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TOR vs WildStar


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5. Dye System


TOR: 0.5

WildStar: 2 (In Wildstar, you have 3-step dye system, compared to 2-step dye system in TOR. Also, dyes are not consumed on use, if I'm correct)


(you build your own dye pallet, you can use your color over and over)


You also have to look at


Ability to pay for your sub with ingame credits




Harvesting on your own land for mats, also going to others and harvesting.


There is a lot of stuff better then Tor, but why list it all.


Tor is a good game and i just wish they would put more thought into what we ask for and not just the CM game.

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I have multiple 55s, but I quit WS in my early 20s. Questing is similar to WoW in 2004--no VO and no cinematics. I didn't feel like my character was accomplishing anything. That's not to say it's a bad game, it just doesn't have what I want.
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Well.. heres one major statistic that i know..


Number of people i personally know that bought and played Wildstar at launch: 8

Number of people i know that still play wild star: 0


there are a few things i was REALLY looking forward to in that game.. one of them was the "limited action set" i actually like the idea of only have 8-10 abilities usable at once.. i dont have having 6 tool bars full of stuff (only actively used about 3 bars the rest where things i use but not constantly) Housing.. i don't have near as high hopes from SWtors housing thing as i did for wild star,


I have a feeling they focused WAY to hard on pleasing the 1% (hard core raiders) to make a game that the majority of people would want to play... and to be honest their attitude about being focused on the hard core raiders was a major turnoff to everyone i know


I have a feeling Wildstar will be free to play faster then SWtor went.. part of the reason.. they seem to already have most of the game setup for it.. just about everything other then a actual shop.. I Think before its 1 year anniversary the game will go free to play and start to cater to the "casual" player base.. i dont care how many times the devs say they are willing to just take the hard core players and basically say screw the rest then the penny pushes will force them to change


and all of this is coming from someone that was withing the first 1 hour signed up for beta once they put up the signups for it... pre-ordered within the for 30 minutes of them offering preorders (from them not a 3rd party) was obsessed about the game for a LONG time and actively talked my friends into playing it.. (and i do regret that...)

Edited by Cheops
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Oh god .... such display if ignorance and trying to formulate questions favorable towards wildstar lol ......

I really love the way how OP goes off hiding, afraid for anyone who might not agree with him .....


1. Ability to set role for every Raid (Ops) member


TOR: 0 (you need to remember who is who)

WildStar: 2


Additional commentary: In WildStar, you have much more expanded Loot Management. Also, if I'm correct, you can't need on item if you can't use it.

For one this total bullcrap and isn't a big point at all. Why would anyone want to have a system where you can show who is healer or tank? In a TOR ops of flashpoint this is so blatantly obvious that you really don't need it.

Wildstar on the other hand needs it because its so easy to respec between healer/dps and tank/dps. If you would give points for the respec ease okey ...... But also leveling as a healer is pretty much not done.


TOR 0 - WS 0


2. Trading - Ability to bid items and place a custom order


TOR: 0 (you need to spam on chat for hours and hours if you want to buy something for a cheaper price)

WildStar: 2


Additional commentary: In WildStar you have much more filters.

WS trading is good ey? Apparently its so hard that its very common practice to buy up items from the actionhouse and vendor them. Regarding the bidding system I agree that its easier to make a deal with the sellers but even in TOR you don't have to spam hours in chat. Because you don't need the GTN as much as you do need the actionhouse in WS. In TOR its much more easy than in WS to obtain all items yourself.


