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Scammed on the GTN


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New player here. I was just wondering if there's any resolution to this situation. I've been playing a few weeks to make creds to buy some unlock for when I go back to preferred after my month sub. I misread a listing of 5 turabium for 333k, instead of 333 credits and , well, i bought 5 for 1.9M. I understand the fault is mine and that was the intent of the scam, but am totally destroyed that my work for the last 3 weeks is gone in seconds. Is there a way to reverse this or any solution?


Thanks for any advice.

Edited by xxZiriusxx
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Yep, if you bought an item for the wrong price it is no one's fault but your own. Every player is responsible to always double check before buying something off the GTN, before putting something up for sale and before completing a trade. The game systems are designed clear enough to ensure you can't be scammed, so Customer Service won't do anything for you. After all, you could use the same argument to get them to refund your 10 million credit CM purchase because another player put it up for half the price 10 minutes later etc, and all sorts of other problems.


Nevertheless, I feel your pain. Lots of players (myself included) have purchased something without looking at the price more closely and lost a sizable sum of credits. Just consider it a lesson learned for the future and make sure to double check before hitting the button in the future. :)

Edited by Jerba
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New player here. I was just wondering if there's any resolution to this situation. I've been playing a few weeks to make creds to buy some unlock for when I go back to preferred after my month sub. I misread a listing of 5 turabium for 333k, instead of 333 credits and , well, i bought 5 for 1.9M. I understand the fault is mine and that was the intent of the scam, but am totally destroyed that my work for the last 3 weeks is gone in seconds. Is there a way to reverse this or any solution?


Thanks for any advice.


That sucks.


You could try contacting the seller (if you remember who it was) and explaining the error. If he/she is a decent person, you might get your money back.


Alternatively you could put in a CS ticket, but I'd be more than a little surprised if that worked.


Because honestly - and sorry to be blunt - that is absolutely not a scam. The ridiculous price may have been an error by the seller, or he/she may have been using the GTN as "storage" - listing things there at outlandish prices (which will never be accepted) for a couple days to free up inventory space. The fact that you went through with the purchase was an unfortunate mistake on your part, but bottom line, that's what it was: your mistake.


On the bright side, I'll bet you'll never make that kind of mistake again.

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That sucks.


You could try contacting the seller (if you remember who it was) and explaining the error. If he/she is a decent person, you might get your money back. (...)


Not sure if serious...

New player here. I was just wondering if there's any resolution to this situation. I've been playing a few weeks to make creds to buy some unlock for when I go back to preferred after my month sub. I misread a listing of 5 turabium for 333k, instead of 333 credits and , well, i bought 5 for 1.9M. I understand the fault is mine and that was the intent of the scam, but am totally destroyed that my work for the last 3 weeks is gone in seconds. Is there a way to reverse this or any solution?


Thanks for any advice.


He's not a "decent" person. We got that already.

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Well, you don't really know that. Could have been a listing error. I've made those, I'm sure others have as well.


So, yes, serious. Not likely to work, I agree, but worth a shot I think. What's the harm?


One piece of Turadium... Listed for... 333k(!) credits... An "error"...?!


All five pieces - adding up - for 1.5(!!!) million credits...?!


Now I've seen it all.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Well, you don't really know that. Could have been a listing error. I've made those, I'm sure others have as well.


So, yes, serious. Not likely to work, I agree, but worth a shot I think. What's the harm?


If you take a look at the gtn you'll see alot single green mats listed for several million each.


Tend to be all the same person playing on mistakes like this. OP, you aint gettin that money back.

Edited by MitchPB
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One piece of Turadium... Listed for... 333k(!) credits... An "error"...?!


All five pieces - adding up - for 1.5(!!!) million credits...?!


Now I've seen it all.


Now I'm the one who can't tell if serious. Is it really that incredibly, impossibly, unbelievably unlikely?


And there's the "storage" option I mentioned. People do that. Dude may have just had a stack of 99 and nowhere to put the extra.


I'm just suggesting sending an in-game mail, I think it's worth the 0.1% chance of working for the 30 seconds invested. The guy did ask for suggestions/advice.

Edited by MaximilianPower
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OP is not getting his creds back. This kind of "tricks" on listing on the GTN are becoming more and more common. Almost felt once with an alt, actually saved me having less than 1 mil in that toon. Wanted to buy a few aug kit parts and couldn't ( price was red and there I realized)


If the seller was a decent person, would have returned the creds without being asked if it was actually a mistake.

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Yeah, I sent a polite note, but the guy has like several stacks of 5 even now on The Harbinger, so I doubt it's to save room, otherwise they'd be stacks of 99 I guess.


If anyone wants to sell any unlocks or something for cheap or low level gathering mats, I'm a workhorse!

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One piece of Turadium... Listed for... 333k(!) credits... An "error"...?!


All five pieces - adding up - for 1.5(!!!) million credits...?!


Now I've seen it all.


Anybody else see the irony in a toon with that name making this complaint? But seriously, I think all real GTN players have made this mistake at one time or another. I sold a 10 mil mount for 100k by accident. And let me tell you, that sucker disappeared almost as quick as I hit the [Create Sale] button and was listed by the buyer before I even got my credits from the sale.

