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Everything posted by Vaeranus

  1. Old Timers Guild (Empire) killed HM Walkers on ToS tonight. http://imgur.com/CAVzy81
  2. Guild name - Old Timers Guild Faction - Imperial Boss - HM Bulo Screenshot of proof - http://i.imgur.com/Bc7XmfC.jpg Timezone of poster - EST
  3. First off, I have to say that I respect anyone who has the cajones to put one of these guides together. I think the achievements of the OP give a lot of weight to his methodology. And thanks as usual to KBN for stepping in with the mathy goodness. I only bring these things up so we can have a discussion on the best usage of the class. I play Operative, so sorry if the verbiage is not spot on. And this was definitely an easier route in 2.x, but I think 3.x requires a more selective and savvy Op. Is spamming Probes still the most effective use of this class? With the new updates, Surgical Probe no refreshes the timer on any applied probes, and at a cheaper cost. Wouldn't this prove counterproductive by spamming the probes round-and-round? Would it be better to be more selective as to who you are putting them on, and have more time to use the other heals? I would say definitely tanks, and then 2 others based on mechanics of fight. This would give you 8 Probes ticking with a 30% chance to grant TA, so there should be no shortage of TA's coming in. Also, I thought the Probe ticks 30% is irrelevant to what your crit ratio is. Being that this is not necessarily our bread and butter anymore, but we still rely on it, be more reason to go with a lower crit? I've always been someone who favors a higher crit when it allows, but I think I'm going to go more alacrity instead for a bit. Kolto Infusion took a big step up here in terms of worthiness in the toolbox. The 45s buff provided makes it a must to keep up on tanks. I usually cast this and Recuperative Nanotech, which receives another 45s buff, and rotate on the tanks and mêlée DPS or those who are usually mechanically unsound. Would you say this to be to be the best use, or maybe use differently? Kolto Injection I now only use with the proc from the set bonus.. Is everyone else thinking the same? With a lot of the fights being stack-prohibitive, what would be the minimum you would use the new Kolto Waves? I do at least 3, but try to hit it with 5 or save it. Thanks to all for your input, nth before and after this post.
  4. Old Timers Empire ToS SM Underlurker - http://i.imgur.com/5dxrW13.jpg Revanite Commanders - http://i.imgur.com/kN8J1AB.jpg Revan - http://i.imgur.com/HoqQv2y.jpg Ravagers HM Sparky - http://i.imgur.com/RcAqG3x.jpg ToS HM Malaphor - http://i.imgur.com/j4KLpsE.jpg
  5. Old Timers Guild (Empire) All times EST SM Ravagers SM Bulo http://i.imgur.com/HemfZGm.jpg SM Torque http://i.imgur.com/Aq70SvI.jpg SM Master Blaster http://i.imgur.com/y437xPD.jpg SM Coratanni http://i.imgur.com/eWjALav.jpg SM ToS SM Malaphar http://i.imgur.com/Rcq0cTm.jpg SM Sword Squadron http://i.imgur.com/Rcq0cTm.jpg I thought I had the shot for Sparky, but I guess not. I'll get it next week and submit.
  6. http://i.imgur.com/GcEwdqj.png Old Timers Guild (Empire) has downed NiM Corruptor Zero on Wed 9/24.
  7. Old Timers Guild Empire downs NiM Grob'thok http://i.imgur.com/wlDudK7.png
  8. http://i.imgur.com/0z28QQk.png Draxus NiM for Old Timers Empire
  9. NiM Nefra take two... ran through without taking screenshot of loot, but have loot roll in window with corpse on ground http://i.imgur.com/IByaUK8.png
  10. Here are the ones that we owe you: HM DF Nefra - http://i.imgur.com/MyqYtDe.jpg Draxus - http://i.imgur.com/tCv4BPg.jpg Grob - http://i.imgur.com/RJ8vQAt.jpg HM DP Bestia - http://i.imgur.com/6oL8BLP.jpg Calphayus - http://i.imgur.com/7MMpSNf.jpg Raptus - http://i.imgur.com/tlhc1jS.jpg Here are the two new ones: HM Brontes - http://i.imgur.com/AKDxzOH.jpg NiM Nefra - http://i.imgur.com/D15zLdQ.jpg (wasn't letting me screenshot inside... will need to figure this out for next week. I understand if you need more).
  11. Guild name - Old Timers Guild Faction - Imperial Boss(es) DP HM - Full Clear DF HM - Nefra, Draxus, Grob'thok, Corruptor Zero http://i.imgur.com/11IOBUZ.jpg http://i.imgur.com/MbyZPxt.jpg http://i.imgur.com/0WkgaBr.jpg http://i.imgur.com/l2SVGft.jpg We are missing some of the shots (Bestia, Calphayus, Nefra, Draxus, Grob), so I will get them on next week's run and update the thread. EST Thanks!
  12. I have to say, I am really impressed with J-cart and Vorna's posts (both are lengthy so I'm not going to copy them). Particularly the part about the debuff... that would make the class a must in both PvE and PvP. If you start with theirs as a good jumping off part, the class would be in good shape. (PS -J-cart literally wrote the abilities, hire him please!) For Lethality, making the TA's generate similar to how they do in the Medicine tree with the probes would be a big improvement (ie 10%/20%30% chance to grant TA for each tick of a DoT) would be a big win for that tree, as it is their more ranged tree and it makes no sense for all the TA's to grant from melee abilities. For Concealment, I think you need to make Hidden Strike auto-crit with Acid Blades up. This is only available to this tree, and gives them the extra bit of burst they are looking for without making Lethality OP. I like some of the other ideas about Hidden Strike being used out of stealth when talented (knockdown only usable when in stealth). Either need to do this, or drop the CD's on Shiv/Backstab to incorporate this. Overload shot... still not going to use it with the new tweak. It is an energy hog, and the only time i use it is to finish someone rq off when the are trying to kite. Explosive Probe... with the cover mechanic being shot for the Operative, make it so that there is a talent in the first tier to use this out of Cover. What you're going to do with Snipe, don't know but kind of useless for this AC. Defensive CD's - I like some of the ideas bounced around on other posts. If we're going to be paying a Stealth tax, at least make the CD shorter to make it more of benefit.
  13. So we were told all along that 2.4 would be "the PvP" release. Let's look at this in order of how they word the content scheduled for 2.4: October 1 is our target for Game Update 2.4! This update is shaping up to be very big: ● The Planet Oricon, a short story arc that will bring you face-to-face with the Dread Masters. ● New Operation: Dread Fortress ● New Operation: Dread Palace ● New 4v4 Warzone Arenas ● New Elder Game PvE and PvP Gear That this is the "PvP" release ... and the only PvP content to speak of is the 4th item down... I did read the small print afterwards that more is to come.... but seriously. Don't even mention the other stuff. Make us feel important, if only for a minute. Only release the details about the Arenas, and I don't have that much to gripe about. That this is sandwiched between PvE content... what you are telling us BW is that you do not take this seriously, and will not take this seriously. If this is going to just be a PvE game, say that's what it is and no one can kill you on it. Stop paying us lip service, stop treating us like idiots. Search your feelings... you know it to be true. BW could give a rats "a" about PvP. /rubshands unsub
  14. Vaeranus

