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Galactic Starfighter Records (2.8+) continued


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Deathmatch overall :


Nyeesae (Karin) - S-13 Sting - ParkMalgus - Darth Nihilus - 36 Kills


Scout Deathmatch :


Nyeesae (Karin) - S-13 Sting - ParkMalgus - Darth Nihilus - 40 Kills & Assists




And you can remove my main, Karin, from the Deathmatch overall kills, and Scout Deathmatch Kills & Assists.

Edited by Lathomus
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  • 2 weeks later...

Woohoo, I get to enter something.


Carranog - Shadowlands - Deathmatch - Percent Kills & Assists - 19/20 (95%)




Just looked at the screenshot and realized that the 4 is tough to make out on assists. Sorry.

Edited by btbarrett
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Thanks for carrying the torch onward Xi'ao!


I think it could be successfully argued that most of these records required pretty contrived circumstances, and occur most readily under conditions where a lot of terrible or completely inexperienced pilots are stocking both sides. Individual statistics are muted when well-stocked teams of equal skill levels are pitted against each other.


In an ideal game, by my standards, we'd have skill brackets or tiered leagues to compete in so people could always fly against opponents they had a chance to defeat. Our records would be more meaningful if they weren't essentially a competition to see who lucked into the right circumstances to post a crazy number. I'm not diminishing any of the accomplishments of those in the thread, since it's always interesting to see the extremes of any sport's best performances. There's a reason, though, that the Dodgers don't play baseball against the Hoboken Youth Association Division III Little League Team, and that we would weigh the merit of a score in such a game differently than if they were playing a big-league opponent.



- Despon


Despon actually says something useful here. You make records by flying gunships and picking off noobs, aiming for these high numbers. Which is why some people including the aforementioned need a break from gsf. It was never meant to be a noob slaughtering. If you want devs to put time back into gsf, you need people to enjoy playing, and we HAD a good community on beregen. Nowadays, it's garbage. 1000-0 thrashings with 150k+ damage aren't fun for either side, except in a sadistic kinda way. If record chasing is the only reason you still play, stop gsfing and let people enjoy it so the devs will put resources into it.


I honestly couldn't be bothered putting my records in this thread. Until gsf is balanced, it's meaningless. As said, how much did the Dodgers beat the little league by?

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Despon actually says something useful here. You make records by flying gunships and picking off noobs, aiming for these high numbers. Which is why some people including the aforementioned need a break from gsf. It was never meant to be a noob slaughtering. If you want devs to put time back into gsf, you need people to enjoy playing, and we HAD a good community on beregen. Nowadays, it's garbage. 1000-0 thrashings with 150k+ damage aren't fun for either side, except in a sadistic kinda way. If record chasing is the only reason you still play, stop gsfing and let people enjoy it so the devs will put resources into it.


I honestly couldn't be bothered putting my records in this thread. Until gsf is balanced, it's meaningless. As said, how much did the Dodgers beat the little league by?


Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I can honestly say I've never aimed for a "record", it just happens. And I don't bring a GS into a game against a slate of 2-shippers. There's no fun in that.


One of the records I posted was for a dom game that ended 1000-850 (or something like that); I had 59 K + A, including 45 assists. Yes, it was strictly a result of mega ion spam, but I'm pretty sure my team wouldn't have won that game had I not disrupted the opposition the way I did.


That said, yes, even this game reflected a flagrant disregard for goods tactics by the enemy; they should have chased me away/burned me down much more than they did (or, like, at all). And it only happened because almost the entire game was a massive clusterfark at B. So I agree that a particular set of unusual circumstances are generally required for records like these. I'm just arguing that they aren't necessarily the result of intentional (or unintentional) noob-stomping.

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Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I can honestly say I've never aimed for a "record", it just happens. And I don't bring a GS into a game against a slate of 2-shippers. There's no fun in that.


One of the records I posted was for a dom game that ended 1000-850 (or something like that); I had 59 K + A, including 45 assists. Yes, it was strictly a result of mega ion spam, but I'm pretty sure my team wouldn't have won that game had I not disrupted the opposition the way I did.


That said, yes, even this game reflected a flagrant disregard for goods tactics by the enemy; they should have chased me away/burned me down much more than they did (or, like, at all). And it only happened because almost the entire game was a massive clusterfark at B. So I agree that a particular set of unusual circumstances are generally required for records like these. I'm just arguing that they aren't necessarily the result of intentional (or unintentional) noob-stomping.


I think you could probably safely make the claim that ALL records in any competitive environment require "unusual circumstances". This doesn't cheapen them in the least to me. Wilt Chamberlain scored 100 points against competition that was clearly inferior to him, but that doesn't make his record less significant. Adrian Peterson and Jamal Lewis set rushing records against inferior run defenses, that doesn't cheapen their accomplishments either. The fact of the matter is that you have very little control over who opposes you during a game.


