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Enough BW my bounty hunter does not like men


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Look sorry my toon is a bounty hunter not a little sith boy who runs around the dark council table playing scooby dew where are you with the dark lords


What does your class have to do with your complaint?

Also, it's not Scooby Dew, it's Scooby-Doo.

And some of us grew up watching it and loving the mysteries. There's nothing wrong with Scooby Doo, just like there's nothing wrong with having the option to pursue a gay romance.

Edited by TheNahash
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Why would he?

Three-way anyone? :p


Not to mention he didn't get jealous when I hit on the male smuggler either.


... Yum, actually... Good point.


Damn, now I wish for a harem option, I mean what F!SW does want to have both Pierce and Quinn at her beck and call for bedroom maintenance?


Anyway, that's going off topic.



Now are you whining about being a BH and having a Sith to flirt with? So what? Don't flirt with him then.


Scooby-Doo, not Dew. Dew is moisture from air on plants when it starts to warm up in the morning. Or slang for... Events around lady parts. How crude am I allowed to be anyway?


You get the whole main game of hetero romances, let the others have their fun.

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OP, you might want to sit down. Also, grab your security key, because you're going to need it in a second.


You clearly missed the part where BioWare said they were adding more open [Flirt] options from now on. So much like Mass Effect and Dragon Age, those open-minded NPCs are going to be everywhere. Slowly but surely, this game is approximating real life where you have the option to flirt with anyone who you are attracted to, and you're forced to admit that people who might want to flirt with people you're not attracted to continue to exist. That's what the [Flirt] marker is for, so that you know what's coming (no pun intended.... I think.).


Also, BioWare has categorically stated that they will not implement any kind of filter or toggle to prevent people like you from seeing those options. If you need assistance searching the forums for those statements, I can pull them up for you or you can take my word for it based on what you're already seeing in the game.


So, for people like you, it's only going to get worse from here on in. They might even introduce an open-minded recruitable companion, and that clearly would be too much for you to handle. So go ahead and delete your characters now. It's for the best, really. For you and anyone who thinks like you, it's just not going to get any better. Sorry to be the one to break it to you.

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Damn, now I wish for a harem option, I mean what F!SW does want to have both Pierce and Quinn at her beck and call for bedroom maintenance?



Might as well give HK a few modifications and some new protocols and subroutines while you're at it. ;)

Edited by Callaron
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Look my whole point was on mekab I was stuck with flirt options with the sith I thought it was a bug so I didn't think nothing of it at the time but then the desease contracted to the underworld clients in the BBA event. Tho Ty for telling me about escape I didn't know that. I understand alot if these negetive post are people that got "butt hurt" by my OP I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend but my issue really was more mekab then BBA event convos becuase I was really enjoying it and I pretty much had far less convo options then normal and it was really annoying.


You did the same thing that many people did their first time through Makeb with a male Empire character, because you always chose the [Flirt] option every single time prior without thinking didn't you? Well Makeb ended up teaching you a lesson about not doing that so willy nilly didn't it?


I Flirted with that dude too my first time through (Empire) Makeb because I wasn't paying attention, but guess what I didn't do when I played through Empire Makeb again?


Considering how much it bothered you initially on Makeb I'm surprised you didn't just Esc out of the convo and not click the flirt option. You really should be asking yourself why you feel the need to hit the [Flirt] option every time it comes up.


Look sorry my toon is a bounty hunter not a little sith boy who runs around the dark council table playing scooby dew where are you with the dark lords


What does your class have to do with anything?

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Amazing how sheltered some people still are in this age of the internets.



This kind of content might have "shocked" me when I was 12. But I've been on the internet for far too long for this to even faze me anymore.


I can only imagine how traumatized the OP will be if he ever watches Torchwood, or certain Doctor Who episodes. :p

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Oh, shoosh, all of you with your philosophical discussion!


What I want to know is…


…did the OP’s Bounty Hunter (pic please! Kindda hard to visualize here….) actually kissed the guy? Is that because he was unable to commit to the LS or DS Option, and was all so torn up inside?! And what did Mako say?! And did Gault tell all about it to his gf? Or did Andry in the end took it for the team?


My Makeb (mecab?) so far wasn't nearly as entertaining. A cute and witty Zabrack told my PC he’s married (like my toon isn’t, pfft. Here, Riggs, come here… GOOD BOY! See, a husband.), but another guy might kiss her. The other guy is a stupid human and doesn't have a kissing option. Typical. A damsel rescued did have a flirt, but all she had to offer was a huh…? shrug. Is that what passes for the HEWT LUZBIAN loving on Makeb?