    PvP sucks

    You know what happens when you assume... you are bolstered to 55 stats, but not fighting level 55's at lvl 12. You are fighting other people levels 10-29 at this point with limited ability and rotations. Your bolster level has nothing to do with the bracket you are in. With 55 now being the top level, it's only rational to scale the game to the level cap and not some place below it. Once you get to 30, you have the ability to pick up one of the Talent abilities if you spec into it and have a more full rotation, which is why they broke the tier there. At lvl 55, it's the same as it was before - good Pvp'ers doing good and bad one's doing bad.
  15. ^^^ This. You also have to keep in mind that a lot of people are bringing their main healers "off the shelf" from playing their alts for a while, so a lot more talented people running shooting green goodness than normal. In a WZ prior to 2.0, if you had 2 healers cross-healing that were worth their salt, then it was pretty tough then too so that has not changed. It's not my fault if a lolsmasher comes and does his heavy hitting rotation while I've got my bubble going. It's going to take a bit for people to catch up and learn what the new abilities are. I was in a WZ last night where you had some really talented DPS'ers (probably best on server) going against 3 healers at a node and were able to take us down... took a bit but they got us. I put up just shy of 1mil heals in another WZ and did not have 1 person touch me the entire match. If you focus healers, you're going to get us... eventually.
  16. I don't really see an imbalance. I'm top heals about 85% of the time. The times I'm not are when I'm at one of the areas not being attacked as heavily. I actually dumped my AoE heal in favor of other things that help my survivability, and found I do much better healing because I am on the battlefield more (Static Barrier buffs, Electric Bindings, etc are what I traded off for). Sitting on the sidelines and waiting to get back in can take precious seconds and heals away. I look at it more in terms of the quality of my heals - how many deaths did my team got. I don't even pay attention to the healing stat because someone can just spam AoE, come out higher, but be a much more ineffective healer. Having a better bubble is going to require me to heal less, keeping my Force at max and not really having to ever use Consumption, and allowing me to react better in a more timely manner. I typically heal anywhere between 275k and 400k, although with the new self-heal, I've been hitting 500k without the AoE.
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