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Will BioWare ever fix their lack of communication with regards to what's in the pipe?


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But as most sensible people understand, things change when they are still in development.

And what resulted from that was that people were outraged that things that the devs had said "would be done" were not done.

It doesn't matter that the devs stated that it was all subject to change or even said that "this is how we might do it", everything was taken as a solid promise of how it would be instead of as hints to how it might be.

Hell, people even complained when mere rumors turned out to be wrong and claimed that "the devs lied to us" when no dev had ever said anything in the first place.


This is why the Army doesn't put things on a PPT presentation until we are 100% sure. Once it's on the screen and briefed - it's unit policy. (If people remember what was briefed but that's another topic)

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It is a sad day when one runs out of popcorn. Fortunately, it is easy to buy another ;)


SILLY BOY. :mad:


Haven't you seen the latest updates on the holonet?


From the Core Worlds to Hutt Space, passing through Imperial domains and the Unknown Regions, Capital-sized ships are straining supply lines and we can get what we need anymore.


Including(!) popcorn.


I'm going to place myself on stasis. Wake me up once the war is over. :o

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You trust the news?


Hahahaha you are more naive than I thought! :csw_vader:


But I've seen the Capital-sized ships. Absolutely massive.


No one knows for sure who they are or what they represent.


Some say it's Darth Malgus leading a second offensive, after being brought back from the dead thanks to Sith Alchemy. Others claim it's a massive armada or Pure Blood Sith, hell bent to purge the Galaxy from any individual who lacks Pure Sith blood.


Absence of popcorn is the least of our concerns.


FLEEEE...!!! :eek:

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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It's something that hit me as I follow someone who does one of those things you aren't supposed to talk about here on Twitter.


And I get the devs frustration a little bit that someone is mining files and releasing tidbits of upcoming stuff.


But the reality is that people follow guys like that for a reason - because HE, this UNPAID person, is doing a FAR better job just by releasing those tidbits of hyping the game than BioWare does currently!


I know this seems like odd timing, as I am getting in right before the start of the big 3.0 bonanza (at least that is what we players are anticipating), but I admit I am worried.


Communication with the players has always been something Bioware has been horrible at - actually, let me rephrase that.


The team is actually pretty good at communication. But MARKETING THEIR OWN GAME is something BioWare has ALWAYS been HORRIBLE at, regardless of whether it was the past team or the current one. Other MMO companies know how to leave carrots for their players to keep them excited over what's coming next, and how to involve them and engage them for feedback.


I admit, I like the twitch stuff, and if this is how they choose to do things, and we just wait for people to report back to the forums, so be it, but I just hope once 3.0 is launched and in the books, we get better communication going forward, and marketing the game better much like other MMOs do for their players.


I too think they're being way to secretive about upcoming content. IMO they should put up a roadmap every year with all the things they're planning to do in that period and update it on a regular basis as things are either confirmed, delayed or scrubbed for X reason. And as time goes by more general details should IMO be released so that players can actually look forward towards specific content.


Would it hurt them to say that expansion X will include X operations with a total of X bosses, X FPs, X WZs...etc. for example?


Of course there should always be a disclaimer that things especially further down the line are still subject to change, so people screaming OMG BW LIED TO US!!!!!!11 can be easily exposed as the idiots they are.


And yeah, said vocal minority of doomers and gloomers are present on every MMO forum in existence and should not be a valid reason for being so uptight about their plans. They're paid professionals after all and they should really be able to deal with such mostly unfounded clamor.

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I too think they're being way to secretive about upcoming content. IMO they should put up a roadmap every year with all the things they're planning to do in that period and update it on a regular basis as things are either confirmed, delayed or scrubbed for X reason. And as time goes by more general details should IMO be released so that players can actually look forward towards specific content.


Would it hurt them to say that expansion X will include X operations with a total of X bosses, X FPs, X WZs...etc. for example?


Of course there should always be a disclaimer that things especially further down the line are still subject to change, so people screaming OMG BW LIED TO US!!!!!!11 can be easily exposed as the idiots they are.


And yeah, said vocal minority of doomers and gloomers are present on every MMO forum in existence and should not be a valid reason for being so uptight about their plans. They're paid professionals after all and they should really be able to deal with such mostly unfounded clamor.


I completely agree.

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Managing player expectations is a thing.


+1. Exactly.


Honestly, there isn't some big master plan for this game and the designers are human. Two years ago, we were told that player housing would not be implemented and the most we could hope for was re-skinning our player ships. Two years later we have player housing and we can't re-skin our ships.


What I'm trying to say is, they probably have a lot of different projects that are up in the air and I don't think it is in their interests to talk about everything that they are fiddling around with (because much of it may never make it into the game).


EDIT: Especially given how some in the community react. Even polished finished products gets $h!t on.


- Arcada

Edited by Nydus
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I too think they're being way to secretive about upcoming content. IMO they should put up a roadmap every year with all the things they're planning to do in that period and update it on a regular basis as things are either confirmed, delayed or scrubbed for X reason. And as time goes by more general details should IMO be released so that players can actually look forward towards specific content.


Why? Do they owe you some duty to keep you in the development loop? Are you unable to sleep at night without knowing exactly what and when BW plans on updates? Basically, we've become an A.D.D. society who is used to getting information at our fingertips 24/7 and we expect to know everything about everything right away. This has spoiled people who can't display the slightest patience to wait for anything. People feel the need to gobble up rumors and spoilers to learn every detail about a movie before it's released or everything that's going to happen on their favorite TV show before it airs. Guess what...this expansion isn't getting here any faster based on what level of detail is revealed to you and when it is revealed.

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After seeing how people react to things being changed before it goes live, I don't blame them for being careful in how and when they release info.


Managing player expectations is a thing.

This is bunk. These forums are extremely understanding when things go south IF they communicate it. Your false statement has been proven wrong time and again. This community does not hold them accountable for delays, just poor communication.

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You are assuming telling you what's in the pipe is a good thing. BW doesn't owe you any information at all. It's totally up to whatever their marketing people say is best for BW. You can get on these forums and announce to us why YOU think it would be better for them to communicate more, why someone else does it better, why some private guy does it "better," but it all begs the question of whether THEY (BW) think it is even a good idea at all.


And they may not, for both competitive and internal reasons. They know, just as one example, from bitter experience, what happens when they talk about a future feature and it does not arrive quite the way they indicated it would. All hell breaks loose. BW is accused of vile things, of "misleading" the players, of "not providing what they PROMISED!" It sounds like a child who didn't get the cookie he thought he deserved.


And when they DO say something, cautiously, just look at the reaction. More negativity. These guys can't win for losing. They get no respect no matter what they do. You'll make sure of that because you are sitting their poised to criticize if they don't speak, or if they do speak. Nothing short of EXACTLY what YOU think they OUGHT to say is sufficient. Nothing. and if they DID give you more information, it would simply be fodder for more criticism.


Just look a the reaction to the latest teaser. Of course, you all are assuming it is directed at you when it may not be at all. Just because you can see it does not mean you are the target market. But if it is directed at people who post on this forum, it's a total waste of money. They may as well not even do it.


Bottom Line: BW does't owe you a damn thing with regards to what is in the pipeline. Get over yourselves.

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