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Cel Cawdro's Ultimate "Community Desire for Species" Poll: REDUX


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With all this Voss love, I truly hope that, if they're added, they're integrated into gameplay systems rather than purely the Cartel Market. One should have to finish the Voss planetary storyline to unlock them for their legacy, regardless of whether or not they use coins or credits to purchase them.
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Can I just vote that they not add any more species in before their existing cannon first contact with galactic society?


I mark such species if they are problematic in ways such as that. That being said, there are a few species with whom it is in the realm of possibility for them to have made limited contact before being subsequently forgotten in the next four thousand years or so, such as Chiss. They're isolationist, sure, but they're still space-faring.

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My vote :






Thanks for the poll.


Edit : Sorry, changed Kel Dor by Zuckus just 5 minute after my post 'cause they're awesome. And then corrected by Gand because I went full retard.

Edited by Jaedelyia
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Zuckuss is a Gand, is he not? :)

Ha ! True, sorry. Just blindly went by his name instead opf species. Sorry, correcting that right now, Gandis what I should have voted for, thanks for the correction. (Btw : Model in game are quite nice already)

Edited by Jaedelyia
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1. Nautolan

2. Togruta

3. Duros


Honorable mentions (races I would like but have some potential flaw)::

Zeltron & Echani (not distinctive enough from existing races)

Voss (non-standard body type)

Gand (language, and probable limited appeal due to not being close enough to human)

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Well, I was pretty skeptical at first, but it seems that Togruta have been all but confirmed. With Musco treating the Gaddock interview as a reality, I must therefore conclude that Togruta are indeed in the works. If this series of threads had anything to do with that, I'd like to thank everyone who participated!


Now, the immediate question is: do I start this poll over, now? Or simply keep it rolling? I'm thinking I'll go same thread, but wipe the poll and note that in the title.

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Edited the OP - I'm going to suspend the poll until an official announcement of Togruta. We have an official confirmation, but odds are there will be a lot of hassle badgering people to select a species other than Togruta without it being plastered on the front page of the site. :)
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Now that Togruta have received the official go ahead, I'm going to go ahead myself and reopen this poll. I'll be clearing the results shortly. Here's hoping we see a little more variety this time around!
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Now that Togruta have received the official go ahead, I'm going to go ahead myself and reopen this poll. I'll be clearing the results shortly. Here's hoping we see a little more variety this time around!


There's a poll currently running in this thread...




...but the results are pretty much exactly the same, ie Nautolans followed by Kel Dor.

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