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Major Lag and FPS drops.. Plus 2 SWTOR.exe instances


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Hi Darkercrab,


We are well aware of the memory-related crashing issues and are actively working on optimisations to improve performance.


Hi vingmotor,


Thanks for posting, I can tell you that the two swtor process running is normal and nothing to be concerned about.


In relation to the lag you are experiencing, can I ask do you mean that you are having a problem with the frame rate or with the latency on the server you are connecting to.




So it is September 2014 and this is still an issue. I can't see how any optimisation has been done. The game is more laggy then ever. Every new update/expansion/event puts more lag into the game. I don't know if this is bad coding or hardware related. My guess is it's a combination of both. Because every time they merged a server it also becomes worse.

Memory leakage is also a problem. When the first instance nearly maxes 2GB of memory (OMG), the second starts to climb. I have had nearly 3GB of system memory being used by SWTOR. At this point the lag in PVP jumps to nearly 2+ seconds! which feels like forever in PVP.

A game, or even better, a system restart is needed to fix this. Strong holds and lots of PVP pops accelerate the problem. The longer your play session the worse it becomes.


Before anyone says it's my machine, please take the following into account.

1st I am a server manager and system builder. I have optimised Windows services, network and limited all non necessary back ground applications on my PC for gaming

2nd I have the following system-

Intel CPU 4770k (4.4ghz water cooled)

8GB G.skill Trident 2400mhz RAM

3x Intel 520 SSD drives (1 for OS, 1 for Game installation, 1. For system memory

Sapphire HD7970 GHZ OC Vapor-X 6GB graphics card

Asus z87 WS motherboard

3rd I run all graphics on low to get better pvp performance

4th I have a fibre optic network connection

My FPS is always coloured red. It fluctuates between 111 to 30, depending on where I am in the game. A low population fleet map will give me 110-111 all the time. A high pop map (160+people) will drop it to 30FPS

Makeb Imp starting area still hasn't been fixed and drops can even go lower than 30FPS

PVP fluctuates between 30-90FPS, I never get 110FPS, except before the match starts.

Both Hutt Balls are the worst, the newer one being extremely bad. My guess is it's all the bright flashing signs and the flame/green goo mechanics and animation putting strain on your system resources. A quick fix or testing on the PTS, with those removed would show if that is the problem.


When/what is Bio going to fix this?? I know some people never experience this, but I would say a majority do.


A "technical" explanation from Bio as to why it happens and when or if it is being addressed, would be appreciated. If it is going to be fixed, exactly what are they doing to fix it?? Hardware upgrades, network upgrades or code improvements




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I'm thinking that the FPS issues are tied to specific computer hardware setups, the reason being is that individuals either have FPS drops all the time or never see any FPS issues. I play on a run-of-the-mill computer and have never had any sort of framerate issues, on the other hand I know people with far superior machines that have all sorts of issues.


Probably something to do with specific graphics drivers or CPUs.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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I'm thinking that the FPS issues are tied to specific computer hardware setups, the reason being is that individuals either have FPS drops all the time or never see any FPS issues. I play on a run-of-the-mill computer and have never had any sort of framerate issues, on the other hand I know people with far superior machines that have all sorts of issues.


Probably something to do with specific graphics drivers or CPUs.


Normally I would agree... But I'm a systems engineer and systems builder... I have many different PCs and configurations available to test this theory and also multiple sites/locations I can test it from... It is definitely the game

I know drivers are most often the cause of a lot of game issues... But not always


I am genuinely interested to know your system specs... It might shine a light on why some people don't seem to have the issues that most people do




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I am genuinely interested to know your system specs... It might shine a light on why some people don't seem to have the issues that most people do.


Let me see, go to the Dell website and look up whatever the stock specs of a Dell Latitude with a i7 is.....


I'm not joking either, completely stock laptop FTW.

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I don't have any issues really. My Framerate is pretty stable and I don't experience it being worse than usual anywhere in particular.


The memory usage does climb the longer you're in the game, but with my 16GB RAM that's hardly something that got me worrying.

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The memory usage does climb the longer you're in the game, but with my 16GB RAM that's hardly something that got me worrying.


