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Force Barrier is bugged


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Force Barrirr is bugged or some player know how to diseble it.


I'm dying durning the Force Barrier, always from the sin/sorc and it is not a the single case - today I died several times durning Force Barrier!!!


Never happened to me on my Sorc, but what can happen sometimes is that due to lag there is a significant delay between the instant you activate Force Barrier until it becomes effective. Might that be the explanation ?

Edited by Bobbafatter
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Yes, i know, last time I died in 4 sec - force barrier 8 sec.

And im not noob - I play this game from the beginning, and I play only PVP. I've never had this problem with Sage.


K just wanted to make sure it wasn't hey I hit barrier and I died because I didn't channel it. Only time I have seen someone die from barrier legitimately was he thought he could barrier through pylon explosion.

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There is a channel bug thats never been fixed. I still get it with ravage sometimes where it channels but it didn't actually activate.


That bug is just the animation not playing out. The abilities still channel and are going off. You just can't "see" it.

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That bug is just the animation not playing out. The abilities still channel and are going off. You just can't "see" it.


No they are not activating, thus why its called a channel bug. You see the animation but its not actually doing anything. If you look down on your bar the ability will not be on CD.

Edited by Raansu
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Does Force Barrier cleanse? Might be someone dropped a heavy DoT on you before you activated it.



"Projects a Force Barrier around you, granting immunity to all control, damage, and negative effects while channeled. This ability does not respect the global cooldown and can be used while controlled. While you are protected by Force Barrier charges will build up and grant Enduring Bastion, a shield that absorbs an amount of damage based off the charges that are present when Force Barrier ended. Enduring Bastion also grants immunity to interrupts."


In short, yes. FB cleanses.

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It happens often that the channeled ability doesn't really show any indication of going off aside of the animation.. but it not actually triggering at all even though pressing the button is a very rare thing in my experience

It used to happen all the time with Master Strike, especially before 1.2. I haven't had this particular bug for a long time now though.

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Get video proof and ill consider believing you.


Too many random turds with retarded claims lately.

Like every other warzone having a "hacker" in them and the likes...


Funny, all these weird claims have gone through roof since housing and the PVE influx.


That said, I have noticed an infrequent issue with FB on my sage/sorc also. It happens once in a while, it's annoying but not game breaking.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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Never happened to me on my Sorc, but what can happen sometimes is that due to lag there is a significant delay between the instant you activate Force Barrier until it becomes effective. Might that be the explanation ?


I'll buy that explanation, ever since 2.9/2.10 there have been some real odd occurrences; such as mentioned lag, the fall thru the floor thing, not to mention the thing that become worse such as leap, heck every thing but a blank screen seem to happen when using that ability!

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I always attributed it to lag. I notice a lot when shadows/sins hit me with Maul or whatever that back stabby skill is it takes a second or two for the damage to register on me. Few other skills from other classes that do the same so the few times that I have been wiped out despite having force barrier up I figured it was just that.


Much like how mind trap still affects me even though I am in combat... It only happens after my initial hit so I just assume that the assassin that put it on me did it before I went in but the lag made it look like it came after.

Edited by tomatosquish
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I would tend to believe this issue is the channel bug as descirbed above. I have had this happen several times with my out of combat regen on several characters.


Also I have personally had force barrier not activate because I hit the button just as I stopped moving. The lag is such that you sometimes have to be stopped for a few extra milliseconds before it activates the ability. Or worse, I personally have hit force barrier just as I stopped moving, then accidentally hit a movement bind (or both mouse buttons) after only a split second, causing me to move and the barrier to end.

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"Projects a Force Barrier around you, granting immunity to all control, damage, and negative effects while channeled. This ability does not respect the global cooldown and can be used while controlled. While you are protected by Force Barrier charges will build up and grant Enduring Bastion, a shield that absorbs an amount of damage based off the charges that are present when Force Barrier ended. Enduring Bastion also grants immunity to interrupts."


In short, yes. FB cleanses.

But what about "uncleansable" DoTs? :p

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But what about "uncleansable" DoTs? :p


Still cleanses. Barrier = total player effect immunity. Nothing that a player can do gets through.


For PvE this has certain obvious exceptions that would otherwise trivialize mechanics. But it still works in most cases.

Edited by Evolixe
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