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Please introduce dual spec ASAP


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I don't see the big deal over starting a new character of the same class once legacy comes out. If you're so hardcore that you'd quit over not having dual spec, anyways.


Tack this under the "I wish this was wow" forum.




It boils down to time. Time and gear


Some people lack the time to play numerous characters (something some of you can't get through your thick skulls) and some fail to realize that if healers and DPS share the same gear then forcing people to roll new toons means more overall gear competition


I will also say again that with respeccing available all dual-speccing does is add a layer of convenience to the existing mechanics. For all intents and purposes dual-speccing already exists but it involves a trip to the trainer, reconfiguration of talents and reconfiguration of action bars


All of you arguing against dual-speccing... it already exists, in a form. This is a fact.

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Restating this again because people conveniently ignore the implications:


If you don't want dual spec, give every class one role and one role only. I don't want to see tank-capable classes complaining about lack of tanks or heal-capable classes complaining about not finding a healer. That might also have a nice selection effect on the population so only dedicated people willing to play their chosen role correctly will roll the all-imprtant tanks/healers.


Actually I prefer the game just the way it is. players are more diverse and less cookie cutter.


I I like that I can choose one spec at a time, but have the options to be all one type or a mix (instead of being exactly the same as everyone else who plays that class- which is BOOOOOOOORRRRRRIIINNNGGGGG!!!!!!!!). Nothing makes a game more boring than having a tank, healer and DPS classes only. Actually I would prefer just one class and be able to spec that class however you want .. healer, tank, dps or any combination of all three. and also I want each level to be offered more abilities than we are allowed to choose, for example .. you ding level 10 you have 6 abilities to choose, but can choose only 3 of them then next level a whole new set of abilities but can only choose half of what's offered.. End game for any MMO is bring because if you are X class you are expected to play this way and have certain gear.

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Actually I prefer the game just the way it is. players are more diverse and less cookie cutter.


I I like that I can choose one spec at a time, but have the options to be all one type or a mix (instead of being exactly the same as everyone else who plays that class- which is BOOOOOOOORRRRRRIIINNNGGGGG!!!!!!!!). Nothing makes a game more boring than having a tank, healer and DPS classes only. Actually I would prefer just one class and be able to spec that class however you want .. healer, tank, dps or any combination of all three. and also I want each level to be offered more abilities than we are allowed to choose, for example .. you ding level 10 you have 6 abilities to choose, but can choose only 3 of them then next level a whole new set of abilities but can only choose half of what's offered.. End game for any MMO is bring because if you are X class you are expected to play this way and have certain gear.


You would really, really like Rift.

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Me: "EZ Mode WoW Players are complaining."

Other Intelligent Person: "Sigh. Not again. What are you going to do?"

Me: "I got an idea."

Other Intelligent Person: "Okay..."


Me: "Okay little kiddies, get in the pen, here are your little EZ Mode toys."

WoW EZ Mode Players: "But this pen is labelled 'World of Warcraft', Zac."

Me: "That's right, little kiddies. Your EZ mode toys are in the World of Warcraft. When you grow up, you get to use the big Old Republic toys and speeders. Grown up toys aren't for little kids."


Thanks for the laughter. This sounds too much like these forum threads.

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Then I will add to that and say that you can also do flashpoints in the same spec you use for PvE (which is also the same spec you can use for PvP). There is no need for spec swapping.


EDIT: I also just re-read what you quoted and realized that I did give examples of not just PvP.


FYI, flashpoints are PvE. Anytime you fight against computer-controlled 'mobs' it's PvE


And the whole point of adding dual-seccing is to make the existing respeccing options easier on everyone involved. If a healer or tank bails and I can, as DPS, fill that role then I will. If a healer or tank is acting like a tool and I can fill that role they will get booted (with the groups OK) and I will fill that role


Again, your counter-argument is wholly invalid

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No, people want effectiveness and proven parts of formulas that are genre defining.