3. Addons Support


TOR: 0.5

WildStar: 2 (In WildStar, you have built-in game addons support)

On this I have to agree. Playing WS with addons was really fun imo. I don't know why you gave TOR 0.5 since TOR has 0 addons besides 3rd party tools like torparse and parsec


4. Ability to customize mounts


TOR: 0

WildStar: 2


5. Dye System


TOR: 0.5

WildStar: 2 (In Wildstar, you have 3-step dye system, compared to 2-step dye system in TOR. Also, dyes are not consumed on use, if I'm correct)

No experience with those points myself


6. Day and night cycle


TOR: 0

WildStar: 2 (really immersive feature)

I wouldn't assign that much points to something like that but I do agree its quite fun


7. Leveling


TOR: 1 (Quests in TOR, besides voice acting, don't have anything special. After playing a while, they're becoming very repeatable and depressing. Story in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic was amazing, in TOR... is just acceptable)

WildStar: 2 (In WIldStar, besides normal quests, you have events, challenges and path missions. Leveling is really fun)

Ohw trolololololol ...... maybe you are liking the leveling in WS but oh god ...... its so unbelievably grindy and boring at times .....

Events - yeah ..... these are just normal bosses which scale with how many people there are. For example the TOR macrobinocular mission are 'events'

challenges - freaking annoying at times. The balance is utterly broken, some are very easy to achieve golden clearance, others are nearly impossible. To make matters worse I have had many mobs evade on me because of bugs. I know they can fix that but meh ..... its not atm.

pathmissions - these can be nice for a break although they are very repetitive. Nice touch that soldierholdouts scale with how many people are helping.


But really the leveling in WS just isn't immersive at all. A guildy of mine did the trooper class mission where you need to make a very difficult choice

to you save Jaxo or to let her die

. He literary took 20 minutes to make his decision. In those minutes he tried to persuade guildies to say for him what to choose since he just couldn't.

THATS TOR for you man .... THATS TOR ....

Wildstar leveling is very repetitive with each class having the same storyline which imho sucks hard (pardon my wording).


Overall WS leveling has its pros over TOR in some parts. But overall I enjoyed TOR leveling much much more and I can't really see myself leveling up 20 toons in WS. In TOR I have no problem with that and I can't wait to make another agent for example.


8. Game engine


TOR: 0.5

WildStar: 2 (In WildStar, you can play 40vs40 PVP matches, while in TOR you have lags on 16-man Operation)


9. Housing


TOR: 0.5

WildStar: 2 (Housing in WildStar is much more expanded)


10. Crafting


TOR: 1

WildStar: 2 (Crafting in WildStar is so much fun! It's almost like a mini-game)

Have to agree with those points.


11. Combat


TOR: 1.5 (Combat is the strongest part of TOR)

WildStar: 2 (Combat in WildStar is totally different, but... funnier than in TOR)

Partially yes. Combat is NOT the strongest part of TOR. Storytelling is still the strongest part.

I agree that the combat system in wildstar is quite fun BUT ..... by no means it will be a real face off between TOR raiding and WS raiding. Why?

Dodging vs rotation

WS raiding focuses much more on dodging bad stuff than maximizing every ounce of dps/mitigation you can find. In TOR the focus really lies in having a good rotation. The WS devs called it mindnumbingly tabtargeting and monkeybashing but tbh .... thats marketinglanguage (or meant to be).

All in all WS raiding has a very different approach which is not a good thing neither a bad thing.



From what I have seen the geargrind in WS is very heavy. The attunementproces can take up very long with the need to be many many missions. Partially this is a nice thing since they force you to do all content (for example you need to complete timed run HM flashpoints multiple times).

Whether you like it or not. Getting gear in TOR is much easier. And like I said, this doesn't mean its a good thing, its just a difference what people either may like or dislike.

Personally I like the WS system


WS raiding is exhausting

I think I'll let speak Fevir for me on this part



All in all I would say WS raiding is different but NOT better nor worse than TOR. Just different.


12. Guilds


TOR: 1

WildStar: 2 (In WildStar, you can set Guild Holomark, Guild Tax and unlock Guild Perks)

In TOR you can unlock guildperks, use instant transportation by guildflagship.

I feel to see why WS guilds are so much better ..... I know they have more benefits which you are failing to tell.


13. ???


There are probably more differences, but I have to discover them!



Final result:

TOR 6.5 : 24 WildStar


So... what's so special about TOR? Nothing! The only special thing in this game is Star Wars Universe.

I'm very happy that I left TOR. I love Star Wars, but there is no point in playing game with this lack of good solutions and ideas.

