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Scammed on the GTN


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Yes. What he said was the gist of it pretty much.


The rest of the thread is just people going back and forth discussing the definition of "scam" but in the end, it comes down to the OP's misinterpretation of a listing.


Maybe you should [re]read my previous posts, where I compared the scammers' actions to that of spammers and advocated that BW provide us with at least some minimal set of tools to manage those ourselves, just like we are responsible for managing our inboxes. I certainly did not see that in the poster-not-reader's "executive summary".

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Wow that's a silly point. No it's not a scam because I didn't intentionally attempt to trick the seller into selling it at that price. If the seller had accidentally placed it on the gtn at a higher price than he intended and someone accidentally bought it it's just an honest mistake. Given that the seller apparently has multiple items up for the same amount I seriously doubt that is the case.


The difference is intent. If I intend to trick you into paying way more than something is worth it's a scam. If I on accident list something too high & you buy it it's a mistake. Now I agree BW would have a hard time differentiating mistakes from scams so I can see why they may not be able to do anything, but in the OP's case it seems pretty obvious it's a scam. And yes it's the OP's own fault for falling for it, but that doesn't make it any less scammy.


Do you know the seller's intent?

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OK so given my example of someone selling a "solar powered clothes drier" over the internet & sending a piece of string to make a clothes line. Is that a scam to you? I had no contact with them, I sold them exactly what I said I would, they can in fact dry clothes using solar power, I told them exactly what it would cost & charged them only that amount. So is that a scam or not?


They're not comparable last I checked.


In the example you point out, people bought something and received nothing at all or at the very least, not the item they were expecting or anticipated.


The OP on the other hand got the item he purchased the very same minute(!!!) said purchase was done.


The listing was accurate.


The price per unit was accurate.


The total price was accurate.


The OP just misinterpreted or misread the listing and yet again, HE GOT WHAT HE PAYED FOR, WHAT WAS LISTED.


^^ Is the above so hard to grasp? :confused:

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Actually what should happen is you should come on the forum and start a thread with everyone undercutting you on the GTN driving down the prices.


Actually, truth be told, I once killed the economy for a nation on a server in FF11 one time. I posted a bunch of low-cost but high-traffic items for 5 gold each and drove prices to the bottom barrel for them, which impacted everything else everywhere else.


I just really wanted to sell them quickly there, and the system they used... it was open to abuse like that. Didn't mean to kill Windurst, but whatever. It eventually recovered.... after a month or two.

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OK so given my example of someone selling a "solar powered clothes drier" over the internet & sending a piece of string to make a clothes line. Is that a scam to you? I had no contact with them, I sold them exactly what I said I would, they can in fact dry clothes using solar power, I told them exactly what it would cost & charged them only that amount. So is that a scam or not?


No, that is a bait and switch and is fraud. IF you listed a solar powered cloths drier containing 1 piece of string 3 meters long and two poles 1.5 meters tall and listed it at $5000 that is not.




Book: Everything men know about Women



The pages are 100% blank you get a cover with some words, a back with some words and nothing in between. It is listed as A BOOK..SCAM? Joke? FRAUD?


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The OP is a moron, end of story.

The OP is new to the game and he is most certainly NOT a moron - to call him one is childish. He made a mistake because of how the listing was...we've ALL made mistakes. The listing was done that way specifically to take advantage of the crappy UI and the purchase should be reversed.

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OK so given my example of someone selling a "solar powered clothes drier" over the internet & sending a piece of string to make a clothes line. Is that a scam to you? I had no contact with them, I sold them exactly what I said I would, they can in fact dry clothes using solar power, I told them exactly what it would cost & charged them only that amount. So is that a scam or not?


If you told them it was a piece of string no, it wouldn't be a scam because they would know what they are getting. Just like on the GTN, you know what you are getting. You searched for turidium, you found turidium, you bought turidium. What you pay is up to you if there are more than one listing. Just like with the piece of string used as a solar drier. If you know it is a piece of string there is no scam, since you know what you are getting. If you weren't told what you were getting then yes, that would be a scam.

