is "yes". ;))

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Although really skeptical about this change, I can't say a clear opinion until I see it for myself. From what I've read, it's something I would hopefully welcome. Sometimes change isn't good, but I keep an open eye.. What's certain however, is that i'll avoid purchasing the expansion too soon, as reaching high levels, means re-gearing.. And without enough planetary commendations to re-gear, i'll have to spend a fortune on the GTN or Crafting, so no thank you! (Unless of course BioWare decides to add mods that level up as you do for the duration of the 12x XP buff, thus allowing you to be fully geared reaching level 55 :D)


Either way, if my Sentinel for example can still use Overload Saber/Merciless Slash the way he does now (or even better), I'm happy. :csw_jabba:

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