I will never return to this game, unless it will catch up with WIldStar, which - as we all know - will never happen :)


I will not discuss with you nor read your replies. I just wanted to show you how poor TOR really is :) I know that you will still play this game.


May the Force be with you!


The only thing you showed is how poor your judgement is. You have taken some good parts of WS which you compared against what you think are bad parts of TOR. In truth WS is just another different MMO with some parts which are better and some parts which are worse.

Why am I staying in TOR?

- Storycontent feels much better to me

- Graphics are way better (just try alt tabbing between the 2 games you'll see)

- The cons of TOR are not outweighing the pros of WS


That doesn't mean I'm not playing WS. I am .... I really like certain parts of WS. Its just not enough to pull me over from TOR to WS. I have already a Mace Windy spellslinger hopping around in WS :p But .... I am playing it on the side. Just like I am with neverwinter and STO.

TOR will most likely stay my home for a long time to come

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I have multiple 55s, but I quit WS in my early 20s. Questing is similar to WoW in 2004--no VO and no cinematics. I didn't feel like my character was accomplishing anything. That's not to say it's a bad game, it just doesn't have what I want.


Indeed ..... the story on my exile toon was so hard to follow. I have watched every cutsene and read all the missions I got . But it just didn't felt like doing something good (or bad). There wasn't a really fixed storyline but more story hubs.

At times you even have to figure out where to go next because you have no missions in your log anymore :rak_02:

Its not hard to find a sport to pickup the story again but it was a serious letdowner for me.

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1. Ability to set role for every Raid (Ops) member


TOR: 0 (you need to remember who is who)

WildStar: 2


Additional commentary: In WildStar, you have much more expanded Loot Management. Also, if I'm correct, you can't need on item if you can't use it.


2. Trading - Ability to bid items and place a custom order


TOR: 0 (you need to spam on chat for hours and hours if you want to buy something for a cheaper price)

WildStar: 2


Additional commentary: In WildStar you have much more filters.


3. Addons Support


TOR: 0.5

WildStar: 2 (In WildStar, you have built-in game addons support)


4. Ability to customize mounts


TOR: 0

WildStar: 2


5. Dye System


TOR: 0.5

WildStar: 2 (In Wildstar, you have 3-step dye system, compared to 2-step dye system in TOR. Also, dyes are not consumed on use, if I'm correct)


6. Day and night cycle


TOR: 0

WildStar: 2 (really immersive feature)


7. Leveling


TOR: 1 (Quests in TOR, besides voice acting, don't have anything special. After playing a while, they're becoming very repeatable and depressing. Story in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic was amazing, in TOR... is just acceptable)

WildStar: 2 (In WIldStar, besides normal quests, you have events, challenges and path missions. Leveling is really fun)


8. Game engine


TOR: 0.5

WildStar: 2 (In WildStar, you can play 40vs40 PVP matches, while in TOR you have lags on 16-man Operation)


9. Housing


TOR: 0.5

WildStar: 2 (Housing in WildStar is much more expanded)


10. Crafting


TOR: 1

WildStar: 2 (Crafting in WildStar is so much fun! It's almost like a mini-game)


11. Combat


TOR: 1.5 (Combat is the strongest part of TOR)

WildStar: 2 (Combat in WildStar is totally different, but... funnier than in TOR)


12. Guilds


TOR: 1

WildStar: 2 (In WildStar, you can set Guild Holomark, Guild Tax and unlock Guild Perks)


13. ???


There are probably more differences, but I have to discover them!



Final result:

TOR 6.5 : 24 WildStar


So... what's so special about TOR? Nothing! The only special thing in this game is Star Wars Universe.

I'm very happy that I left TOR. I love Star Wars, but there is no point in playing game with this lack of good solutions and ideas.

I will never return to this game, unless it will catch up with WIldStar, which - as we all know - will never happen :)


I will not discuss with you nor read your replies. I just wanted to show you how poor TOR really is :) I know that you will still play this game.


May the Force be with you!


