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Why does BW hate solo players that much?


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why should you get top-tier gear if you're not doing top-tier activities? that 180 gear is for raiders. if you're not raiding, not only should you not be able to get it, you really don't even need it.


That gear is for whoever can find a use for it and purpose, in my case it makes it easier to solo high level flashpoints so I don't have to work with random drawn groups of people with your attitude.

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Seems like Bioware is going out of their way to drive out people who just like to solo pve.


If you are like me, hating GSF, PvP and group play in general, then you're pretty much done after finishing your story line and hitting the lvl cap. Strongholds looked to be something to fill the void, but again, the solo pve player is actively and deliberately limited in options to participate (point wise I mean)


This week's personal (yeah , right... personal, big joke that). conquest looked like I actually could make the required point total. Sadly the solo pve'er again gets chopped off at the feet.


What is personal in a conquest if most of the objectives require a group to do, apart from crafting and spending oodles of credits on getting the required mats? Bioware why do you dislike solo pve players so much?



You know who also used to solo?


STALIN! That's who!


You might want to think about that the next time you log on and decide to solo.



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My gripe is not about that, it's about the fact that it's near to impossible for a casual, solo pve player to reach the personal conquest score if you happen to dislike the game elements I mentioned (GSF, PvP and groups in general).


Gathering credits and gearing up alts and running the other stories is not a problem, been doing that since day 1. But if you label something as Personal Conquest, then I would have expected it to be possible for a single player to be able to reach that target, as I highly doubt that the majority of players can spend enough playtime to reach that target. I know I can't at least... I simply do not have that much time and mats to reach it.


And yes, the rewards may not be all that, but for me it's not about that, I would have been happy already to just reach the target and only get the 25K voucher...


Are you trolling? You can get your personal conquest completed in short order by solo'ing Battle of Illum and False Emperor and Esseles and the H2. Yes, even with last nights patch.


What do you define as casual again? Is it playing an hour a week or something?

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I also call bs on crafting being too expensive for conquest. You can send companions on lvl 2/3 crafting missions while you are solo'ing or doing dailies. The longest missions takes about 10 minutes. You dont need to use the level 9 mats to craft these.
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They don't seem to hate solo players.


Rather, they seem uncomprehending of the truism that trying to please everyone all the time winds up annoying most everyone most of the time.


Too many rings at this circus. Not neeeeeearly enough intelligence and ability to manage them all concurrently.


First rule of project management - do what you can do well, not what you can do maybe. Bioware is pretty good at telling a good story.


They should've stuck to story and kept everything storydriven.


They've turned swtor into a hydra, and most of the heads don't even play well with eachother.


How hum. Just another example of mmo's being designed like they get to break the rules common to all luxury entertainments.


It's kinda cute watching them fail to learn year after year after year.


It's not so cute trying to have done fun in the midst of all the hubris.

Edited by Uruare
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They don't seem to hate solo players.


Rather, they seem uncomprehending of the truism that trying to please everyone all the time winds up annoying most everyone most of the time.


Too many rings at this circus. Not neeeeeearly enough intelligence and ability to manage them all concurrently.


First rule of project management - do what you can do well, not what you can do maybe. Bioware is pretty good at telling a good story.


They should've stuck to story and kept everything storydriven.


They've turned swtor into a hydra, and most of the heads don't even play well with eachother.


How hum. Just another example of mmo's being designed like they get to break the rules common to all luxury entertainments.


It's kinda cute watching them fail to learn year after year after year.


It's not so cute trying to have done fun in the midst of all the hubris.


QFT, thank you.

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Like I said before, it's not the reward you get that interests me. Sure, the node decorations are a nice thing, but with the RNG gods not liking me

Now we see your true colors. You're one of those "The universe has a vendetta against me" folks. Thus everything boils down to "it's all about poor little ol' me."

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that's just your standard, run of the mill brainless argument that no longer holds true... if that were true there wouldn't have been a solo story line to begin with.


man stop jeez, you're not even funny, it's a MMO so you must accept this and play with other, or accept to skip some parts of this game that's all.

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More features and content is never a bad thing because it extends the life-cycle of the game and gives players more options. Having said that, GSF or this latest Conquest update don't really hold my interest. Personally, I'm looking forward to new content in the form of new planets and stories like Makeb and Oricon (though it sucks that the end of the Oricon campaign is an Op), or maybe even new classes/campaigns. It would be difficult to balance but who wouldn't want to play as, say, an Imperial Trooper who ends up becoming a Royal Guard? Maybe an SIS agent to mirror the Imperial Agent campaign? How about new companions?


We're lacking this content to be sure. The recent updates that have added FPs like Tython/Korriban, KDY, or Manaan, are a welcome addition but are far too short in comparison to expansions like Rise of the Hutt Cartel (not to mention a fully-fledged campaign). Are similar expansions coming, I wonder? One can only hope.