Do I wish people eased up on bad teams? Yes, I do. And I think to some extent they do. I know that when I play bad competition I work on my weakest ships. I frequently TDM in Bloodmarks when it looks to be a ROFLStomp. That being said, there is nothing wrong with trying to play your best in every game. There is also nothing wrong with being proud of your accomplishments and wanting to share them with the community at large.


I play on Xi'ao's server and on the opposite faction so I have been on the receiving end of some of these thrashings. It would be foolish for me expect him to stop playing GSF so that I could play lesser opponents: that is what it seems to me was being suggested (not by you Tobias, I just quoted yours because you had the unusual circumstances line). You just have to suck it up and either take your losses, or quit and queue at a different time. Sadly, far too many people choose the latter option and thus don't ever really test themselves.


The real unfairness in GSF is that people come into it with the expectation that the gap in effectiveness between new players and vets won't be that big. They are accustomed to the ground game where they have some nominal idea of how to play the game (usually). That isn't the case in GSF. Simply put, you will get your *** handed to you in GSF for a while before you get the hang of it: that is just how it works. There is no reason to punish people who have overcome that learning curve.

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1000-0 thrashings with 150k+ damage aren't fun for either side, except in a sadistic kinda way. If record chasing is the only reason you still play, stop gsfing and let people enjoy it so the devs will put resources into it.


I honestly couldn't be bothered putting my records in this thread. Until gsf is balanced, it's meaningless. As said, how much did the Dodgers beat the little league by?

Actually, the 1000-0 games tend to be ones where there are few shots at records, since they end quickly. For pure damage output, you need the game to last a long time. A number of my highest damage output domination games have come in close losses, games where neither team was any good at holding onto satellites that they captured.


If everyone in this thread suddenly quit playing the game, would it improve the quality of gameplay and increase the popularity of the GSF? Maybe temporarily. Then a certain percentage of new pilots would rise up and separate themselves from the pack and you'd have the same situation again. Unless you continually retired players as soon as they get good at the game, you'll have this cycle happen over and over.


There are two solutions that can be implemented by players in the current state of the game that will enable everyone to compete to the best of their ability and still preserve some competitive balance.


1. If one faction is routinely pounding the other side, again and again, get half of the dominant side's pilots to switch to the other faction and even it out. I know it's not always convenient to, but most of the good pilots have both pub and imp alts.


2. Get new pilots into the GSF channel, and make it a point to offer them help and training if you know what you're doing. This will raise the level of play all around and make blowouts less likely.


I enjoy competing with the best pilots both directly and indirectly to measure my skills. I wish the game was set up to facilitate that more easily. Events like Stock Night and the Super Serious series are great equalizers. Under normal conditions, much of the time I hold back in obvious mismatches. Often, though, I only have time to play one or two matches, and I want to enjoy that experience.


There's no ideal solution. It's not a healthy game when people regularly get blown out, but it's also not healthy when skilled players are forced to ponder the degree to which they should restrain themselves or handicap their performance.


- Despon

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Lot has been said already. I'll recap a bit:


1) Records are set in unusual circumstances.

2) Those unusual circumstances are not typically blowouts, just looking up the top 3 TDM K+A records, they come from 50-37, 50-34, 50-42 matches. The top Domination Damage records come from 1000-937, 1000-769, and 689-1000 (yes a loss) matches. These aren't blowouts.

3) Games are meant to be played and enjoyed. A top player playing well isn't griefing, it's just that player enjoying the game. If your solution to improving gsf is to have all the top pilots stop playing it, well, **** and get out. What everyone should be pushing for is cross server or "Better than cross server" to merge the player pools so matchmaking can actually work, allowing for more closely matched teams. Penalizing anyone (good or bad) for playing a game is not a good solution for improving a game, or for ensuring its longevity. As Desponn said, if all the aces quit, the hierarchy will just re-assert itself again, sooner rather than later, since GSF is very sensitive to gradations of skill and experience.


That said, I feel like the right thing to do at the moment is to not update this OP of this thread until we get some response about the widespread bugs. Feel free to post in the meantime, though. If this is to be the new meta, then we should have a new thread. If it isn't, then all records set until the old meta is restored are likely to be anomalous.


To be honest, we're already sc****** the top 1 percentile of the curve in this thread. TDM K+A is up into the high 40s, and Medals is a massive jam-up at the top. There's not much room in the performance space left to explore at the moment.

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I think it's a good idea to pause this thread until we know if the bugs get fixed or are being introduced as feature.



Almost every record, even in real life is set under unusual circumstances. Think of all the records that have to do with speed, be it a 100 meter sprint or be it some car, train or aircraft. Even the slightest change in weather (wind, temperature, humidity) or the underground (a slight bump you don't notice etc) or the location itself may have an influence on the outcome.

