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From a new player to GSF


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Sorry, but my experience as a new player is different. It took me under a week to start getting positive kill:death scores in the stock fighter.


And I am not an old hand reminiscing on the beta when everyone else was new. I only started exactly two weeks ago.


This is not a game where you have no chance as a new player. It is all on you. If you're being killed but gunships that often, you're doing something to make yourself an easy target. Like not using terrain, or being too isolated.

Edited by StealthNerf
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I love when I see whiner. Just makes me want to switch on a GS and wipe them the whole match. Why can't people actually want help instead of just venting their frustration, calling hax and saying gear is too important in GSF... Hell.. I just begun on Jedi Covenant right now. My scout is about 15% upgraded, PDie T2, Disto max, Evasion Armor max, LLC stock (I'm not Rumina, can't use RFL for god sake) some crew.

And I can fight my own against about anyone. No one can reliably get my *** in 1vs1.

Once I got 4 GS in the spawn of 10 seconds. They were sitting back, boosted behind them, turned around exploded three before being shot once, exploded the fourth and kept going. So stop saying it's gear. It's skil... Sheer skills. If you can't learn, ****.

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I suppose you took your time to finish the in-game tutorial, read up all the tutorials on the forums and read the tooltips on your components and crew members to understand what you're supposed to do and what you have equipped and what the enemy might have equipped? Oh wait, you obviously didn't...


Oh, and here... http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=755330 (TY Drako, love pasting that thing)

Multiple evidence that gear means diddly squat.

Edited by Asbetos
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I suppose you took your time to finish the in-game tutorial, read up all the tutorials on the forums and read the tooltips on your components and crew members to understand what you're supposed to do and what you have equipped and what the enemy might have equipped? Oh wait, you obviously didn't...


Oh, and here... http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=755330 (TY Drako, love pasting that thing)

Multiple evidence that gear means diddly squat.


no offense but no game should require you to use a walkthrough to play... now if the tutorials in game are enough than nvm ( as i never played GSF yet... just started playing again recently and dont even have ship yet.)


i also know that doing flashpoints/hm/operations without doing proper research is wrong but if there are no proper tutorials in game (or not complete enogh) than no .. i do not agree that people should be forced to read forums .. watch out of game videos from youtube to simply be able to play a mode ingame.


Do you really think it makes sense that to play a game .. one is required/forced to read a walkthrough?

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no offense but no game should require you to use a walkthrough to play...


Like, chess does.


Pretty much any good game does tbh. This world is flooded with games you can play on a touch screen. It doesn't mean all games should be as shallow and silly as those.


That being said, the tutorial in game was better, that would be VERY nice, or if the game had PvE content that would massively increase players. But to say that games without immediately intuitive controls (which is mostly just based on what games any given player has spent the time to learn in the past, nothing objective) are poor as a group is just wrong.



Do you really think it makes sense that to play a game .. one is required/forced to read a walkthrough?


Yes, every game worth taking seriously requires some effort outside of game to learn it. If the game doesn't need a guide, it's not going to be very deep, no matter how much game designers squawk about complexity and depth being different, they are very much related.

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no offense but no game should require you to use a walkthrough to play...



Clearly, you've never played any of Paradox Interactive's many grand strategy games. Sure, they're complicated as all hell, but they're soooooo fun. Any game with any amount of depth is no different.


SWTOR and its various kinds of gameplay included. Do you expect to jump into a raid without having any clue what's going on in it and succeed without worry? Hell, how many people can really jump into their very first PvP match and expect wild success?


Knowing how to gear, how to spec, how a fight goes down... virtually all of that you'll be better off learning from other players/walkthroughs than just jumping in. How is GSF any different?





1. You don't need crazy gear to succeed. I recently started an alt last week just for GSF, and I was racking up 6-8 kills no problem with the stock Starguard. A friend handed me over a K-52 Strongarm (AKA, the worst old ship that ever did fly), and my very first game with it, when it had zero upgrades? 18 kills. Having fully upgraded ships is wonderful (I imagine, as even my best ships are only halfwayish upgraded) and in a battle between experienced pilots it'll give you a significant edge, but at the end of the day it's experience, practice, and the skill you derive from it that make or break you. I have met many a pilot that is amazing even in stock ships and many a pilot that I've seen in dozens of games, have a multitude of ships unlocked, and are basically free kills.


2. I've actually made a mental note of the OP before. Look at his post record: it's mostly a mixture of complaining and lambasting others for complaining. Him saying "I tried something new and didn't have immediate success in it, therefore it sucks" mostly just confirms my opinion of him.


3. GSF really can be pretty unforgiving to new players. But hey, that's why there's so many detailed guides, a GSF forum, and typically a GSF chat channel on every server: just to help those new folks out and get over that initial hump.