TOR is is poor to YOU. Do not speak for me or anyone else because I have actually played Wildstar and think TOR out shines that game ten fold. So yes I will play this game because to me, this game is better.

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1. Ability to set role for every Raid (Ops) member


TOR: 0 (you need to remember who is who)

WildStar: 2


Additional commentary: In WildStar, you have much more expanded Loot Management. Also, if I'm correct, you can't need on item if you can't use it.


2. Trading - Ability to bid items and place a custom order


TOR: 0 (you need to spam on chat for hours and hours if you want to buy something for a cheaper price)

WildStar: 2


Additional commentary: In WildStar you have much more filters.


3. Addons Support


TOR: 0.5

WildStar: 2 (In WildStar, you have built-in game addons support)


4. Ability to customize mounts


TOR: 0

WildStar: 2


5. Dye System


TOR: 0.5

WildStar: 2 (In Wildstar, you have 3-step dye system, compared to 2-step dye system in TOR. Also, dyes are not consumed on use, if I'm correct)


6. Day and night cycle


TOR: 0

WildStar: 2 (really immersive feature)


7. Leveling


TOR: 1 (Quests in TOR, besides voice acting, don't have anything special. After playing a while, they're becoming very repeatable and depressing. Story in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic was amazing, in TOR... is just acceptable)

WildStar: 2 (In WIldStar, besides normal quests, you have events, challenges and path missions. Leveling is really fun)


8. Game engine


TOR: 0.5

WildStar: 2 (In WildStar, you can play 40vs40 PVP matches, while in TOR you have lags on 16-man Operation)


9. Housing


TOR: 0.5

WildStar: 2 (Housing in WildStar is much more expanded)


10. Crafting


TOR: 1

WildStar: 2 (Crafting in WildStar is so much fun! It's almost like a mini-game)


11. Combat


TOR: 1.5 (Combat is the strongest part of TOR)

WildStar: 2 (Combat in WildStar is totally different, but... funnier than in TOR)


12. Guilds


TOR: 1

WildStar: 2 (In WildStar, you can set Guild Holomark, Guild Tax and unlock Guild Perks)


13. ???


There are probably more differences, but I have to discover them!



Final result:

TOR 6.5 : 24 WildStar


So... what's so special about TOR? Nothing! The only special thing in this game is Star Wars Universe.

I'm very happy that I left TOR. I love Star Wars, but there is no point in playing game with this lack of good solutions and ideas.

I will never return to this game, unless it will catch up with WIldStar, which - as we all know - will never happen :)


I will not discuss with you nor read your replies. I just wanted to show you how poor TOR really is :) I know that you will still play this game.


May the Force be with you!


Yes wildstar is so good that it is loosing subs and revenue daily and NCSoft even admitted that Wildstar didn't do as well as they were hoping it would.


Wildstar's current decline leaves only two options one they will go hybrid or full FTP inside of a year or two they will shut down the game.

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Yes wildstar is so good that it is loosing subs and revenue daily and NCSoft even admitted that Wildstar didn't do as well as they were hoping it would.


Wildstar's current decline leaves only two options one they will go hybrid or full FTP inside of a year or two they will shut down the game.


If they don't go f2p hybrid like SWTOR, they will have to shut down the game I believe.

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I sent him this titled as " I like your thread about wildstar bro! it rocks!"



Just kidding. I only titled the letter like that so you'd open it. Wildstar is a horrible game and you should feel horrible for promoting that travesty. Everyone on the forum is laughing at you. I only told you that because you refuse to go back and reply to your weak thread. And if you reply to this, I'll know you read it, thus taking in every bit of realization that nobody likes wildstar but you and the 3 other people who play that game. Spoiler: 2 of those people are the games' developers. Know that in some way, you have performed a service to mankind because I cannot stop laughing. :rak_03:

Edited by ryniloym
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I will not discuss with you nor read your replies. I just wanted to show you how poor TOR really is :) I know that you will still play this game.


ok then. TOR is poor TO YOU and Wildstar is great TO YOU. Enjoy wildstar, just don't come and patronize those of us who enjoy and still play TOR just because YOU think its bad, cause there are many of us who have, lets say, negative views of Wildstar as shown in this thread.

