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Conquest Exploit Farming - Battle of Ilum (Is it an exploit? Or just boring farming?)


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Well, I understand that some folks are upset. This was probably a rather nice way to compile large amounts of points quickly, and that opportunity will not longer be possible after the patch, at least not in this respect.


I don't think that it's wise, however, to get overemotional about the issue. That is far less likely to have the desired effect, which I would expect would be to convince Bioware to reverse this decision.


For me, I don't care either way. What other folks do to enjoy the game doesn't really effect me in most cases, so there is no reason for me to be concerned about the practice.


I expect that there are many of us that have "gamed" certain parts of the game before when allowed.....

Farming commendations by running lower heroics at high levels to buy mods for lower level characters

Farming Light or Dark side points by running BT/Esseles

Farming mats by running heroics or flashpoints

Doing the intro stronghold mission on all alts to get extra decorations

Zoning in and out of areas to reset crew mission list

Moving around bound mods using legacy gear


I could go on and on....doing things like this is probably not how the designers intended this content to be played, but it is done none the less on a regular basis. I don't really see this practice as any different.


Either way, I am sure players will find some other way to grind points quickly.

Edited by LordArtemis
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That explains how we ere getting trounced by the top guild on Ilum on Shadowlands so completely. We were running multiple groups through Ilum and False Emp all day but we were doing HM plus the bonus which is good for 24k per run but they were still smashing us at twice the rate.
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OP complaint his big guild should only need to put minimal effort in to win. Apparently BW agrees.


Yes, because the complainer is the person who runs TOROCAST... and BW/EA has to protect the rare good press they actually get... no matter the hack site that gives it.

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Yes, because the complainer is the person who runs TOROCAST... and BW/EA has to protect the rare good press they actually get... no matter the hack site that gives it.

Ya that is probably why they get a special emergency patch.

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Seriously? A BG is only worth 500 conquest! That amount warrants it being repeatable! I guess we should make all crafting daily as well. Hell, lets just make everything a daily because your +6K conquest repeatable is being taken away. Dear lord.


The amount of conquest earned determines whether it's repeatable or not. 500 Conquest = repeatable. 6k?????? really? Repeatable? No, lol.


BT, BoI, and FE are only worth 1k each, plus an additional 1k for the bonus boss in HM. Stop comparing the base number to a max bonus number. Compare base to base. If you have stronghold bonuses, and your guild invades the planet that gives bonuses to PVP, you can pull upwards of 3k per warzone. Considering that if you run the WFPproperly (as in: not skipping every boss but last) a storymode flashpoint takes roughly 3 times as long to complete as most warzones, we can see that for the time invested, using only base numbers(because everyone's bonus is different) we see that a PVPer can earn 1500 conquest in the same time that a PVEer can earn 1000. And PVP is unlimited.

Edited by Andrellma
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BT, BoI, and FE are only worth 1k each, plus an additional 1k for the bonus boss in HM. Stop comparing the base number to a max bonus number. Compare base to base. If you have stronghold bonuses, and your guild invades the planet that gives bonuses to PVP, you can pull upwards of 3k per warzone. Considering that if you run the WZ properly (as in: not skipping every boss but last) a storymode flashpoint takes roughly 3 times as long to complete as most warzones, we can see that for the time invested, using only base numbers(because everyone's bonus is different) we see that a PVPer can earn 1500 conquest in the same time that a PVEer can earn 1000. And PVP is unlimited.


Well, I was also wrong thinking all the FP objectives were being changed to daily rewards. That's not the case. I still think 500-1000 conquest is an acceptable amount for any kind of repeatable objective, whether that be completing a WZ or crafting a War Supplies. The problem now is that PvE no longer has a "cheap" objective to farm (500 baseline objective). But, you could argue that PvE can make up for it through many other objectives that they have over PvP content. PvP players pretty much only have WZs.


I don't know, it's a balancing issue between PvE and PvP which has always been a challenge for all MMOs. BW just added to it with Conquest.

Edited by Darkulous
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To me sounds like this guild that is very large guild got butthurt that they were not having an easy win while a small guild found a way to compete and cried over that. This sounds very immature from this larger guild and very immature of the guy on this podcast. Edited by stevmed
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Ok first off, all those whining it's not a exploit, all three clearly state :

Example = Complete Flash point: (name) on any difficulty mode then has a repeatable symbol.


It does not say 1 time per day or weekly as others do, it was set up and written just like the pvp ones that are repeatable all day long.

The only reason it will prolly get changed is cause of ppl crying cause they can't read whats there and feel they are getting cheated. If they change this it will leave it to crafting and pvp. The pvp guilds and the big guilds will have the advantage with the numbers game, so conquest will only be usefull to huge guilds and will be another failure.

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While I don't agree with what people were doing with the Battle of Ilum flashpoint (and our guild is not using this exploid btw), I think that it stems from what happened last week (and apparently what was intended this week as well): That PvP'ers can do an infinite number of matches at 500-1000 points per 10-15 min match without any limit. If you look at the leaderboards from last week, the PvP guilds had almost DOUBLE what the other PvE guilds had.