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I'd say two things to new players: First, stick with it. Second, don't pay too much attention to the ranking window at the end of the game if the match wasn't a deathmatch. If you notice, a lot of the people with 20 kills and 2 deaths don't earn any objective medals. This suggests they spent their time farming easy kills while the rest of the team was actually trying to win the match.


I'd also say, it's not worth scrutinizing the guides unless that's the sort of thing you like to do anyway. You don't need them, you can learn just fine through trial-and-error. I did the in-game tutorial for GSF; not much help. I never bothered doing any other research. I do not like going online and reading guides and forums for video games.


When I first started playing GSF, all I did was crash into things and get shot by gunships and die to 7000m+ strike fighter missiles.


Now, I'm pretty good at it. Even fully mastered my fist ship last night.


My point is, that if you keep doing it it gets much, much easier.


Why would you keep playing such a punishing game, you ask? You're flying freaking Star Wars universe fighters. I ended up with ****** ships that have purple lasers and purple engine trails. Once I practiced enough not to crash, it became a ton of fun, and it has been ever since.

Edited by Ymris
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pile of junk


you have absolutely no chance at low levels, 90% of the time you will be killed by gunships, who end up having scores 20 kills 2 deaths or something and you will have 10 deaths 0 kills.


quitters never win =) that being said Ill just parrot what other people said: I have 0 issues on stock ships, yes its not as good as a upgraded one but I still manage to get kills and help the team. Your experience is bad because your a new player and haven't learned the ropes yet.


Though you could just dismiss it out of hand because you personally suck at it, just don't attempt to put the whole game on trial. There are a great many of us that don't have the same problems as you.

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I started GSF back in early access with everyone else, and I was pretty damn good. Now, if I try to get into GSF with a new character and a stock ship, I can't do anything. Getting one shot by gunships, two shot by everything else, doing no damage. No thanks. I really, really feel sorry for new players trying to get into GSF.
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I started GSF back in early access with everyone else, and I was pretty damn good. Now, if I try to get into GSF with a new character and a stock ship, I can't do anything. Getting one shot by gunships, two shot by everything else, doing no damage. No thanks. I really, really feel sorry for new players trying to get into GSF.


1. Gunships can only one shot you if they have a fully upgraded railgun or, in TDM, damage overcharge.


2. I literally can't think of anything else that can "two shot" a player. Maybe a scout with burst lasers and a lot of crits? And you've moved your directional shields in the opposite direction of the scout?

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The best hope for new players getting into GSF is that Guild Conquest guides people to try it more (which should happen whenever GSF objectives get x2). Then GSF is a very efficient way to farm conquest.


That will broaden the matchmaking pool and hopefully allow new players to be matched up against new players.


Also, keep in mind that many veterans do agree that burst damage is a bit high across the board, and time to kill a bit too short.

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I am repeatedly two shot on a stock scout.


Of course you are. Ion -> slug will do that easily. However, if you are not popping cooldown and going evasive after the first hit lands, you're doing it wrong. And really, if you're a scout and you're not scanning for the big glowing balls of doom in the distance, you may also be doing something wrong.

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no is pile of junk because new player can't compete with veterans obviously game issue



Sigh. Whatever guy, you'll either play and learn, or sit and cry.


What others have said is true. you can bring out a completely unupgraded ship and still do well in it. GSF is 90% skill, and 10% upgrades. you simply need to practice, and learn as you get experience. Ask experience pilots questions on how to get better, most are willing to help.

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1. Gunships can only one shot you if they have a fully upgraded railgun or, in TDM, damage overcharge.


2. I literally can't think of anything else that can "two shot" a player. Maybe a scout with burst lasers and a lot of crits? And you've moved your directional shields in the opposite direction of the scout?


Burst laser only really needs 1 crit to two shot a stock scout if you're close enough and have the shield damage upgrade.

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Burst laser only really needs 1 crit to two shot a stock scout if you're close enough and have the shield damage upgrade.


Aye, which is why I mention burst laser as a two shot candidate.


Which also supports my belief that he's getting "two shot by everything" is a gross exaggeration. The only thing that'll be two-shotting you are:



Flashfires/Bloodmarks that manage to get right up on you before blasting

I guess, like, if you count getting hit wtih two proton torpedoes in a row, though that'd have to be two different ships? Maybe if he was diving headfirst into mines over and over?


If I were to make a guess, it'd be that a less scrupulous vet identified his newbie status and abused it with a Flashfire/Bloodmark by repeatedly sliding up behind him and blasting him with a double whammy of burst lasers.


But the vast majority of ships/builds can't two shot you. I'm not saying his experience is a lie, I'm just saying he needs to understand that what's causing it is very specific to a handful of ships.

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Proton torpedo crits also 1 shot scouts. Proton followed by a thermite works too (torpedo gunship :cool:).


But really, expecting to do well instantly is just silly. Same goes if you haven't been flying for months, you'll need a bit of time to get that feeling back. Just stick with it and don't let your ego get in the way of this great game.

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