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Absolutely Ridiculous -Sell Back Commendations Items


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There is not a store on earth -- well, maybe somewhere -- that you can not return a purchase and receive a full refund. There is nothing wrong, and it is included in MANY games, not just your beloved WoW, with having a timed return feature for full credit with the currency you used to purchase the item, no matter the reason.


People have many reasons or excuses for buying something accidentally and there should be a period of forgiveness for that, and a FULL REFUND traded across the board.


For all you perfectionists out there, you can deal with it by just sucking it up and not returning it, and that way you learn your lesson.



For the developers who are "going to look into this" you should be ashamed of yourselves. This, along with other key features that need improvement, has been complained about for months by the beta players. That you choose to ignore seasoned players and their concepts of the current status quo for UI is really a big mistake. You shouldn't be at the "looking into it" stage. It should have been part of the launch. You were well aware of it.

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You have only yourself to blame OP. It is 100% your fault. Next time pay attention to what you are buying.


I did this to myself as well, accidentally bought 2 earrings instead of implants. And guess what? I only blamed myself, and now I pay more attention. Grow up.

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Its absolutely one of the worst gaming experiences I have ever had, not only does the game NOT have a confirmation window when purchasing Commendations items, I can not trade it back -same time- and get my Commendations back.


Come on developers what are you thinking! :mad:


They're not apparently.

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All MMORPGs have decisions that you could mess up accidentally as there's no way to save your game at various stages to revert back after such a mistake as this feature wouldn't be feasible or possible in a multi-player on-line game, you couldn't for-instance revert back to before an enemy player beat you in a PvP battle for-instance. Once on a rival MMORPG I accidentally bid a fortune for a low value auction item when I wasn't paying attention, unfortunately I had to live with it even though it virtually cleared a decent sized bank balance, but the person selling the item would have thought they were the luckiest player ever. I didn't even try to ask for the money back as it wouldn't be fair as it was my mistake. In your situation an extra "are you sure" message or a way to get trade them back would have been very useful addition to the game. The game is however in it's early infancy and there's lots of improvements that will be made over time to what is already an excellent game and the development team can't possibly please everyone immediately all the time. I think however they should add a way of sending in suggestions in game where one doesn't need a reply, instead of opening support tickets so Bioware can see what most people want and therefore where they need to prioritize next in the game's ongoing development. Edited by pjcnet
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I've bought the wrong item a few times when I accidentally hit CTRL+Right click instead of CTRL+Left click to preview it. Really stinks... especially when I did it on a 90,000 credit speeder from the Light Side vendor. And then I realized you couldn't even preview speeders, anyway. Sucked!


But a confirmation box would be really nice, if not a sell back feature.

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I've bought the wrong item a few times when I accidentally hit CTRL+Right click instead of CTRL+Left click to preview it. Really stinks... especially when I did it on a 90,000 credit speeder from the Light Side vendor. And then I realized you couldn't even preview speeders, anyway. Sucked!


But a confirmation box would be really nice, if not a sell back feature.


Exactly. It has nothing to do with "paying better attention to what you buy." It is just far too easy to accidentally buy these items when previewing or browsing etc.


A simple confirmation box is not asking for the game to "hold our hand" and would not be annoying at all!

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I'd like this feature as well.


When I first started playing, I went to ctrl right click an item to check out the mods it came with and purchased it instead... Okay, well lesson learned and it only happened once on low tier stuff, but still woulda been nice to get a confirmation or chance to sell back immediately.

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I tend to agree... it just happened to me with my Nar Shadaa commendations. I went to buy the item I wanted, the Fervent Mask from the Imperial Fleet area, and I accidently got the Sovereign Mask that requires heavy armor, not medium. I am PISSED right now. And yes, I did check the requirements, I just clicked the wrong one when I went to buy it because I was looking at other things too. There really needs to be a trade feature with these commendations.
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Its absolutely one of the worst gaming experiences I have ever had, not only does the game NOT have a confirmation window when purchasing Commendations items, I can not trade it back -same time- and get my Commendations back.


Come on developers what are you thinking! :mad:


A detail that one could only imagine the most rookie game developers would've nailed...

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Pay attention to *** u buy waterhead. I realize we all make mistakes which we've all done,...but to put the blame on the developer for not babysitting you is absurd. Basically your asking for a bike WITH the training wheels still on it,...so you can feel like a big boy but incase u fall u dont wanna get hurt?
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A detail that one could only imagine the most rookie game developers would've nailed...


One could argue it's a detail most experienced players would nail: not being blind when purchasing things.


The devs strive to make this an MMORPG: an immersive virtual world.


A merchant isn't going to give you your money back and take back what you just bought because of your own mistake.

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A sell-back feature for commendations is a great, and much needed, idea. The current system is unforgiving and completely ridiculous. The same situation exists for PvP items, but at least you can earn PvP currency relatively quickly. With Commendations you either have to complete quests or pray some mobs drop the things.


Those people arguing against a sell-back system, or telling the OP to simply "be more careful" are myopic, fanbois morons. They believe their precious game will somehow become tainted if any feature, (even a great feature), that appears in WoW makes its way into TOR.

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I just made this very same mistake in Nar Shaddaa, and i'm pissed at myself for misclicking on an item. A sell back feature for your commendations makes nothing but sense.


It'd be like going to the store buying something in Dollars, and having the cashier sell it back to you in Pesos. If I use commendations to buy something, I should get commendations in return if I sell it back unused.


How hard of a concept is this? I'm sure that all these people harrassing the OP would still buy the item even if there was a prompt warning them about buying specialty items.


"It's my fault i missed clicked this item, so I'm going to buy the item anyways, because that's the way it should be."


You know that if you bought something by accident and there was a promt giving you a second chance, you would use it. If you say otherwise, you're full of it.

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