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SWTOR came too soon.


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Here is my explanation... go read the other threads already out there.


These complaints aren't dissimilar to what we see with other MMOs. Like I said, I have yet to see a release without the claim that it was too soon, and this topic was entirely expected.


There would be WAY less problems if they just waited three more months... I really believe this.


As would be the case for any other MMO.

Edited by Munkerz
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I'm sorry? But what the hell are you talking about? I mean.. Really? Did you get out of Korriban yet? Are you still stuck in Drommund Kass? The game might not be Skyrim, or Witcher 2, but it looks absolutely amazing. Walk around the Dune Seas, or Tatooine. Check out Nar Shadda. Maybe just take a ride through Hoth. If you think this game looks terrible, then you're just being terribly biased.


And tell me, which 2004 MMO had better graphics? COH? FFXI?


I've been to numerous planets and nothing there is particularly outstanding. The scenery is certainly the best looking part of the game, this is true. But a game's graphics are not judged soley on their backgrounds. TOR's vista's aren't that much more impressive then WoW's, a game that came out seven years. I'm not complaining, I'm just being realistic. ToR is not a very pretty game, but anybody buying an MMO for it's graphics is bloody stupid anyways.

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People don't understand how game development and coding works, therefore we have a forum filled with brats complaining, that's what i think.


I don't care how hard it is, you don't release something buggy. i know nothing about cars but I have a good damn reason to complain if the car starts on fire when in a fender bender.


That said, this game is surprisingly stable. Skyrim is way buggier, as an example.

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There would be WAY less problems if they just waited three more months... I really believe this.


You're not getting one simple problem. Scale.


In beta testing it's a much smaller scale, and the servers tend to have less issues with them. The sample size is smaller as well, and they tend to be much more controlled.


When the game goes live, it's no longer in a controlled environment. They are unable to predict what the servers will be handling, and now the sample size is much more massive, meaning that more and more people are having different kinds of issues.


The fact is, while there will always be bugs to work out, the developer needs to decide when it is no longer cost effective, nor reasonable, to try and stamp out the remaining bugs, when so many more will still be there when it goes live.

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You're not getting one simple problem. Scale.


In beta testing it's a much smaller scale, and the servers tend to have less issues with them. The sample size is smaller as well, and they tend to be much more controlled.


When the game goes live, it's no longer in a controlled environment. They are unable to predict what the servers will be handling, and now the sample size is much more massive, meaning that more and more people are having different kinds of issues.


The fact is, while there will always be bugs to work out, the developer needs to decide when it is no longer cost effective, nor reasonable, to try and stamp out the remaining bugs, when so many more will still be there when it goes live.


A lot of the things wrong with the game don't have to do with the amount of people playing it.

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After reading all that I've read and seeing all that I've seen, SWTOR should not have come out as soon as it did.


What do you think?


You are reading the whines and threats that EVERY MMO is subject to at launch of all the people who are on the forums instead of playing the game. If you forget about these forums, there are a whole load of other content people playing.


I don't think the game was launched early at all.

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You are reading the whines and threats that EVERY MMO is subject to at launch of all the people who are on the forums instead of playing the game. If you forget about these forums, there are a whole load of other content people playing.


I don't think the game was launched early at all.


People are saying this in the game as well... at least on my server.

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A lot of the things wrong with the game don't have to do with the amount of people playing it.


No, they really do. Some of the bugs that are affecting people are gamebreaking, but affect a really small amount of people. This is something that wouldn't be noticeable in the beta phase because of the small sample size, and the inability to gather the data to figure out what's wrong.


And, like I said, yes there will be bugs that they can fix right away, but that will lead to other bugs, and when the game goes live it might not even be nearly as bad as bugs that really only popped up after it had gone live.

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After reading all that I've read and seeing all that I've seen, SWTOR should not have come out as soon as it did.


What do you think?


It hasn't been peachy, by any means. As far as MMO launches go, its been okay. There have been several major issues, and other small ones. As an example the whole Taris memory leak issue (which actually is still ongoing on some parts of the planet, last time I heard) is a major issue.


Its pretty common knowledge that EA was tired of sinking money into the development, and thus pushed for an earlier release. It's also quite common in game development..as was the case with Swg, Sto, and even Lotro to name a few that I know of. I do think the game was released to soon...there are a variety of bugs that could/should have been addressed in the beta phase (that we brought to thier attention), however they lacked the time to address them, because of the moved up launch date. A launch date in February would have given more time to iron things out, imo. Unfortunatly, as someone pointed out, thats not good business economics.

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You're not getting one simple problem. Scale.


In beta testing it's a much smaller scale, and the servers tend to have less issues with them. The sample size is smaller as well, and they tend to be much more controlled.


When the game goes live, it's no longer in a controlled environment. They are unable to predict what the servers will be handling, and now the sample size is much more massive, meaning that more and more people are having different kinds of issues.


