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Everything posted by PGrollo

  1. I just made this very same mistake in Nar Shaddaa, and i'm pissed at myself for misclicking on an item. A sell back feature for your commendations makes nothing but sense. It'd be like going to the store buying something in Dollars, and having the cashier sell it back to you in Pesos. If I use commendations to buy something, I should get commendations in return if I sell it back unused. How hard of a concept is this? I'm sure that all these people harrassing the OP would still buy the item even if there was a prompt warning them about buying specialty items. "It's my fault i missed clicked this item, so I'm going to buy the item anyways, because that's the way it should be." You know that if you bought something by accident and there was a promt giving you a second chance, you would use it. If you say otherwise, you're full of it.
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