I think OP might thoroughly enjoy playing one or the other female Jedi. As long as he doesn't talk to 3 companions in the game, no man, woman or beast will EVAR dare show a Flirt to him, and he can see each and every neutral reply there is!

Edited by DomiSotto
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*coughs and keeps herself from running for the game right now*


That would be nice.


Back on topic, have we beaten this horse to death for you yet, OP?


Yes you have all tho most of the post had made me laugh till the tears rolled from my eyes I also need to send out an apology I did not mean you offend anyone I was being in considerate when writing the OP. like I said I'm sorry and you guys gave me my just deserts.

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Yes you have all tho most of the post had made me laugh till the tears rolled from my eyes I also need to send out an apology I did not mean you offend anyone I was being in considerate when writing the OP. like I said I'm sorry and you guys gave me my just deserts.


Dude just be careful when picking the [Flirt] option in future. It's like yelling "Hey good lookin'" at a crowd of people sometimes. You might get a lady, you might get a gentlemen, you might get your teeth knocked out. It's a wonderful adventure of pain!



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Yes you have all tho most of the post had made me laugh till the tears rolled from my eyes I also need to send out an apology I did not mean you offend anyone I was being in considerate when writing the OP. like I said I'm sorry and you guys gave me my just deserts.


I'm sorry, but your original post didn't read as considerate. At least, not to me, and I am straight. Your post read as whiney as a person who didn't realize that people had been asking for SGR type things since Beta even. It could not have been hard to go 'oh, SGR option. No thanks."


Now, I do accept that you weren't trying to offend, and likely just stumbled blindly by accident. Just take care, and maybe not space bar everything so much?

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I also didnt realize people were demanding same sex romance. Now that I'm pulled out of my selfish point of view I kinda feel like a jerk for even creating this post let alone having my name branded as creator


Well, it wasn't in the game at launch, and prior to launch some bright spark at Bioware posted on the beta forums that "gays don't exist in Star Wars". That went down as well as you can expect.


Granted, it's a bit of a history lesson and I'm not surprised that you were, well, surprised by the fact that you can [Flirt] with Lord Cytharat and Theron Shan; it pretty much doesn't come until you're post 50.


Don't blame us for that though. That's all in Bioware's hands.

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I can only imagine how traumatized the OP will be if he ever watches Torchwood, or certain Doctor Who episodes. :p


So true. Torchwood especially... Even Spartacus.


Well, it wasn't in the game at launch, and prior to launch some bright spark at Bioware posted on the beta forums that "gays don't exist in Star Wars". That went down as well as you can expect.


Granted, it's a bit of a history lesson and I'm not surprised that you were, well, surprised by the fact that you can [Flirt] with Lord Cytharat and Theron Shan; it pretty much doesn't come until you're post 50.


Don't blame us for that though. That's all in Bioware's hands.


I don't remember that, not to mention Bioware - supposedly - created the first lesbian character in SW history, namely Juhani.


Seems odd to say the least.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I also didnt realize people were demanding same sex romance. Now that I'm pulled out of my selfish point of view I kinda feel like a jerk for even creating this post let alone having my name branded as creator


I forgive you.


Your punishment is to watch either season 1-2 of Torchwood or all the episodes of Dr. Who where Cpt. Jack Harkness appears.


Repent your sins my child!

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I think the punishment is too harsh never seen torch wood but every season of doctor who... God help me


I doubt every season of Doctor Who. Have you gone back and found every last lost episode/serial from the Old Classic Doctor Who?


Still, go watch Torchwood. They have a slight crossover. And you will live.

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There is little else I can say that others have not. I could go into some of the OP comments during this discussion a little deeper, but the situation seems to have come to a civil conclusion, and I do not want to risk hurting that! :i_angel:


I don't remember that, not to mention Bioware - supposedly - created the first lesbian character in SW history, namely Juhani.


Seems odd to say the least.


I seem to remember hearing something about that after I started playing (Three or so months after launch) although it does sound odd, given how BW have probably been the loudest supports of LGBT equality in the video game industry, and of course created Juhani. I would love to know just what happened on the specific thread. I think I recall that said individual left the company after that...


I forgive you.


Your punishment is to watch either season 1-2 of Torchwood or all the episodes of Dr. Who where Cpt. Jack Harkness appears.


Repent your sins my child!


At least it is not Miracle Day... that is a punishment I would not wish on my dearest foe!


(I am smiling at the fact that my favorite thing in the world, Doctor Who, has been casually added into the discussion! :D)

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