The only thing that defines a MMO is the fact that it allows hundreds of thousands of players in a persisten world. Get you philosophies that "It was in WoW/Rift/etc. so that means its part of the genre." out of here.

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This game is story-driven, and your solution is to experience the exact same story twice so that you can experience the full capabilities of a single AC.




Well then by this statement, you should be able to pick all lightside and darkside choices at the same time.




Play it again and pick all the darkside/lightside choices. Ive done it several times, and its quite entertaining to see the differences.


Or just be a stubborn naysayer like you're going to do anyways like it proves your point. If the game has become lackluster to you and you can't do without a dual spec, might be time to pack it in.

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Actually I prefer the game just the way it is. players are more diverse and less cookie cutter.


I I like that I can choose one spec at a time, but have the options to be all one type or a mix (instead of being exactly the same as everyone else who plays that class- which is BOOOOOOOORRRRRRIIINNNGGGGG!!!!!!!!). Nothing makes a game more boring than having a tank, healer and DPS classes only. Actually I would prefer just one class and be able to spec that class however you want .. healer, tank, dps or any combination of all three. and also I want each level to be offered more abilities than we are allowed to choose, for example .. you ding level 10 you have 6 abilities to choose, but can choose only 3 of them then next level a whole new set of abilities but can only choose half of what's offered.. End game for any MMO is bring because if you are X class you are expected to play this way and have certain gear.


Uh. :confused:

People will end up using the same 2 or so cookie cutter/FOTM builds anyway because that's the nature of the talent tree system. You might get away with speccing into healing AND DPS at the lower levels but when you're 50 people will expect you to perform one specific role.

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The only thing that defines a MMO is the fact that it allows hundreds of thousands of players in a persisten world. Get you philosophies that "It was in WoW/Rift/etc. so that means its part of the genre." out of here.


"effectiveness and proven parts".


Feel free to refute that little gem.

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So your argument boil down to " I WANT IT MY WAY AND YOU CAN'T HAVE IT ANY OTHER WAY CASE I PAY MONEY!!!" well.. so Do I and so do many people so you’re going against your own argument...


Not it doesnt not even close. And you've missed my point. I pay just like you yes ( just like I said ) but I pay for something I want and like. You dont obviously. So go pay for something else that suits your needs better or accept this game for what it is.


It's quite simple. A company releases a game. That is different from another popular game.

I am tired of that other game. And want to play this game instead. I do play it. And I love it. For what it is. Simple.

Edited by Ledra
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FYI, flashpoints are PvE. Anytime you fight against computer-controlled 'mobs' it's PvE


And the whole point of adding dual-seccing is to make the existing respeccing options easier on everyone involved. If a healer or tank bails and I can, as DPS, fill that role then I will. If a healer or tank is acting like a tool and I can fill that role they will get booted (with the groups OK) and I will fill that role


Again, your counter-argument is wholly invalid


Actually, my counter-argument was very valid seeing as you actually quoted me saying that I was in a group with a Jedi Sentinel for a tank (and we ROFLPWNED the flashpoint BTW). If you want to boot a tank/heals from the group or one just bails on you and your advanced class has the capability of healing/tanking, (guess what) you can. I will say it again, "There is no clear cut healer/tank/DPS specs in this game".

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Part of me is at odds here.


1) Duel spec was a god send for me while I was pug tank in WOW. I could tank than switch to heals if needed. It made life easy for switching roles and keeping things going.


2) I really like how this game turned out. Part of me doesn't want it. Its all about building your character and being a class/spec/role. I see the need for respects at the advanced level, but duel specs I haven't seen the need for yet.


3) The only other real reason I would want duel spec is for PVP. (1 for PVP, 1 for PVE). Maybe once I am level and the needs become greater duel spec would be nice, but I mostly just want this story of it all to stay. Maybe a little old fashion.

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Not it doesnt not even close.


It's quite simple. A company releases a game. That is different from another popular game.

I am tired of that other game. And want to play this game instead. I do play it. And I love it. For what it is. Simple.


