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Everything posted by Kepal

  1. Per the Stronghold Decorations UI, there are several Manaan-related decorations listed with the Deepwater Essentials Bundle as their source... but they're not actually included with the paid bundle. Aquarium: See Scalefish Manaan Fountain of Knowledge Manaan: Fountain of Light Royal Icqui Aquarium Exhibit Selkath Citizen (Red) Selkath Guard Additionally, it appears there are several banners listed in the UI that are also appearing to be sourced from the new Bundle: Banner: House Cortess (Hanging) Banner: House Organa (Hanging) Banner: House Panteer (Hanging) Banner: House Teral (Hanging) Banner: Senate (Hanging) Corellian Senate (Hanging)
  2. The obvious answer is to add Kell Dragons: Picture! But seriously, can we get an infected variation of the Rancor mount to be added for the eventual (surely impossible) return of the Rakghoul Resurgence event? Take the base Rancor model, but spruce it up with some of that lovely fungus that grows out of The Eyeless; heck, you could turn The Eyeless into a mount, it's basically a Rancor anyways. Another idea, which I've already seen posted to an extent, would be the class ships; the Concordian Scout Craft comes to mind on how to implement this, though I get a definite LEGO Microfighters vibe when I think of it. Basically, take this, apply it to our class ships, and perhaps some of the other, larger, "well-known" vessels. Honorable Mentions: Reek: Picture (And no, I don't mean Alfie Allen.) Kephess: Picture (Seriously, throw a harness on this bad-boy and we're good to go. He's been cloned, no reason we couldn't have picked up a few spares for travel-related purposes.) Monolith: Picture (I mean, why not?)
  3. Well, if they'd just allow me to use an assault cannon on one of the Imperial classes...
  4. That's the point, I don't want your armor! I'm not saying they need to take away the exclusivity of the CE items, I simply would like to be able to swap the Imperial Trooper gear over to my Republic characters and the Republic Officer's uniform to my Imperial characters (but seriously, I just want that Imperial Trooper gear on my Commando). Still, I'd love for them to add DIFFERENT Imperial armors to the game via other means, since we've practically got nothing for those soldier-types (sucks when you play on an RP server, yo); the Imperial Trooper gear can remain on the CE vendor, just modified from BoP to BoL.
  5. Couldn't necessarily track down a topic regarding this, though I have thrown this request into a few of my posts over time. Is there ANY chance that we'll ever see the armor on the Collector's Edition vendor turned into legacy gear? I've been itching to run content Pub-side (heresy, I know), but I'm still a dirty Imperial at heart. Unfortunately, there is a distinct lack of Imperial-themed military gear available in game, and I have to say, the Imperial Trooper gear is far superior to that set we can pick up on Makeb (it's still nice, but it doesn't dye properly whatsoever), as well as that horrible, glowing monstrosity that we can get via cartel reputation. So, that having been said, is there any chance we'll ever see the Collector's Edition set converted to legacy gear? If not, can we at least get some more BoL Imperial gear added to the game? I've seen at least 6-7 variants of trooper gear that has thus far not been made available to us, all of which would be wonderful additions to the armor pool. (Ziost would have been a perfect opportunity to throw one of these sets at us. HINT HINT)
  6. It is equal parts funny and sad, I think. Now, as for that freakin' gree light pillar; I had three of them before they got borked way back when, now I've got none in my decoration UI, but they are sure as heck still taking up (percentage-wise) space in my stronghold. Now THAT, that is equal parts sad and infuriating.
  7. As the title says, folks. I attempted to search for the Supplementary crate (having already obtained the upper and lower armor), but the GTN didn't seem to want to work with me. Thinking it was still a bit early, I tried again later on - still no dice. Having a spare box of the lower armor and a hunch, I tossed that up on the GTN, swapped characters and repeated my search, only to discover that my just-posted item was nowhere to be found. Pretty self-explanatory.
  8. It's funny, actually. Someone reported this bug during the initial 3.2 PTS release, when the decoration in question was still awarded via an achievement. I only remember this, since I myself posted in that topic, indicating that we still were unable to actually get the achievement necessary to unlock the decoration; apparently the fact that, when previewed, this decoration automatically redirected to the Planetary Holo Map (Ilum), should have indicated something was broken. Seems the poor guy was right.