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1. Ability to set role for every Raid (Ops) member


TOR: 0 (you need to remember who is who)

WildStar: 2


Additional commentary: In WildStar, you have much more expanded Loot Management. Also, if I'm correct, you can't need on item if you can't use it.


2. Trading - Ability to bid items and place a custom order


TOR: 0 (you need to spam on chat for hours and hours if you want to buy something for a cheaper price)

WildStar: 2


Additional commentary: In WildStar you have much more filters.


3. Addons Support


TOR: 0.5

WildStar: 2 (In WildStar, you have built-in game addons support)


4. Ability to customize mounts


TOR: 0

WildStar: 2


5. Dye System


TOR: 0.5

WildStar: 2 (In Wildstar, you have 3-step dye system, compared to 2-step dye system in TOR. Also, dyes are not consumed on use, if I'm correct)


6. Day and night cycle


TOR: 0

WildStar: 2 (really immersive feature)


7. Leveling


TOR: 1 (Quests in TOR, besides voice acting, don't have anything special. After playing a while, they're becoming very repeatable and depressing. Story in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic was amazing, in TOR... is just acceptable)

WildStar: 2 (In WIldStar, besides normal quests, you have events, challenges and path missions. Leveling is really fun)


8. Game engine


TOR: 0.5

WildStar: 2 (In WildStar, you can play 40vs40 PVP matches, while in TOR you have lags on 16-man Operation)


9. Housing


TOR: 0.5

WildStar: 2 (Housing in WildStar is much more expanded)


10. Crafting


TOR: 1

WildStar: 2 (Crafting in WildStar is so much fun! It's almost like a mini-game)


11. Combat


TOR: 1.5 (Combat is the strongest part of TOR)

WildStar: 2 (Combat in WildStar is totally different, but... funnier than in TOR)


12. Guilds


TOR: 1

WildStar: 2 (In WildStar, you can set Guild Holomark, Guild Tax and unlock Guild Perks)


13. ???


There are probably more differences, but I have to discover them!



Final result:

TOR 6.5 : 24 WildStar


So... what's so special about TOR? Nothing! The only special thing in this game is Star Wars Universe.

I'm very happy that I left TOR. I love Star Wars, but there is no point in playing game with this lack of good solutions and ideas.

I will never return to this game, unless it will catch up with WIldStar, which - as we all know - will never happen :)


I will not discuss with you nor read your replies. I just wanted to show you how poor TOR really is :) I know that you will still play this game.


May the Force be with you!


Analysis: Heavily Biased Post from Meat bag still paying subscription fee for a game he hates.


*read it in an HK voice*


What makes SWTOR special? Only an immersive story, heavily alt-friendly system, and the ability to JUST NOT DIE. Not to mention some of the highest-quality voice acting around.

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interesting lore

SWTOR - Exploring what Ben Kenobi referred to in the original SW film - "The Old Republic" 100

Wildstar - Some random cartoony scifi nonsense with no basis in prior universe, made up completely by random unknown game developers from WoW -100


leveling experience

SWTOR - voice acted quests with choices that make a difference in your outcomes, affecting your alignment. there is an intricate storyline that takes you throughout the galaxy. 100

Wildstar - text boxes pop up, most quests are kill or click on 10 things, the story doesn't seem to matter. -100


Wildstar is the only MMO that I have played where I wasn't interested in at least leveling to max level.

Different strokes and all. SWTOR wins for me by a wide margin.

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Yup, obviously a child, as Wildstar is for kids...i.e. (cartoon). and if you like it so much, go and play it, and stop trolling our forums with pathetic whining about our game, we don't care what you think!


SWTOR is 100 times better than Wildstar, and always will be.

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Wildstar's housing is excellent but that game is bleeding both hardcore and casual players because of Carbine's archaic design choices around endgame.

Just goes to show that no amount of fluff can substitute compelling and engaging endgame content.

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