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Social Gear Only Light Armor *** !


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So ....


Some of the social gear looks amazing but, the major problem with it is that they seem to be all light armor value. Granted that is great for those who were light armor but, for most of the other classes that dont its really becomes useless especially for Tanks who were Heavy Armor for example BH.


Really need to have the Armor Scale to medium & heavy.


The only classes that can benifit from this is a Jedi Counclier or Sith Inquister




Bioware need to take a good look at this

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Pointless complaint


Why do you care what armor type the social gear is?


Because the Armor value doesn't scale up to Medium or Heavy levels, so anyone who wears Medium/Heavy armor will be sacrificing a lot of armor if they want the very cheap moddable social gear that Light armor wearers can, and often do, get.

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Because the Armor value doesn't scale up to Medium or Heavy levels, so anyone who wears Medium/Heavy armor will be sacrificing a lot of armor if they want the very cheap moddable social gear that Light armor wearers can, and often do, get.




You're not understanding that it's SOCIAL GEAR, which is to say that it's not the same as combat gear. So, armor rating doesn't matter. Complain is invalid.

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You're not understanding that it's SOCIAL GEAR, which is to say that it's not the same as combat gear. So, armor rating doesn't matter. Complain is invalid.


But they built it so that you can use it as combat gear by inserting mods into it. However, it's only really useful for characters who can wear light armor. That's the complaint.


If they had no intention of it ever being used in combat, it wouldn't have sockets for combat modifications.

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You're not understanding that it's SOCIAL GEAR, which is to say that it's not the same as combat gear. So, armor rating doesn't matter. Complain is invalid.


Weeelll... I understand where they're coming from. My Jedi Consular is currently wearing the social hat (been wearing it since level 10) cuz I'm level 17 and still haven't gotten a head item yet. I've been putting pretty good mods in it so it has pretty decent stats at this point.


That being said, it's social gear and I think they want social gear to be wearable by anyone so they made it an armor type that everyone can equip.. cuz I would be sad if they made a set that looked cool but I couldn't wear it on my consular because it's medium or heavy.

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As I understand it, Social gear is not to be used for combat. It's just for vanity. Therefore it makes perfect sense to make it light armor. That way everyone can use it.


Oh, so that explains why you can MOD social gear!


Oh wait... No it doesn't.




Complaint valid as ever.

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So, make it unmoddable, because as of right now, plenty of light armor wearers are wearing it for combat. About 2000 credits and they get armor for the life of the character.


Just the same as anyone else who picks up a set of orange gear. It's not exactly for life if they have to upgrade it all the time like you would with other gear and I believe the top tier of items have extra slots that the social gear doesn't

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Yes! As a Juggernaut, it really bothers me that I am so limited on how I want my character to look. I would prefer to have my character in a simple black sith robe, but I can't do that because items such as that are all light armor, and I can't take that big off a mitigation penalty.


Please, Bioware, make all moddable gear scale to the character's armor proficiency! You can keep the minimum requirements (light armor wearers can't wear heavy armor cosmetics), but please allow things to scale UP! I want to raid tank in a dancer's uniform! Just once!

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Just the same as anyone else who picks up a set of orange gear. It's not exactly for life if they have to upgrade it all the time like you would with other gear and I believe the top tier of items have extra slots that the social gear doesn't


Then you should have absolutely no objections to it being unmoddable. Glad you agree.

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Then you should have absolutely no objections to it being unmoddable. Glad you agree.


No what I would suggest is that armouring is changed to be what defines armour as heavy/medium/light and that sets the armour type of an item. That way everyone can get the items and use them fully.

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I'll tell you what, i think i found a good compromise. Either make all the social gear unmoddable. Which, to do they'd also need to go though all the gear thats already modded, and send those mods back to the people who put them in their gear\, things will get lost in the shuffle, ect.


Instead of that, why don't we have 3 vendors, light, medium, and heavy. They all have the same MODELS, just one has light gear, one has med, one has heavy. That way no one gets scial gear you need to be a certain class to use.

Edited by acheros
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Yes! As a Juggernaut, it really bothers me that I am so limited on how I want my character to look. I would prefer to have my character in a simple black sith robe, but I can't do that because items such as that are all light armor, and I can't take that big off a mitigation penalty.


Please, Bioware, make all moddable gear scale to the character's armor proficiency! You can keep the minimum requirements (light armor wearers can't wear heavy armor cosmetics), but please allow things to scale UP! I want to raid tank in a dancer's uniform! Just once!


so let me get this straight... youre complaining because simple black sith robes dont count as heavy armour?


come on now, you cant have your pie and eat it... if you want to have high armour values, you have to have heavy armour...

if you want to dress in a robe, youre gonna have to accept that a simple robe isnt "heavy armour"

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I agree that a tank decked out in slave Leia clothing would look stupid. However, I think that the healer and DPS also dressed up like slaves looks ridiculous too, and yet we have that. No reason to exclude people with medium and heavy armor from looking ridiculous if they so choose.
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so let me get this straight... youre complaining because simple black sith robes dont count as heavy armour?


come on now, you cant have your pie and eat it... if you want to have high armour values, you have to have heavy armour...

if you want to dress in a robe, youre gonna have to accept that a simple robe isnt "heavy armour"


yeah, but the Jedi and Sith shouldnt need armor in the first damn place, it should have been a passive armor value that scaled with level.

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Its SOCIAL gear... supposed to be used in SOCIAL events... not battle.


Us heavies already have all the cool heavy armour...

It is 'social' gear. It is also 'combat' gear for those who wear light armor. Those who wear medium and heavy armor would also like 'social' gear that they can use as 'combat' gear; this doesn't currently exist.


besides, how would it look if the "slave girl outfit" had heavy armour values???
I think it would be awesome. :D
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You're not understanding that it's SOCIAL GEAR, which is to say that it's not the same as combat gear. So, armor rating doesn't matter. Complain is invalid.


What are you prattling on about? Social gear is supposed to be legitimate gear that you can mod. Just because it's 'social' gear doesn't mean it's supposed to be 'fluff'.


Try again, though

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Its SOCIAL gear... supposed to be used in SOCIAL events... not battle.


Us heavies already have all the cool heavy armour...


besides, how would it look if the "slave girl outfit" had heavy armour values???


I've been using the elegant hat (with helm turned off) just because the slots give me that much more of a stat bonus seeing as, at level 17, I still have yet to see a helm drop. Yes it's social gear but it's moddable gear so it's viable for combat even if it looks silly... that's what people have a problem with.

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