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Developer Update: Introduction to Disciplines


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One of the most important goals for Disciplines was to make sure that the player had real choices that actually mattered as they advanced throughout the game. So after we finished pulling out all of the skills that we thought were really important for a Discipline’s play style and rotation, we took the remaining skills from each of the three Advanced Classes, cut some of the extraneous ones, created some exciting new options, polished old favorites, and put them into a selection pool available to all members of that Advanced Class.


Is that a typo, or are we getting a new advanced class for every base class? :eek:

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While I don't think the skill tree system is the perfect system, I damn well hope you're not copypastin' WoW's change with this.

Their new skill system is one of the major reasons why I quit that game a month after returning to it to try out Pandaland.


The problem with their system is that you have no control over how your passives work. While that is a major way to set yourself apart, aside from your active abilities.


Of course it's important to have as much customization as possible with your actives, and I applaud any step to increase the amount of choice there. But for the love of god, please don't take away our choices when it comes to passives in the process, both are important.

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I'm curious to see this video. From the description it sounds like they basically just eliminated hybrid builds and repackaged the skill trees as "disciplines". If you're getting rid of hybrid builds and the disciplines require tiers to unlock powers in the same manner the skill trees did, that all sounds like less choices for player builds....not more. I'll reserve judgment until I see the video tomorrow but I hope this isn't just repackaging the same skill tree system to give the illusion of something new and improved.
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So, SWTOR has finally caught up with Cata. Lovely. No doubt in the expansion after SoR they'll advance to Pandaland and get rid of training all together.


Now, before any overzealous fans jump on me for the above, let me say that I'm a big fan of SWTOR and will continue playing regardless of the unimaginative development. Please don't fool yourselves into believing this is anything other than a dumbing down, though.


In order to simplify the system for themselves they eliminated 90% of the choices, removed any possible conflicts they might run into with giving out extra skill points for the increased levels 60 cap will give us, and made everyone cookie cutter by just giving us all the "good" skills automatically. The "utility" skills they allow us to choose will invariably be largely inconsequential. Otherwise, what would be the point of getting rid of the skill trees in the first place?


You only need to look at WoW's talent system to see what they have in mind. Do you want the talent that makes your Force Leap stun one second longer, the one that lowers enemy movement speed by 50% for 10 seconds, or the one that allows you to Force Leap every 12 seconds instead of every 15? Oooooh, how will I decide!? I hate thinking!


I could be wrong about how they're going to handle this... but I'm probably not. What's good for WoW players is good enough for SWTOR players. And, yes, I do play both games. No, I don't like WoW's talent system. This change was likely inevitable, though. MMO developers commonly freak out when it's time to raise level caps and simplification of the entire system is usually the go-to answer for both programming and financial reasons. That doesn't make it any more palatable, though.

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It turned out to be not a great change from the skill tree system and to this days wow talent system is less enjoyable than their original skill trees.

While this is obviously a matter of opinion, and has become a trendy feature to complain about, one cannot argue that everything stated is true. The SWTOR implementation of skill trees was patterned after Cata-era WoW, which was a bloated and convoluted system.


My experience of WoW's skill selection now is so much better--I get to choose my movement buff, my cc, how I want to prioritize certain skills in my rotation--all because of a simpler, more elegant, more flexible system. And all I've lost is the bloat and illusion of having more choices.

Edited by Drebs
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I have to admit that my first instinct is to be sceptical. As others have said, this sounds a lot like what WoW did in its last expansion, and regardless of arguments about "dumbing down" etc., it had two effects in WoW that I disliked big time:


1) It made character development while levelling really boring as everything is now automated and you don't get to decide on anything most levels, and

2) Contrary to its intended purpose, it made at least the levelling game more unbalanced than never.


I'm not saying that those exact same things are bound to happen in SWTOR, but you'll understand why I'm wary.


Also, a question I haven't seen anyone ask yet: if people get to pick their advanced class by simply making a selection on the UI once they hit level 10, does that mean that the awesome "choose your advanced class" quests on the fleet are going to go away? I would miss those, especially the bounty hunter one...

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Although I second the request, I frequently switch from tank to DPS on my Guardian and it only takes about 5 minutes and only having to move around three skills on my hot bars. If it's taking you a long time, that sounds like a work flow thing on your part, not a problem on theirs.


It is not a question of how long it takes, it would just be more convenient. Either it takes you 1 min to respec, or 10 min, being able to do it in 1 sec without the hassle of moving stuff around is just a lot better.

Anyway this feature is way overdue... it should have been introduced a long time ago.

There is so many features that were inspired or copied from other MMO, why not this one.

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I think getting rid of Skill Trees is a serious mistake, this whole Discipline thing seems a cheap ripoff from other mmos systems.

Oh, and the skill tree wasn't. That's interesting.

It's not "ripoff". It's called "standards" for MMO games.

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Also, a question I haven't seen anyone ask yet: if people get to pick their advanced class by simply making a selection on the UI once they hit level 10, does that mean that the awesome "choose your advanced class" quests on the fleet are going to go away? I would miss those, especially the bounty hunter one...


Sounds that way. BW probably got sick of newbs rushing to Coruscant / Dromund Kaas at level 8 then asking how to pick their Advanced Class in General chat.

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Will you still be able to respec in combat? This is a very nice feature for some classes and fights (e.g. Brontes as a Sage DPS, where TK is fantastic for the first half and sucks for the second half, while Balance is fantastic for the second half and very meh for the first half). Another example is having a healer respec to DPS for the second phase of Council.
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Does this mean the death of hybrids?


For instance, on my sorcerer, I like Death Field from the Madness tree, but I go high enough in the Lightning tree to get Chain Lightning as well.


Yep, you would no longer be able to do something like that.

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Today, we bring to you Disciplines, a major overhaul to the class system that will be coming live with Game Update 3.0!


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I must admit, my first reply was, "what the heck! Horrible, how DARE YOU CHANGE THIS!"


Then... I read it... Thought about it...


This was needed... As much as we don't like change sometimes, this was needed... Too many of our newer guildies are confused by the skill tree and how to setup rotations.


For a game aimed at casuals, this was needed.


So I give Bioware credit for moving in this direction, since they are right, those who know what they are doing largely picked all the same stuff anyway in a complex system. Hopefully this will make respecing easier and faster too.


I like it... I didn't like it at first, but I see it now...


Good job...

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If it's the same rotations same deception madness tank options and they r just nerfing hybrids fine. If they r dumbing down the game I am done


If it's dumbing down that you are complaining about you should unsub now. They dumbed this game down when they took RNG out and everything now is a 100% proc. see ya

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It seems as if the blogs suggests that we will be able to change disciplines on the fly, will this be free or will we have to visit a trainer/discipline vendor and pay an ever increasing amount of credits for the change(s)? Also, it appears as if hybrids will still be around(?), due to utilities, I suppose the promised blog previews for each class will give a better understanding.


Overall, I'd say that perhaps this is a good thing, considering the ease of which newer players will be able to get into their roles and at an much earlier level (10). I suppose my only concern is if this change will truly benefit all players and not just the early levels and the developers during a level cap increase.

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