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Remember how revitalized the pvp community was after season 1 rewards were announced?


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Now these rewards.. Nope, they are not going to "revitalize" the pvp community. :D


If people only want to PvP for the carrot on the stick, then I think I'm going to go back to raiding, because after reading all these season rewards threads I'm convinced that PvE'ers are more competitive than PvP'ers are.

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If people only want to PvP for the carrot on the stick, then I think I'm going to go back to raiding, because after reading all these season rewards threads I'm convinced that PvE'ers are more competitive than PvP'ers are.


There is nothing wrong with wanting cool rewards for being high rated. If people only pvp'd for rewards you wouldn't see fully geared people continuing to queue for pvp.

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There is nothing wrong with wanting cool rewards for being high rated. If people only pvp'd for rewards you wouldn't see fully geared people continuing to queue for pvp.


Yeah but it doesn't really matter. No matter what the rewards would be, we would still be writing the same QQ threads, having the same conversation, with the same replies. Its kinda depressing really.

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Yeah but it doesn't really matter. No matter what the rewards would be, we would still be writing the same QQ threads, having the same conversation, with the same replies. Its kinda depressing really.


They should just kill ranked all together. They obviously don't give a **** then the PVPers can quit, move on to something else, and clear up the forums. WIn win win win win :confused:

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They should just kill ranked all together. They obviously don't give a **** then the PVPers can quit, move on to something else, and clear up the forums. WIn win win win win :confused:


Disagree. I PvP to PvP. Rewards are nice, but I also Raid to Raid. Improving one's gear is nice too, but really its just to enjoy the content.


Ranked will not disappear because people are upset about this season's rewards. I guarantee it.

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Disagree. I PvP to PvP. Rewards are nice, but I also Raid to Raid. Improving one's gear is nice too, but really its just to enjoy the content.


Ranked will not disappear because people are upset about this season's rewards. I guarantee it.


I'd be impressed if we get a season 4.

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I'd be impressed if we get a season 4.


You mean you'd be impressed if we get TO season 4.


I'm calling it now. The expansion in the winter will bring about new content, the launch of season 3 and cross server queues. If not, I don't see how they expect anyone to queue up if/when S3 launches....

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You mean you'd be impressed if we get TO season 4.


I'm calling it now. The expansion in the winter will bring about new content, the launch of season 3 and cross server queues. If not, I don't see how they expect anyone to queue up if/when S3 launches....


I'd be really surprised if they added cross server.

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Hey folks,


We know you are all eager to learn about the Season 2 rewards and we haven't forgot about you! We will be publishing the Season 2 reward blog as soon as everything is ready. It does look like it will not be today, but we will get it out to you as soon as we can!


Thank you all for your patience.




Dear Eric, no you haven't forgot about us you just abandon us! Those rewards are a joke!


1. No mount? This was the only thing people actually liked in S1 rewards!

2. Baron Deathmark’s Huttball Helmet - so ugly no one with use it, not even the bounty hunters!

3. Title: S-2 All Star after the name no one likes it! If it was "Arena Star" then char name maybe i will put it on!

4. Trophys for home decoration? PvPers don't care much for those things!

If i knew the rewards before the season i woudn't spend 1/3 of my time playiing ranked!


This is an outrage mockery!

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Well now I don't have to feel so bad about ranked being so dead I didn't even get my 10 games in this season--the dismal season "rewards" simply aren't worth the herculean efforts required to organize enough for queue pops (let alone for functional ELO) on my server.


I had considered transferring a toon to one of the PVP servers for Season 3 to paste a legacy over there and really do ranked...now? hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

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Hey folks,


We know you are all eager to learn about the Season 2 rewards and we haven't forgot about you! We will be publishing the Season 2 reward blog as soon as everything is ready. It does look like it will not be today, but we will get it out to you as soon as we can!


Thank you all for your patience.




Still waiting...

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Still waiting...


I bet a million credits they are right now working on additonal rewards. They saw the "response" from us and if a little bit cleverness is still at BW they add a mount and change the brackets back to 1500.


Otherwise it would be suicidal for them.

Edited by Anubiran
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I bet a million credits they are right now working on additonal rewards. They saw the "response" from us and if a little bit cleverness is still at BW they add a mount and change the brackets back to 1500.


Otherwise it would be suicidal for them.


The damn bracket is low, 1500 or 1600, cba copying a 1580ish toon to test, but the toon with 1610 was definitely in gold tier. They should make it a bit higher, quite a bit, especially if they add new rewards. Seriously, WoW highest tier is like top 0.5%.. Here it's basically everyone with 5 fingers on each hand.

Edited by DarrelK
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The damn bracket is low, 1500 or 1600, cba copying a 1580ish toon to test, but the toon with 1610 was definitely in gold tier. They should make it a bit higher, quite a bit, especially if they add new rewards. Seriously, WoW highest tier is like top 0.5%.. Here it's basically everyone with 5 fingers on each hand.


I dont say the brackets numbers are wrong.


The problem is they dont let us have time to get to the ranking. At least on my server ranked is more than dead.

I have no chance now to improve my rating.


They have to announce the brackets in the beginning! The rewards itself they can announce it later on.


Actually the hightes tier is now the top 3 players so its maybe even 0,005 %

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There should be at least one tier for 2000+


Why not simply use the rating color tiers?


And add a tier between 1200 and 1600


so we got:


<1200 (people who lost more than they gained in the entire season)

1200 - 1599

1600 - 1999




Drop the top 3 rewards if necessary as they are utter nonesense without cross server queues.


And make sure you don't reward trolls and win traders! If you actually read the tickets it should be fairly easy to figure out who the worst of them are!

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There should be at least one tier for 2000+


Why not simply use the rating color tiers?


And add a tier between 1200 and 1600


so we got:


<1200 (people who lost more than they gained in the entire season)

1200 - 1599

1600 - 1999




Drop the top 3 rewards if necessary as they are utter nonesense without cross server queues.


And make sure you don't reward trolls and win traders! If you actually read the tickets it should be fairly easy to figure out who the worst of them are!


Yep agree with that.


Just announce it at the BEGINNING!


As stated before to the PVE peeps - image you run a OP and nothing drops but a timer is running. After three months running it every day BW announces a given time you should have cleared it. And then gives you a picture with a silver or golden frame...

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Yep agree with that.


Just announce it at the BEGINNING!


As stated before to the PVE peeps - image you run a OP and nothing drops but a timer is running. After three months running it every day BW announces a given time you should have cleared it. And then gives you a picture with a silver or golden frame...



...but you PVP for the constant influx of players and not mindless NPCs. Am I rite? Yes? I mean you don't care as long as you got someone to pvp with? :D

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...but you PVP for the constant influx of players and not mindless NPCs. Am I rite? Yes? I mean you don't care as long as you got someone to pvp with? :D


first: no clue why pves always seem to be in the urge criticize the pvp posts. No idea why, tell me.

Show me one entry where anyone from the pvp faction says something against the rules of PVE.


second: your statement has nothing to do with my argument. Your statement describes a general approach to PVP that indeed PVPers do have.

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...but you PVP for the constant influx of players and not mindless NPCs. Am I rite? Yes? I mean you don't care as long as you got someone to pvp with? :D


and you PvE players are too bad for that, so you play PvE where every move of your opponent is already predetermined. And then you constantly require new rewards for that braindead activity, otherwise even you guys would notice how simple it is.

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