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This is not a scam, you not watching what you buy is not the fault of said seller but the fault of you.


When a scam is a scam then ? You can alway say "it's your fault, you didn't know any better"


That seller purposely listed that small stack of mats in a manner that it looks a small unit price, which you can often see. He probably put them at the highest cost, so when people click on the unit price column, it will show at the top if you happen to click twice, not uncommon when gtn is laggy and doesnt sem to respond.

That dishonest (at least) seller is setting up things so people make mistakes. Not a scam ? Okay, but it reeks man... badly....

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Now I'm the one who can't tell if serious. Is it really that incredibly, impossibly, unbelievably unlikely?


And there's the "storage" option I mentioned. People do that. Dude may have just had a stack of 99 and nowhere to put the extra.


I'm just suggesting sending an in-game mail, I think it's worth the 0.1% chance of working for the 30 seconds invested. The guy did ask for suggestions/advice.


Taking into account the stuff below, I guess it sure is.


Yeah, I sent a polite note, but the guy has like several stacks of 5 even now on The Harbinger, so I doubt it's to save room, otherwise they'd be stacks of 99 I guess.


If anyone wants to sell any unlocks or something for cheap or low level gathering mats, I'm a workhorse!

- - - -

Anybody else see the irony in a toon with that name making this complaint? But seriously, I think all real GTN players have made this mistake at one time or another. I sold a 10 mil mount for 100k by accident. And let me tell you, that sucker disappeared almost as quick as I hit the [Create Sale] button and was listed by the buyer before I even got my credits from the sale.


Hmmmm... For the record, I'm NOT the one filing the complain. :rolleyes:

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Shady practice? Maybe.

Scam? Not at all.


When the GTN clearly says This Item in This Quantity for This Price and you buy it, it's your own fault if you end up with something you didn't want.


The GTN doesn't list prices as 333k which could easily be confused with 333.

It says 333,000 which is pretty hard to overlook accidentally.

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When a scam is a scam then ? You can alway say "it's your fault, you didn't know any better"


That seller purposely listed that small stack of mats in a manner that it looks a small unit price, which you can often see. He probably put them at the highest cost, so when people click on the unit price column, it will show at the top if you happen to click twice, not uncommon when gtn is laggy and doesnt sem to respond.

That dishonest (at least) seller is setting up things so people make mistakes. Not a scam ? Okay, but it reeks man... badly....


It sure does but then again, no one forced the OP to make the purchase at gunpoint. It's one of those mistakes that is bound to happen every so often but if Bioware was forced to intervene every single time, the CS people would have their hands full.


Lesson learned the hard way one may hope. :o

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When a scam is a scam then ? You can alway say "it's your fault, you didn't know any better"


That seller purposely listed that small stack of mats in a manner that it looks a small unit price, which you can often see. He probably put them at the highest cost, so when people click on the unit price column, it will show at the top if you happen to click twice, not uncommon when gtn is laggy and doesnt sem to respond.

That dishonest (at least) seller is setting up things so people make mistakes. Not a scam ? Okay, but it reeks man... badly....


This is exactly what happened :(

And for the wordsmiths here, something can be called a scam if it's 'deceptive' in nature (http://www.merriam-webster.com), and the listing party sure tried to deceive by making 333.345 look like 333, 345.


But thanks for those who tried to help; I knew there'd be patronizing trolls despite my initial disclaimer that it was my fault, and they didn't fail to deliver.

Edited by xxZiriusxx
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Hmmmmm.. Doubtful, not to mention I'm not sure that "scam" is the right word.


Yes, it's a scam. I'm very careful with these because of my experience avoiding scams in EVE (Charon-Carbon scam is probably most famous one and so boring).

Edited by Halinalle
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I have been playing MMOs for a really long time and know to watch out for scams, consider myself to be pretty aware of things like this, and yet I recently lost 22 mill to this scam because I was sleepy and was just POSITIVE I had listed by cheapest first. I have bad eyes and , and . look alike to me, so I misread stacks of mats as being priced at 333.545 each, but instead they were 333,545 each. Happened really fast because I was on auto pilot. And in the blink of an eye I was out all the money I'd been saving for strongholds since March.


I was really upset. Sent tickets, didn't expect them to fix it, and I was right--they didn't. It's a scam that I see pretty much every day now and I find it upsetting they won't do anything about it.


Sure... I 100% understand and agree it was my fault in the first place for not triple and quadruple checking before buying a bunch of stacks. But the fact remains people are now replicating this scam on a daily basis and nothing is happening to them, because I keep seeing the same names doing it from day to day.


So the moral of the story is, please be extra careful, because people aren't going to stop doing this.


And yes... this is a scam. Scam is defined as " A fraudulent business scheme; a swindle." When items are normally selling for around 330 credits, and you list them for 330,545 credits. it means you're trying to deceive the buyer. Just because someone falls for it doesn't make it not a scam--that's the very nature of what a scam is!

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If you buyed something wrong.. Something you didn't want just delete the received mail with all attachments and get a refund of your credits!



I accidently bougth 6 times a resolve augment 22 instead of 28 for exactly the same price.. i just deleted the 6 mail messages without pulling out their attachments. Got fully refunded!

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