(I think one of my records was possible because I did not have a certain upgrade.)


A record shows what is possible, and not what is usual.


One of my early submitted records was a 21 kill streak and I was proud of it. I then tried to break some records on purpose because I wanted to be on top of a category, but it turned out that this wasn't fun because some really good games suddenly felt like bad games because of missing a record.

By now I play as good as I can (or want) in the beginning of a game to see how it goes. If it's a roflstomp victory and I'm in the mood I sometimes start farming achievements (65% accuracy and wingman) or trying out a new build (my slot 5 is reserved for testing ships). But I still check the scoreboard at the end of every game and screenshot if I think it could be a record.

Edited by Danalon
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lol, the suggestion was never to have all the top pilots stop playing. just to play with some integrity. And in particular the statement "Also, given the lack of any in-game goals to achieve in GSF, it provides some incentive to keep playing" got me annoyed. I don't think achievement hunting is a good incentive for anyone, it's just too easy to sit back and ion railgun all day. It's just pointing and clicking. I had a kills:death of over 6 on my mangler and a server record at the time (27 k 11 a, which was my last game with it) before i retired it, looking back on it that's ridiculous and probably killed gsf for some of my opponents. A good friend (no longer on beregen) told me to back off and I thank him for it.


Since then I play purely for fun and actively encourage people to take it easy, play weak ships and give them a sat if it's a roflstomping. But the rest of my time I try my best, enjoy a good fight and have high stats as a result. If anyone reading this does that too, good on ya. keep it up. It's up to the true aces to initiate this, and I hope it'll encourage people to keep playing and the devs will respond in kind.


Just as an example, on beregen after the stronghold launch, there was a guild farming gsf for conquest points by queueing in group and self destructing as many times as they could. I'm friends with a council member there and asked what was up. They'd been on the end of some huge roflstompings, didn't get anywhere and decided it was the best way to get conquest points.


In the past I've suggested matchmaking ideas, but got a generic response, so it's up to the aces to fix gsf. As the devs said, it's not as successful as they'd hoped so it's gone off the cards. Let's play with integrity, encourage new pilots and build the general skill level; let's put it back on the cards.



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What encouraged me to get better was being killed over and over by other pilots. First I wanted to be as good as them, now I'm better than most of them. If someone starts playing PvP, he has to expect getting farmed because he's less experienced and less geared than the others. This isn't PvE with a realistic AI, this is PvP.

What should the aces do to "fix" GSF? Go afk? Let others kill them? Not play at all so others can have fun but they don't? I can see the point if aces farm other in unnecessarily ways, but that's what the capital ships in DOM are for.


Why do you think achievement hunting or maybe even record hunting are bad things? There are people that have fun doing this.


It almost seems you think that mass self destructing is an appropriate answer to getting roflstomped. There are many ways to get conquest points and maybe they should have chosen something they actually liked instead of being 4 people that take the fun ot of any game for the other 4-8 players that were grouped with them. Or they could have chosen to practice and get better. It's not in any way the good players who take out the fun of GSF in that situation.

Edited by Danalon
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I agree that this thread needs to be paused in lieu of the massive meta altering changes that may or may not be live in two weeks. If these shenanigans continue, then the 3.0 thread just needs to roll with it, and if not, this time period, if short enough, disregarded.
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"What encouraged me to get better was being killed over and over by other pilots."

Fair enough, same for a lot of pilots here. but not the majority. Most people give up after a few roflstompings.


" First I wanted to be as good as them, now I'm better than most of them. If someone starts playing PvP, he has to expect getting farmed because he's less experienced and less geared than the others. This isn't PvE with a realistic AI, this is PvP."

Compared to GSF, ground PvP has a much smaller skill gap, as previously noted.


"What should the aces do to "fix" GSF? Go afk? Let others kill them? Not play at all so others can have fun but they don't? ..."

No idea where you got that from.


"Why do you think achievement hunting or maybe even record hunting are bad things? There are people that have fun doing this."

Read everything else on this thread.


"It almost seems you think that mass self destructing is an appropriate answer to getting roflstomped."

Lol, what?


"There are many ways to get conquest points and maybe they should have chosen something they actually liked instead of being 4 people that take the fun ot of any game for the other 4-8 players that were grouped with them."

True. I'm not part of that guild. But gsf scored 1000 points/match which was more effective in terms of time than other conquest activities.


"Or they could have chosen to practice and get better. It's not in any way the good players who take out the fun of GSF in that situation"

Well it was the roflstompings that led to that situation. All it took was someone to stand up and say "lets teach these new guys to actually play."

In the end they made a contest of who could get the most or most creative self destruct. So it became fun for them.