I was NOT happy about the unequal status of what is repeatable last week between PvP and PvE content in what was touted as a PVE event prior to launch. I mean, even the so-called repeatable PvE content was for things like doing GF with a qualifying daily--which is only ONCE per day, heroics--which are once per day, or for doing an OP with GF--which then you're locked out of for the rest of the week. When weighed against the infinite potential of PvP/GSF that's grossly unfair.


Then this week when we looked at the objectives for the week, it looked like this week was PvE'er's week with the flashpoints and bonus bosses giving us points and that they were REPEATABLE for once. And we picked out planet based on this.


NOW--1/2 way through the week you're changing the rules on us? I'm sorry, but that's just crappy. It's a bait and switch, regardless of what was "intended."

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Ok first off, all those whining it's not a exploit, all three clearly state :

Example = Complete Flash point: (name) on any difficulty mode then has a repeatable symbol.


It does not say 1 time per day or weekly as others do, it was set up and written just like the pvp ones that are repeatable all day long.

The only reason it will prolly get changed is cause of ppl crying cause they can't read whats there and feel they are getting cheated. If they change this it will leave it to crafting and pvp. The pvp guilds and the big guilds will have the advantage with the numbers game, so conquest will only be usefull to huge guilds and will be another failure.


I think the system failed out of the gate. This is an example of it's failure, but overall it's just a poor design.

PVE contribution should have concentrated on mob killing on planets, turning in materials and crafting, and points should have been higher. That IMO would have made more sense.

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I'd not call it an exploit, just clever use of game mechanics. Since the game does not impose a limit on the number of flashpoints you can run each day/week (unlike operations), no one's stopping you from endlessly farming the same flashpoint over and over. It has been known for over a year that you can skip nearly everything in BoI, so the devs knew this when they put in BoI as one of the objectives.

That being said, I'm sure this is not intended by the devs, but I highly doubt they'll do anything about it, compared to how many other more pressing issues they let slide in the past.


You can be sure that with the conquest events, players will look for the weakest link to get the most points, and constantly farm it. Last week (after Thurday's hotfix), playing PvP all day was the best way to do it, this week it's running flashpoints.



Please not. Already last week, PvP players were at a major advantage, because PvP (and crafting) was the only repeatable objective. While PvP players could consistently rack up points with their usual activity, PvE players were at a disadvantage. This week, PvE finally have a fair chance to compete without having to do PvP, and if they make the flashpoints one-time objectives, PvE players lose their only way to gain points.


No, this is not a creative use of mechanics, this is the cheaters excuse. The same excuse that people try and use when they are busted by the IRS with a Tax "shelter" groups. This is not intended and it is the players choice to exploit it. I hope all those that used it have everything taken including the guild ships as punishment with no reimbursement.

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Hey all,


I brought this to the attention of the team, and discovered that this is a bug - Flashpoint Conquest Objectives are intended to be one-time only, not infinitely repeatable. The only Flashpoint Objectives that can be repeated are the Group Finder ones - and those can only be done when you have the Daily Mission for the Group Finder available.


We will be releasing 2.9c tomorrow morning to address this issue. There will be a maintenance post made later today with the full information.






So TAIT - why did 2.9 get postponed for so long for "QA" if we are hitting patch "c" already? They should have been locked down day one, but that's besides the points. Now it just screws people with ALT's in different factions/guilds as they can only claim the FP once per legacy instead of character. Well thought out change???

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No, this is not a creative use of mechanics, this is the cheaters excuse. The same excuse that people try and use when they are busted by the IRS with a Tax "shelter" groups. This is not intended and it is the players choice to exploit it. I hope all those that used it have everything taken including the guild ships as punishment with no reimbursement.


Funny thing is is that they guy who complained his guild spammed this exploit all day to win the conquest lol

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How could running Esseles, FE, or BOI in repetition have been considered an exploit when the description had no limit set? By the description in-game it was completely repeatable.


Now people doing full complete runs that way is one thing and did nothing that they knew of at the time that was exploiting anything...they were going by the description in-game and playing that way. The same way PVP'ers did last week, doing endless repeats. At the time it went live most people I saw talking in fleet, both PVE & PVP, figured that last week was heavily weighed to PVP so figured it made sense that this week was geared towards PVE.


People doing it by taking advantage of flawed design in the actual flashpoints themselves is another thing entirely and could easily be considered exploiting


Apparently we're now learning that it's all just supposed to regularly be biased towards PVP. Go figure.

Edited by Failtima
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No, this is not a creative use of mechanics, this is the cheaters excuse. The same excuse that people try and use when they are busted by the IRS with a Tax "shelter" groups. This is not intended and it is the players choice to exploit it. I hope all those that used it have everything taken including the guild ships as punishment with no reimbursement.


Not likely to happen as no punishment was given to the players that took advantage of the commanders point bug last week.

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WELL GREAT. There goes the only decent way for PvEers to get points, as opposed to PvPers grinding warzones all day erry day. Look, I know we don't whine as loudly as the PvPers, but that's not justification for screwing us over like this.


I support the idea of making it a daily repeatable. That would give us SOMETHING to do while still not making it OP in guild conquests.

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There goes the only decent way for PvEers to get points

You seriously would prefer to speed run the same flashpoint over and over and over and over and over again?


THAT's how you want to spend your own personal free time playing this game?



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