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I gave up on anymore "solo friendly" content months ago.... I'll keep my sub active until 3.0. Depending on how impressed I am with it (and at this point my expectations are very low) I may or may not be here afterwards. I'm here for 2 reasons


1. The Star Wars ip

2. BW storytelling


Yes....I get it.....this is an mmo. Cool....I'll go play a single player game on one of my consoles. It was fun while it lasted, but there comes a time when you have to accept facts and move on.

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With eight story lines....it does better for solo players than other single-player games. :rod_grin_g:


Nice opinion but that is it. Dragon Age was the best ever to come out. There some more also but It does have some really excellent story lines.

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Seems like Bioware is going out of their way to drive out people who just like to solo pve.


If you are like me, hating GSF, PvP and group play in general, then you're pretty much done after finishing your story line and hitting the lvl cap. Strongholds looked to be something to fill the void, but again, the solo pve player is actively and deliberately limited in options to participate (point wise I mean)


This week's personal (yeah , right... personal, big joke that). conquest looked like I actually could make the required point total. Sadly the solo pve'er again gets chopped off at the feet.


What is personal in a conquest if most of the objectives require a group to do, apart from crafting and spending oodles of credits on getting the required mats? Bioware why do you dislike solo pve players so much?


Heaven forbid an MMO has group content in a MMO that is heavily solo friendly :rolleyes: I'm tired of people like you killing the social aspect of MMO's. I miss the old school MMO's where you needed a party just to level up.

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Did you finish your solo story?

Then you have to be around level 50 (or possibly even 55, seeing as you are a subscriber, so you have RotHC). Now, you can easily solo all the "conquest" flashpoints (Esseless, BoI, FE), and you can also easily solo through all heroics on Balmorra (and Ilum). You can solo through Black Hole [WEEKLY], you can kill 250 mobs on Balmorra and Ilum, you can craft War Supplies.


So yes, BioWare obviously hates you.

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10000% agreed. I have never played another MMO that actively punished me for solo/small group play. Sure, there's stuff you can't attain via solo/small group play in any MMO, but they never went out of their way to basically tell me "Get out of our game, you're playing it wrong." They took my money, I played 90+% of the content and didn't get constantly reminded that I was "wrong" and "inadequate" because I wasn't doing the other 10%, and we were all happy.


I think I'm still most miffed about Oricon. "Here, enjoy this lovely single-player story! ....oh wait, you want to see how it ends now that you've played through most of it? loooool too bad, loser!"

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10000% agreed. I have never played another MMO that actively punished me for solo/small group play. Sure, there's stuff you can't attain via solo/small group play in any MMO, but they never went out of their way to basically tell me "Get out of our game, you're playing it wrong." They took my money, I played 90+% of the content and didn't get constantly reminded that I was "wrong" and "inadequate" because I wasn't doing the other 10%, and we were all happy.


I think I'm still most miffed about Oricon. "Here, enjoy this lovely single-player story! ....oh wait, you want to see how it ends now that you've played through most of it? loooool too bad, loser!"


I repeat, "Heaven forbid you have to do group content in an MMO"


There is nothing wrong with solo content, but there is everything wrong with people like you seemingly demanding that everything be solo content, especially in a MMO where the social aspect of grouping is supposed to be the primary focus. You're almost as bad as the pve players that whine about pvp content where pvp players rarely say a word about having to do pve all the time.

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Imagine that!

They hate solo players so much, they gave them 8 extremely well-made solo stories to play through.

I mean what an insult to solo players...

Some would even call it... a slap in the face :rolleyes:


More than 8 really because many of the planetary quest lines (normally given by a quest giver in the arrival area before heading out into town or whatever), are quite good as well, all soloable.


Having said that, putting a legacy wide lockout was a bit of a head scratcher.

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My gripe is not about that, it's about the fact that it's near to impossible for a casual, solo pve player to reach the personal conquest score if you happen to dislike the game elements I mentioned (GSF, PvP and groups in general).

The conquest system is a guild content. It's not meant for solo pve player that avoids having any contact with people.


But if you label something as Personal Conquest, then I would have expected it to be possible for a single player to be able to reach that target,

Personal =/= solo

Check its meaning.

Before the 2.9c patch reaching the conquest target was incredibly easy.


as I highly doubt that the majority of players can spend enough playtime to reach that target. I know I can't at least... I simply do not have that much time and mats to reach it.

Well, if you can't spare about 6 hours a week for the conquest points, then this is another proof that particular content is not suited for you. Move on.


Not all the content is meant for everyone. I barely play PVP, so you won't see me complaining about PVP gear or arenas being not more accessible for PVE/GSF players like me.

Solo players get their 8 class stories + Makeb. Guild had nothing except the HM and NiM versions of group content. Conquest is actually the first "guild" content added to the game since I've been playing.

Edited by PavSalco
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