Edited by themachinemann
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"Or they could have chosen to practice and get better. It's not in any way the good players who take out the fun of GSF in that situation"

Well it was the roflstompings that led to that situation. All it took was someone to stand up and say "lets teach these new guys to actually play."

In the end they made a contest of who could get the most or most creative self destruct. So it became fun for them.


Why didn't they ask someone for help?

Why didn't you help them? You stated you're good and you clearly noticed the situation.


That guild did more harm than any good player could have caused by farming others.

Edited by Danalon
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Since then I play purely for fun and actively encourage people to take it easy, play weak ships and give them a sat if it's a roflstomping. But the rest of my time I try my best, enjoy a good fight and have high stats as a result. If anyone reading this does that too, good on ya. keep it up. It's up to the true aces to initiate this, and I hope it'll encourage people to keep playing and the devs will respond in kind.


Giving the other team a sat is nice, but it seems very artificial. Taking it easy in a deathmatch also feels all wrong to me. I suggest:



- Attack a capital ship turret. I've only managed to destroy one in 2000+ matches, so it's a challenge.

- Pick a friendly sat and just stay there, even if the rookie team never visits you the whole match. At least you get some req for objective defence, and it seems like a sort of logical strategy.

- Type some helpful advice to the rookie team, especially if it's a wargame.



- If you're an ace, do not kill the same rookie 4 or 5 times in a row. Spread the love.

- If you're average like me, do not chase the same rookie for 4 or 5 minutes ;)

- Consider a Spearpoint / Bloodmark, especially one without DF. (Granted, this is no help to the rookie team if you're an ace scout pilot)


There is only so much the players can do if the other side keeps sending rookies into battle. Switching sides to try to get on a bad team is just like switching sides to try to get on a good team--it may or may not work. In terms of game mechanics, I would reduce damage from all weapons. Overall balance is maintained (except for T1 scout, T3 scout, T3 strike which should be compensated for the lack of shield-piercing primary weapons).

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- If you're an ace, do not kill the same rookie 4 or 5 times in a row. Spread the love.


Sometimes you don't check their name. I'll tell you theres been a few games where one guy has just made b-line after b-line for me and died every time for it. End of the match he had something insane like 19 deaths. I can guarantee you at least 13 of those were me.

Edited by tommmsunb
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End of the match he had something insane like 19 deaths.


Are those people noticed in this "GSF Recordss" thread as well ?


Or, in other words,

why aren't those recognized who give people entries here through their deat6hs ?


This is exactly fitting into my "they get the laurels and I get nothing" thought model. Those who win get everything, but the losers get nothing. Not even an entry in this thread here.


Only the farmers are remembered, but not the cattle.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Are those people noticed in this "GSF Recordss" thread as well ?


Or, in other words,

why aren't those recognized who give people entries here through their deat6hs ?


This is exactly fitting into my "they get the laurels and I get nothing" thought model. Those who win get everything, but the losers get nothing. Not even an entry in this thread here.


Only the farmers are remembered, but not the cattle.


I am sorry, are you actually asking for a wall of shame? That seems like easily the WORST, most toxic idea I have ever heard suggested on this forum.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since the patch has reverted GSF to pre 3.0, I will now begin to update the thread again. If anyone can beat the current records, that is :p.


Also, I've looked over the records again, and I am not going to be updating the "Medals" category for anything below 18 medals for the general category. 17+ medal counts seem to be happening too frequently to keep a reasonably short list. If there are open spots in the ship records, I will fill those, and will continue to count ties at 18 medals until it gets ridiculously long - then I'll flush the 18 medal records and we'll have 19+ medal counts go into that list.

Edited by Fractalsponge
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Or, in other words,

why aren't those recognized who give people entries here through their deat6hs ?


This was addressed. I'm not sure whether you are:


1)- Actually advocating for tracking the players that die the most, without understanding that this would be demoralizing and against the forum terms of service.

It would also be inaccurate, as most players who are terrible would not post here, and the "most farmed" ones would just be a subset of bad players- to say nothing of the fact that someone with deaths from spam self destructs would be indistinguishable from someone who tried to fight and was terrible.

2)- Sarcastically implying that everyone who tops these threads is just farming bads, and therefore the thread has no merit.



The first is a really terrible idea, and it would be meanspirited. The second is a valid critique, but the thing is- the game doesn't offer ranked play, or a ladder, or anything like that. Putting up big numbers on scoreboards happens because we actually do have scoreboards. While I don't think these records are all that meaningful, they provide a fun goal that many of the top pilots like jousting at. To get a top score means you have queued a ton at different times and played a whole lot on the ship you are playing on, so it isn't without meaning.


GSF has a lot of "choose your own adventure", from prearranged nights where we all converge on a server with one of a few rulesets, to records threads and contests, and that's fine.

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