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2nd star wars mmo


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If I would like it to happen? I couldn't care less. Personally, I prefer The Old Republic era so I would be staying here.


If it is likely to happen? Highly doubt it. A lot of of time and money has already been invested in SWTOR, and I doubt they'd spend more time and money on a new Star Wars MMO.

Edited by Essence_of_Light
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how do you guys feel about a second mmo in the episode 7 universe or do we just stay in the swtor world forever? Some of us like to be current!


Personally, I won't support another mmo. Just not my type of game. It'd have to be a single player rpg or straight up "hack and slash " before I pay any attention to it.

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how do you guys feel about a second mmo in the episode 7 universe or do we just stay in the swtor world forever? Some of us like to be current!


I understand what you're saying, but I find it ironic that you say people like to be current when it seems like every MMO, besides SWTOR, that has released in the past 10 years has had the same medieval sword and wizardry theme...


That being said...I loved SWG because it was "current" Star Wars and I found it more relateable - flying an x-wing was absolutely EPIC!!! But with that came the difficulty of adding any story or expansions because any story elements conflicted with either the films or literature...that alone doomed SWG to failure. Being "current" restricts possibilities. When I 1st heard about SWTOR, my fear was that it wouldn't resemble the Star Wars universe I grew up with...but Bioware has done a great job of mixing in elements that we're all familiar with to create a very good Star Wars feel...I'm especially fond of Manaan tbh...that place screams STAR WARS to me.


Just be careful what you wish for. A video game based off Episode 7 could really suck because the possibilities for expansion would be very limited.

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Can't say if I'm interested in playing a post-VII universe MMO bcause I have no idea what the post-VII universe is like now, let alone if I'd like that MMO regardless of whether or not I like the setting.


I would love to get a chance at finding out if I like it though, but certainly not at the expense of a game I already know I enjoy and a setting I already know I enjoy. Don't think my financial status allows me to support yet another MMO with subscriptions, though...

Edited by VanguVegro
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Disney Princesses Online!... No thanks... Please don't let Disney anywhere NEAR a SW MMO... It's bad enough that companies have to deal with them, a new SW MMO would just be some HKO where nothing bad will happen because Disney can't run anything not Family Friendly...
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Given the fate of SWG and that SWTOR manages to stay afloat solely because of the store; it's unlikely anyone, anywhere, will be beating the doors down to invest in another Star Wars MMO. For whatever reason, the license just can't hold a sizable audience in this format.


BioWare (or whomever) would be better served putting resources into another KOTOR / Star Wars single-player game. Huge up-front profit and no maintenance staff or long-term support.

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Since they are trying to unify all lore going forward (unlike when Lucas just let the expanded universe run amuck as long as his pockets were lined with dollars), it's highly doubtful they are going to create a MMO that will infringe upon the newly developing Star Wars period. The first movie is over a year away so they haven't even set up the state of the universe at that timeframe and people are already calling for an MMO? Come on, lol. Maybe 5-7 years down the line after they've released several movies and clearly defined the universe. Also, can't imagine anyone over there is in a rush to make a major investment into a MMO again after what happened with SWTOR. It's obviously making money for them but didn't turn out anywhere near what they expected.
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Given the fate of SWG and that SWTOR manages to stay afloat solely because of the store; it's unlikely anyone, anywhere, will be beating the doors down to invest in another Star Wars MMO. For whatever reason, the license just can't hold a sizable audience in this format.


BioWare (or whomever) would be better served putting resources into another KOTOR / Star Wars single-player game. Huge up-front profit and no maintenance staff or long-term support.


OMG, I don't think you could be more wrong. The initial audience for this game was close to 2 million+ people (going off sales)...I think Star Wars is by far the easiest IP to make money off of in the history of gaming. I think you're wrongly attributing failed MMOs to the IP rather than the developers.

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It will eventually happen, just not sure when. Probably a long time from now. I hope it does happen. I actually prefer this era. You have a strong Sith and Republic presence at this time which is needed for a dual faction system.


Biggest reason I want a new SW MMO is because this Engine is bad. It limits what the Devs can do with the game. Too many load screens because there are too many instances. Ability Delay and general smoothness in combat will always be subpar. The game will never have Open Space (not sure that's even needed).


With that said, the current Dev team is doing the best they can with the tools and resources available to them.

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how do you guys feel about a second mmo in the episode 7 universe or do we just stay in the swtor world forever? Some of us like to be current!


I doubt it would make a difference. It would still be distributed by EA since they have exclusive rights to all Star Wars games.


That being said, it would really depend on how it is presented.

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Here's a thought, since The Old Republic isn't considered part of the Star Wars Legends canon at this point, you can remove many logical inconsistencies by simply asserting that TOR is in fact an alternate universe right in the same timeline as the movies.


Think about it, it never made much sense that TOR has the same tech by and large, that weapons of planetary destruction are just as available if not better, that 3000 years go by and the only real advancement is that cloning en mass is easy. I've heard the argument that the galaxy hit an apex in terms of tech, but I'm going to come right out and call bull. Even in the dark ages of the last 2000 years, humanity has progressed by leaps and bounds if you look into what the Arab world was doing during the time of European medieval-ism.


What the Old Republic does instead is that via an alternate universe you get a glimpse into the possible workings of the prime universe by which Star Wars operates. Consider Alderaan, a planet of nobles, it would have been boring had they done it in a film without the civil war going on. it's still kind of boring in this game. But by the virtue of an all out civil war, Alderaan carries enough interest to get a glimpse into how it must have worked prior to its destruction via the Death Star. How about the Sith? The Old Republic offers a better glimpse into the Sith and how they operate and their philosophies in a way the movies could not nor could have the time to explain unless you wanted a very boring prequel of a prequel.