Did you check to make sure its swtor.exe doing it? The reason I ask is I had a thing a few months ago where using voicechat programs would cause audiodg.exe (a windows process that's kinda related to the audio driver) to have a unbound memory leak.

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Did you check to make sure its swtor.exe doing it? The reason I ask is I had a thing a few months ago where using voicechat programs would cause audiodg.exe (a windows process that's kinda related to the audio driver) to have a unbound memory leak.


I'm looking at memory used by process. Not in total.


If there is such a memoryleak I have never seen it.

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I'm thinking that the FPS issues are tied to specific computer hardware setups, the reason being is that individuals either have FPS drops all the time or never see any FPS issues. I play on a run-of-the-mill computer and have never had any sort of framerate issues, on the other hand I know people with far superior machines that have all sorts of issues.


Probably something to do with specific graphics drivers or CPUs.


I used to get them all the time on makeb whenever fights went up top. then I updated my gfx drivers. now...I get stuttery video about half the time the fight goes up on the bridge. the funny thing is that I get none of this in either hutball map, which suggests it's not strictly about the elevation change. there is definitely something weird/odd/different about the way makeb arena is put together (regardless of whether the problem is ultimately on client or server end). I don't normally lose frames in this game. the only similar thing I've ever experienced to this is when we had 25+ ppl packed in close fighting on ilum or outlaw's den.



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I have the same issues as the OP.


Running on an Asus ROG G750JZ with 24GB of ram, on a single GTX 880M. SSD raid, running Windows 8.1 on Nvidia's latest drivers.


Initially from a fresh load, everything seems to be mostly ok. As soon as I jump into a few WZ's, over time my frame-rate starts to slowly drop I've disabled Shadows, AA, AF the whole nine yards and nothing has helped. I've tried several config tweaks, including the Nvidia experience optimizations and the third party tool, nvinspector all with little to no change.


Through research I've come to the conclusion that the engine is to blame rather than the hardware. I've also heard rumors that there's an updated version of the engine used in Swtor but no word from the dev's if it will be pushed to Swtor or not.

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SWTOR the only 32 BIT game in existence that buries systems with 16GB of RAM :D. This is the 8th wonder how an app that is limited to a total amount of RAM can provide such a lousy experience on many systems. These are the PC's i have in my house at the moment and all of them are suffering from 'stronghold lag' .



Internet connection : 200 / 200 Mbit


Rig 1 : I7 920@ 4.2 GHz, 16GB RAM Dual 840 PRO SSD aray with 4x 5870xxx (3 disabled for SWTOR)

Rig 2: I7 920 @ 4.0 GHz 8 GB RAM Vertex 2 SSD, 2x HD 4890XXX (one disabled)

Rig 3 : I7 4470K @ 4.2 GHz, 24 GB of RAM, DUAL 840 PRO SSD array, 3 x R9270x ( ditto from above from SWTOR)


What I experience : my connection provides me a stable 19ms lag to TOFN. When I get to populated areas, the game starts to hiccup. The machine I use is the last one, rig 3. Since stronghold has been introduced, my lag alernates from 19ms to 50k red cross, infinite loading screen. I pvp, i sometimes, hover my mouse on the connection, i have 19ms, then i engage someone, i feel my abilites lagging, i hover my mouse 2000ms, then back to 19.


I have played SWTOR on all my machines to eliminate any bugs and the game itself has many problems as of late. The memory usage is off the chain and for god's sakes!! its a 32 bit game with a RAM CAP! It should not butcher memory! Load illum, go to fleet, load belsavis, go to fleet, your RAM usage will increase. Each planet you visit stays in RAM and the fun part is when you go back to said planet you load the whole thing all over. F8ck logic!

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Did you check to make sure its swtor.exe doing it? The reason I ask is I had a thing a few months ago where using voicechat programs would cause audiodg.exe (a windows process that's kinda related to the audio driver) to have a unbound memory leak.


