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Wow, going to fix Conquests?


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I ve reported it and I also pointed out the cheat, but bioware for 5th week in the raw, doesnt care, they always add the same objectives (its all about OPS, the 2 OPS objectives and 1 repeatable)...


what happens is, if you have a guild with 30-40-50 people you pre-kill all bosses till the PRE LAST boss, NOT THE LAST... Then you disband the group and you have 8 characters saved in the last boss..


these 8 people, making groups in the guilds with guildies, ONLY for the last boss... So its like 8x8 64000 per group x8 = 512000 conquest points in just 5 minutes. There is 2 objectives for ops, 1 is one time so its double conquest points and the other one is repeatable... So everyday guilds do that for the daily ops thing, its like 280k per day and for 8 groups inside a guild and alt characters... Bigger guilds can do much more than that... I gave u an example for just 8 groups...8 saved characters, some guilds may do 16 or 32....


This week is easier for crafters as well and am happy for that... it gives 1190 (personally I get) per item... I have many characters to do the conquest, so that gives me some air.


ps: its not a cheat from guilds, Bioware gives them that possibility... Is a cheat by bioware... They ditch the small guilds, lvling guilds and pvp guilds. They probably try to disband them. Because with that thing, these small guilds, will never make it to be first or second or 5th.... And some people love titles and stuff, so they leave and enter into that guilds and at the end they destroy the smaller guilds.


And the crafting thing, is a lie... Its the 6-7th week so crafting materials are over. I know that from my guild also! I may be able to make 50-60 invasion forces per week, first day, but all other crafting materials must be farmed be able to craft more. I dont have any stock left and my guildies as well.

Edited by Oyranos
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I ve reported it and I also pointed out the cheat....if you have a guild with 30-40-50 people
So your saying guilds with more ppl then others have an advantage over smaller guilds who for some reason think they should be entitled to being #1 on conquest for the simple fact that they exist and you want BW to hold your hands? Edited by iDraxter
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They probably try to disband them. Because with that thing, these small guilds, will never make it to be first or second or 5th.... And some people love titles and stuff, so they leave and enter into that guilds and at the end they destroy the smaller guilds.


People do like titles, yes, but they're also stingy and lazy. Once they realize that being in a huge conquest guild that actually has a chance for the titles means a lot of grinding and/or investment in crafting mats, they will leave the conquest guilds, and look for a small guild with "no conquest" as premise or stay guildless. There may be eager replacements just waiting for a free spot in the guild, But once the guild's coffers are empty or the officers are fed up with conquest (or have their titles), the huge guild will stop competing.


The large guild might really feel that sting, though. Once the guild members see that all the effort is in vain because the huge guild makes 5-10 times their numbers, one group will leave for the huge guilds, and another group will stop contributing to conquest, and leave the guild if the leadership insists on remaining a conquest guild.

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what you mean investment, spend money...? no way


I spend money to send my toons for material missions, BUT NEVER TO BUY from GTN, because the crafting material for conquest is very high, I mean grade 2 materials costs 5-10k per 1 item. And I love crafting, so those who love crafting and have many toons, they do missions, they dont just spend 1 day farming 1 planet... thats a big loss of time in conquest.


I have 12 active conquest characters, 5x3x4 5 scavenging, 4 artifice and 3 biochem.. i make a cycle login and log off for low grade missions...and I add crafting when i get items enough to craft.

Edited by Oyranos
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And the crafting thing, is a lie... Its the 6-7th week so crafting materials are over.
Except they're not. This is Shadowlands crafting spam from last week:



Even spammable last Ops bosses have an end when guilds run out of alts/guild members to exploit Group Finder on (500 characters at maximum can spam last bosses in 1 guild each week, not a single more). Crafting spam can continue virtually forever because the mats can be replenished.

Edited by Pietrastor
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and taris last week didnt have the OPS objectives? 42m is away to high, compared with the 2m from place 10th, 9th, 8th, 7th, 6th, 5th, 4th, 3rd.... Thats what I am talking about :)


the image you showed me, proves whats happening in all planets and in all servers eu and usa... 2-3 guilds on top are 10-20-30-40-50m and all the rest are....600k-2-3m max.... big differense. Something is going on is it?

Edited by Oyranos
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So why even participate in a competition (which is probably not fun) you feel the rule is unfair.


If it is for the reward, given the legacy/alts-heavy of this game, soon everyone will realise just putting a toon in the dominating guilds and be done with.