Oh and as far as the Death Star goes in case somebody thinks that is somehow superior tech. Nah, that's just a basic necessity to Galactic conquest when you don't have the force sensitive manpower that the Sith have in The Old Republic. If you play the Jedi Knight story line, there are plenty of instances of world dooming tech that is just as powerful and in some ways better, but it certainly wouldn't have fit the needs of Palpetine. The Death Star is a feat of engineering and resources, not a technological leap forward.

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Oh and as far as the Death Star goes in case somebody thinks that is somehow superior tech. Nah, that's just a basic necessity to Galactic conquest when you don't have the force sensitive manpower that the Sith have in The Old Republic.
The salient point I took from your post is that the Death Star was just a Guild Ship that managed to top the Alderaan Leader Board.:D
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With that said, the current Dev team is doing the best they can with the tools and resources available to them.


Their best? Oh boy, I love it when people say that someone is trying their best...


You know what?


"Losers always whine about their best, winners go home and frack the prom queen."

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Oh and as far as the Death Star goes in case somebody thinks that is somehow superior tech. Nah, that's just a basic necessity to Galactic conquest when you don't have the force sensitive manpower that the Sith have in The Old Republic.


The ability to destroy a planet once every 24 hours (first version) or once every few hours (second version) with a single shot laser, is indeed beyond any tech in the TOR era.


Many people have not put it together, but the Emperor wasn't really building Death Stars for terror. That was the obvious purpose, but not the real one. If that is the goal, you only need 1 of them...


He was building dozens of them...


He needed them to fight the Yuuzhan Vong whom he knew was coming. Thrawn was made aware of them from Kinman Doriana:


"There's an invasion coming. A massive assault force of dark ships, shadowy figures, and weapons of great power, based on organic technology of a sort we've never seen before. We believe these Far Outsiders, as we call them, already have a foothold at the far edge of the galaxy, and even now have scouting parties seeking information on worlds and peoples to conquer."


The first of their probes arrived in our Galaxy in 3997 BBY (even before the time of TOR). Canderous Ordo was the first group of humans (and in this case, Mandalorians) to make contact with the Yuuzhan Vong.


Palpatine had knowledge of them by at least 27 BBY, he ordered the Outbound Flight Project destroyed to prevent its occupants from falling into the hands of the Yuuzhan Vong.




The real purpose of the Death Stars was to destroy the WorldShips of the Yuuzhan Vong, not to blow up valuable planets of the Empire. If you've read up on that invasion, you'll know that even Super Star Destroyers were largely ineffective against the WorldShips.


The estimate is that about 365 trillion sentients were killed in the invasion, Palpatine was building up the Imperial Navy and the Death Stars to try and prevent this.


So frankly, the Rebel's actions caused the worst loss of life in the history of the galaxy. Nothing Palpatine did was remotely in the same league as the Yuuzhan Vong.

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Given the fate of SWG and that SWTOR manages to stay afloat solely because of the store; it's unlikely anyone, anywhere, will be beating the doors down to invest in another Star Wars MMO. For whatever reason, the license just can't hold a sizable audience in this format.


BioWare (or whomever) would be better served putting resources into another KOTOR / Star Wars single-player game. Huge up-front profit and no maintenance staff or long-term support.


Well swg was an outdated sandbox. Modern sandboxes don't do well..

Swtor is staying afloat by the store lol. Yes those million players logging in each month none of them are subs right? We have people like you subbing just so you can bash the game, you are aware you are helping keeping it afloat right?

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Well swg was an outdated sandbox. Modern sandboxes don't do well..

Swtor is staying afloat by the store lol. Yes those million players logging in each month none of them are subs right? We have people like you subbing just so you can bash the game, you are aware you are helping keeping it afloat right?


200k subs isn't anything to jump up and down about... it sure isn't the millions that EA was expecting.

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Their best? Oh boy, I love it when people say that someone is trying their best...


You know what?


"Losers always whine about their best, winners go home and frack the prom queen."


Or they stay home and build computers in their garage and become a Billionaire. There are countless avenues in life.

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Given the fate of SWG and that SWTOR manages to stay afloat solely because of the store; it's unlikely anyone, anywhere, will be beating the doors down to invest in another Star Wars MMO. For whatever reason, the license just can't hold a sizable audience in this format.


BioWare (or whomever) would be better served putting resources into another KOTOR / Star Wars single-player game. Huge up-front profit and no maintenance staff or long-term support.


naaa, the fate of SWG and SW:TOR is not about the licence content

They ended up that way because of bad design and bad choices plain and simple.


Hell, with out the Star Wars name recognition SWG would have never stayed alive as long as it did

to a certain degree the same can be said for SW:TOR


I think investors would be very hesitant and have to be sold on idea

but make no mistake, having Star Wars in the title is a good thing, not a bad one.


What we need is for a team of devs who really do understand the genre.


BOTH SWG and SW:TOR teams said all the right things in the build up but when push came to shove both teams completely failed to understand the genre or market and were more interested in making "their game" then making the best Star wars game.


PS: I don't believe for a second there is another SW MMO coming in the near future.

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There has been talk of a second Star Wars The Old Republic that the developers have talked about. I've read a little about it. It's still in the infancy stages, right now. And about 5 years from launch. The things that they need to do in the next game is a lot, in my opinion. I will name a couple things they need to get rid of, or change. First get rid of Alacrity, it's useless. Second, better character face and body modification from the start. And my last point, for now, is a much better, saner, and workable crafting system. I would make companions who didn't have efficiency in one particular crew skill or another. Rather, those would come as time, affection, and crafting/gathering come along.
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