This is true... And some voice program's are considerably worse than others... I find mumble the worst, followed by Vent, then Team speak... If I use a voice chat I only use TS3... It puts the least amount of pressure on your system (at least in my testing)... For me this is essential if doing competitive pvp

This sucks for me because my guild only uses Vent... It's not a problem for them as most only PVE and a little Lag in Ops doesn't effect them

Also be aware that some of these voice program's services will still load in the back ground, even if you don't open them... Unless you actually do a system check on what is running on your system... You won't even know




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Nope, each and every PC has it's differences, even 2 completely identical PC's will have some minute differences between them. So, no not everyone would have the same problem.


Hence why I originally stated that it is not everyone, but definitely a large majority...

Also what some people consider acceptable FPS and what other find acceptable is completely different

If you have a system that runs between 30-40 FPS normally and it drops to 30... You won't notice a difference.. But if you have system that runs 110 FPS and it drops to 30 FPS... There is a huge difference and is really noticeable

Usually low end machines with low end FPS will be the people saying it doesn't happen to them... And I don't mean low end CPU... I mean low end graphics (usually onboard or low end add on cards... Laptops quite often have these) and hard drives (ie mechanical hard drives vs SSD ones)




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SWTOR the only 32 BIT ....I have played SWTOR on all my machines to eliminate any bugs and the game itself has many problems as of late. The memory usage is off the chain and for god's sakes!! its a 32 bit game with a RAM CAP! It should not butcher memory! Load illum, go to fleet, load belsavis, go to fleet, your RAM usage will increase. Each planet you visit stays in RAM and the fun part is when you go back to said planet you load the whole thing all over. F8ck logic!


I played for 4 hours in pvp yesterday and keep loading from my strong hold... I kept checking the memory usage of both swtor.exe's running... They continued to rise... Once the main one hit 2GB, the second started to increase quickly... After 3 hours the combined total was close to 3GB... As they are running 32 bit... The max it could use is 4GB... so the difference between a system running 8GB, 12GB, 16GB or 32GB , would not be noticeable... It would still be bad for all

The issue is that it uses so much at all...

Once it hit the 3GB mark, pvp became extremely laggy... I did a restart and the lag dropped back to a playable level

We should not have to do this in 2014...

I also have a 6GB graphics card... Exactly how much of this memory swtor will max is unknown yet... I will do some testing and let you know... My guess is no more than 2GB... Maybe less...




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I played for 4 hours in pvp yesterday and keep loading from my strong hold... I kept checking the memory usage of both swtor.exe's running... They continued to rise... Once the main one hit 2GB, the second started to increase quickly... After 3 hours the combined total was close to 3GB... As they are running 32 bit... The max it could use is 4GB... so the difference between a system running 8GB, 12GB, 16GB or 32GB , would not be noticeable... It would still be bad for all

The issue is that it uses so much at all...

Once it hit the 3GB mark, pvp became extremely laggy... I did a restart and the lag dropped back to a playable level

We should not have to do this in 2014...

I also have a 6GB graphics card... Exactly how much of this memory swtor will max is unknown yet... I will do some testing and let you know... My guess is no more than 2GB... Maybe less...





SWTOR? Lol it doesn't even come close to 2GB VRAM.

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I run a 3570k at 4.4GHz and an overclocked GTX 670 GPU. Low FPS is not even in my vocabulary :p



Just ran the Makeb Arena, ranked, i was on the bridge, my game dropped to 1 FPS !!! I wish i could untick that arena because it is a loss whenever I get there. It starts nicely at 100+ fps and then drops to 1!!! Anyways, forum heroes keep saying it is my pc, no problem, i am planning an upgrade.Moving on x99 deluxe and gtx 980. When that rig won't run SWTOR properly and FPS drops will occur, I will laugh at everyone who says they have enough FPS with a toaster when the majority have no clue they play with 15 which for some of us is unacceptable.

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Just ran the Makeb Arena, ranked, i was on the bridge, my game dropped to 1 FPS !!! I wish i could untick that arena because it is a loss whenever I get there. It starts nicely at 100+ fps and then drops to 1!!! Anyways, forum heroes keep saying it is my pc, no problem, i am planning an upgrade.Moving on x99 deluxe and gtx 980. When that rig won't run SWTOR properly and FPS drops will occur, I will laugh at everyone who says they have enough FPS with a toaster when the majority have no clue they play with 15 which for some of us is unacceptable.


Massive overkill.. I don't drop below 50, ever.

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