  9. While not a bug per se, I would like to point out that the animation recently tied with the /tap command is actually shared with another emote previously obtainable via the cartel market, specifically the /restless emote from the Supreme Mogul's Contraband Pack. I thought about posting it when 3.1.1 hit the live servers, but procrastination is the best nation, after all. Now, I'm not trying to sound entitled or unappreciative - it is nice being able to get certain animations from multiple sources - but I was simply curious if this was intended or an accidental oversight. I know that some jimmies have been rustled (though how severely, I cannot say) with regards to basically everyone being given an emote that others did spend money/coins on to fully unlock way back when. Regardless, it's great that you guys went back and gave some attention to this after all this time and I know that I'm not alone in hoping that these aren't the only emotes that will be shown some love. ...While on that subject, any chance we can get some static emotes added for the stances visible in this screenshot (courtesy of /r/swtor redditor Terallian); specifically /handsonhips, /crossarms, and /paraderest? The Ebon Hawk would love you long time. There have been some stumbles since 3.0, but you guys (and gals) seem to be heading into your strongest year yet - keep up the good work and thank you!
  10. I've posted in the past regarding decorations missing from the Cartel Packs, but this post will be in regards to some decorations that are (supposed to be) available via other means. Ship Computer: Imperial (Full) Ship Computer: Republic (Full) Orbital Power Monitor Multi-state Mainframe Terminal Both Ship Computer decorations, as well as the Orbital Power Monitor, have existed in the decoration UI since 2.9 was on the PTS; thus far, there have been no reports of the monitor dropping from KDY in any fashion, nor are either ship computers on the Dark Projects vendors accessible in-game. Now, I understand that 3.1 is fairly fresh, but I've polled a sizable portion of people playing on the Ebon Hawk and none have seen the new decoration drop from Battle of Rishi (Blood Hunt's drops, that much we confirmed). Tait, is there any way we can double-check the loot tables on KDY and Battle of Rishi and make sure that the drop rates are set correctly? As for those ship computers: I know that the Republic variant is near-identical to the Battle of Rishi decoration (minus the whole being able to click it part); is the plan to re-purpose those two models for decorations that we can interact with, or will we see them added to the Dark Projects vendors in the (hopefully near) future?
  11. Since everyone loves screenshots (and the tag%20has%20apparently%20been%20activated),%20I%20figured%20I Yavin Combat Arena: Revanite Zealot: Nautolan Pyrotechnics Expert: Armored Boreal Ice Tromper:
  12. Begin the Taitening ritual. But seriously, this was promised to be looked into at PAX. We're now going on TWO months since these packs were released.
  13. It's been over a month since the release of the Initiate's and Pilgrim's Shadow Packs, so I think we've had ample time to verify this. Unfortunately, it would seem that there are two decorations from this release that did not ultimately end up in the packs themselves, despite what the current decoration UI indicates on both the live servers and the PTS. Decorations: Revanite Zealot Yavin Combat Arena Can we get an update regarding these? I'm fairly certain that there have been posts regarding the Revanite NPC in the past, but I couldn't track anything down regarding the Yavin Combat Arena. That aside, I'm also curious about the Nautolan Pyrotechnics Expert. Now, I know that Tait's posted about this in an existing topic regarding another matter, stating that we're not going to get it. What's the reasoning behind that decision? Also, is there a particular reason why it's persisted in the decoration UI since before the anniversary event? Jawa Tax:
  14. Title says it all; Mainhand and Offhand weapons introduced in 3.0 have no Color Crystals slotted in them, this goes for both PVE and PVP sets. I've not see any mention of this previously, not even a warning, so I'm leaning towards it being a bug. I managed to catch it with my Mainhand, since I swapped the crystal over, but many people I've spoken to have only noticed the issue with the offhand, after entering a warzone and receiving the "less than recommended amount of expertise" notice. Now, if this is working as intended, and simply a method of preserving or encouraging player's current color choices, fine. That being said, poor implementation with the lack of notice/head's-up.
  15. As others have indicated, I've also finished all pre-Shadow of Revan content and did not get a cut scene involving any companions (Kaliyo was sitting in the pilot's chair as we left for Rishi - she had no dialogue, however).
  16. I've yet to reach any encounters with Revan yet, but it's largely due to the horrendous lag that Yavin is unleashing upon everyone. Rishi appeared to have a similar issue, but it subsided once additional instances began to form; Yavin (on The Ebon Hawk), however, has been hovering around 60 players for a few hours now and has yet to get spew out even a second instance. The lag, it buuurrrnnnsss.
  17. I'm not entirely sure what's wrong with the post. They enjoy a specific class/spec and do not wish to see their gameplay become unenjoyable due to the upcoming changes. I, for one, play a Concealment Operative, I'm not entirely enthusiastic about the changes - am I not allowed to express displeasure at this?
