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Major Lag and FPS drops.. Plus 2 SWTOR.exe instances


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I know SLI sucks with SWTOR but I need it for 4k. If my FPS is 15 on Alderaan with SLI (both 670s at 100% load) what would it be with only 1...




and yeah I doubt SWTOR uses more than 2 cores honestly.


Probably the same or more. It really does not do anything.

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I know SLI sucks with SWTOR but I need it for 4k. If my FPS is 15 on Alderaan with SLI (both 670s at 100% load) what would it be with only 1...




and yeah I doubt SWTOR uses more than 2 cores honestly.


You can test what it's like with one card... Just disable SLi in your Nvidia desktop software and test it... I know you have a 4k monitor, but just reduce the resolution in windows to test it

I would guess if your FPS is dropping to 15FPS in SLi... It will still be the same on 1 GTX670, not worse

Also the game was never designed to run on 4K monitors... That maybe another reason for the FPS dropping

That being said, those drops happen to most people, regardless of hardware... So don't feel like it's you ;)



two Xeon X5650s overclocked to 3.9 GHz on a EVGA SR-2, 2 GTX 670s, 24 GB RAM, 4k monitor


It's the game, it's built on a beta game engine. Skyrim plays fine with the identical hardware at 4k Ultra settings 60 FPS all the time.


As someone else mentioned your 2 Xeon CPUs will not even be recognised... The game would be lucky to use 4 threads... But I think it only uses 2

The only benefit you would get would be that the game wouldn't "need" to share cores with your operating system or other processes... Unfortunately neither windows or the game will recognise this and may just use the same 4 cores

The same goes with 24GB of Ram... On a 32bit game the most it will use is 2gb per .exe run... The rest is a waste unless your doing other stuff while running the game... But if you are, then that will also cause lag because windows is not efficient at co-ordinating resources

I am interested to know, when you are on the fleet in a low population area, what is your FPS... With your system it should be 110FPS... Even though SLi isn't efficient in swtor... I have tested 2x GTX 570s in SLi, running 3 monitors and it hits 110FPS


Lastly, and this isn't a troll... But why are you using a SR-2 system to game with... Please tell me it is the only system you have and you do server or graphic design work... That you don't just use it as a home/gaming machine??

I used to work with/distribute EVGA and that Motherboard was never designed to game on... It was the "brain child" of some of the sponsored EVGA Overclocking team so they could break the world OCing records

It is mainly designed to do that and server work... No games, even today, can even use half the potential of that system (not including the graphics cards)... And it's 6year old technology

Why you spent all that money on the motherboard, 2x Xeons and ECC ram... But skimped on the graphics card... is mind boggling... If all you want to do is game




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