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OK so given my example of someone selling a "solar powered clothes drier" over the internet & sending a piece of string to make a clothes line. Is that a scam to you? I had no contact with them, I sold them exactly what I said I would, they can in fact dry clothes using solar power, I told them exactly what it would cost & charged them only that amount. So is that a scam or not?


Not a close example.


There is no way to misinterpret what you are going to get from the GTN other that not looking at the quantity or price. You know when you push the button that all the details related to the listing are the terms of what you are going to get.

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The OP is new to the game and he is most certainly NOT a moron - to call him one is childish. He made a mistake because of how the listing was...we've ALL made mistakes. The listing was done that way specifically to take advantage of the crappy UI and the purchase should be reversed.


New to the game yet he was somehow able to secure two million credits in an instant? :rolleyes:

New player here. I was just wondering if there's any resolution to this situation. I've been playing a few weeks to make creds to buy some unlock for when I go back to preferred after my month sub. I misread a listing of 5 turabium for 333k, instead of 333 credits and , well, i bought 5 for 1.9M. I understand the fault is mine and that was the intent of the scam, but am totally destroyed that my work for the last 3 weeks is gone in seconds. Is there a way to reverse this or any solution?


Thanks for any advice.

Right. Your definition of "new player" is lacking.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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New to the game yet he was somehow able to secure two million credits in an instant? :rolleyes:


Right. Your definition of "new player" is lacking.

2 million in an instant? How do you figure? How long did that take him to earn? I read the OP where he stated he was a new player...did you?

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2 million in an instant? How do you figure? How long did that take him to earn? I read the OP where he stated he was a new player...did you?


You're the one who said he's a new player last I checked, NOT me.


If he's a new player, I guess he must have secured two million(!) in an instant or...

New player here. I was just wondering if there's any resolution to this situation. I've been playing a few weeks to make creds to buy some unlock for when I go back to preferred after my month sub. I misread a listing of 5 turabium for 333k, instead of 333 credits and , well, i bought 5 for 1.9M. I understand the fault is mine and that was the intent of the scam, but am totally destroyed that my work for the last 3 weeks is gone in seconds. Is there a way to reverse this or any solution?


Thanks for any advice.

He is NOT a new player at all, thus your earlier claim is moot.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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The OP is new to the game and he is most certainly NOT a moron - to call him one is childish. He made a mistake because of how the listing was...we've ALL made mistakes. The listing was done that way specifically to take advantage of the crappy UI and the purchase should be reversed.


Cry me a river TUX, people who do stupid things because they dont read get no sympathy from me.


I have to bite my tongue when I get morons on the phone who cant read or understand basic instructions in my job, i'm under no obligation to do so here.

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You're the one who said he's a new player last I checked, NOT me.


If he's a new player, I guess he must have secured two million(!) in an instant or...


He is NOT a new player at all, thus your earlier claim is moot.

He says he is. I trust he knows when he started better than you do.

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Cry me a river TUX, people who do stupid things because they dont read get no sympathy from me.


I have to bite my tongue when I get morons on the phone who cant read or understand basic instructions in my job, i'm under no obligation to do so here.

I wasn't asking you to be sympathetic.

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2 million in an instant? How do you figure? How long did that take him to earn? I read the OP where he stated he was a new player...did you?


If he has 2 million, and he's a new player, either:


1. He's lying about being a new player


2. He was given money by a friend


3. He bought a Cartel Pack and sold it after two days, which means he learned how to use the GTN unless someone just happened to buy his for a horribly low amount


4. He bought the credits from a website


5. He ground it out, which means he's not a new player.



Given what we know from his original post - claiming he's a new player, he lost 2 million credits he earned over the course of three weeks, and he misread the GTN - we can find a few glaring points to his story. I don't know of any new player who would have more than 2 million after three weeks' of play who didn't sell stuff on the GTN.