The fact is, while there will always be bugs to work out, the developer needs to decide when it is no longer cost effective, nor reasonable, to try and stamp out the remaining bugs, when so many more will still be there when it goes live.


95% of the bugs we reported in beta had nothing to do with server size. They were quest related, UI related, or system related. Again I site the Taris memory leak issue. We reported that in two seperate builds, albeit it was a smaller signifigance since less population, but still reasonably visible.


The issue ppl are having in regard to connectivity and the launcher were not present in beta..so those, yea you could succesfully say maybe launch related due to influx of players (and that may even be a stretch). But the in-game bugs, most of them were there in beta (like the pending reward bug, and character database error bug).

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It's not.


most ridiculous statement ever, you have no idea what is the most polished bug free mmo HE has ever played at launch was... oh wait actually you do he told you, it's this game.


On a related note, it was time for release, no it should not have waited.

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95% of the bugs we reported in beta had nothing to do with server size. They were quest related, UI related, or system related. Again I site the Taris memory leak issue. We reported that in two seperate builds, albeit it was a smaller signifigance since less population, but still reasonably visible.


The issue ppl are having in regard to connectivity and the launcher were not present in beta..so those, yea you could succesfully say maybe launch related due to influx of players (and that may even be a stretch). But the in-game bugs, most of them were there in beta (like the pending reward bug, and character database error bug).


My last paragraph. Those other issues with the launcher and connectivity, as well as the chat bugs are quite a bit more major then everything but the Taris bug, at least I'd think so.

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I'd rather be playing it now with a few bugs, than two months from now with a few bugs. Bugs are inevidable in code this size. When they fix one thing, another thing will break. Is WoW free of bugs? Say "yes", I dare you. You can say it, but it won't be true. How fast they respond to them is the true measure of a company.


This launch has been very smooth and the amount of bugs pales in comparisons to any recent launch.

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How can it not be out too early, after reading these forums? Just take a look.


yes, 100+ threads on how this game is no good on the forums...


As of the press release yesterday over 1 million people playing the game.... That means 99.9% of swtor customers are satisfied.


This forum has a bunch of trolling whiners who will whinge at anything, it does not mean there is anything wrong with this game.


Sure there are bugs, check out the known issues thread and the dev tracker, they know about the small number of issues there are and are working to fix.


This has been the smoothest launch experience of any mmo bar none, it's also the largest, if you do not agree you are in a tiny vanishingly small minority of the player base at large.

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Wait wait wait....people are complaining about Bugs on the launch day of an MMO now? Im sorry but how about we play a new game were you show me a SINGLE mmo that came out since forever that didn't have bugs etc.


Even if they waited three months, there'd be bugs and problems. This has been the case since oldies like Dark age of camelot(my first MMO) and on. I mean hell back when City of heroes was released, if you had flight enemies didnt even ATTACK you. And everyone remembers the multiple server takedowns for emergency hotfixes from WoW.


Look, bugs suck and I never enjoy running into em, but you need to understand that when a veteran MMogamer says the game has a good launch, they never mean completely bug free, they mean its stable and the darn game actually works and Star wars is doing that right now.


Fixes will come, right now they dealing with server loads etc, but Bioware isnt some tiny company with one to two programmers. Considering the money/effort they threw into this I HIGHLY doubt that they are just gonna sit back and let us suffer through bugs.


Moral of the story: Im sorry you ran into bugs, but again I dare you to name one MMO thats every come out that is free from any of these kinds of problems, have patience.

Edited by Darkercrab
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How can it not be out too early, after reading these forums? Just take a look.


Don't believe everything you read.


Btw, if you read everything and take it to heart then your head should explode as trolls meet fanboys and you filter carefully to find the one reasonable post in 10000 that isn't full on BS.


Are you some kind of plant? The way you post is very suspicious, not that I think its true, but your whole mentality 'look at the forums' speaks volumes to what must be naivety. Only the vocal minorities post. The minorities are Fanboys, Trolling haters, and people with brains, of which the ratio is 45/45/10 respectively.


Have you played the game is my question. Most people at least say something relating to personal experience.

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After reading all that I've read and seeing all that I've seen, SWTOR should not have come out as soon as it did.


What do you think?


Disagree. Also, I could not care less what other people think about the game. Not going to change my opinion. If no one else liked the game and I was the only person still playing it, well it might be hard to complete a flashpoint but wouldn't change my opinion of the game. Too many people on these forums let other people influence their opinion of the game or think their opinion of the game will influence the opinion of others. Not sure why anyone needs someone else to validate whether they like the game or not. If you think it came out too soon, then don't sub and check back in 6 months when there have been several patches.

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As of the press release yesterday over 1 million people playing the game.... That means 99.9% of swtor customers are satisfied.


Thats a hasty generalization if I ever saw one. That we're playing doesn't mean we're satisfied. Just means that over 1 million paid for 30 free days and there are no refunds. You can only judge satisfaction when you count the number of subs after the free 30 days end.

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