  18. Q1: Are you willing to tolerate armour clipping with the exotic biology of some species? As someone who frequents a Twi'lek character, I can handle clipping (so long as it's on par with the current situation with the Twi'leks). However, anything beyond that, I can understand if it's a horrible problem on the development side of things. Q2: Are non-human faces an issue for you, particularly in cutscenes? Absolutely not. I'm playing a game set within a science fiction (fantasy, really) universe; I want to see stuff that's weird and that's different. I've often heard the romances (and the related cutscenes) brought up as obstacles to aliens and quite frankly, I find it ridiculous. I would certainly think that most schmucks (in this case, our characters) running around the galaxy have pretty open minds when it comes to various topics - except the Imperials, I suppose (though I would point out the varied and colorful band of misfits that currently reside upon the Agent's ship). Simply put: I'm pretty sure if you dig deep enough into the Star Wars universe, you'll find a human (and most certainly a Twi'lek) willing to get their freak on with a member of a different species, be it a Bith, Bothan, Devaronian, Duros, Kel Dor, Mon Calamari, Nemoidian, Nikto, Rodian, Selkath, Sullustan, or even a Trandoshan (and those are just some of the species currently represented in-game by NPCs). You guys catered to the folks interested in same-gender romances, let's get some love for the lovers of the fish-people. Q3: Would you be willing to listen to a non-Basic speaking species? A non-issue, I feel. My reasoning: While a fair amount of the existing species out there would have no problem speaking basic, yes, there are an equal number that are unlikely or unable to wrap their tongue(s) around the language; however, there exists a device within the universe (in various forms, I might add) that can solve this problem! Two words, people: UNIVERSAL TRANSLATORS. Voice modulation already exists with headgear, re-purpose it (armchair programmer skills right there) to serve the in-game representation of the translator unit (it ain't just for droids, folks); players get to keep listening to the voice acting so vital to their story experience, avoid listening to a 60-second huttese sound clip on infinite repeat, and we get to see our characters as something that isn't just a human with horns and/or facepaint. I would also like to take the time to point out that I would pay copious amounts of money for a set of armor that included a functional copy of C2-D4's talking severed head. (Please?) Q4: Would you like to see gameplay options available to unlock new species? Quite frankly, I would have no problem whatsoever if new species were simply introduced to the cartel market (periodically), without any sort of connection to their in-game/story counterparts. That said, I will concede that it would be interesting to see species unlocks be woven into related content (Voss via completion of the Voss storylines, Rishii via the upcoming content upon Rishi). All said and done, I would simply be happy with new species, regardless of the method(s) required to obtain/unlock them. Q5: How important is it to you that a new species in tied in to setting and story? Seeing as the current legacy system doesn't account for slight hiccups involving non-standard species, (example: Chiss Smuggler, Pureblood Jedi), I don't really care. The thought of it being somehow incorporated would be nice, but barring some sort of extreme example, I don't see it being an enormous issue/requirement for introducing a new species. Q6: Would you be open to species that cannot utilize either some or any existing armour, visually? Of course. Star Wars Galaxies immediately comes to mind here (and while I feel that this is a low-blow, I would note that they managed to release TWO new species within the first 1.5 years of that title's life-cycle). I didn't care if my Trandoshan couldn't wear boots or gloves, I was running around as Godzilla's blaster-wielding little cousin - IN SPACE. I didn't care that my Ithorian had to shop for different clothes/armor, I had a massive hammerhead and did space-karate. I didn't care if the armor looked 100% awesome (though it was nice when that worked out), I cared about MY CHARACTER looking both awesome and unique; their gear changed, they themselves did not (at least in the looks department). This "issue" is already prevalent with the Twi'leks when it comes to headgear (and hands/boots for certain companions), and while annoying at times (I want hoods, dang it), it's far from game-breaking. When it all boils down, you could argue that most armor/outfits don't end up being unique (the cartel market introduces a thousand <insert story character here> clones with each new release); people copy each other's outfits, copy the looks of NPCs/story characters; and while, yes, plenty of people come up with new, creative looks every week, what universally remains unique, are the characters themselves. Another way to put it: I've never seen another person come close to mimicking my agent's face, something I've cherished since his creation; take that idea and run with it. The more choices/options you give to your players, the happier they are (usually, I know MMO players are a particularly volatile breed of gamer). Inject the game with as many species/character customization options as you possibly can, make it so that no two characters can feasibly be identical (unless done intentionally); do this, and you'll find yourself with a legion of happy customers. Always remember, especially with gaming: customization is king.
  19. Again, the patch notes seems to indicate otherwise. That said, if it's just pets and mounts, that's just crap. Could we perhaps get some clarification from Tait or someone else?
  20. I just need some clarification/guidance in regards to this. I can't for the life of me figure out how to donate any decorations from my decorations wallet, which this note seems to indicate is possible. I did notice the preview window indicated a 50k donation fee on one of my mounts, but I've not been able to get that to appear for any of the actual decorations yet. Any tips?
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