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If you buyed something wrong.. Something you didn't want just delete the received mail with all attachments and get a refund of your credits!



I accidently bougth 6 times a resolve augment 22 instead of 28 for exactly the same price.. i just deleted the 6 mail messages without pulling out their attachments. Got fully refunded!


Tried this out. Didnt work. Lost 100k.

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Sorry tux. For once, we disagree. I never believe in protecting people from their own stupidity, because it promotes selfish, lazy, self-entitled thinking which already plagues this world.


User got what he bought, period. Not the sellers fault the buyer didn't double check before clicking.

Edited by ZionHalcyon
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I did. We just have different interpretations on the subject.


That's all.


Again, you seem to focus entirely on the seller being both deceptive and dishonest. I sure agree he is, as I mentioned earlier in this same thread.


However, the listing was not...


All the info was there, starting with the price per unit, the number of units and the total price. The OP - unfortunately - did not pay close attention and even though he probably did NOT get what he anticipated, he got EXACTLY(!) what he purchased.


I have a hard time seeing how you to call that a "scam".


I call that a scam because I happen to be able to read a dictionary. You admit in your own post that the seller is being deceptive and dishonest. That's pretty much the definition of a scam.


Why can people just not be responsible for being sure that they sorted properly? It's not hard. It takes almost no time. People always just looking for someone to blame because nothing is their own fault (not referring to the OP, who admitted mistake).


Most scams can be avoided with a little bit of due diligence. That doesn't mean the scammer is not in the wrong.

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I call that a scam because I happen to be able to read a dictionary. You admit in your own post that the seller is being deceptive and dishonest. That's pretty much the definition of a scam.


And yet again, you just keep reading whatever suits you; No surprise there.


Here it goes once more, with extra feeling...


I did. We just have different interpretations on the subject.


That's all.


Again, you seem to focus entirely on the seller being both deceptive and dishonest. I sure agree he is, as I mentioned earlier in this same thread.


However, the listing was not...


All the info was there, starting with the price per unit, the number of units and the total price. The OP - unfortunately - did not pay close attention and even though he probably did NOT get what he anticipated, he got EXACTLY(!) what he purchased.


I have a hard time seeing how you to call that a "scam".


Do explain once more how the listing - and ONLY the listing - by itself is a scam. Please do.


Please explain where the buyer purchased something other than what was listed on the GTN.

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I call that a scam because I happen to be able to read a dictionary. You admit in your own post that the seller is being deceptive and dishonest. That's pretty much the definition of a scam.


Most scams can be avoided with a little bit of due diligence. That doesn't mean the scammer is not in the wrong.


The seller is an ******e, but he isn't being deceptive or dishonest. Predatory, yes... but all relevant info needed to choose between 333 and 333k is available to the buyer in the same way the difference between 333 and 334 is available.

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They're not comparable last I checked.


In the example you point out, people bought something and received nothing at all or at the very least, not the item they were expecting or anticipated.

And in the other example someone bought something & didn't pay what they were expecting or anticipating? So again what's the big difference? In one case someone was fooled by what they were buying, in the other they were fooled by what they were paying.


Fact of the matter is we're arguing semantics, you admit the seller was dishonest & deceitful, you also admit they used said deceit to get extra money from the OP. Again that's what a scam is as evidenced by the very definition of the word. However you seem to want to use some vague definition you invented yourself. In either case I think we can agree it's a slimy move by the seller.


And yes the OP is ultimately responsible, but that doesn't excuse the behavior of the seller. Just because you get away with something doesn't make it right.

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And yet again, you just keep reading whatever suits you; No surprise there.


Here it goes once more, with extra feeling...




Do explain once more how the listing - and ONLY the listing - by itself is a scam. Please do.


Please explain where the buyer purchased something other than what was listed on the GTN.


A knife by itself can't murder someone, what's your point? The listing was written in such a way to scam a player. Whether the listing itself technically has all of the information is irrelevant.


Funny that you keep claiming that I only read what suits me when you keep responding with irrelevant info.

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