Counter argument : MMO must evolve to live you will love this game till you see the same crap you saw a year down the road with little change or evolution. Again really your point is moot in my book by this point it boil down to being selfish to your own life and not thinking of other who may have a harsher schedule and not have the time to wait around for hours to do one flash point.


To me you demand people wait on friend so they don’t feel left out when the fact is friend can make you feel left out just as easily by not helping and you are force to suffer for it.

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Simple fact, unless there's a dual spec, healers will dwindle in number before level 50. At level 50 people will respec to their final specs. Leveling as a healer is slow, boring and quite often difficult.


My current plan is pvp dps spec until 50. Healer spec at 50 unless I'm pvping with friends, then I'll pay to respec.


Fairly certain this is how most are doing it. By this measure alone it makes sense to include dual spec, as it allows people to experience more. I'm flat skipping most flashpoints as I level because it simply isn't worth the time to find a group for something I'll just be running again at 50.


If you can't see how dual speccing would radically change this fundamentally flawed system, you aren't paying attention.

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"effectiveness and proven parts".


Feel free to refute that little gem.


If you are crying because Bioware said something and did not implement it, you need to leave now because there were MANY thing they said were going to be in the game when they first announced it back in 2008 that are not here. The main one being the ability to swap factions if you were to go full blown good while on Empire or full blown bad while on Republic.


Nothing is "standard" in the MMO industry except for very small concepts that make it defined to the industry as an MMO. Go ask Blizzard if SWG was not an MMO because it (originally) did not have an LFG tool or even defined classes like the "standard" MMO does. Ask Bioware if EVE is not considered an MMO because of its lack of dual spec.


If you think that all MMOs are required to have certain things that all all recent MMOs have just taken from WoW, why not go read this: http://www.mmorpg.com/blogs/staffblog/102009/4897_Definition-Insanity-What-is-an-MMO


Because you probably won't, here is a small paragraph I liked. They are mainly talking about the fact that their community does not consider Global Agenda, Guild Wars, or CitiesXL as MMOs;

"So long as it’s within the realm of common sense, we let the game companies decide what to call their games. Now, of course we are not going to go list Monopoly here, but when a game provides shared common areas or a highly online, cooperative experience, and wants to call themselves an MMO… who are we to say no?"


So no, an MMO does not need a dual spec or LFG tool or anything that you think is "standard" to be considered an MMO.


I love having to re-quote myself because people can't read.

Edited by Kemosobe
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I love having to re-wuote myself because people can't read.


You neither refuted the fact that dual spec is proven nor that it is effective.


You simply stated that not all MMO's are even the same sort of game, something I would agree with. It is a very nebulous title.


Maybe now you can get on-topic.

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Actually, my counter-argument was very valid seeing as you actually quoted me saying that I was in a group with a Jedi Sentinel for a tank (and we ROFLPWNED the flashpoint BTW). If you want to boot a tank/heals from the group or one just bails on you and your advanced class has the capability of healing/tanking, (guess what) you can. I will say it again, "There is no clear cut healer/tank/DPS specs in this game".


Ok, you get a DPS Jug to tank a higher-level flashpoint just as effectively as my tank-specced and tank-geared BH. Go ahead


Each spec has specific talents that exist to improve the chosen role. There ARE clear-cut tanks and healers in this game. That is, unless you're telling me a DPS Op is going to dot he same kind of healing as a heal-specced OP, or your DPS Jug will keep aggro as easily and take the same amount of damage as my tank-specced BH


Another flawed argument

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Sad point of this all, there no point in this most MMO Dev rarely listen over drastic game changing point on a forum, the listen to the data and if the data prove it needed they add it if not they don't.


So really getting worked up at this point is rather unneeded.

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You neither refuted the fact that dual spec is proven nor that it is effective.


You simply stated that not all MMO's are even the same sort of game, something I would agree with. It is a very nebulous title.


Maybe now you can get on-topic.


My topic is the fact that all you who are for it have only given the argument that it is "standar" in the industry, which it is not in the slightest.

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