Edited by Banegio
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you cant get a reward if u dont participate, so everybody is guilty, thats bioware thing.. lol


that is corruption :p


so nobody speaks about it and everybody tries to excuse it... find an excuse.


But I do, because I dont like whats goin on. I want equal opportunities for all guilds, small and big.. let the best players win, not the zergs.

Edited by Oyranos
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you cant get a reward if u dont participate, so everybody is guilty, thats bioware thing.. lol


that is corruption :p


so nobody speaks about it and everybody tries to excuse it... find an excuse.


But I do, because I dont like whats goin on. I want equal opportunities for all guilds, small and big.. let the best players win, not the zergs.


How is conquest any test of player skill?

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So your saying guilds with more ppl then others have an advantage over smaller guilds who for some reason think they should be entitled to being #1 on conquest for the simple fact that they exist and you want BW to hold your hands?


No, he said something completely different, but you didn't even read the one sentence you quoted to the end before complaining. He explained the reported cheat quite explicitely.

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Eveyone, this is conquest. read the name. Strategy of picking the right planet and numbers of combatants will win the engagement. If you don't have both, you will lose to the superior force.


Just curious, but what "combatants" and what "engagement" do you speak of. Since there is zero fighting and zero impact on the game world itself, where is the "war"? Sure there are 4s and 8s, but I hardly consider that "conquest". Hell, people are even "conquering" planets already under their factions control {where the other faction cannot go} lol. What a joke. Only I must have missed understood the humor as I am not laughing.

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I ve reported it and I also pointed out the cheat, but bioware for 5th week in the raw, doesnt care, they always add the same objectives (its all about OPS, the 2 OPS objectives and 1 repeatable).

This feature actually helps small guilds. My guild conquered the planet and we have 12 people online in the evenings during the workweek and 20 at the weekends. It is also not repeatable infinitely because at some point you run out of geared alts.


Huge guilds get enormous points because of the crafting. Just check the other threads. Get a few huge crafters and you're a winner because there is no limit how many war supplies you can craft.


let the best players win, not the zergs.

If you haven't noticed it yet, the conquests are about GRIND in every aspect, not skill. A small guild can win the conquest but you guys need to be ready to craft a lot or have lots of alts. If you meet a huge guild that hasn't got crafters, you will win eventually.

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They queued up a load of crafting jobs and logged toons after the event started, there is nothing broken here.



Conquests is all about crafting, nothing more. Buy your packs and compete like everyone else.

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Craft or lose. It's not about size, it's how many items you can craft that matter.


Which is the only redeeming quality about conquest.


conquests should be about who puts the most effort into it, not who throws the most accounts at it.

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Which is the only redeeming quality about conquest.


conquests should be about who puts the most effort into it, not who throws the most accounts at it.


Effort? What are you talking about? Are you honestly suggesting that crafting takes any effort at all? You queue it up and log off!!! Running an Ops? That takes "effort". Maybe not for you if all you do is hook up with people who are putting effort into it, but it sure as hell takes effort from the guy who starts the group. It also requires you to be ATK to do an Ops/FP/Heroic, even if the damn thing is 45 levels below you...crafting is the P2W way to do conquests and the only one you can do while offline. How the hell do you call that "effort"?

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oh wait, this is a WHAA WHAA thread on how 8 people can not do the same level of effort 80 people.


our Guild with 100+ active accounts rate of participation is about 30% with all the alts and we're mainly in the top 10 week over week. Wont be #1 unless we get closer to 75% participation. We're primarily a raiding/crafting guild so certain weeks helps us more than others.


It is purely a numbers game, unless they implement some stupid idea of a graduated rewards scale where small guilds get more rewards and larger guilds get less (NO THIS IS NOT A SUGGESTION...HORRIBLE HORRIBLE IDEA). Larger guilds with larger participation will do better than larger guilds with less participation which will do better than small guilds with large participation and small guilds with little or no participation.


Might we tell people they can't run fast in a race? perhaps construction companies can only hire so many people so they build buildings the same speed as others. Maybe have a weight lifting competition where the weight never increases and everyone has to do 1 rep at a set weight (that everyone can lift). Only clones can be in beauty competitions so that every one looks the same? Why not make a baking contest with the same recipe? Musicians have to play the same song?


if we're going to make it accessible to everyone why not just take the "win" out of it and everyone just gets the joy of accomplishing nothing and only the entertainment value from it. No points, no score, no race, no time frame..

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